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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    @One eyed Jack if our culture is just as bad, or their culture is not that bad, then why is this country much better?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Nope Bubblypop. I never said that Ireland will be converted to Islam ( or any other Country either) What I have said however is that since Mohammads time,back in the 6th century, the whole thrust of Islam has been to spread and to convert the whole world, and in the intervening years, this process has ebbed and flowed. In Europe at the present time, there are Muslim enclaves where the Quran and Sharia Law are the ones actively obeyed and followed. Even if the national laws apply to everyone.The recent episode in Dublin when some 130 Muslims disobeyed the nation lockdown law in favour of obeying the Islamic Ramadan Law, is a case in point. Two different legal systems in the one Country. Ive said it before, but no harm in repeating it, " when it comes to Islam, for a practising Muslim, the Quran and Sharia Law takes precedent over any man made laws, because the Quran is the actual word of God.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    You keep repeating this but for what?

    D/Garda Colm Horkans funeral was attended by a lot more then 130 people. There were, I don't know how many, traveller funerals and weddings over lockdown.

    you seem to think it was only Muslims that broke lockdown?

    as I pointed it to you, there are many minorities in this country that have their own 'justice' system.

    Ultimately, it doesn't matter one jot, because everyone is subject to the laws of the land.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    jm would you be so kind as to clarify what you’re referring to, because while I’m aware of the celebration of Eid in Croke Park, that can’t be what you’re referring to as no laws were broken, and it was an event organised between the GAA and the Irish Muslim Peace and Intergration Council, outside, maintaining social distancing measures for health and safety reasons. Meanwhile, in other areas around the country, people are violating lockdown restrictions and partying like it’s 1999, including some of our foremost political leaders who act as though they are a law unto themselves 🤔

    And no jm, that STILL doesn’t mean there are two, or even three, or as many individual legal systems as suits individuals themselves in this country, or in any country for that matter. It’s kinda like the way you speak of practicing Muslims and the way they behave as though they adhere to the literal word of God… I think you’ll find Muslims, like Christians and Jews, will interpret the word of God as suits their purposes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    I didn’t say anything about one culture being just as bad, or anything else, as another culture. I’m saying that regardless of whatever country it is, you’ll find plenty to complain about and point fingers at and tell yourself you’re superior to them, and people from that other culture are no doubt doing the same thing as you are, only from their perspective.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Yes, but the fact the life quality is better here is not a matter of perspective. It is the objective truth, and it is supported by facts, including the fact they are coming here in droves and not the other way around. And the life is better here because people living here made it so.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Then where?

    You keep referring to some place but say where?

    It appears you think all Muslims live in the same country, all acting exactly the same 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    You don't want me to make a list of countries, do you?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Goodness sake, you’re still missing the point that anyone living there could make exactly the same point as you’re doing, because what you have is an opinion, which isn’t supported by facts any more than their opinion would be!

    I honestly don’t know how both yourself and jm can be so oblivious to the fact that in their countries, YE were the bloody immigrant foreigners with ye’re liberal western values coming to corrupt Islamic society and would ye ever feck off back home to ye’re own country! 😳

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Iker

    No utopian version of anything has ever been obtained, anywhere. If it were, it would cease to be utopian. The utopian version of a homogenous society hasn't been achieved neither. Nor will it ever be. The closest you might find is North Korea, now if you want to call that a success story. That some countries in Asia or Middle East may approach a perceived homogeneity is a total fallacy. That is just a perception in the West because, to the profile of person usually making that assessment, most Asians look the same.

    Multiculturalism can and does work, for some people in certain situations. Not for everyone. Which again, is saying nothing. It is an impossible question, like looking at a constantly changing kaleidoscope and asking, what color is it now?

    There will always be specific times, peoples, and situations in which it will work and not others.

    However, the idea that somehow in a developed country (which Ireland is now considered to be, go figure...) you are going to get rid of all the immigrants, is nothing short of delusional.

    Even in the Celtic Tiger years, Ireland had and continues to have a small and manageable proportion of migrants, compared to the rest of Europe. Even those most different to our traditional culture (e.g. Muslims, Buddhists, non-Christian Africans, etc...) are largely respectful of Irish traditions and culture even if they don't partake. Most immigrants don't want any trouble. They leave their countries to make a better living, help their families and escape poverty or other bad situations. Generally, you don't uproot yourself from your country (where no one points a finger at you) and go to some other place and put up with the ignorance of others, just to act the maggot and make a bollix of it.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Well, when asked what cultures or countries you refer to, you don't answer.

