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Something needs to be done about the conspiracy theories forum



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Both actually. You just need to have a look what was reported right after second attack happened. Pretty much the same rhetoric like when first one happened.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,582 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    The burden is left with the theorist to search back through the thread for unanswered questions - nobody has time for this.

    im confused, i thought the problem was the same questions were being asked over and over and the CTer was feeling badgered

    now it seems according to MA above, its actually not a problem of being asked the same questions over and over, but that CTers "dont have the time" to go finding the questions they refuse to answer.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    This excuse doesn't make sense.

    If the questions are repeated as much as you say to the point that they become tedious, how then could they get buried to the point that no one can find them?

    Also, wouldn't a list of ALL the questions and problems about a conspiracy also be too taxing for you when we struggle to get you guys to address a single question.

    And how would your idea deal with conspiracy theorists who say for example, make a fake image and present it as a real image?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,740 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    Reporting is not conspiracy. It's not my job to lay out your thinking and in your conflation of events, you have done a disservice to any actual evidenced theory.

    Not much of a conspiracy if same day reporting concluded it was an error?

    Do you expect the military to instantly acknowledge an error without investigation?

    The purpoted reason for the strike on the family is lain out in the link to the US press conference I gave. They acknowledged an error. Even if it was a conspiracy? To what end? Why were that family targete? Who gained? And why collapse the conspiracy so quickly?

    It was an error, that you conflated with a separate attack on a planner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Correct. However, do so in a civil manner and nobody will complain. If you or anyone go there and read few threads it is painfully obvious what is wrong in a way "questioning" actually happened.

    Your conviction of what you think is right does not give you any moral high ground to go on campaign of insulting and derogatory name calling which happened pretty much in every thread there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    So we've discovered that the one example of a true conspiracy theory was resolved and shown not to be true by asking the person proposing it a question and having them answer honest...

    Hmm... fancy that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,193 ✭✭✭✭MrStuffins

    I think your claims of name-calling are grossly exaggerated.

    Let's take a look at this thread. The poster being accused of doing all of the questioning and name-calling have been posting here regularly and engaging in the topic at hand. I haven't seen a single insult or name thrown at anyone form any of them.

    On the contrary, there have been at least two people who were advocating for questioning to be banned over in the CT forum who have been banned form this very thread for calling people names an throwing personal insults.

    This does not jive with your version of events at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,740 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    To be fair to @patnor1011 I did pick a warning for civility earlier in the thread for referring to a poster as a Drama Queen.

    But I think that's been about the closest to an insult from the "skeptic side" as there has been on here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    This feels like going in a circle. There is no assumption. It looks like and was admitted as mistake now. About 3 weeks from when it happened? People who break the story first were called conspiracy loons.

    Again, it was offered as example of how fast some theories become true as opposed to other examples when it may take years. We discussed long time conspiracy come true while ago in one of threads on CT forum.

    So right after attack when Pentagon and John Kirby claim that it was righteous attack designated to take out isis who was on a way to do harm and bragging about saving lives and when people who start asking questions about children are told it is conspiracy. Followed then with hemming and hawing for nearly 3 weeks until it was not possible to do so any longer.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,582 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    i got a warning for civility too, for referring to "toys being flung, and the adults left should resolve the problems". fair enough i hold my hands up that it was a condescending remark.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,740 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    But patnor, that's not a conspiracy. It's an error. You chose to use it as an example of a conspiracy and it isn't. It never was.

    Of course reporting in the immediate aftermath of the strike was going to present it as such, it's why they felt justified in pulling the trigger at that moment. It was an act commited on foot of faulty intelligence and biased surveillance.

    Near immediate reporting of a family being killed, and it's corroboration by multiple news outlets were same day. The Military investigated and laid out their mistake step by step. You seem to think because the military admission was 3 weeks later it was a conspiracy? Again, it wasn't. It was a mistake made in the fog of war and a heightened threat environment. 3 weeks for an investigation, report and walkthrough of the event are actually quite a quick turn around.

    You chose a mistake as a conspiracy, when it was conflation and error on your part to link separate events.

    This also illustrates precisely why it's important that people proposing a theory lay out their evidence(whatever that is) and their thinking.

    Now again, at the risk of being accused of sea-lioning 😉

    You are dodging the following. I quoted Verbatim where you linked Covid and Conspiracy and claimed truth in some. Could you address that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    I do not know. It seems all is hunky dory over there.

    Yet for some reason calling someone anti-masker, anti-vaxxer, covid denialist or conspiracy theorist seems just fine and normal. Even though they are meant to be derogatory and tend to provoke the same reaction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,650 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    I was a mod of the CT forum for several years, and the ethos of the forum was always that the non-theorists (ie. people who generally don't believe in most conspiracy theories) can request proof or even just some sort of basis for the theory being put forward. Otherwise theorists could just post anything outlandish with no basis, in which case there's nothing to actually discuss because you can't discuss the merits of the theory ("theory" being a loose term).

    Respect, arguments, pestering for answers etc, how that's handled all just comes down to moderation (and I say that not knowing who the current mods are or having even visited the forum in several years, I'm just speaking about the historical ethos of the forum which was subject to many Feedback threads at the time).

