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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,984 ✭✭✭Xander10

    Do we know anything about the circumstances of the fire?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,013 ✭✭✭Shelga

    Yeah, the media went super easy on Caroline Flack over her alleged domestic abuse.

    I miss the roll eyes emoticon…

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,879 ✭✭✭sporina

    is this the main thread for "The Big Interview"?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes, he said it was a mistake in the interview. Doesn't change the fact he was clueless and thought these 20 year olds were actually throwing themselves at him 🤦‍♀️

    Doesn't make him a murderer either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    There was this auld fella from Bantry

    Who sang a mean aul sea shanty

    A Fiesta he drove

    Even farther than Cobh

    But of his whereabouts now the details are scanty.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    But you can see where she was coming from? It's very creepy for a guy his age to be posting pictures of what look like late teen or early 20s women and commenting on how beautiful they are when they are young enough to be his granddaughters. He's a charismatic man, I suspect she feels there are some very naïve and vulnerable people out there who might not be aware of his history of violence and abuse of alcohol, or blind themselves to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate


    So you think its feasible that Graham got into the garda car hashless, asked the garda if he could drive him to pick up hash off his local dealer, then got back into the garda car stinking of hash and proceeded to pretend to the photographer that the garda gave him the hash rather than just the garda drove him to a drug deal.

    Martin Graham: Be with you in 10 mins pal just driving over now.

    Martin Grahams hash dealer: No bother pal have that here for you, what you driving?

    Martin Graham: Squad car bro

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Let's stand on O'Connell Street tomorrow and any man who's head turns to look at a young woman shall be brought in for questioning.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭CowgirlBoots

    Uh no, Bailey had turned to alcohol to escape reality long before the murder accusations. He had a reputation as far back as when he lived in England for being a party boy drunk.

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  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Purpose of interview was clearly to

    1. achieve a “gotcha” moment-she didn’t
    2. humiliate and get a rise from Bailey- I think Bailey is beyond humiliation at this point- his “skeletons” have been laid bare tine and time again and he’s talked openly about domestic abuse etc although IMHO has never taken full ownership of his actions- he remained surprisingly calm throughout and actually made her look incredibly unprofessional

    I don’t know what Collette thought she’d achieve with this interview but essentially all it’s achieved is to prove how bad an interviewer she is.

    of course this being Virgin Media, we knew that would happen- Vincent Browne it was not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 604 ✭✭✭a_squirrelman

    So I guess the Bantry person is the Garda called O Donnell? Who had the blue fiesta.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    So... The morning after the interview.

    Most will agree it was a terrible interview with little gained by it all.

    I thought this was an opportunity for Bailey to respond to the previous week's Late Late Show segment. An opportunity to state his thoughts on the issues presented by Sophie's Son... Alas, it was not too be.

    Mrs Rothweiler interviewed Bailey as a convicted murderer. She was aggressive and resentful of the fact he wasn't in prison somewhere.

    Did anybody really need to see him being attacked for domestic violence, drinking, living on benefits...?? Was that the substance of the big interview??

    Mrs Rothweiler was interviewing a man that states he is totally innocent of a brutal murder that occurred 25yrs ago. A murder that the DPP could not find any evidence that Bailey was at the crime scene, or that he even met her. The man sitting across from her, is regarded as a free man in the eyes of Irish Law. A man entitled to his innocence.

    Instead of quizzing Bailey about the French Prime Ministers comments, Sophie's Son's comments, the latest new statements going around... She digs up totally irrelevant nonsense that nobody cares about..

    So, a couple of tarts in suggestive poses send him pictures of themselves... So what? He was obviously flattered by them, and too be honest, was very naive to retweet them... He's new to twitter, get over it! Can a bloke not tip his hat at a fine filly these days...??

    Why did Mrs Rothweiler need to bring up Bailey's financial situation? To publicly humiliate him on nation television? Does Bailey living off benefits belong in the public domain? Is that the content of the big interview?

    It was car crash television - It was painful to watch.

    A man protesting his innocence, the French Prime Minister asking for a new re-trial, Sophie's Son all but begging Bailey to go to France and throw himself at the mercy of the French justice system..... And what does the big interview ask? How many drinks did you have last night!!!

    Collette Fitzgerald should be flogged for the way she conducted herself last night.

    A big interview - One big embarrassment.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Totally agree. She was terrible.

    At least he stayed calm. If anything, it backfired on her and painted IB in a better light than she expected

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    And here's an article on how everyone is saying Colette Fitzpatrick did a great job. Proof if ever it were needed that the media in this country live in their own tiny little twitter bubble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I don't think that there was anything superb at all about Colette Fitzpatrick in this interview. Also the word "stellar" in regards to her interview style is completely misplaced. It's probably nothing personal against Colette, maybe it's what her employer Virgin Media wanted from here and they are paying her enough that she's going along with that. But decent investigative questioning is something different than what happened yesterday.