    So all I can presume is that you think all Muslims live together in one country 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Sure Bubblypop, when it comes to lawbreaking we have more than enougn of our "own". I used the example of Muslims breaking our Lockdown Laws, to illustrate when push comes to shove, Practising Muslims will always obey their Islamic Law. They cannot do otherwise. And I'm pretty sure that Blackpitts Mosque was not the only one either.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    But sure lots of people break the law.

    I don't know why you think that Muslims doing it is any different to anyone else doing it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    The difference for Muslims breaking Irish Laws, and "our own" breaking them, is for Muslims, its a religious imperative. This is not any "accidental" law breaking ( or for financial gain as is the main reason for "our own" lawbreaking / criminal classes ) Its a very deliberate snubbing of Irish laws, in favour of a religious law. And thats the big difference Bubblypop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    The Croke Park "Gig" was fully legal, well planned and organised, and well paid for too. (I wonder whats the going rate to hire Croke Park for a day. and who paid for it? Just guessing here, but some Saudi benefactor ( propagation of the faith financial department maybe? Anyway.. ) The lawbreaking incident I refer to was during the Covid Lockdown when any kind of visiting/ movement's etc, were banned. 130 Muslims attended a Ramadan service in Blackpitts Moque. And for sure, Blackpitts Mosque was not the only one. So its one case of a religious Law over riding National Law.

    I make the distinction of practicing Muslims Jack. And the difference between Irish breaking the lockdown laws, and Muslims, is that for the Muslims it was a directive, and not just happen stance. And again Dick, with practising Muslims, they take the written Quran and Sharia literally...and 100 % seriously, as the Word of God. But I'm sure that all of this will have been fully explained to you by your friends???

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Ahh jm, seriously, as an example of Muslims being compelled to do something by virtue of their adherence to their particular sect of Islam, and whatever that may be… the example you’re giving is weak as dishwater, almost to the point of being facetious! I did look up the example and even Dublin Live couldn’t make a “thing” of it -

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Tbh jm the whole religion thing just doesn’t come up that often, and when it does, their interpretations of the word of God are as individual as your own, so to speak.

    I mean, if you’re going to make all sorts of assertions with the expectation that they should be taken seriously, I wonder what you’d make of the “unholy alliance” as it were between people representing Ahmaddiyya Muslims, Evangelicals and atheists in Ireland?

    I know, I know, “Ahmaddiya Muslims aren’t REAL Muslims”, but you have to admit, it doesn’t bode well for your idea that Muslims are compelled to do shìt. After all, all the Abrahimic religions are essentially singing from their own interpretations of the same hymn sheet, that they all say is the word of God.

    Turns out each sect or denomination doesn’t actually practice what they preach, but rather defer to what suits their purposes and reinterpret their beliefs around that idea. Neither Islam nor Sharia are unique in the respect that they are ideas which are easily reinterpreted and corrupted by people to support and promote their own ideas whenever it suits them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire


    @jmreire I understand what Islam is, and how it works, and how Sharia Law works and all the rest of it, but given for example in Tehran alone there are over 10,000 prostitutes. UnQuote.

    Having lived and worked in Iran myself, I can safely say that this is the very first time that I've heard of their being 10'000 prostitutes working in Teheran...But I can tell you that they have very active Religious Police department, with extremely harsh penalties. ( and this aside from the fact that they are a very conservative race of people, even without the current religious dictatorship. But what does happen there,is given the extremely hard life many endure, many will "Marry" in the evening, and divorce the following morning, which is all legal and above board, under Sharia Law....But this is a last option, taken by women who have no other choice, its that bad there. Maybe one of you friends happened to mention the penalty for Adultery Jack? Its Stoning, and Iran practices a brutal form of Islam. So 10'000 Prostitutes???? I doubt it very much.

    Quote :- I’d hope @jmreire wasn’t asking me the question as though he thought a couple of years spent in Islamic countries makes him an authority on the subject of Islam or Sharia Law.: UnQuote.

