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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,957 ✭✭✭kirk.

    Would Jules be afraid of incriminating herself if she wanted to talk

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    This raises an interesting possibility: Did anybody ever consider the murderer to be a woman? Like Shirley or even Jules? At least nobody would suspect them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Yawn. Alfie Lyons was '90%' sure he introduced Ian Bailey to STDP. We can be 100% sure that Alfie knew Ian. Alfie said that he rang the Guards about 10am after Shirley discovered the body AND some neighbours 'to check they were ok'. Ian might have heard the news by 10.05am. SO WHAT? Even if he was reluctant to divulge his source or the time he knew about the murder and said it was Eddie Cassidy told him, it tells us nothing. They're both journalists and tend to be vague about sources. Eddie Cassidy was all over the place on time as records from Schull Garda station show. It's ridiculous how much importance is given to stuff like this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Now you are deflecting with nonsense. Why can`t Bailey say who told him? Can you give a reason? He didn`t even speak to Cassidy until 1-40

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    Shirley met him on the cul de sac down to the house and asked him if he was on his way to visit them. He told her he was there to report on the murder for the newspapers. She said the way the car kept coming at her she thought they wouldn't have even stopped if she hadn't stopped them. If Alfie rang Ian he was also keeping this a secret from his wife who had just had a very traumatic experience. Both him and IB would have to have kept that secret to themselves all down the years. Makes no sense at all.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

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    Why would he?

    He has all the statements. It's not a secret. They are his legal right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Ian Bailey used to do some gardening for Alfie Lyons did he not?

    I imagine if Bailey heard there was a murder in Alfies area he would have been one of the first people he called.

    In fact I'd be shocked if Lyons wasn't one of Baileys prime sources of info regarding the murder. Considering how seriously Bailey takes himself, he might be the type of journalist to never reveal his sources because its a journalistic code.

    He probably could have gone some way to clearing his name if he gave the sources of info regarding there being no sexual assault on Sophie etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 310 ✭✭drumm23

    haha, what absolute nonsense - everybody in the area would have known in about an hour - sure Alfie said he started ringing neighbours

  • Registered Users Posts: 310 ✭✭drumm23

    what is the implication that Jules was doing if she was out that morning - is this not after the murder?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    He`d have to hear about it first to call Alfie. So who told him?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    He doesn`t have that statement. Given he is now pinning it on the dead guy, he would have it all over Twitter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Because he's telling the truth and Bill Fuller isn't nor is Cassidy which phone records prove. The idea that he would be a genius when covering his tracks to people around him but would let it slip to someone in a phonecall is ludicrous. The whole point is that he could have known from many sources. The DPP saw that it was ridiculous but it suits the likes of you who wants to pull the wool over people's eyes who aren't familiar with the case and the nefariousness of the framing. You will run away from the really important detail of missing pages in the Jobs Book since it could have been explosive if GSOC had notified the DPP about it. It should be investigated but shills like you are driven/paid to muddy the waters and ensure it never will be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    Its worrying that some people in here think a murder could happen in rural Ireland and word would not have gotten round some 4 hours later.

    The town were probably gossiping on Sophie's great granny's maiden name by that stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 310 ✭✭drumm23

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    It`s probably worth doing a count on the number of peripheral witnesses who are lying. I`m self employed by the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Did Alfie go down to see the body for himself? Did he have a camera? So we've got a sensational story and pictures. Alfie thinks "do I know anyone who knows how to sell this to the newspapers but can keep it quiet?" There's a simple plausible scenario

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    On the West Cork podcast they said there was either a national or local radio news bulletin at 2PM regarding a French or foreign national woman being murdered and Bailey first arrived on the scene around 2:20PM, according to Garda Malone. They accounted that given a few minutes to gather his belongings and the 10 or 15 minute drive to Sophies House that it adds up that Bailey arrived around 2:20PM

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    What was the speed of light in 1996? Sorry if you have to take a break from your hole digging

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  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

  • Registered Users Posts: 310 ✭✭drumm23

    the minute the squad car went out there people would have started to get murmurs

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    The DPP counted them. He went 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,

  • Registered Users Posts: 310 ✭✭drumm23

    Even the idea that Bailey (and Jules) managed to commit and clean up a violent murder ... then accidentally give the game away by openly talking about it (instead of playing dumb) in the hours afterwards is, frankly, fcuking stupid.

    "Remember, don't mention the dead lady Jules!"

    "Ok, I'll do my best!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,525 ✭✭✭Curious_Case

    It's as if JT was covering for some aspect of IB's movements but not necessarily murder.

    I get a sense that they both know more but don't want to say how.

    Perhaps he was "on the prowl" that night and witnessed something.

    There seems to be a sense of "things not spoken of" down there, either a powerful family or an illicit operation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    If so, why didn`t Bailey say that? The truth is that nobody told him. He couldn`t say Alfie told him because the Gardaí would go back to Alfie and Alfie would say..."Well I didn`t tell him". Bailey says Cassidy told him at around 1-40, but even Cassidy denies this. He says he didn`t know it was a French woman or a murder. At that stage he thought it was a hit and run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    I suppose that's plausible but seems unlikely that Alfie's wife would run up to the house distressed about seeing a mutilated dead body on their isolated cul de sac and Alfie thought 'hmmm I could make a few bob out of this'.

    It would help explain why a photographer said he got a call to develop some photographs 'discreetly' in 2000 and a man he identified as Ian Bailey showed up with negatives which showed a woman's dead body lying against a hedge beside a gate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

  • Registered Users Posts: 310 ✭✭drumm23

    So you think Bailey and Jules accidentally talked about the murder?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭DivilsAdvocate

    In the interest of clarity, that man later denied saying it was Ian Bailey who came to get the photos developed

    "A SECOND key witness in the Sophie Toscan du Plantier murder probe has reportedly said he will withdraw part of his evidence.

    Retired garage owner Paddy Lowney told a newspaper he no longer intends to stand by statements he made to gardai implicating self-confessed suspect Ian Bailey.

    Mr Lowney, 60, signed statements claiming Bailey had come to his private photo lab to develop suspicious photos showing a woman lying on the ground on a stony roadway.

    The woman was said to be in the same position as Sophie's badly beaten body which was found outside her West Cork holiday home.

    The glamourous 39-year-old French filmmaker was bludgeoned to death in December 1996 but her killer has never been brought to justice.

    Mr Lowney told the Irish Mail on Sunday that although a man did come to him with suspicious photos, he never identified him to gardai as Bailey.

    He said: "I didn't actually say it was him

    The bombshell is just one in a series of revelations uncovered in the case.

    Evidence from another key witness was discounted in October 2005.

    Shopkeeper Marie Farrell claimed she had been pressured by gardai to identify English journalist Bailey as the man she saw close to Sophie's holiday home at 3am on the night of her murder.

    Sophie's family attended a vigil last month for the 126 women who have died violently in Ireland over the past 10 years."

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