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2020 officially saw a record number of $1 billion weather and climate disasters.



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Are Guardian readers 'hippy liberal leftie' sorts? That is news to me..

    The last few posts are interesting. Apparently, know one knows the extent of 'climate sensitivity', but every one knows that every weather event is influenced 100% by that climate sensitivity.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    "Climate scientists know that we are warming, but because there are multiple moving parts, our climate sensitivity is uncertain, but what we definitely have enough information to know that we need to act - Akrasia

    Who is this 'we' you are talking about?

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    An interesting read.

    Freak US winters linked to Arctic warming (

    But note how the headline is more than a little detached from the actual content of the article, which weighs in more inconclusive, and which is rooted in a slew of 'could be's' and 'might's'.

    "The new analysis does not settle these questions, Matei says. Although changes in sea ice and snow cover do seem to have a role in wind anomalies high up above the Arctic, other factors such as decadal variability in sea surface temperatures could also drive wintertime anomalies in the Arctic atmosphere that can lead to unexpectedly cold weather elsewhere, she says. To complicate matters further, there are still significant uncertainties about how Earth’s climate as a whole responds to snow and sea-ice changes".

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭Nabber

    More people die from cold weather than hot weather. So warming planet is good for those at risk from cold? Or another part of our species we found that are not worth saving?

    Gravity and Climate Change are not comparable. Gravity is a tested theory, Climate Change is a modelled theory.

    Gravity is also not understood as it's portrayed in here in previous arguments. We know how it behaves within certain criteria, but not what it is. Also stated as a 'Law' but it's not a law of quantum mechanics. Very little is understood about Gravity, like much of our sciences. Not the scientists fault, there are some great advancements made.

    Regarding the climate, we are similar to medieval doctors looking at a cadaver. So many gaps in our knowledge, but certain in our own ignorant sphere of the 'Hows', 'Whys', 'Whats' ... ect. Science today much like those doctors are in no way inhibited by lack of knowledge in making predictions and also creating cures for all ailments.

    Science is fantastic and has done many wonders for our species. However the human brain has not evolved since we started farming, we are not superior thinkers too those 3000 years ago or 30,000. We only have better access to knowledge and failed/successful experiments.

    History has repeatedly shown us that we need something to believe in that is bigger than just us being an insignificant spec for a micro second in the vastness of space and time. We filled this need with 'Gods'... Now the 'Gods' are going they need to be replaced, AGW has all the hall marks of previous religions.

    Pagans = Deniers

    Word of God = Settled Sciences

    Bible et al = IPCC Report

    Armageddon = Climate Armageddon

    The list goes on :)

    I want similar outcomes to that of AGW Worshippers. How we get there and why we need it I don't agree on. I'm guessing I'm the Atheist and they are the Zealot 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,462 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    The key point, which is what got the other thread locked, is that there remains debate about how much of recent warming is directly caused by the increase in greenhouse gases, and how much can be attributed to natural variability.

    The IPCC decided some time ago that more of the warming is human caused than has actually taken place, in other words, we live in a climate that should be slightly cooler than that of the late 19th century into early 20th century, but instead it is 1.0 to 1.5 deg warmer, so we caused more than 1.0 to 1.5 C warming.

    When I wanted to insert the third point of view that (a) it's not a case of this warming being fictitious or disputed, (b) there is no strong evidence that the climate should be cooling, therefore (c) the warming is an aggregate of natural variability and some other portion that is human created, it led to even more of a bun fight than this thread has produced.

    I was never too sure why other than perhaps the pro-IPCC group realize that the "should be cooling" hypothesis is their weakest point (very few informed people think that humans are having no warming influence on climate whatsoever), because it reduces the urgency of their parallel political agenda. There again, why should it weaken that, the problem is the same whether we are fully or partially responsible for the warming -- the warming is there and we need strategies to deal with it, but as I argued, let's make those strategies rational, a blend of what is possible, what is beneficial, and what is necessary. The more this warming has a natural origin, the less you would want to concentrate on the green agenda because you would realize that the naturally driven warming was here to stay and something we are going to have to deal with anyway.

    Does a 2:1 natural:AGW blend have a different set of implications from a 2:1 AGW:natural? Possibly. But the IPCC didn't want any of that water in their wine, they wanted to create the impression that the crisis was all humanity's fault. This frustrates me to the extent that any reasonable inspection of climate trends from 1890 to about 1960 would convince anyone that a natural warming trend was well established throughout. A cooling of sorts developed for a few years after about 1962 and lasted until the early to mid 1980s. Stronger warmings have set in since then. It's possible that the ratio of natural:AGW continues to change decade by decade and perhaps by now it is more like 1:2, before 1970 perhaps 2:1.

