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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    I can empathize with you AMK, use the time to get fitter and stronger.

    You're in good shape and it’ll come good


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Theres a route I used to take a lot while training for DCM and it involved running from Mile 2-7 of the DCM route - the piece up through Stonybatter is lovely - dont know why, with all the cars, people and the CLIMB - but I love it. So I through this into the route for Monday.

    It really gives me a grá for DCM training when I do this and makes me want to sign up in 2022 (will probably be the most oversubscribed DCM ever!).

    Anyway - legs felt really good today :)

    8m / 8min miles.

    Tuesday: Session - 20WU / 10min T / 5x1min at 5k/ 10min T/ 5x1min at 5k/10min T / 20 CD

    When I seen this workout on the schedule I couldn't wait to do it. I really love this type of multi paced workouts with longer intervals.

    As it was a dry day, I wore the Endorphin Speeds - they could do with a bit more rubber on their sole, then they'd be nearly a perfect shoe!

    20mins included Strides - down to CK gate and I set off.

    1st 10 min segment was at 5.59 - around the North road - finished just past the Aras.

    3min jog to Furze road for the next piece - the 5x1min on/off went fine - they ranged from 5.24-5.29 with very slow recoveries.

    3min recovery to Chesterfield and then the tempo went up Chesterfield and around the North Road - ave 5.58. Same pattern for the recovery to the Furze.

    The set of 5x1min ranged from 5.23 to 5.34 - 3 min recovery to the Ambassadors residence in the PP.

    Final 10min segment up Chesterfield, turn left at OS road and finish right by Knockmaroon gate. I wanted to stop about 3 mins from the end - but didn't - demons are good in training when you can push them away.

    Final 10min segment was 5.58.

    A nice and contented 2+mile jog home. Happy head on me.

    13.1 miles total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Wednesday: Rest day

    Thursday: 8x8sec hill sprints (2.30 Rec).

    Kept this local as I've a nice hill for this sort of stuff quite near me - Strava tells me its a 6-7% gradient.

    4 miles easy then pumped out the 8x8's.

    Friday: Easy miles today after lunch - as it was wet out I wanted to try the grip on the Adidas Solar boost that were in my attic - I have a box for runners that I retire early, but just might unretire :) )

    I had been thinking about doing some sessions in 'normal' runners - not the supershoes we have now - so checked Strava and seen I had done many sessions in these shoes - both speed and longer MP stuff.

    Holy Jaysus. I think I've gone soft in the legs or something. Not too sure I'd survive many sessions in those shoes - I firmly believe its the foam that makes the difference, not the carbon plate.

    At least I didn't slip.

    7m at 8.23 pace.

    Saturday: Session - 2m WU/ 12m at 6.40 down to 6.30 / 2 CD

    So - slightly apprehensive about this one given I managed 8m at that pace last week with no pick up at the end. However - the headspace was different this time.

    Making the choice that I wasn't going to do loops and just run a route was a big difference - didn't matter if there were hills - I can just run at effort. Simple things.

    Our Brain is our biggest 'holder backer' at times!!

    Anyway - 2m warm up - both under 8 min mile, so I knew it was going to be a good day. It was dry and I was wearing the Endorphin Pro 2 - some strides and set off.

    1st few miles was down North Road, around by the zoo and up Military hill - navigated these quite well - bit quick, but downhill (6.30/6.40/6.32/6.34)

    Went up Military hill and onto the S Bends (6.40/6.36) - onto the Upper Glen Road - this was encouraging as the climb was beginning to bite, and for a while the pace was in the 6.50's-7's but once I got onto the flat - it came back down and the mile came in at 6.40 - bang on target. I was wondering if I'd be able to hold 6.30 pace for the next part.

    Along the Furze and onto Chesterfield to CK Gate - picking it up as I went - (6.36 / 6.29)down the north road/C'Field (6.28/6.23), with a nice downhill finish by the Magazine fort (6.19).

    Very happy with this run - was in control most of the way - was tiring by the pick up - but that's the point I guess.