    I've never claimed to be an authority on Sharia Law, Dick. ( although at one time I shared an apartment with professor of Islamic Jurisprudence , and he did explain a few things to me, which made me a bit more understanding of the Religion) None the less, when your total knowledge of any subject comes from hearsay, versus from some one who has actual personal lived experience, the one with the personal experience will win hands down, every time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Ahmaddiya Muslims aren’t REAL Muslims

    If you say so. Also, they are below 0.1% of the muslims in Ireland (or in the world)

    After all, all the Abrahimic religions are essentially singing from their own interpretations of the same hymn sheet

    True, they are all bad. Also, some are worse than others, some were reformed by stories of a good carpenter that contrasted the ruthless god from the original sheet, some others were reformed by stories of a pedophile warmonger that claims that he is the last prophet...

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    But so what?

    what does it matter?

    you seem to think that the reason some Muslims would break our laws is more important than the reasons other non Muslims would break the law. why do you think it matters?

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    every post from you is just anti islam.

    you don't even seem to understand that 1.8billion Muslims in the world are not identical.

    How do you feel about other non Muslims living here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    When Mohammad died, the first Muslim war began between those who believed that blood lineage was the way forward ( Shia Islim, with Ali Hussein, nephew of Mohammad, who was murdered / Martyred) versus those who believe that the leadership had to come from the writing of the Quran ( The Hadiths / Sunnahs, etc ) called Sunni Islam. To this day, that war continues, And if that was not bad enough, down through the years, further factions emerged IE Wahabbism, which has given us the most extreme form of Islam, beloved by isis, taliban etc. So yes there are many varients, but all have one thing in common, and thats the Quran. Each sect believes it has the one and only correct word of God version if you like. And interpret it accordingly. So the Sunnis intrepret it their way ( Wahabbism is from the Sunni version, and if we have not experienced it personally, then the whole world has heard of it, and seen it on TV. IE:- isis burning red suited men alive in cages etc. You have the Saudi Sunni's V Iranian Shia fightimg a proxy war in Yemen. At the edges, you have the Muslim contingents, who like their Catholic / Christian brethren have a very relaxed if indeed any interest in Religion at all. But at the core of each version, you will find people with very hard line views. These are the ones who have no problem whatsoever putting on a suicide vest , entering a crowd of people and killing / maiming hundreds of people, or knifing or driving vehicles into a crowd of innocent people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    When ones total knowledge of anything comes from hearsay, the accounts of people’s experiences from their own perspective, also amounts to… well, hearsay!

    That’s why I don’t doubt you when you say it’s the first time you’ve heard of the idea of 10,000 prostitutes in Tehran, and I have no doubt you were well behaved while you lived there so you’d be unlikely to be aware of such shenanigans in a city with a population of 10m people, but the idea of 10,000 prostitutes is itself likely a conservative estimate, even given the punishment for that kind of behaviour.

    I was told alright about the whole three-day marriage thing, and to be fair to you I dismissed it initially because I thought they were winding me up. I thought “nah, only happens in Hollywood”. My friends too were a bit sketchy when I told them we used to do what were called “shotgun weddings” in Ireland, they thought that was an idea straight out of Hollywood, but purely because it peaked my curiosity, I did look up the whole idea they were talking about -

    You and your flatmate must have had a good giggle when the chief of police was caught with his pants around his ankles? 😂

    In 2008, General Reza Zarei, the Tehran police chief, was arrested in a brothel with six prostitutes. His arrest caused embarrassment for the government of President Ahmadinejad because Zarei was in charge of vice in Tehran. The prosecutor in the case remarked that Zarei exploited his office to profit materially from prostitution.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Iker

    I don't understand what the goal is here.

    Taking into account your expressed views, what would be an acceptable scenario for you?

    Genuine question.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    I'm generally anti 3rd world barbaric culture, especially against importin them into Europe. I don't discriminate islam, I oppose them all equally 😀

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    I don't have any goal other than honest debate.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    you seem to believe that all the billions of Muslims in the world come from 3rd world barbaric cultures?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Iker

    Entertainment then, is that all?

    Let me entertain you with some hard truths then.

    No government or power in the world can ever end the practice of any religion. It is simply impossible.

    It would lead to war and the disintegration of civilisation. Not because we need religion to organise ourselves, but because humans will never let go of it, regardless.

    The best you can hope for is to substitute it with another set of ideals (see communism) and doesn't work either for any length of time. We always revert to religion.

    You can't stop religion entering your geographical area, country, any more than you can stop ideas or people.

    So, it seems like a pretty futile waste of energy what you are doing IMHO. But I hope you are at least enjoying yourself.
