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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Ian Bailey recently spoke with NewsTalk, he believes Sophie's killer is dead. Interesting.

    "Somebody in Ireland knows that it wasn't me," Mr Baily said.

    "I don't know if anybody does know who it was, I suspect there are people who do know who it was.

    "Is the killer still alive? I keep seeing this reference, the fact that the killer I think - if my own theory is correct, and I can't say too much about it - the murderer is dead and has quite a long time ago passed away.

    "I don't absolutely 100% know... my belief is that the murderer is probably dead - but that's a belief, I can't prove that," he told Newstalk. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Article from 1996, a week after the crime.

    "GARDAI believe they may have identified a man known to Frenchwoman Ms Sophie Toscan du Plantier, on video footage at Cork Airport. The identification has not been confirmed but the man is similar in appearance to a male believed to have been known to Ms Toscan du Plantier and who may have travelled from France on the same day to Cork."

    "Strands of bloodstained hair were found between her finger nails. The results of the considerable forensic evidence removed from the scene are expected within the next few days and should go a long way towards filling in the many blanks in the investigation."

    "The heavy gate at the entrance to the laneway, about 100 yards from the house, was wide open. Gardai say Ms Toscan de Plantier was always particular about keeping it closed and that it would take considerable strength to open it fully."

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Is there any official or documented info of Sophie complaining about drug dealing or growing in the area?

    It would be interesting to know what Garda dealt with her, if any...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    Hang on, is this the guy who demanded we do not respond to each other's posts earlier in the thread returning again and again with the mother of all straw men? I think he's a good suspect, I don't know if he did it or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Lol, get a life MoonUnit75, its pathetic at this stage, I havent even mentioned you but its clear you have an agenda, everyone else is able to consider alternative theories except you, go back back to reading your GSOC reports. You can't help yourself in responding to anyone who has a different theory to you. I told you before, don't quote me and I mean that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    Moonunit should be banned from this thread. Is there any decent mods here? Surely rail roading one agenda while ignoring all other posts is against boards charter?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,333 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    Easy? Really? You don't see it as a realistic possibility that instead of going along with your plan she'd instead call the guards and then lock herself in the bathroom.

    And then you'd have to resort to Jack Nicolson tactics to get the job done before the cops arrive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Although don't always agree with Moonunits takes, it would be a bit harsh to ban him no? Giving opposing views or playing devils advocate is fair enough if it's factual info IMO

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    We've already established a realistic scenario on this, the husband says he has someone asking to drop off a script/document to bring over to him, maybe something to do with the house, sorry its so late but I thought you were leaving in the morning. The killer just knocks on the door. She opens it.

    It's just a theory. Like many others on this thread. I genuinely don't know why you are so heart set invested against it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    The problem with all of the alternative theories is that there is almost no evidence for any of them. But theorize away. It might help if you could leave your obvious hatred for the Gardaí to one side. You are completely blinkered by it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    I don't think it's a requirement to hold a certain set of opinions to post here. I don't think you really want this to descend into groupthink? It would be best to put me on ignore if you want to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Why would someone be banned for presenting the facts of the case?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,817 ✭✭✭Darc19

    Banned because it's makes me dizzy with the constant repetitive nature of their posts going around in neverending circles. 😂

    But for holding a different view even if it's a flawed view that they are seemingly the only holder of, nope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,333 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    Not the scenario Massive Berevement outlined. Both highly implausible for different reasons.

    The whole hitman theory just seems wildly fantastical to me, worse than any of the other major theories put forward in this thread. Totally out of sync with the known facts of the case.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It seems totally plausible to me. Certainly more likely than a sexmad drunken Bailey rambling the moonlit countryside, battering a woman to death outside her home (how did Bailey lure her out in your opinion? Why didn't she ring the Gaurds?) without leaving a trace of his presence at the scene then washing himself off to go back and make his partner a cup of morning coffee and be Mr Jolly at the Christmas day swim.

    And 25 years later still nothing to link him, despite his obvious alcoholism and his narassistic personality. Nothing.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,693 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    by Alain LEAUTHIER of Líberation

    published on December 30, 1996 at 2:22 a.m.