    2m cool down

    16m total (Total ave 6.56 pace / 12m Tempo in 6.32)

    Sunday: Nice n easy few miles - the HRM is chaffing my chest, so will lay off it for a while.


    58 miles for the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 20th: nice and easy few miles down in the PP - mainly on the trails - some lightish strides to help the legs along the way. Stomach not in a great place but was fine on the run. Not much sleep on Mon night due to stomach issues.

    Tuesday 21st: After a great nights sleep I woke up a new man - legs and stomach felt great.

    The session today was 15x2mins on/off - looking back I seen that I had done these in and around 5.30 pace previously - so had that in mind (range 5.25-5.35). The effort was to be 5k effort - so I also kept that in mind (btw I've never ran a 5k at 5.30 pace :) )

    20 mins WU with some strides and set off.

    Most of them - bar 3 were around the North Road/C'Field loop - the reps into the wind were tough enough.

    By the 4th rep - I could feel my glutes popping - I was toying with the idea of only doing 10 reps - then made it 12 reps - then decided to do the last 3-4 on the Furze with the last one up Chesterfield.

    A very tough workout - you are really questioning yourself and working hard - reps when you nail the pace from the first 30 secs are the best ones as opposed to running 5.10 pace for the 1st 30-40 secs.

    20 mins cool down.

    When I got home, the body turned into bad shape later on - stomach was at me (nothing to do with my previous illness - just something I ate on Sunday) and I got a chill.

    Went to bed early and felt much better on Wednesday morning - no other issues since.

    12.4 miles total

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    That 15x2min session at 5k effort always blows me away...I've had a lot of 5k (and faster) sessions over the past few months and to he honest they are mentally tough. Fair play. That's 30mins of 5k effort....yikes.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    30 mins @5k effort 🤢🤮 not for me thanks...🤣

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday 23: 8x8sec hills - 8.1 miles total.

    Friday 24th: 7 miles total - 8.36 pace - felt ok.

    Sat 25th - session - 40 mins at 6.15 pace.

    Legs didn't have it today at all - 1200 meters in to the rep I stopped, that's not happened before. Got going again - but stopped wthin 2 miles. Got going again - stopped again.

    Ah Here - WTF is going on. Why is there always f'ing drama with these - nearly threw my toys out of the pram along with the baby & the bathwater.

    Giving up running, running for fun, running for less ambitious targets, giving up running, giving up running, run less etc etc - all going around my stupid noggin'

    15.4 miles total at 7.29 pace - (thats not bad is it!)

    Sunday: Monday is a hospital appt - so Sunday was a prep day - no eating at all. So decided not to run - it would have been stupid.

    I had to take this concoction to clear my stomach/bowels - starting at 3pm.

    Started working at 4.30pm just as the Spurs v Arsenal match was on - No matter where I looked, all I could see was $h!te.

    Pretty weak by the end of it.

    Monday: Endoscopy & Colonoscopy - reminded me of being in San Seb with TBL.

    Very efficient in the Hermitage - in at 7.30am - home by 11:30am.

    2 polyps removed and sent for testing / Numerous diverticulae / Multiple ulcers / a Hiatus hernia / bad bacteria in the gut / medication for 12 weeks / further endoscopys needed - but apart from that I'm grand.

    Tuesday: 8m - legs felt great with the 2 days off. mostly on grass - 8m @ 8.12 pace.

    Wednesday: Session: 20 WU/ 15 min Tempo / 5x2min on-off / 15min tempo / 20 CD

    1st 15min Tempo was around the North road/C'field loop: 5.58 pace - felt very strong.

    5x2 mins - up & down Chesterfield: ave 5.33 - tough into the breeze.

    2nd 15min Tempo - Down the North Road, mainly to avoid the wind - pace was 5.57. Hd hoped for slightly faster given the downhill nature of it - but cant complain given what went before.

    I really like these sessions.

    Total was 13 miles

    Thursday: A proper recovery run - 6.2 miles / 8.40 pace - trying to avoid the hills. Nice. (mad day/week/month/year in work mind you.........)

