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2020 officially saw a record number of $1 billion weather and climate disasters.



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    Yep, each one of those is as bad as the next, and the NYP would appear to be of the same vein. However, this is how people get the news these days.

    I had two guys knock on my door a couple of weeks ago and said they were from The Irish Independent. They asked me if I wanted to buy a subscription, but they hadn't the sentence finished when I said "I'll stop you there. Absolutely not. You're gone too tabloid and I don't trust anything I read on your paper anymore". They didn't even defend it. Know what one of them replied? "Ah sure we can't let the redtops have all the business! It's sink or swim!"

    It's as I suspected. They are changing their whole journalism style to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Changing their language to not be so much accurate but more attention-grabbing. The Guardian is the same. They dress themselves up as being different from the others, but in the end they use the same tactics to engage the reader. Don't use a simple adjective when you can use hyperbole. We've already seen the official instructions on writing style that were issued to their journalists a couple of years back when they started to go heavy cashing in on climate chan...I mean the climate crisis. They make many unsubstantiated claims themselves, and while not as blatant as "Larry to Lash New York", they are still equally wrong. And they'll still enjoy the same immunity as the other media because the message is what it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,462 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Larry will in fact make a landfall in southeast Newfoundland, not sure about monster hurricane part, but they take hurricanes quite seriously in that region after a dreadful death toll in 1926 out at sea when a hurricane caught the fishing fleet pretty much unawares.

    Tropical remnant hits in Newfoundland can be about like the Ophelia event on the south coast of Ireland, but the coastline there is quite rugged and few towns of any size are built close to the tide range, except for a few port facilities, most of the people live well up the hills so a storm surge, while it could do some damage around Argentia (which faces south), is not much of an issue for the capital St John's.

    Larry may still have some tropical characteristics until about the time it reaches the Avalon peninsula around 04z-06z (in 24 hours time). The local time zone is 3.5 hours behind your own, so it would be around 0130-0330 local time when the worst of the storm hits. I will post some radar links in the tropical discussion thread later on (if GL doesn't have them already).

    As for the Larry hits New York stories, I think maybe that reporter got mixed up by something he might have seen on a local TV station where they were probably explaining how Larry would merge with a front already lying close to NYC now. The NHC have been banging on for days about "large Larry" because somebody there loves alliteration, and yes Larry has been of quite a bloated size for the intensity it managed to produce. There will probably be a bit of wind damage in Newfoundland but the place is built like the west coast of Ireland for the climate they have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Are you saying the capitol riots didn't happen, or that a mob of insurrectionists didn't invade the capitol building with the intention of preventing the government from carrying out the expressed wishes of the electorate? Or that Trump didn't support the attempted insurrection?

    I cant say I'm surprised that you're one of those Trump supporters. There is a massive overlap between climate change deniers, and the kind of people who support Donald Trump

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    'This is how people get the news these days'

    Not all people get their news from the gutter press.

    And it is not environmentalists or climate scientist's fault that tabloids will misinform the public.

    That is what the tabloids do.

    You should know better than to post headlines from these awful publications as evidence of anything other than how terrible these so called newspapers are.

    The Irish independent are in between broadsheet and tabloid, in that there is some good reporting mixed in with a load of celebrity gossip sensationalism. There are only a few newspapers left that are conscientious in their reporting. I would place the Guardian in this short list, among papers like the Irish Times,The Washington Post, Le Monde, the Sydney Morning Herald etc

    This is not to say that these papers never get things wrong, or take editorial positions that I do not agree with, but they at least try to get their facts right and use journalistic principles

    Post edited by Akrasia on

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    "I cant say I'm surprised that you're one of those Trump supporters. There is a massive overlap between climate change deniers, and the kind of people who support Donald Trump" - Akrasia

    Yep, the stock response of the Neolib when their rosy worldview has been successfully challenged.

    The Guardian and all other trendy media giants that the 'sophisticated' set like to be seen consuming are every bit as lying partisan hacks as the tabloids are infamous for. Time and time again others and myself have presented actually evidence of this to you and still you continue to defend them. You are truly a living embodiment of how MSM can mould and shape.

    New Moon

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Millions upon millions are starving on our planet right now but man, some real serious issues to ponder here:

    Help! Is my quinoa killing the planet?

    From almond milk to cauliflower pizza base, not a week goes by without another new health-food fad – and they all come with a catch. Could Deborah Coughlin find a guilt-free, 21st-century diet?

    Help! Is my quinoa killing the planet? | Diets and dieting | The Guardian

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Yes, because a 9 year old opinion piece in the 'Parents and Parenting section proves that...

    You're so tiresome. Care to defend your earlier links about the Capitol riots? Which part of that reporting do you think the guardian lied about?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia


    Delusional. The only thing worse than an american Maga head, is an irish one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Yep, Neolib 101. I am not 'delusional', but.. you are predictable. Is there any thought in your head at all that hasn't been put there by the MSM, because, as I observed already, everything you come out with is exactly what they want you to come out with. Boards very own mouthpiece of the billionaire capitalist class.