    Minzen head;

    "Quickly, we brought in Josephine Helen, his housekeeper for five years, who lives with her family on an equally isolated farm, a short mile away. “Nothing was missing except a snuffer for the candles and a kind of cymbal. Sophie Toscan du Plantier had not slept in the room with her single bed, but in another, with a double bed. I looked at him, he was undone like a woman having slept alone unraveling a bed, I'm sure of it. "

    Nevertheless, Josephine Helen noted around a radiator two chairs, facing each other, on the kitchen sink, two cleaned glasses and another on the fireplace, with a background of red wine. It did not take more for the local tabloids to evoke in their edition of yesterday "the French lover who killed Sophie"".

    Strangely there is no mention of a missing poker or axe in this report,

    but it does mention a missing candle snuffer and a 'cymbal' and the mention of the 3rd wine glass with "residue" that caused much excitement on here and Reddit as though it had just been newly discovered.

    As Leauthier said above it made for better reading if only 2 wine glasses were mentioned along with the 2 chairs pulled up by the radiator.

    The full report is here ;( some weird repetition and Google translation )

    Post edited by chooseusername on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    a massive and malignant redhead

    Fecking hell, that's a bit harsh. Although I've met a few myself in my time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,333 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    (how did Bailey lure her out in your opinion? Why didn't she ring the Gaurds?) 

    As I've said previously, for Bailey to make sense as the killer I think it has to be assumed he and Sophie had established some connection prior to her death. So he could have persuaded her to come outside the house and talk to him even if it was just to tell him to get lost. To me this is the one aspect of the 'Bailey as killer' narrative that streches credultity; how could he and Sophie have made such a connection without Jules or anyone else in the community having any inkling. Other than that the narrative seems to me to hang together pretty well. Not talking about the kind of evidence that would convict Bailey in a court of law; there's very little of that.

    Whereas the hitman theory just piles up far-fetched conjectures to explain facts that don't tally with it all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    I think the point people make about someone being sent to kill her being just as plausible as Bailey is because like you said, as far as we know Bailey was also a stranger to Sophie.

    So her being willing to open the door to Bailey is pretty similar to opening the door to a stranger, no?

    Of course if a undeniable link between Bailey and Sophie can be found its a different story but right now any evidence is hearsay.

    Her husband has also said she was the kind to go outside and investigate if there was a noise. I perhaps don't see it as farfetched as others that making noise outside to lure someone out is beyond the realms of imagination.

    It would actually be a common method in gangland killings, smash a car window outside or make a rucus to lure a target out. It has happened several times in Irish gang shootings alone.

    I'm not saying someone from Irish gangland killed Sophie just to clear up, im just talking about the method not being uncommon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    I think the wine glasses are probably irrelevant. It seems unlikely that the killer was even inside the house at all, maybe for a few seconds at most. Sophie's maid has also said it wasn't too unlike Sophie to let wine glasses build up.

    If Ian Bailey was there for a prolonged period of time sharing wine etc I'd imagine there would be some form of DNA in the house at least.

    Are people thinking that both Ian and Jules went to the house that night, looking for a threesome? Ian Bailey did say Menage A Trois when talking about the French promiscuity in an audio clip I've heard.

    Although the wine glasses could irrelevant, I do think the discarded wine bottle in a field by the laneway could potentially be important to the case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Quotes from an article about Maurice Sweeney talking about a French man who came into his travel agents the day Sophie's body was found.

    "The mystery man came into Mr Sweeney's travel agent business in Loughrea, Co Galway around 2.30pm on December 23, 1996 -- some four-and-a-half hours after Sophie's bludgeoned body was discovered outside her holiday home near Schull, Co Cork. "He came in looking for a hotel near Dublin Airport and also inquired about numbers for bed and breakfasts in west Cork," said Mr Sweeney.

    "He had been in a bed and breakfast there and had left without paying. I assume he wanted their number so he could send on the money.

    "It was two days before Christmas and I thought it was a bit odd."

    Quotes from a separate article:

    "Travel agent Maurice Sweeney (64) told officers he encountered a suspicious Frenchman, who made inquiries about bed and breakfasts in the West Cork area, around the time of the December 1996 murder.

    The Irish Independent can reveal that Mr Sweeney identified the mystery man as a friend of French filmmaker Sophie (39) -- after being shown his photograph.

    However, gardai have insisted they thoroughly investigated the movements of the Frenchman identified by Mr Sweeney, both in 1997 and 2002, and concluded he was not in Ireland at the time of the murder.