    At some point in the week I crossed over 2000 miles - also finished Sept with 234 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Bet you didn’t offer to buy the consultant the Vaseline though…🤣


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Jeepers. Mind yourself. I’ve taken the ‘concoction’ myself. Very, eh, explosive!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday 1st Oct: 8x8sec hills.

    Parked at Whites Gate and ran to St Mary's hospital - 8x8sec hills with 2.30 recovery.

    8.7m total

    Saturday 2nd: 7m / 8.20 pace.

    One of the things about having a'blog' or an 'online running diary' is that I feel I need to be 100% transparent in my training (to the point of oversharing sometimes).

    I'll cut an extremely long story very short: Due to my own 'workout anxieties' - I've become self coached again.

    Its extremely important to me that everyone reading this knows that this is a 'me' issue.

    I would love to stay with Stazza - he is a super coach (as his recent results show with a lot of PB's on days when a lot of people struggled) and despite his Boards shenanigans (a lifetime ago) is one of the nicest and funniest people I've had the pleasure to meet. He is also a person with 100% integrity as his athletes know only too well recently.

    I've no doubt my decision to step away will result in me NOT running to my potential - but I'm comfortable with that given the issues I've faced - which are also tough to admit to myself as I come across as an extroverted person at times - I'm quite unsure what I am - but there you go. (maybe I listen to Scullion too much :) )

    So - John was absolutely brilliant with my decision and did not try to push on me in any way - offering me future advice and consultation should I need it - A Thoroughly decent man - I would 100% recommend him as a coach to everyone who reads this.

    Sunday: 3rd

    As it was a windy day out there - I said I'd try to do as much of a tempo as I could without going into the breeze - and then do a broken tempo.

    After a 2 mile warm up where I met an old running buddy (ran a mile with him and it was the best mile I've ran in many many months) - I started off from CK Gate and ran down to the Triangle by the HITW and then down C'Field - turning back to Garda HQ and down by the Monument - onto Chapelizod road to Parkgate street and finishing just before Stoney Batter - 5 mile tempo in just over 31 mins. Quite happy with that.

    I then ran a mile up Stoneybatter back into the PP - and started off with the 3x1m at Garda HQ - going up the North Road.

    Done the 2nd rep up Chesterfield and the 3rd rep back down the North Road - I was tempted to do a 4th rep (downhill), but said I'd not push it.

    5m Tempo: 6.18 / 6.15 / 6.11 / 6.20 / 6.15

    3x1m (2 mins): 6.17 / 6.19 / 5.57 - the effort level for the 1st 2 miles was strong - but the wind & uphill nature help it back.

    3m CD home - for 14.5 miles (with 8m of effort.)

    Very happy with this run - quite happy with how I broke up the tempo - I was very aware not to have more that 1mile recovery between the 5mT and the 3x1mT - I was also aware that at the pace I was running the 3x1m at - that 2mins was the absolute max recovery I would get away with.

    Happy this evening with that run.

    Not 100% sure If I'll take a total break from 'Running Social Media' or if I'll keep updating here to record my thoughts as they happen.

    Best of luck to all those running Marathons next weekend.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Best of luck on the self coaching journey A. I get the desire to step away from running social media (or all social media in general). From a selfish perspective I hope you don't step away from logging. I can hardly talk as I abandoned my log ages ago but personally I get an awful lot out of this log and your training in general. I think me and you are similar style runners, enjoy the same types of sessions, hate the same types of sessions, running at a similar level for the shorter stuff and you'd certainly be my reference point for when I transition to the marathon. I've also stolen several of your sessions lately while I go through my own self coaching journey while things settle with the new baby. So in summary, please don't go but totally understand if you take a break...I've done the same in the past and it did help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    What do you mean by 'workout anxieties', A? Just curious.