    We are stuck with the fact that our theoretical understanding of the climate system is weak at best. For example, it is pretty obvious that strong El Nino events have driven much of the recent warming. Yet nobody has a very convincing theory of how increasing greenhouse gases would cause more frequent or stronger El Ninos. Perhaps we live in a time of a great coincidence, we could be warming the atmosphere a lot, but actually we are not and natural processes are instead. That doesn't mean it would stay this way for a long time. The gradually increasing greenhouse gas concentrations might be all that some fear at some point in the future. On the other hand, the natural warming could actually change to a real natural cooling (not the one the IPCC falsely postulated), on the scale of the Little Ice Age. Several decades or centuries of reduced solar activity, or increasing volcanic activity, could create that change. Then we might have a different view of the AGW signal altogether.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Climate alarmists (a interesting species to observe) are more politically rather than scientifically driven. I recall about a year ago I put up a list of just some the vapid political beliefs that they all just coincidently ascribe too, and it created quite the backlash... not because what I posted was generalisation, which it was, but because it was also true. These people are very easy to generalise and woe to them that dare to point that out. Accusations, sold as fact, abound. We have only to look at the last 2 or 3 pages of this thread to see real proof of this. The herd becomes very, very touchy and defensive when you poke it in the right spots.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 552 ✭✭✭BurnsCarpenter

    Works both ways I'm afraid. On the other side, more often than not, are the Trump-supporting, gun-toting, freedom lovers, whose right to burn fossil fuels should take precedence over future generations' safety.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    Here's RTÉ in there with its customary climate change copy and paste comment after the minimal hurricane Nicholas made landfall in Texas overnight. There's pretty much no damage, but of course they had to insert something about climate change to big it up a bit.

    Hurricane Nicholas makes landfall along Texas coast (

    Texas is no stranger to hurricanes, but scientists warn that climate change is making the storms more powerful, posing an increasing risk to coastal communities.

    Coastlines are already suffering from flooding, which has been amplified by rising sea levels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    I'm getting the gun totin' bit, but the 'freedom loving'? Why is that presented as a bad thing? I thought freedom loving was also at the core of 'muesli ate'n liberal lefties (does such a people exist?) mantra as well?

    Irrespective, do these freedom loving people use any more fossil fuels than those who constantly preach against it?

    Harrison Ford: leaders who deny climate change are 'on the wrong side of history' | Harrison Ford | The Guardian

    Harrison Ford collects planes, bikes and automobiles | British GQ (

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭Orion402

    You poor people are out-of-touch, but that is not a crime.

    Newton attempted to scale up experimental sciences to solar system structures - the Earth attracts an apple, the moon attracts the tides, the Earth attracts the moon and finally the Sun attracts the Earth and other planets hence-

    "Rule III. The qualities of bodies which are found to belong to all bodies within the reach of our experiments, are to be esteemed the universal qualities of all bodies whatsoever. " Newton

    Want to get from scaling a garden greenhouse (experiment) to the Earth's atmosphere (universal qualities) or from the fall of an apple (experiment) to planetary orbital motions (universal qualities) then that is where the overreaching subculture is found.

    There was no 'universal theory of gravity' unless readers want to believe a universal law of attraction without magnetic attraction is a runner. What Sir Isaac tried to do was alter the nature of an astronomical hypothesis into an experimental hypothesis in a remarkable spiel that would have made the original heliocentric astronomers laugh-

    "That the fixed stars being at rest, the periodic times of the five primary planets, and (whether of the sun about the earth, or) of the earth about the sun, are in the sesquiplicate proportion of their mean distances from the sun...This proportion, first observed by Kepler, is now received by all astronomers; for the periodic times are the same, and the dimensions of the orbits are the same, whether the sun revolves about the earth, or the earth about the sun." Newton

    Newton's notion has nothing whatsoever to do with Kepler's correlation between planetary orbital periods and distance from the Sun using two planets, but then again, his followers and present day sycophants following him never had a clue either-

    "The demonstrations throughout the book [Principia] are geometrical, but to readers of ordinary ability are rendered unnecessarily difficult by the absence of illustrations and explanations, and by the fact that no clue is given to the method by which Newton arrived at his results. The reason why it was presented in a geometrical form appears to have been that the infinitesimal calculus was then unknown, and, had Newton used it to demonstrate results which were in themselves opposed to the prevalent philosophy of the time, the controversy as to the truth of his results would have been hampered by a dispute concerning the validity of the methods used in proving them. He therefore cast the whole reasoning into a geometrical shape" Rouse Ball 1908

