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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I'm not sure what you mean by do a Bubblypop?

    Ask for facts is it? Well excuse me for looking for facts 🙄

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Romanian gypsies?

    How do you know they are Romanian?

    Also, why wouldn't people protest against the Taliban? Seems like a very legitimate reason to protest?

    What is the problem with gardai exactly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Went away and had a think about this for a while and honestly it just brings up more questions than making a statement about anything.

    I gather that as a nationalist you believe it’s healthy for ALL nations to have their own strong identity and culture, but then you mention parts of Ireland and parts of the UK which are multicultural precisely because the people who are living in those areas maintain their own identities and cultures, but they are FAR from representative of either Ireland or the UK as a whole, countries in which people still have the freedom to maintain their own strong identities and cultures.

    This is not the case in countries like China or any of the Stans where people do not have the freedom to forge their own strong identities and cultures, China for example introducing all sorts of measures to force people to conform to their Governments ideas of Chinese National culture and identity. The Stans pretty much at the same sort of behaviour by their Governments and ruling factions who claim to be the legitimate Government of any country - it’s easy to enforce a nationalistic monoculture once you crush any and all dissent.

    So, as you’re claiming to be a nationalist, I gather it’s not the type of nationalism espoused by the leaders of the 1916 Rising which led to the Declaration of Independence and there was ne’er a mention of geographic territory, but rather ideas of an “Irish Nation” and “Irish People”? It can only be your own interpretation of nationalism I’m not familiar with. It sounds very much like the sort of ideas that were espoused by Fr. John Creagh agin’ the Jewish community in Limerick, though to be fair to you, you’re not nearly so specific in what you mean as he was -

    In 1904 Father John Creagh, a Redemptorist, gave a sermon attacking Jews. He repeated many antisemitic conspiracy theories, including that of ritual murder, and said that the Jews had come to Limerick "to fasten themselves on us like leeches and to draw our blood".

    Nope, as I think of it, even Sinn Féin don’t fit the political description of nationalism as they might once have done from their origins. The policies of its modern political leadership with regard to immigration and other social policies appear to consist of whatever they imagine will gain them some influence at local level, which would support your assertion that multiculturalism is indeed only likely to get worse, from your perspective, which I gather you see multiculturalism as having a negative influence on Irish society.

    I guess I just really want to give you the benefit of the doubt that your ideas of nationalism and multiculturalism do not align with the sort of ideas espoused by the National Party, but from taking your post within it’s entire context, it’s difficult to come to any other conclusion, in which case I think their lack of popularity is an indication that your views are out of sync with the Irish people and Ireland as a nation who do not see immigrants as a threat to the health of their strong national identity and their own interpretations of what they view as Irish culture.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I would much prefer 'illegal' immigrants in this country, who are working and looking after themselves, rather than thousands of people living here, off the state. No matter What their ethnicity, or nationality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,979 ✭✭✭Stovepipe

    their clothing and their language, that'd be a clue right there.......protesting against the Taliban from the safety of O'Connell Street is kind of pointless. Instead of having a moan here,why do the fighting age males not join their alleged brothers in the Panjshir valley and take up arms against the Talibs directly? Their main enthusiasm appears to centre on getting as far away from their homeland as possible instead of fixing far the Gardai,some appeared to be vigilant and keeping a general eye out,as you'd expect but a few appeared engrossed in their phones. Some of them did not inspire confidence.

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  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    What do you mean their clothing? and their language?

    And why would anyone who does not live in Afghanistan, go back there if they don't have to? Would you? Why wouldn't they protest to raise awareness? Would you, if the roles were reversed?

    And what is your issue with gardai? Should they not be allowed have a phone with them while they work? Why not?

    You do know there are state mobile phones? Do you know if the gardai were on their state mobile phones?

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Their main enthusiasm was to have the Irish Government not recognise the legitimacy of the Taliban in Government, and to appeal to the International community to intervene to stop the attacks in Panshir.