    Checks confirmed the man was actually at a public function exhibition near Paris on the day Sophie was murdered and could not possibly have been the killer, garda sources said.

    The travel agent, who has a business in Loughrea, Co Galway, has stood firm over his claims and says he will co-operate with the Paris magistrate leading the new investigation.

    "This is all very clear in my mind and I am sure of what I am saying," he said."

    Another article:

    "Yesterday, in a Sunday newspaper, Mr Sweeney, 62, said he told gardaí a man fitting Ms Farrell's original description of the suspect had booked flights from Dublin to France the day after Ms du Plantier's murder. Ms Farrell originally described the suspect as sallow and of medium height, at odds with Mr Bailey's stature.

    Mr Sweeney said he tried to pass the information to the gardaí several times but was rebuffed. He also contacted his local TD Noel Treacy, and wrote to Justice Minister Michael McDowell last year. He said the Justice Minister said it was an internal garda matter.

    Mr Sweeney said the man who booked flights was very similar to a man pictured in an Evening Herald article in 1997 who was alleged to have attacked Ms du Plantier after she refused to include his paintings in a programme on French television.

    He also claims he contacted the French embassy but was told by a diplomat the gardaí "knew" the culprit."

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    I never knew that Maurice Sweeney ID'd the person who came into his travel agents as a friend of Sophies.

    It will be interesting if Marie Farrell has ID'd the same person after being shown a photo from Jim Sheridan. Some people will never believe Marie Farrell, others think she's telling the truth now and being honest after the guilt from lying about Bailey. Either way she can never be a credible witness in court, however.

    Seeing as the Gardai never followed up on Sweeneys statement for years, it would be terribly surprising if they followed up with B&Bs in West Cork after Maurice Sweeney said the French man who came into his shop asked for numbers for B&Bs because he left early without paying.

    Perhaps he thought B&Bs were more likely to be alerted or go to the guards with info if a French man just up and left without paying on the morning a French woman just happened to be murdered.

    It seems more than a coincidence that Maurice Sweeney ID'd a French friend of Sophies coming into his travel agents on the morning her body was discovered looking for the next flight home and that person also left a West Cork B&B early.

    I know the guards have apparently cleared this person, but with all the other bungles in the case and how fixated they were with Bailey, it would be interesting to know just exactly how he we cleared. Or if its another French man all together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,333 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    Well no because I'm making the assumption that Sophie knew Bailey at least a little and so was not scared to open the door to him in the middle of the night. The unlikely conjecture in the Bailey as killer narrative is that he and Sophie had somehow established a connection completely unbeknownst to everybody else in the community. But that's just one thing. The hitman hypothesis contains several such implausible conjectures, to the point where it collapses into absurdity, to my mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    It could certainly add up with the expensive French wine being found in a nearby field. Keep in mind this wine wasn't available to purchase locally and was on sale in airport duty frees.

    Did someone buy this en route to Ireland looking to woo Sophie, or as others mentioned, it could have been purchased by Sophie and stolen from her house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    From Senan Moloney a few weeks back.

    "Senior investigators are studying again whether a car was used in the killing of Sophie Toscan du Plantier, despite a popular belief that the murderer made his way to her house on foot.

    It can be revealed that a near neighbour of Sophie’s, who was blind and suffering from insomnia, heard the noise of a passing car at 3.30am on the night the Frenchwoman was brutally killed."

    Sadly the article is paywalled and I would rather sh*t in my hands and clap than give them my money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,150 ✭✭✭Talisman

    Vincent Browne published Marie Farrell's story in Magill, October 2005. Browne's piece is the most thorough attempt that I have read to make sense of what she had said up to that time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Do you think the same if it was a current or ex-lover from France?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So in your scenario there's a knock on the door well after midnight on a winters night. Sophie, who her husband said was very tired, gets out of bed.

    "Who is there? Go away or I'm calling the guards?"

    "It's me, Ian Bailey, the big creepy poet that's been pestering you!"

    "Oh, Phew! I thought you might be a stranger. Of course, come in Monsieur Bailey."

    There is no more reason that she would open the door to Bailey, even if she did know him, than to a stranger.

    I believe she was the kind of person who would put her boots on and open the door just to tell whoever was there to" PHUCK OFF! "

    It's been established she was that type of character.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    There's a brilliant podcast by Senan Molony at the bottom of the article. He was reporting on the murder from the scene a few days after it occurred. Very much worth a listen.

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