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FF/FG/Green Government - Part 3 - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,656 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    You have to love the internet.

    To summarise:

    Some loons protest outside the private residence of Leo Varadkar calling him a pedophile and other homophobic slurs (note not one of the usual crew posted about it in the dedicated Leo thread of 'hate of the day', but there you go. I am sure when the government jet leaves for the UK someone will post some falsehoods about him ;))

    The debate then turns into navel-gazing that it's really the fault of FG that this happened (with no evidence by the way).

    The DUP is used as an example (the DUP far-right?) as if FG has some sympotic relationship with them (even though SF are in government with them)

    TLDR: Loons protesting the fault Leo Varadkars house.... is really the fault of Leo Varadkar as he is the leader of FG. Let me know where I am wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,365 ✭✭✭✭McMurphy

    TLDR: Loons protesting the fault Leo Varadkars house.... is really the fault of Leo Varadkar as he is the leader of FG. Let me know where I am wrong

    Ok, no problem, pretty much your whole post is wrong..

    Firstly this part.

    Some loons protest outside the private residence of Leo Varadkar calling him a pedophile and other homophobic slurs (note not one of the usual crew posted about it in the dedicated Leo thread of 'hate of the day', but there you go. I am sure when the government jet leaves for the UK someone will post some falsehoods about him ;))

    The debate then turns into navel-gazing that it's really the fault of FG that this happened (with no evidence by the way).

    Re the Leo thread, well done on proving my point. The lack of any of you guys posting about it says it all. No-one (certainly not I ) is "blaming FG" or Leo for that disgrace that went on, I'm pointing out that the fact MLMD was straight out condemning it in no uncertain terms, has taken the wind out of the sails, and left you seriously short of ammo and faux concern.

    FG have had various love ins with the DUP, there's countless examples of them both adopting the same stance on things, usually when it can be an attempt to get one over on the shinners, you yourself have as recently as yesterday adopted the same stance as the DUP re the Higgins refusal to be allowed to be used as a pawn in their never ending quest at getting one up on them nasty nationalist folk. It's here on this very forum.

    So here's my own "TLDR".

    What happened outside Leo's home was a thundering disgrace, and I am observing that Leo's crew are fairly silent on it on this forum, whereas they've an established history of going off on faux crusades to castigate folk with spurious homophobic accusations. Theres no political capital to be made here though the fact that "de left" weren't involved, rather it was the far right loons. You might even say I was more vocal at calling out what went on outside Leo's home than many of his usual loyal defenders.

    The evidence to back up my take on this is all over this forum FFS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,376 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    M Martin seems to be bristling when asked about Zappone in NYC. It's following the government around like a bad smell.

    He does not want to meet her. The leak investigation must be going well so 😋

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,959 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    I think the biggest problem with your analysis is that you assume that there is such a thing as "Leo's crew". It certainly exposes a way of thinking about debate on these fora.

    You also seem to expect others then to comment on things just because you want them to, and if they are spending the weekend with the family, or kicking a ball, suddenly their absence in real life means something on this anonymous forum. I just don't understand this mentality.

    Your linkage of FG to far right loons smacks as a desperate attempt to play down the homophobic abuse and indulge yourself in a blame the victim approach, which I think comes from a particular obsession with the particular victim in this case. All rather sad, that you couldn't just condemn the abuse. It was particularly nauseating the way your posts introduced the victim-blaming aspect.

    Let us be clear, the homophobic abuse of Varadkar outside his home was completely wrong, the fact that some of those retweeting it had Ivory Coast flags on their Twitter handle doesn't automatically make them supporters of SF and whatever tenuous links in your head that FG have with the DUP (in real life, there are none) had absolutely zero to do with the homophobic abuse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,365 ✭✭✭✭McMurphy

    Let us be clear, the homophobic abuse of Varadkar outside his home was completely wrong, the fact that some of those retweeting it had Ivory Coast flags on their Twitter handle doesn't automatically make them supporters of SF and whatever tenuous links in your head that FG have with the DUP (in real life, there are none) had absolutely zero to do with the homophobic abuse.

    Another epic haymaker.

    Maybe they were bot accounts of Leo's?