    What they appear to be advocating for is LESS killing, not more, which would go some way towards explaining why the fighting age males in Ireland aren’t too keen on the idea of more killings -

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Iker

    Thank you jm for understanding the nature of my post, I certainly mean well and will always try to do so. I respect your extensive experience of Muslim people and Islam and having read your argument I see now that you are also coming from a fair point of view. I would be tempted to agree with you in that Western culture (beyond Christianity even), doesn't appear to be at all compatible with Islam. But of course, this is where it gets complicated. We could go down the rabbit hole of history Christianity vs Islam. How both cultural movements at some point in history spread their wings by the sword and killed untold numbers of innocent people in the process. How the main man in Christianity Jesus was a carpenter who turned the other cheek and spoke love and forgiveness right up to the second they drove a spear through him. And how to Western eyes, Mohamed's life in contrast would make a great HBO series which would put Narcos to shame. But we are not going there. Because the point here is where we are now, 2021. And here in the West, as you know we have had the separation of church and State since the Middle Ages. No number of Muslim immigrants, no matter how determined, are going to turn any country in Europe into a theocracy or an Islamic republic or anything of the sort. To think that will ever happen is 100% folly. Same as sending hundreds of thousands of actual professional troops to Afghanistan to kill Taliban and Al-Qaeda non-stop for 20 years has ended with the Taliban back in power. As you surely know, they didn't lose because they couldn't beat the Taliban, they lost because the people themselves, hated them, fought them and many joined the Taliban or helped them. What makes you think that if Muslims ever tried anything on that scale in Europe, we would just take it laying down? They wouldn't succeed. The terrorists that have been planning and executing actual attacks all over Europe, did not succeed. Only succeeded in beefing up the security apparatus of every Western country and making life for other Muslims a lot harder. But (here is the biscuit) not so hard that we lost our freedoms ourselves. So, the point is not whether Islamic people can adapt to our culture. They don't have to. That's what life in a free and democratic society, where constitutional freedoms are respected, actually looks like. They just have to obey the law like everyone else. After that, they can dress, talk, eat and pray how they like. But neither can they do anything to change your culture. They will always have to respect it.

    I still think many of your points are the fear of what you've seen in their countries, happening here. But it won't. Because I tell you, in reality they are powerless to affect the sort of change you seem to think they can ever affect. Even if some do have some political/social agenda, they'll never become more than another subculture like so many others in existence in every Western country. So, there are some no-go areas? Yes, like there are no-go areas where members of other subcultures live. That is nothing new. And they are never so 'no-go' that the police can't come in and establish order when needed. Tell me how many have ever made it to PM or President. How many in the Senate? Even those that make it in politics like the Mayor of London, how many laws has he changed and replaced with Sharia? Just what exactly do you think they'll ever be able to do once within the framework of the Constitution? nothing!! See ironically the best way to make Islamic radicals happy, is to start passing draconian laws to curtail their freedoms, because the same freedoms are our freedoms. So, let's start deporting people without taking time to check facts, and tagging them and following them everywhere and not letting them work or travel or... then at some point, once that is in law, it will also apply to all of us. You'll wake up in Germany 1930's, congrats.

    I know it's not pretty, but what matters here is to enjoy life in peace in as much as possible for the fleeting time we are alive and stop worrying about the boogey man (or woman), whether it wears a turban, burka, a hoodie or speaks in a foreign tongue. Spreading fear of other cultures is just creating more noise in society, heating it up pointlessly and creating an annoyance to an otherwise already burdened people. Your grandchildren will be fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,515 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Iker, re Islam, some thoughts on your post:

    For a practising Muslim, everything he does is dictated to by the Quran and Sharia Law. The clothes he /she wears. What they can eat ( what is Halal / Haram) When he / she can eat or not ( Ramadan) How they think and act, kill the unbelievers / Peace and Love. As My Wahabbi friend taught me about the Quran / Sharia Law. IE;- Everything you will ever need or want you can find in the Quran.It is the complete answer and Life pathway for any man / woman. There is nothing it does not cover, because it comes directly from God and is his command. And this sums it up 100%. These were his ( my Friends ) very words. He later went on to prove his devotion to Islam in the ultimate way at the expense of innocent lives..and Muslim ones at that.

    So whenever and where ever a sizable Nr of Muslims will gather, the Quran and Sharia is what they will live by. They will take all of their problems / issues to the local Mosque, to get answers and decisions. So you will have many "Islamic Islands" in an EU sea ( for example ) And within these Islands, the Quran and Sharia Law will rule. But externally, they will also obey the Law of the Land, as along the lines of " When in Rome, do as the Romans do" indeed, the Quran instructions them to do this. But practicing Muslims first priority has always been and will always be to Islam.

