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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    Yes, but by who, and when? GSOC said they contacted the people who had previously investigated the garda file in 2002 and they said they would have noticed the pages having been cut out.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's completely culturally normal for people to offer each other lifts here, even random strangers.

    I've had to explain this to non culchies many a time who thought was in some way strange.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,418 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    GSOC said it was unable to clarify when the interference may have taken place other than believing it was likely to have occurred since a review of the file in 2002, but possibly as far back as the 1990s. The commission said it had considered whether the interference with the Jobs Book warranted sending a file to the DPP, but they had chosen not to on the basis that one of the main gardaí who had responsibility for the documents had since died.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    From GSOC themselves:

    The missing pages from the Jobs Book when Ian Bailey was identified as a suspect are of grave concern to GSOC. From enquiries conducted by GSOC with members of the McNally Review Team, it would appear that the Jobs Book pages in question may have been removed from the book some time after December 2002 as their absence was not noted during the McNally Review and would have been the subject of comment had they been noticed (the McNally Review Team had access to the original Jobs Books as part of their review and reported in December 2002).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    So, Leo Bolger looking down the barrell of a mandatory 10 year sentence possibly life, turns around and starts saying he disputes the fact that Bailey never met STDP out of nowhere, that he did in fact meet her, (a key element of the case against Bailey), this case was international news but he waits until he's in the **** to come forward with this information. I dont think it takes a Sherlock Holmes to see the relevance here. Then the judge gives a ridiculously lenient sentence for a crime like his, the likes of which hasn't been seen before. To top it off this judge believed a perjurer in saying that Bailey was down by Kelfadda bridge that night with his hands on top of his head like some sort of madman. Which is completely illogical nonsense, even if Bailey did somehow commit this crime.

    I don't need to divulge any information to you. Why dont you come clean to the rest of this thread that you're actually a garda or working for them? That would be a good start. Completely biased and with a clear agenda to paint Bailey as the murderer so it deflects away from the fact the gards covered up this case, committed various illegal acts in relation to this crime and the fact that one of them should be the chief suspect in this crime.

    No doubt you're on good overtime too & we're all paying for it. Nice to see the taxpayers money being put to such good use. That was scarcasm by the way in case you & kind didnt realise it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    A forensic scientist said pages had been cut out and GSOC accepted this. Those pages, it is more than just likely, contained details of the plan to frame Ian Bailey.

    There are many rational, intelligent people interested in finding out the truth. I don't include you among their large number. You persist with excuses for anomalies and discrepancies that simply cannot be dismissed as due to anything but corruption.

    Your obvious purpose is to justify state corruption for whatever reason. I have come across similar people elsewhere but I believe that the clamour for the truth is growing and your attempts at deflection and distraction will ultimately fail. In which case you will be completely unconcerned as you are indifferent to any harm you do to people.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I grew up in a very rural area too and, yes, it was easy to get a lift back then, but it was still a favour and certain people wouldn't offer it. My point was that Bailey did.

    Not sure if even in West Cork that culture is still there. Certainly doubt it for random strangers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    What harm could come from properly investigating the detective Garda in Bantry heavily suspected to be involved in this crime. Surely if his associates and the gards themselves have nothing to hide, they'd be more than happy to come forward with information. This is what they always say to potentially innocent suspects of crimes after all isn't it?

    More than happy to admit I got it fully wrong if this gard was not involved in this crime. Some DNA testing, fingerprint testing, & proper interviewing of the man who says he saw a ford fiesta speeding away like a bat out of hell that morning. What was this potential suspect like? Did sophie make calls to his station? Did he know of Sophie, was he seen with Sophie? Did he in fact like Gemma O'doherty says have a reputation for being a ladies man & having a thing for foreign women.

    Why dont the authorities put to bed finally the garda theory? Seems like the elephant in the room given the widespread corruption in the case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,418 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    I find it incredible that Bolger, as a fourth party to the conversation, would so defintely remember Person A Sophie being introduced to Person B Ian by Person C Alfie.

    He was mostly a bystander.

    You just dont remember that kind of detail.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 838 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    No, generally you don't.

    But if you're made aware that you liberty depends on certain memories becoming crystal clear, then your powers of recall suddenly become turbo-charged.

    Nothing like the prospect of a ten year stretch to focus the mind..............

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,459 ✭✭✭FishOnABike

    From Google earth timeline the house about 200m up the cul de sac from the junction with the main road was built sometime between 2003 and 2009.