    It struck me the other day before the HM - I had that unpleasant pre-race nerves feeling, which is part anticipation, part anxiety, part fear, part adrenaline - that a lot of people never put themselves through those 'squeaky bum' moments, preferring (and fair play and good luck to them, we're all still runners) to stay in the comfort zone or just go out and enjoy themselves. But yet many of us put ourselves through that unpleasantness, and out the other side to post-race euphoria (if it went well) or alternatively, but rarely, despair.

    Workouts can feel that way too, although personally with less at stake if it goes wrong - because no one watches my workouts too closely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Not a dialogue I wanted to have - but sure, lets do it and open the can.

    Its not the same sort of thing as pre-race nerves - that's part and parcel of racing.

    This is something I've noted with all coaches I've had - MSB/Luke/Wilsons/Stazza. Its very difficult to put into words or have a dialogue about as I dont think I have the language for it.

    The best example I can give is that there are a number of workouts that I can do if I set them, I can do them without issue 10/10 times.

    If that same workout is set by a coach, I feel an added pressure prior to the workout and a self doubt during the workout - invariably the workout goes wrong because my normal positive mindset isn't there.

    Workout goes wrong - I spent time beating myself up, both because the workout went bad, but also because I know I should be able to do the workout and only 'failed' not because of my legs or lungs, but because of the grey space between my ears.

    I then that that thought process into the following weeks workout - a vicious circle.

    It doesn't happen all the time - but if it happens 2-3 times in the period of a few months - then its stuck in the memory bank.

    Typically I'm a very very optimistic and positive person - so I don't deal with the above too well.

    Being self coached - that 'pressure' (thats not the correct word - but for want of a better word) doesn't exist - if a workout is not going well - I change it on the fly into a similar workout, I turn it into a positive, finish the workout feeling good and look forwards to the following week.

    There I go again...........over sharing.

    Many thanks for the texts & PM's - certainly feeling the love - alls well here - still training away - I'll update the log later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    And if you don't update the log then just PM me your sessions please and thanks 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    I wouldn’t call it oversharing. You’re just reflecting and giving an honest and detailed answer. And an interesting one. I wasn’t trying to equate the issue with pre-race nerves - that was an awkward comparison. Just trying to channel a feeling of running-related anxiety in a way that I understand as I genuinely never feel that way about workouts, even the really big ones. Quite the opposite.

    I’ve never had an official coach myself so I haven’t had the experience you describe. I did ask a couple of former boardsies to coach me for the recent 5k TT attempt though, and while it's probably not the same kind of relationship as with a long-term coach, it was interesting to be given different kinds of sessions than I would have prescribed myself, or borrowed from the usual sources. I can't say I felt any additional pressure to "do well" on them however. I've never really cared if a session went badly, as long as it's a learning experience.

    It's an interesting discussion to have. You say it's not a dialogue you want to have, but you brought it up. 😁

    I hope you do continue to update regardless, as plenty here like to read your stuff, but it's totally understandable also to feel like taking a break.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Apologies for jumping in but here's the way I see it. Running is in a sense the pursuit of self improvement, self care and personal achievement. It's an entirely selfish pursuit and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that (within reason) because it enhances people's lives so much, you can see that on the logs here. There's no need to go into the positives, the list is endless.What it shouldn't do is evoke feelings of doubt, self flagellation and anxiety pre race or workout but we all know it sometimes does and the problem is when people do nothing about it and end up walking away. In that sense, I think you made a good call and you did it admirably without blaming anyone and parting ways amicably with your coach. All we want from this sport is a sense of achievement and enjoyment while we have the privilege of being able to do it. There's no time to waste in life so if something's not working, if it's not enjoyable anymore, you make a change and that's exactly what you did so fair play to you and I hope it works out. Nice to read your thoughts on things and I know it's quite personal so thanks for sharing. By the sounds of it you know exactly what you need to do to progress. By now, you know your body and how you react to training more than anyone so go and enjoy it and get the best out of yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Right so - moving on with relentless positivity............