    In a democracy, ( in theory anyway ) majority rules. With Islam possibly the fastest growing and spreading religious grouping in the world today, of course it will have an effect on demographics. Here in Ireland, we have been very fortunate not have experienced any of the Islamic attacks that other EU Countrys have. Not yet anyway, but who can guarantee that it will never happen? Even so, when you hear about Ali Selim saying that the schools must change their teaching to be more accomodating to Muslim belief, and sports, school meals etc must also change to be more in line with Islamic rules. Now that to me is Islamic change in action. And will the day come here in Ireland, as it already has in France ( + other EU Countrys) where an Irish Woman cannot go into a restaurant / cafe bar , as its men-only?

    Yes, we ( Christians ) had our dark ages, thats true, but that ended a long time ago. Islam has never changed, not since its foundation in the 6th century, and unfortunately, can never change. The return of Mohammad is predicated on submission of the whole world to Allahs will. IE Total conversion to Islam.

    Now you have pointed out some of the practical issues in preventing this ever happening, and I'm in agreement with you, but again this all hinges on a Muslims belief, so the practicalities will never deter him / them from following Mohammads commands.

    As a kind of "Draconian" reaction by adopting laws restricting Muslims, these laws are already been enacted by many Country's who see the spread of Islam as a distinct threat to their culture,,,Switzerland, ( for example ) banned the construction of any more Mosques. If you want to search, I'm sure you will find plenty more.This is what will hinder Islam, as more and more start to object to it, and politicians react to voters wishes. Will it be enough though? Remember it was dedicated Islam which defeated the greatest military power on the planet.

    Post edited by jmreire on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,979 ✭✭✭Stovepipe

    I'll spell it out. Recognisably dressed in traditional Roma clothing and speaking Romanian.......realistically, the Irish Govt can do the square root of sod all with regard to Afghanistan and especially the Panjshir. Why should the alleged "international community" give a **** about one valley in Afghanistan. Are they more deserving than any other Afghani? Are the followers of the late Ahmed Shah Massoud more deserving than anyone else? Personally,I think Afghanistan is not a place for Western soldiers, governments and our values and culture..........With regard to the Gardai,I have great respect for them (having one in the family) and they are perfectly entitled to use their phones BUT what I said was, that the general demeanour of SOME of them did not inspire confidence.

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  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    So, Roma gypsies. Can you speak Romanian?

    You do know Roma gypsies and Romanians are two different peoples? Some Roma may be Romanian, some may not.

    And I still don't understand what gardai being in their phones have to do with anything? What does that have to do with multiculturalism?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Why not recognize the regime? Ireland and most other countries do recognize regimes that came into power undemocratically and with violence e.g. Cuba so why not?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,515 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Where the Taliban are concerned, I'd be more in favour of a long delay in recognising them. Just look at the present list of "Fans", China, Russia and Pakistan. Not the kind of company we should be in any rush to join.Give the Taliban one or two years, and see how it looks then, but for the immediate future? Nope. !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,422 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    If Christianity is deceasing and Islam is increasing (in the West), how can anyone say there is nothing to be concerned about.

    We all know what Islamic countries are like in comparison to western countries. Which would you perter to live in? So if Islam is increasing in the West surely it's rational to think the West will become more like Islamic countries over time. Not overnight, but over time.

    So I don't buy this argument about unfounded 'fear'. Forget about Islamism, I'd be concerned about even 'peaceful' Islam. Do you want to live in a society where peaceful Islamic women wearing the full black burka is commonplace? I have no qualms is saying no I don't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    If people would recognise it for what it is that will mean to also admit they are islamophobes, and that cannot happen. We can have no go areas, bombings, beheadings, towns that don't look European anymore, but not THAt. We can't have that, we need to protect their feelings at all costs, including human lives.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

     "No number of Muslim immigrants, no matter how determined, are going to turn any country in Europe into a theocracy or an Islamic republic or anything of the sort. To think that will ever happen is 100% folly. "

    Absolutely wrong, we have evidence of little mecca with sharia law patrols in areas in Europe and the UK right now. And are you really saying we could dump ANY number of muslims in Europe tomorrow and if we made ourselves the minority that we wouldnt turn into a hell hole

    pull the other one

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    I'll never cease to be surprised by the fact that so many left leaning individuals are defending a far right ideology just because it happens to be imported from outside the western world, and also by their failure to realize its danger of undoing decades of social progress. Well, I suppose western civilization need to be brought down by something at some point.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    So, not only are you scared of extreme Islam, you're also scared of peaceful islam?