    At the time of the murder the nearest neighbours other than Alfie + Shirley would have been on the 'main' road either north towards Dunmanus pier   or south towards Kealfadda Bridge, both about a mile by road.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    Leo Bolger had told the legal team for the newspaper's defence about seeing IB meet Sophie in 2003, so it wasn't that he just happened to remember when he was up on the cannabis charge. This is covered in the West Cork podcast.

  • Registered Users Posts: 838 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    yes, probably worth a try..if only to clear his name and kill the lingering rumours. Rumours which seem to have been re-ignited recently.

    If DNA could be extracted from the residue on Sophie's boot, then it may be possible to eliminate him through familial DNA testing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    The first reporter seems to think the DPP outlined 'illegal' acts by the gardai in the 2001 report, that's not true.

    Both articles were written before the High Court judgement that dismissed IB's claim of being framed. Having heard all that IB's legal team could throw at the state, he concluded that the grounds for suspicion were so strong, even excluding Marie Farrell, that they would have been derelict in their duty if they had not arrested him. He was not framed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    You think gardai would jot down illegal plans to frame a suspect alongside entries about Ms. Johnson seeing a suspicious man stealing eggs with a crazy look in his eye? This isn't a TV show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    He's the lowest of the low, a drug supplier, gas you are clinging to him now since your gsoc & Judge reports have found to be completely bogus. He'd say anything to anyone for a bit of money, wouldnt be one bit surprised if the papers paid him a couple of grand. He has zero credibility in anything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Great, so ask your bosses to pull their head out of their asses, set up a task force and properly investigate this crime like it should have been done in the first place. Then we can hopefully bring some sort of resolution to STDP familes like they should have done in the first place. And everyone can move on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Happens to me loads, even more so in the past, it's not so much a rural thing as a rural West of Ireland thing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    I'll let you in on a little secret, I don't work in the public sector.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Oh really MoonUnit75, so pray tell, tell us what you do work at? Private investigator on behalf of the government is it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 838 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    Quite right,

    Leo Bulger is a criminal.

    A drug dealer. Responsible for who knows how much misery and corruption of youth.

    His credibility is indeed zero.

    I would add that, when the Gardai are reduced to incentivising scum like him to underpin their efforts to incriminate an innocent man, it is easy to see why the government were forced to attempt put a stop to the whole toxic circus by appointing Drew Harris.

    Drew Harris. An RUC man. Running the Garda Siochana.

    That's where garda malpractice. corruption, gombeen cute-hoorism has led us. And its typified in every toxic episode of this investigation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    Thanks for that. I would always have thought that the house about 200 meters from Sophie's as well as Alfie and Shirley's house would have been the place where this visually impaired neighbour would have lived who heard the car sometime at night.

    The house on the left side, shortly after turning off the main road appears to be new? However not certain. I haven't been to the area in many years, and if I am there, I don't go there, just out of respect.

    Things also do change there, if not as quickly as anywhere else. Alfie and Shirley's house seems to have been painted, same as Ian Bailey's "studio" seem to have been enlarged and also painted differently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    It is embarrassing I have to say, we need someone from the RUC to actually run this countries police in a half decent manner. No doubt he has a big job on his hand too. The ONLY reason why this absolutely horrific murder hasnt been solved is because of thicko gards like O'Dwyer and other corrupt gards running this case. The documentaries have been spread around the world now, 160 countries at least. It a **** shambolic catastrophe and on top of everything, were still trying to condemn a man who hasnt even been charged for this crime. Its horrific on all levels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 838 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    Nonsensical reply.

    The issue is far broader, far deeper and for more damning that that. As I am sure you are aware.

    The entire Bailey investigation is symptomatic of a long standing, toxicity in the organisational culture of the Garda Siochana. And that is reflected in the GSOC report (albeit nice and politely), the DPP report, the comments of the Director himself and, ultimately, the desperate attempt by the government to bring an out of control GS force under some sort of order by bringing in an outsider. It was a de facto admission, by the government, that the decline was terminal without drastic action.

    A very public, very painful, slap in the face.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 Fionn17

    The majority of Bailey’s claims against the Gardai were statute barred (or out of time). Only two in relation to MF statements were ruled on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    You'd have to wonder why Leo was so forthcoming to protect newspapers from paying out millions to Bailey

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,159 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Obviously much wasn't done correctly in this investigation but if you was going to 'frame' somebody wouldn't you do it properly and plant incriminating evidence at the murder scene? Hair samples, clothes, used glass etc etc.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 838 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    No doubt he was compelled by a sense of civic duty.............................

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