    Bailey's real problem was more the fact that he doesn't seem to be able to shake off his drinking habit, and his behaviour shows that sadly. By this behaviour he will always be judged as the evil one.

    And even if Bailey can't prove anything, the least thing I would have expected is his theory on the killing. Also it should be noted, that this interview was certainly not a trial. He is at least an innocent man according to the Irish authorities. Colette Fitzpatrick should not have forgotten that fact.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    Collette Fitzgerald should be flogged for the way she conducted herself last night.

    Interesting, woman should be flogged for questioning man on his domestic violence and drunkenness. If nothing else the interview has been a fascinating insight into the mentality of his supporters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,041 ✭✭✭Deeec

    Come on Moon unit you put up to me an intelligent person - Do you honestly think that last nights interview was fair and balanced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    The problem is that how many? 25 years have passed. People forget details, or die of natural causes, or move away, evidence which was even then lost, is irrevocable gone forever. All the accusations naturally have taken a toll on Bailey as well. This only exacerbated Bailey's drinking habit and it shows.

    Bailey could also have countered to Colette Fitzgerald "How would you feel, what would you do, if you were convicted for murder in a foreign country in a trial without evidence and witnesses, where nobody can actually place you to the crime-scene, even though you were the first one who volunteered DNA/fingerprint and hair-samples?

    And then the conversation could have gone that Bailey would present one or two theories on what has happened, according to his understanding. It would certainly have been very interesting.

    The problem is that Bailey knows he can't change anything anymore at this point in this life, also he doesn't seem to have the financial background to get the murder conviction in France overturned by an EU court of justice. Legally, I'd say his chances would be very good, as I don't think the EU court of justice would have a judge who would approve of a murder conviction without any evidence or witnesses.

    And Colette Fitzgerald is just another TV personality, a woman getting older and knowing it and using make up to appear younger and doing exactly what her employer wants her to do - thus the interview went how it went in terms of low quality. After all Colette most likely will get more money from this role than from similar roles she could be doing out on the job market, so she just does what the boss wants.

  • Registered Users Posts: 451 ✭✭MBE220d

    Supporters, I can't stand the man but this has to be one of the most embarrassing interviews I have watched in a while, she did the same hatchet job on Peter Casey before the Presidential election, she really is a nasty piece of work, she should stick with reading the news that's about her level in the media.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 604 ✭✭✭a_squirrelman

    Yeah it's really bloody weird how if we don't think Bailey did it we are his "supporters". That's some next level twisting. I think he's an absolute gobs**te and probably cuckoo at this stage but I can still pity how his life is a mess after 25 years of this.

    And if some groundbreaking evidence appeared tomorrow pointing at him I'd be happy for him to be locked away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,178 ✭✭✭Talisman

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    He has a few people I would class as 'supporters' on this thread, that doesn't include everyone who thinks he's innocent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    Am I being gormless? Was the guy at the side of the road placed there by the doco makers to show how unobservant she is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭tibruit

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    I'd like to comment on the 'evolution' of the drug scene and Garda activity in West Cork up to the time of this murder. Living in Limerick city in 1984 it was quite widely known that around Bantry there were places where one could live the hippy lifestyle relatively unmolested. Things changed, for the worse from what I heard, around 1987, when numbers started to come over from the UK as the Police there were breaking up what was known as the peace convoy. The Guards realised that there was a fair bit of very lucrative smuggling going on from the very open coast of West Cork to the UK and beyond. Drug use changed into the 90s and demand for ecstasy and cocaine exploded. It has been written about here about cocaine busts in Cork. The point I am making here is that nobody took the Guards for fools in the early 80s and they 'evolved' along with the scene.

    I want to ask the question again in a way that I believe it should have been asked of Sophie's son. It is the only one that Ryan Tubridy asked her son which put him slightly ill at ease. What the hell was Sophie Toscan du Plantier doing coming over alone for a very quick visit at the busiest time of year to a place a 5 year old child could assure you was full of dodgy characters and possibly bent cops?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    Were there any other drug related murders or beatings that we know of around the Mizen Peninsula in the years before or after?

    Why was she there? Well it sounds like all her friends and family agree she liked privacy, calmness and an escape from the limelight around her husband's glamorous career. It's why she bought the house in the first place. The visit was between a few social/media events and a foreign trip planned with her husband for New Years. She had asked several people to go with her and none were able to go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    But she did participate in these social/media glamorous events? I'm sure there'd be some good parties with wine and everything

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Meeting someone? Someone they didn't fully trust as she wanted another along.

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