    It amazes me how some posters can bare to leave their homes, they are in such a constant state of fear 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Yes, because islam is the religion of peace, the islamic extremists are extremely peaceful, or something like that.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I would suggest extremists in any walk of life are not particularly peaceful.

    Usual anti islam from you....

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  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    How do you think towns wouldn't look European?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    If you're cherry picking that hoping I was about the skin colour, well, just call me racist and be done with it.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I wouldn't expect you to say anything about skin colour because Muslim people are all colours. I'm just wondering what catastrophe you are expecting to happen and how would it change what European cities look like?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Well I'd say New York definitely looks different

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Does it?

    Or are you just making a joke of thousands of people dying?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    So what? A little joke never killed anyone. Oh, wait...

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Iker

    I'm not going to argue with your fear mongering. This below is common to Republics throughout Europe. Check out 2-2. One more time, church and State are separate. Even if there was one Irish person left in a sea of Muslims, a desperately ludicrous scenario of course, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference. No way around this. No Sharia, ever. Not here. Know your own country's laws before getting so afraid.


    ARTICLE 44

    1 The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence and shall respect and honour religion.

    2     1° Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.

    2° The State guarantees not to endow any religion.

    Take the Catholic Church. We can all agree it had tremendous power and influence in this country. Yet, they can't force me to go to mass, or be celibate while unmarried, or anything to do with their doctrine. In fact, things like abortion, the running of the educational system and hospitals, etc.. this is all either already gone from them or getting away. And this is right across Europe, while still masses of people 'identify' as Catholic!. So now you are saying we have gone to all that trouble to assert our freedoms and secularise society, only to bow down to a non-native, far Eastern, alien religious practice which requires even more draconian changes to society than the ones we've forcefully and legally rejected?

    Please, please, please, calm down. Grand to waste your energies hating whoever you like (so far as you don't get too carried away and break the law), but please don't try to justify plain, old fashioned, ignorant hatred and fear mongering of the foreign with some sort of boogey man story a toddler can see through.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Iker

    Well, if as you correctly highlight, some countries in Europe are already reacting to the current numbers of Islamic people and passing laws to curtail their cultural practices; then, isn't this a clear indication that Islam is not going anywhere as a dominating force in Europe? I mean, is a common theme in every European country these days. They can't form political parties. They can't ever hope for Sharia laws to supersede National /Constitutional laws and freedoms. Then why the fear? Yes, Muslims are very devout to their beliefs, but so are some Christians. See the Jehovah's witnesses for instance. They do everything in their lives according to the Bible. They don't eat blood products. They don't associate with people outside their churches. And yet you wouldn't know one if it passed you in the street. Check out the Mormons and other "Christian" sects with their hushed polygamic practices. They still pay taxes. Work. Go to jail if they commit a criminal act. Sure, they can preach death and destruction and Armageddon all they like and condemn other people's way of life all they like, and not associate with non-believers all they like. But at the end of the day, they must submit to the law like everyone else. Muslims are in the same boat. For example, we see Muslim women walking around wearing hijabs and burkas. Definitely a sensitive issue for many locals. Do you think they do this under coercion? No! they do it because they want to. If e.g. a Muslim man uses violence or the threat of violence to force a woman to dress in any way, this is criminally punishable under domestic violence legislation. It is not in their countries of origin, but it is here. So again, why the fear? Are we not falling now into the category of people that is just fastidious and annoyed at anyone that is simply different to us? is that right and proper? is that who we (the presumably higher culture and intellect) should aspire to be? just 'nosey neighbours' then, ever pointing fingers like children at school at the new kid?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    Yes, because if there were more Muslims than Irish they definetely wouldn't scrap/change the constitution. All they need is the numbers. Why are most Subway takeaways halal nowadays? Do you think Head Office just decided, "we should make the animals we kill suffer even more than they need to?" or do you think it was pressure from Muslims?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Iker

    And after this magical overturning of the population has taken place (how is that exactly going to happen by the way?), the EU would of course just stand by and let a Member State just scrap democratic rule of law and become an Islamic state of course. Most naturally. Yes, I'm sure the entire Western world would just grab the popcorn and watch it happen.