    Of course Isaac spelled out exactly what he was doing, but readers today have no reference points for his vandalism of astronomical methods and principles. All that is heard is how do engineers make better washing machines, send rockets into orbit or some appeal to consensus. You are all very much Isaac's children.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 552 ✭✭✭BurnsCarpenter

    I was thinking more of a libertarian thing - against big government, regulations, etc. Personal freedom taking priority over any any other concerns (gun safety, vaccines, environmental protection laws.) Definitely seems to be some correlation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Personal freedom is also a core principle of both Liberalism and Leftism.

    And its a bit hypocritical of the US Government, big or small, to be pontificating to its citizens about 'gun control' as it partners with some of the biggest weapons manufactures in the world in order to profit hugely from death and destruction abroad.

    Biden administration proceeding with $23 billion weapon sales to UAE | Reuters

    New Chapter of Afghanistan War: U.S. Drone Strike Kills Family (

    Neolibs gotta do what Neolibs were always gonna do... isn't that right, Akrasia? Scientists strongly back Joe Biden for US president in Nature poll

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    "You are all very much Isaac's children" - Orion402

    I couldn't care less about Issac Newton or his 'laws' one way or t'other.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    We have narrowed it down sufficiently to know that the risks we are taking by allowing CO2 concentrations to increase are way higher than we should be comfortable with.

    There are lots of climate change skeptics who aren't taking the Covid vaccine because of a miniscule risk that they might experience side effects. Yet those same people are happily gambling that global average temperatures will increase by more than 3c in the coming decades, with resulting devastation to natural and human systems

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    People who do not view education as a waste of time and who actually understand the meaning of the words we use.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭Nabber

    Without going down the Covid rabbit hole. Some folks are declining the vaccine as the side affects are not understood. Which is in the disclaimer when agreeing to the vaccine. That part is not hidden. The logic is that the side affects expected are far less riskier than the pandemic.

    The risk (long term) is not miniscule, it's just not understood. To say otherwise is fallacy.

    Not sure the context here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    There are lots of climate change skeptics who aren't taking the Covid vaccine


  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Gravity is tested by makeing predictions backed up by models (equations) and the checking to see if those predictions came true

    Physicists and climate scientists predicted that increasing CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere would lead to progressively more heating in our oceans and atmosphere.

    The first scientific estimate on ECS was by Arrhenius in the 19th century. He calculated a doubling of CO2 concentration would ultimately lead to 5-6c of warming (although he didn't think humans would be dumb enough to double CO2 concentrations in only 150 or so years)

    5-6c of warming is within the IPCC range of climate sensitivity, although higher than their most confident range

    Since the 70s when we began looking at this seriously, there have been lots of predictions based on the equations we know about using models of varying sophistication, and many of them have been surprisingly accurate

    To say Climate change has not been tested is completely false. We have been performing a global scale test of the theories underlying climate change for over a hundred years. We have increased our CO2 concentration from about 280ppm to over 410, and we have seen the corresponding increase in global average temperatures

    What more evidence do you need?

    In the meantime, everyone who doubted AGW has been shown to have been completely wrong

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    I have personally argued this multiple times in the past, that the full extent of human induced climate change is actually more than 100% of the observed warming since the mid 2oth century. Because The earth was in a naturally cooling phase due to slightly reduced solar output. There's also the impact of human aerosol emissions which declined in the 1980s but have remained fairly static since then, meaning that some degree of our warming is being masked by the additional aerosols emitted by humans

    Your logic tends to fall down when you try to argue that because the earth is naturally cooling now, that this somehow means that climate change is potentially being overstated, when in reality, it means it is more likely to have been understated, because when the natural cooling cycle shifts to a neutral or warming cycle then the observed warming will likely surge ahead as natural, and anthroprogenic forcings would be pushing in the same direction

    If you want to argue that we are actually in a natural warming phase now, even while the sun is slightly cooler, you need to show what the mechanism for this warming phase is, and no 'skeptics' have ever been able to give any plausible explanation for the current observed warming other than Increased GHG emissions and changing land use

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3


    It is probably just a coincidence that you linking to a glorified tabloid on a political article penned by a Zoology graduate was seen by you to be 'educational'

    And in fairness, it was.. just not in the way you think.