    However, Twitter users were quick to point out that Leo used an Ivory Coast flag in place of the tricolour. In his next tweet, the Irish flag was used correctly, but an American football icon was used instead of a rugby ball.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,495 ✭✭✭✭mariaalice

    This is not a pop at anyone, it's an important point to do with social media, has anyone anything to say about government or opposition policy?

    The thread is full of triumphalism, gossip, vulgar nicknames, borderline bullying, mild conspiracy theories, posters projecting their own issues onto a political party or an individual politician.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,461 ✭✭✭Bubbaclaus

    I've pointed this out many times on here. There's very little interest in discussing actually policy in this forum, anytime I try to bring something up as a topic it is typically met with a 'smart' remark in response. I've given up on that for the most part (although sometimes I get forgetful and try again, only to be reminded why I stopped).

    I would imagine it's why these threads have become the same few people arguing back and forth, where most of it is just digs between posters and nothing to do with the actual thread topic. People wanting a genuine discussion just can't be bothered to deal with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    You end your comments by engaging in what you accuse others of at the start of your comments. Superb circular wordage.

    The overly religious, antisemetic and homophobic have more support on the right. Today we call it far right, but not so long ago it would have been the norm in the state and FG and FF would have been in the thick of it. So I wouldn't be lifting up the 'blame Sinn Fein' rock if I were you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    Brilliant, just brilliant.

    His handlers must be sweating buckets anytime he picks up his mobile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,959 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    I have commented before on these boards about the attraction of the Horseshoe Theory to describing Irish politics. Those on the far left (SF, PBP) have much more in common with those on the far right (Aontu, National Party) than either group do with the centre (FF, FG, Greens, Labour, SDs).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    The problem is if you comment on government policy in a negative manner even citing articles to back up your opinion, others will come in and make it about SF and in some extreme cases go on to talk about the IRA. TBF, we see that at the highest levels too.

    In this instance there were the protests outside Varadkar's house where animals shouting ignorant slurs. We all roundly condemned it. Then some tried to make it about SF and around we go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    So you accept you accused the poster in your opening of what you engaged in in your closing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,959 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Say what? Are we discussion different political theories and relevance to Irish politics, or are you just having a go at a poster to try and defend another poster?

    Let's be clear, there was an attempt made to turn the homophobic attack on Leo's house into a fake narrative of FG links with the far right, in order to detract from the seriousness of the homophobic attack, which has been shown for what it was. There was also an attempt to flame the debate by referring to a group of posters on here as "Leo's crew". Both of those are far far distant from a comment by me on a much wider phenonemon on broader social media of Irish (and Ivory Coast) flags in Twitter and other handles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    I'm commenting on your comments where you accused a poster of trying to twist it to blame FG, you then went on to twist it to blame SF. In the same post no less.

    The conversation was on what type of people would engage in such scurrilous activity. The left and SF were raised and it was pointed out traditionally in Ireland it was the right and religious right had issue with gay people, the poor and single mothers.

    Is the Ivory Coast flag use a dig at Varadkar? While he was outspoken against gays having the same rights as everyone else, he hardly protested himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,365 ✭✭✭✭McMurphy

    No - yet again you are misreading posts. There was no inference from me that FG "links with the far right" had somehow attracted the horrible scenes outside Leo's home - I suspect you are purposely trying to paint a completely untrue scene here.

    What I said was there was a distinct lack of posts here from the usual cohort complaining about what went on outside his home, and I suspect it's because MLMD outright condemned it almost immediately (so no political capital to be made) and also because it was far right loons responsible.


    Didn't you open a thread about your man Holohan having a "homophobic attack" on Leo. Where's your thread about this?

    Evidence of FG links with the Far right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,495 ✭✭✭✭mariaalice

    It's actually gone peculiar at this stage I can't make head nor tail of it, it would be disturbing if some of the posters of whatever shade were actual political advisers or in any way connected to any TD or party.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    You and I were speaking on housing the other day. I posted articles for you which you didn't seem to read or misread. I clarified for you and you never responded. Such is the internet. I can't speak for everyone on here, but posting comments isn't a job. We are free to come and go.