    Monday: 7 miles recovery - about 8.20 pace

    Tuesday: Wasn't sure what state the legs would be in today, so set off thinking I'd do a session if the WU felt ok - legs still felt a bit tired, so moved it to Wednesday - Tuesday is obviously too close to Sunday!

    Done a lap of the PP - legs felt ok - but not ok enough for a session.

    7.5m / 7.55 pace.

    Wednesday: Session

    The planned session was WU/ 4x1m progressive / 5 min R / 3 mile Steadyish on the lumpy side of the park.

    Actual was 3x1m / 5x30 sec hill sprints / 10+6 mins steadyish on lumpy side of the park.

    Ran from the house to the PP - started from CK gate and down North Road to avoid the wind.

    Mile 1 was 5.58 pace - 2 mins recovery

    Mile 2 was 5.53 - 2 mins recovery -

    Mile 3 was 5.46 - probably too quick as I knew I wasn't doing a 4th rep faster than that.

    Decided to do 5x30sec hills in lieu of the 4th rep - enjoyed these - about mile pace or slightly faster.

    Took a 2-3 min walk break and then started on the Steady part - the idea here was that with the wind and the hills, the pace would be the pace - once the effort felt steadyish.

    The 10 min section was about 6.30's and that brought me up Military - s Bends and down to St Marys.

    The 6 min section was up the UGR and into the Glen, going out the other side. Nicely B0ll!xed by the end of this.

    2.5m home

    12m total for the session with a good volume at a decent effort and pace.

    Interestingly, I wore the old Pegs 37's for this workout - they are as useless as the Endorphins in the wet. But it felt great to do a workout in a 'normal' pair of shoes.

    That being said - I've a Nike Bday discount this month (no - not a new age category just yet) - so might treat myself to the Next % Tempo's. (I need a shoe with good traction in the wet for longer MP sessions).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    As someone who took a break from Strava for a while. I think it is a good thing to do at certain times. Especially if things aren't just right. I also used to get anxious about sessions. Where I'd put myself under pressure to preform a certain way like hitting prescribed paces and if my body didn't respond I'd feel shiťe about it. It doesn't seem to happen anymore probably because I'm running solo and secondly I know I've to be patient to get back to where I once was.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Out of interest do you not fancy the fuelcell TC for long tempo sessions (in the wet)

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 thechigger

    Ah here, who doesn't have at least 7 accounts per website lmao

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I do indeed - I really like that shoe, its a very versatile shoe - just looking to see if I could talk myself into the tempos but I cant use the B'Day discount on them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Rest day

    Friday: 8.4 miles at 7.57 pace - Down to the park, out to the canal and back home. Nice run - good legs today

    Saturday: Down to the Park, legs feeling a bit meh mainly due to me setting a Covid PB for Pints drank.

    6x20sec strides certainly helped the legs - and back home.

    7.5m total.

    Sunday: Session - WU/ 6m Steadish / 4m faster / CD

    Legs in a good place on Sunday, despite sat night having to wait for 90 mins in the dark in Blanch shopping center as my wifes car (been driven by my daughter) - the battery died and the back window smashed (apparently a voltage surge) - ended up having an Eddie Rockets Burger & chips in the car, in the dark, waiting for the breakdown guys to come.

    1st 2 miles of the WU 7.40/7.11 - this was the warm up - yikes.

    6m at steady - I had a figure of 6.45's - 6.50's in my head - but the run kinda went like 6.42/6.38/6.35/6.27/6.32/6.30 as I made my way down the canal to Phibsboro and back into the Park at Garda HQ. I new I wouldn't do anything faster at the bottom of the park going uphill - so I took a mile float, still at a decent enough clip uphill (7.35) and then got going again.

    The 4m faster - it took a while to get going but after the 2nd mile, I tried to turn it into a progression and finish as well as possible. (6.37/6.26/6.16/6.10)

    Very happy with that. 3.5 mile home with a stop as I met Emilia, had a chat and a hug and went on again. A good day all around.

    (PS Paul - I wore the Fuelcell TC's and purposely ran into mulch, puddles and a bit on grass - no issues :)

    16.5m at 7.02 ave.