    But answer me this, why does 'Ireland' (and I put Ireland in quotes here because the implication that the Government is Ireland is totally wrong) so hell bent on advocating in favour of big major corps (that aren't even home grown) continuing to avoid paying their fair share in tax? Isn't this the same Government which you only recently demanded should increase 'carbon tax' on its own citizens?

    "Different countries charge different levels of corporate tax – the tax paid on profits declared in that country. Ireland has one of the lowest rates, at just 12.5%.

    "The 12.5% corporate tax paid by AppleGoogleMicrosoft, and other companies to Ireland would have to end under a global tax plan orchestrated by the Biden administration – and the Irish government isn’t happy about it.

    The G7 nations and the European Union reached agreement in principle that all member countries would impose a minimum corporate tax of 15%. Ireland had previously expressed concern about this, and now says it thinks the rate should be “negotiable” …


    Different countries charge different levels of corporate tax – the tax paid on profits declared in that country. Ireland has one of the lowest rates, at just 12.5%.

    This has resulted in tech giants like Apple and Google basing their European headquarters in the country. That’s good for Ireland, bringing in cash it otherwise wouldn’t have had, but bad for other countries – especially when Apple funneled the profits of all sales in European countries through Ireland to avoid paying corporate tax in the countries in which sales were made".

    Tax paid by Apple, Google, and others to rise; Ireland unhappy - 9to5Mac

    I have never once seen you mention or call for a more than overdue increase in corporate tax (or lack of it) on here, but plenty of times you have called for increases in tax on ordinary people who are, in no small part, living hand to mouth.

    Why would that be, Akrasia?

    New Moon

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Since there is talk of human aerosol emissions and pollutants and how they played a part in helping cool the planet (or at least, keeping it cool) I did up a fun graph:

    It's rushed and crappy looking I admit, but blue indicates the average annual Euro region temp for the years 1990, 2000, 2010 & 2020. The orange line shows the 'inland' consumption of hard coal in the EU region for the years previously mentioned. I just put the R2 value in there for the hell of it

    Data sources:

    Overview - Energy - Eurostat (

    Climate reanalysis | ECMWF

    Edit, on reflection, I'd advise ignoring that R-Squared value, as this may have been the value I accidently created between the Euro Temp and its linear trend line. However, I ran a correlation test (Pearson) and that came in at

    Which also should be impossible so I can only assume that it is I who is doing something drastically wrong. Here is the data for anyone who might care to check for themselves and have me stood corrected (which I will gladly accept) should that be their whim.

    Post edited by Oneiric 3 on

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,462 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Changes in solar heating component are only significant in the more extreme cases like the Maunder minimum, otherwise I believe that the orientation of ridges and troughs in the upper atmosphere will produce larger variability by a factor of about 5:1 or even 10:1 when compared with the smaller variations in solar output that we could probably agree on.

    Therefore I would not need to account for these small changes in solar output if I was more interested in the changes in the ridge-trough general circulation features. The reason there was a slight cooling of the northern hemisphere around 1962 to 1986 is probably due to an increase in blocking, which increases variability but also gives a slightly higher probability of cold regimes than any other atmospheric configuration. The mid-1970s in particular saw very large swings in temperature in both directions over North America. This tendency gradually reduced through the 1980s and yielded to a mostly warm regime 1987-93 with a return to the blocking signal for part of the 1990s (and again around 2010).

    I don't think human aerosol production had much to do with any of that, but would be open to investigating if higher aerosol concentrations could produce blocking (if so, weather weenies will be spraying aerosol cans as frequently as they can).

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Because corporation tax is not particularly relevant to this thread. I completely support international efforts to place a floor on corporation tax and in many other threads down through the years I have stated that Ireland’s low CPT and reliance on transfer pricing represented a part of the race to the bottom and was short sighted and could backfire at any time.

    I am strongly in favour of regulating industry to reduce their ecological impact and force them to pay their fair share in taxation and improve pay and conditions for their workers

    Am I still neoliberal?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Climate scientists have been looking at the contribution of Aerosols to climate change

    While there has been a decline in coal burning in Europe, black carbon and CO emissions were actually a net contributor to warming, what is the main contribution to aerosol cooling is sulphur dioxide

    Sulphur Dioxide peaked in the 1970s and has fallen by about 1/3 in the past 50 years, so we can say that if global warming was masked by .5c due to anthropogenic climate change and these emissions fell by 1/3, then maybe .2c of the additional warming seen in the previous 5 decades was a result if reduced aerosols.