    I would suggest many politicians are in dire need of advisers to help stem the tide of gaffes, but they already have a lot of advisers, I'm just not sure what good they do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,959 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    So now I have to open a thread on every homophobic incident, no matter whether I am in the pub having a few pints or spending an afternoon with my family. If I don't, inferences will be drawn by every second conspiracy theorist that I don 't complain.

    You are the one who keeps spinning a fake narrative about FG links with the far right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    To be far, historically and in recent history FG have more in common with the right and far right. I think trying to link those protesting Varadkar to the left started all this. We can all agree they were wrong.

    The religious extremists and others who thought gay people, single mothers and the poor were wrong and should be punished in some form were supported and covered for for generations by the state. We are bound to have some who still think that kind of behaviour was correct.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    I wouldn't be surprised to find that some of the posters on here are affiliated or connected in some way to a party or TD.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,495 ✭✭✭✭mariaalice

    It's so extreme though, it's either party X is God and is going to both fix everything and simultaneously give party Y a triumphalist bringing down( that is the slight bulling bit). A number of posters have no interest in policy but have an enormous interest in bringing Leo and Simon down in some way.

    I don't count newspaper articles quoting economists as evidence of anything because economists are as subject to bias as anyone else.

    As I said I do think they are fraying around the edges and maybe they're too long there but it's the opinion of the electorate that counts not mine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,656 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    The lack of any of you guys posting about it says it all

     Leo's crew are fairly silent on it on this forum

    Ah right, so because nobody mentioned it in the Leo thread, therefore we are sympathetic homophobes or have an affinity for the far-right

    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant carry on there.

    I hear there is a government jet about to take off, you best get on Twitter to see who is on it.

    Note: I actually did post about that incident outside Leo's house by the way, in another thread, but unlike others, I don't like to spam multiple threads with the same regurgitated stuff. Sorry to disappoint on your 'theory'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,656 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    It's par of the course.

    Discuss some topic of the day, the automatic rebuttal is to dig up a Tweet from 4 years ago as some "haha gotcha'

    It's playground bullying nonsense, that grown-ups are getting involved in. The idea to some that there is a "Leo crew" that is on patrol at all times strikes me as nuts but there you go. Some people need to have an enemy to fight against.

    And to note, there is NEVER EVER any policy discussion. It's all, 'Oh Leo picked his nose' or 'Michael Martin sounds angry on the radio' or 'Oh look someone tweeted something, lets all laugh at it...lolz'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    Note: You mentioned it in the SF thread trying to link the protesters to SF. That's agenda driven and using the incident for your own political purposes IMO.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,656 ✭✭✭✭markodaly


    I find myself more and more getting engaged in these futile food fights.

    The old sayings are true.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    I find people criticise government based on policy, when Varadkar and Coveney aren't engaging in well publicised crony and lying behaviours. Can you find any discussions that don't stem from that? The only one I've seen recently is people using the animals who protested Varadkar to try score political points against the left/SF.

    It was actually housing experts using factual statistics and looking at the same model used in London, but as I say, it seems you never read it. So much for people not wanting to discuss policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,656 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    No, you are mistaken.

    I posted in this thread and explicitly stated that there were rumours that some may have been SF members/activists and if they were would NOT have been there under the guidance of the party. I also gave credit to MLMD for her statement on the incident.

    I also brought the fact that at the moment, the anger and outrage that is fostered by SF is working for them at the moment but will come back to bite them later on.

    Anyway, my core point was that I did post about it in another thread, so McMurphy is mistaken.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,656 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    Have you been reading this thread?

    Some have been trying to make it about FG, the DUP, Leo himself, the imagined 'Leo Crew' of, among others

    Or don't you want to acknowledge that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    You aren't disputing my comment. You raised Varadkar being protested in the SF thread and tried to link SF to the protesters. Saying you read it in comments on the internet is just you citing your sources, you still used it to have a go at Sf.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    Nope. Some like yourself tried to blame the left/SF with zero evidence. Some of us responded saying that type of behaviour is more up the right wing alley which FG would actually be closer to. You can't open a can of worms and then have issue with were they wriggle.