    Got home and tried to track Manchester.

    Really gutted for Johnny - his training deserved so much more - he'd of ran a 2.49 marathon on any of the last 6-8 weekends in a training run.

    Marathons can be cruel like that - no rhyme nor reason to it at times - but a lot of people I was following today had $h!tty days.

    Anyway - with that in mind - I'm contemplating another Marathon soon;

    Option 1: Seville in Feb - mainly as a way to keep motivated over the Winter - recovered in March for the Spring/Summer racing season with a great base.

    Option 2: April Marathon (Manchester??) which enables me to race Dungarvan in Feb? Less likely option though unless work travel plays a role in the coming few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Limerick in May? Ye marathon veterans are far too exotic with all these foreign marathons..I must say all this marathon talk lately has really got me buzzing...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Talk over here is Rotterdam will revert to its usual April date in 2022.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    there's a date set for it in April I believe - My 1st preference is an earlier Marathon - training over the winter (I love it).

    Get it done, recover and be a race wh0re for Spring/Summer - then Berlin in Sept all going well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 343 ✭✭MrMacPhisto

    Seville is a great option in my opinion. Lovely city, well organised and fast course. Ryanair is charging top dollar for flights at the moment, but it is easy enough to route via Madrid and catch the train or via Malaga. You won't regret it if you choose Sevilla.

    The Ramon Sanchez-Pizjuan Stadium is great if you get the chance to go to a game. Although, I just checked, looks like Sevilla are away that weekend. Real Betis are playing Majorca.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday 11th: 7m / 8min miles - Vanilla.

    Tuesday 12th: Vanilla with a squirt of strides - 7x20secs. 7m total.

    Wednesday: 5E / 4Tempo / 5E

    Ran the long way to CK gate - 4m Tempo from CK gate, downhill to Chapelizod road. I had meant to do 8x1min following this - but totally and rather conveniently forgot. Kinda glad I forgot :)

    Tempo miles: 6.07 / 5.59 / 5.51 / 5.56

    Wore the Endorphin Pros' for this one.

    13.8m total.

    Thursday 14th: No running - the BDay boy today - not quite a new age category (thats next year).

    Friday: Was off on Friday - but was on my feet from 9am til late - only a short window to run.

    A simple 4m recovery - kept it local. Feels like I haven't done a shorter recovery in a while.

    4m / 8.20 pace.

    Saturday: Session - done this Sat rather than Sun as I was planning on going out for dinner to a 'nice' place in town and didn't want to be banjaxed for it :)

    I knew a sat session after a Wed tempo would be tough so had 2 in mind starting off.

    (1) 12-13 miles at a steady clip - 6.50-7's

    (2) 3x3m with a steady 5min float (MP+1min) - to be ran 1st as MP / 2nd as HMP / 3rd as MP

    I knew from the WU that the legs weren't right - so moved to session 2. Which is strange as it seems harder - but the float does help - was wearing the NB TC's for this one.

    2WU: 7.50/7.37

    3m MP: 6.36/6.34/6.36 (6min float at 7.19 pace)

    3m HMP: 6.16/ 6.17/6.16 (5 min float at 7.38 pace)

    3MP: 6.29/6.31/6.22

    3m+ cool down (7.40's)

    16.3 miles in total at 7.01 pace (ave)

    Happy with this as the legs were tired from Wednesday still and a very hard week work wise. I think the use of floats will become a thing in my workouts as I used to run my recoverys in MP sessions pretty slow.

    Out to see 007 on Sat night - a real good flick - enjoyed it.

    Sunday: Legs felt quite ok on Sunday so headed to the PP - done a bit of a lap - keeping on the grass when I could.

    10.4miles / 8.12 pace

    59 miles for the week.

    This coming week will be short as off on my holidays on Sat morning for a week. Will still try to fit in 2 sessions. Maybe mile repeats on Tuesday (or 5min repeats) and something steadier on Friday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Happy Birthday!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Happy birthday 🥳