    But, these aerosols are human generated, and they represent a threat to our environment in themselves, so we need to either accept the environmental cost of sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere, and allow industry to pollute to a certain level, or we reduce those emissions and are faced with a rapid surge in warming by up to .3c in a few short years

    According to the graph above, AGW would be currently be about 1.7c above pre-industrial temperatures if we managed to magically end all industrial aerosol production overnight

    Plus whatever overhead we have relating to the solar cycle being in a slight cooling phase

    This is why climate sensitivity is so hard to estimate. It depends on other natural, and anthropogenic factors, Things that are independent of CO2 emissions like how much aerosol pollution humans will emit, and which blend of aerosols are emitted, and these are not something that can ever be known in advance with any certainty because future technological development has not yet occurred.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Well the definition of significant is subjective. Solar output definitely does affect earth's radiative balance even when it's only a small change in solar output, it global temperature will increase when the radiative balance is positive, and decrease when the radiative balance is negative, and not change when the Radiative balance is neutral

    You have not explained how atmospheric ridging can possibly result in global average temperature rises. Are you suggesting that there is a huge pool of heat in the upper atmosphere that is being held in reserve and dragged down every x period and then sequestered again in the return part of the cycle?

    Or where else is that energy coming from? Upwelling from the deep oceans? The measurements that we have indicate that oceans are warming across all layers on average. The total ocean heat content is increasing, the total cryosphere heat content is increasing, the total atmospheric heat content is increasing

    When all of these systems are increasing at the same time, then how can it be an internal cycle? that energy has to come from somewhere, and AGW and climate science explains that it comes from changing the atmospheric radiative forcing by trapping more of the suns heat and allowing less of that heat to radiate out into space.

    Or are you suggesting that these atmospheric ridges are allowing hot spots and cool spots in the atmosphere where certain certain atmospheric conditions allow more solar radiation into space? There is absolutely no evidence of this, and our satellites would notice this very quickly given how we have specific instruments in orbit to precisely measure temperatures at various atmospheric levels for weather and climate monitoring

    TLDR, where is the extra energy coming from? internal Natural Variability only allows changing distributing of existing energy, not net increases in global average temperature

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    This is why climate sensitivity is so hard to estimate. It depends on other natural, and anthropogenic factors, Things that are independent of CO2 emissions like how much aerosol pollution humans will emit, and which blend of aerosols are emitted, and these are not something that can ever be known in advance with any certainty because future technological development has not yet occurred.

    And yet, despite all that, we have statements of very likely and extremely likely in relation to future climate conditions and attribution studies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    yes, and we have medium confidence and low confidence projections too.

    The IPCC assessment report all of the studies and made assessments based on the evidence to hand. They are more confident about some elements than others, and are open about this.

    In general, there is higher confidence associated with statements relating to the current state of the climate and the past, because these have already happened, there are no scenarios associated with them, other than the hindcasting scenarios used in modelling

    As soon as we start talking about projections into the future, it becomes less certain because there are always caveats. But in general, the IPCC produce a weighted assessment of future projections, which is what the IPCC do.

    IPCC probability statements from Ar6

    • Virtually certain 99-100%
    • Very likely 90-100%
    • Likely 66-100% probability

    And then we have the quality and quantity of the research that this assessment is based on

    Very High Confidence > 90% of research findings support this out of a sufficiently high volume of good quality research

    High confidence 80% - 90% of findings support this, or more than 90% of findings support this, but volume/quality of research is not sufficiently high (more research required to improve confidence)

    Medium Confidence 50% to 80% of findings support this, or greater than 80% but volume/quality of research is not sufficiently high (more research required to improve confidence)

    Low confidence - 20% to 50% of findings support this, or or greater than 50% but volume/quality of research is not sufficiently high (much more research required to improve confidence, possibly limited data available as of the time of research or findings are controversial/not widely accepted)

    Very Low confidence - 20% of findings support this, or or greater than 20% but volume/quality of research is not sufficiently high (much more research required to improve confidence, possibly limited data available as of the time of research, or findings are controversial/not widely accepted)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    So you accept the findings of the IPCC then, and it's just the framing in the guardian that you object to, or are you going to come back later and say that actually, the IPCC are all alarmists too?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    I'm not sure how you come to that conclusion. My position hasn't changed.

    Now are you going to acknowledge that the Guardian is an alarmist mouthpiece, as outlined regarding that Pentagon report? You never did answer my last questions on it.