    You talk of 'MAGA' there as if you knew what you were talking about. But tell me, Akrasia, since you brought it up (I think you, like the media, secretly love Trump given the amount of time you and they bring him up) but 'what type of people' support Donald Trump? Clearly you are an expert on the issue so please, educate me.

    New Moon

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    8 years left Akrasia:

    We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    With Co2 levels are rising at the same rate now as they did back in 2018, will we just have to accept our fate and face our sudden doom in October 2029?

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    People like you Oneiric apparently.

    People who think they're clever because they aren't fooled by the 'fake news' in the 'MSM'

    I am not a 'Neoliberal' btw, and the Guardian is not a neoliberal newspaper. You do not have a clue what you're talking about. And it's pretty sad really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    'People like me'. 'People who think they are clever blah blah.

    That isn't an answer and is just a lazy cop out. So I'll ask again, what type of people, in your obvious expertise on the issue, support/ed Donald Trump.? I'd like to know.

    And you a literally the walking definition of neoliberal, which is no more obvious than in your support for that Wall Street kissing, genocidal war monger Joe Biden, just as the Guardian is literally a champion of it. And what they, a MEDIA outlet, have to say on the topic is not something I have in the least bit of interest in.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Reading comprehension failure, yet again. The story doesn't say that on the 9th of October 2030, that the global climate will suddenly switch from stable and hospitable, to instantly become an unsurvivable hell hole. It says that we have to cut our carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 to limit global climate change to 1.5c. You would know that if you actually read the article

    Climate change above 1.5c is the threshold that scientists have warned against for decades now.

    Previously it was to limit CO2 to 350ppm to stay under 1c of warming, which is the level where climate change has some impacts, but they are manageable on the sale of the kinds of storms droughts floods and wildfires we have been seeing in recent years. We've flown past that target, so we're committed to negative effects. At 1.5c the risk of triggering positive feedbacks are far too high for any sensible person to find acceptable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    It's all pick 'n' choose, isn't it? The opening lines literally say 12 years is all we have before all hell breaks lose. Then they go on to say, well, maybe 2030, and then, ice free summers occur once every 100 years, and with a few nths of a rise, once every 10 years. It's all so dizzying...

    But you might enjoy this article from The Guardian from way back in 2009.

    Scared silly over climate change | Björn Lomborg | The Guardian

    But without doubt, you'll find some smear on the author because he goes against your grain.


    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia


    "The opening lines literally say 12 years is all we have before all hell breaks lose.  - Oneiric'

    The opening lines are 'literally'

    "The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people"

    The reason you think the guardian is catastrophising all of the time is because you literally cannot read

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    The kinds of people who think they know what the word neoliberal means but actually haven't got a clue

    Anyone who cannot see through Trump's obvious character flaws and thinks he was a good leader is deluded in my opinion. I put them in the same mental category as flat earthers, young earth creationists, anti vaccine conspiracy theorists, and people who think the moon landings were faked.

    Every Irish Trump supporter I know is a certifiable lunatic

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    The reason I think the Guardian is catastrophising is because they always have. And I can't read? I literally posted the evidence you asked me fir regarding the media hyped Capital Hill 'riots' in the very post you sought to belittle.

    Guardian said 'Incited by the president'. Reality:

    "But the FBI has so far found no evidence that he or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence, according to the four current and former law enforcement officials."

    They straight up lied and created a false narrative, and a false narrative which all the other mainstreams milked for 7 solid months.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Lets add the words 'Incited' and 'Organised' to the list of words you do not understand

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    What has Trump got to do with the price of Carbon Credits? Please stay on topic.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Oh, but I do, which is why I don't have to waste my time 'educating' myself on what neoliberalism is or is not by a former graduate in Zoology writing in a very partisan, neoliberal loving media outlet.

    Call me a snob if you must.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    What evidence is there that he 'incited' those riots? What did the Guardian tell you?

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Akrasia keeps bringing him up. He can't let go.

    But if you'll allow him to answer the question I put to him earlier (which he refuses to answer), which is 'what sort of people support/ed Trump. I'd like to know the answer to this as clearly he knows. And this is important, as I just want to know if he speaking from actual experience (which I believe he must be) rather than him just repeating what the media have fed to him, and to all of us really.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    You shouldn't consider educating yourself a waste of time given that you look foolish calling people Neoliberals when they absolutely are not in favour of laissez faire capitalism, reduced government spending, privatisation, deregulation etc etc

    In fact, it makes you look like a complete idiot when you call someone who is constantly on here calling for government interventions in the market to regulate polluting industries, and to increase carbon taxes and introduce incentives and grants, and directly provide infrastructure to transition away from fossil fuels to carbon neutral energy. a 'Neoliberal.'

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Yep. Well and truly 'Guardianised'. You strike me as someone who has never read a book in their life. The 'government' you want to have intervene are literally held up by that market.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    I saw him do it in real time, with my own two eyes in the weeks before the riots.

    And Trump is not on topic for this thread so I won't comment further.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    You're right it is, but i'm a fan of galllows humour.

    You clearly don't know what neoliberal means and it's so sad that it's hilarious.