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I think one of the big issues here is that people are conflating the words "proof" and "evidence". In some cases I think this conflation is being done deliberately and on bad faith.

    To most people "proof" is something definitive and concrete, as in "proved in a court of law". But this isn't what is being asked for in the forum.

    Theorists are being asked for evidence, which are facts that support a particular idea. Sometimes though, it's not even that. It's just things like "what do you believe" or "why do you believe it" which don't require any external verification at all, just an honest answer.

    What we're seeing is those reasonable things being classified as "demanding proof".

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,193 ✭✭✭✭MrStuffins

    So.......... when a person starts a thread on the Conspiracy Theory forum putting forth a Conspiracy Theory........ it's an insult to call them a Conspiracy Theorist?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,665 ✭✭✭storker

    Ironic really, since most CTs are presented and defended with such a sense of certainty that you would be forgiven for thinking they already had proof.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    That's another thing. We keep seeing conspiracy theories being presented as obviously true and that anyone who don't immediately believe it is a sheep.

    Yet when challenged, suddenly "they're just theories, obviously they're not obviously true..."

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Ah but I am not dodging anything. I think that quite a lot of theories were turned upside down as new facts or needs came into play.

    Famous covid prediction models which claimed hundreds of millions of dead people if we do not lockdown which somehow failed to materialize in countries which had zero or minuscule restrictions.

    We seen mask effectiveness or need being debunked then stressed quite a few times around. Obvious stuff, that not only your genetics but pretty much lifestyle choices determine what your chances are when you get it. Funny enough that while it was a norm until now with doctors stressing you need to keep healthy and fit it somehow does not apply on this one. God only knows why.

    Possible lab leak, intentional or not is still at play (there is chinese dissident claiming it was deliberate release way back in sept19, not only him we see new and new documents and research coming out pertaining that some people were in fact playing god with corona viruses in Wuhan of all places).

    If you uttered that vaccine to prevent infection by covid will not be available any time soon you ended up pretty much crucified (and still there isnt one available yet), or that there will not be enough of them (see Japan returning milions of doses due to hastily made contamination issues).

    Ivermectin with possible therapeutic prophylactic properties will get you crazy label (despite that we can clearly see there is something to it because we do have data from countries which routinely use it and from India experience). That and mentioning of vitamins (which were used by chinese by truckload to clear up local outbreaks) that was one way ticket to CT sometimes with ban added for good measure.

    All of these things and variations of them were and most of them still are deemed conspiracy lunatic stuff but this pandemic was simply hyped to something which it isn't and then no wonder that some people add on 5G, chips and lizards in the mix.

    For the love of god there is post in vaccine forum where poster argue that since Bill Gates donated money to pharma industry for the last few years he should be considered as medical expert. I thought it was rather tax and business related strategy but what do I know...I learn new things every day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    It all depend on how it is done and mostly it is meant as an insult. You see, not everyone is the same. There are countries where if they tell you that you are fat it is meant as a compliment and even here it was used as a wake up call for people to start doing something yet fast forward to these times and it will be perceived as most horrible insult and offense.

    It is not just people who start a thread. That label is hurled at pretty much everyone who come in and post there.

    You failed to realize that there is quite a lot of people who just want to discuss some theory. They do not necessarily need to believe or subscribe to it. Funny how you guys seems to jump in conclusions, reasonably assume or just believe you know what the person think or believe. That there is only black and white and not whole lot of grey in between. That mentality that if you are not with us you must be against is just... Tiring?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,740 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    Thanks for that 😉 as for your claim to not be dodging? You denied linking Covid and Conspiracy at all earlier.

    Just for clarity I'll quote those denials and obfuscations below as an illustration of the effort that needs to be made to get an answer. From your denial to your acceptance and answer.

    "You ask-

    So I'd like to see your examples of proven Covid consparicies, please?

    And I answer-

    Where did I say anything about proven Covid conspiracies?

    Would you kindly point to me where in my post to which you reacted did I use Covid conspiracy as my point which made you confused?

    The above are 2 answers where you outright denied making the link. Multiple posters including myself asked you for clarity and you swerved each one. That's dodging,

    You then provide a mistake and conflation of events in an allusion to a definitive conspiracy, which current facts and contemporary reporting point towards being massively incorrect on your part.

    As for the rest of your post? I have no comment other than to acknowledge it and thank you for clearing up your previous error in denying linking Covid and Conspiracy.

    I'd of course appreciate an apology for your implying that I was lying or incorrect in my comprehension of what you posted, but I won't expect it.

    Post edited by banie01 on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    To be honest and short you are making point where there is none to be made. You are "illustrating obfuscations and denials" by quoting one liners not even full sentences taken out of context.

    As I said previously perhaps we just do not understand each other but since when is asking you to point me where I said it "denying and obfuscating"?

    It was quite lively debate with multiple people engaging and forgive me but describing this as obfuscation or denial and then mistake and conflation part despite I explained several times what I meant is simply not honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,740 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    You lied, and you have the gall to question my honesty?

    You ask to be pointed to your denial and obfuscation when I provided you verbatim quotes of your own posts?

    If anything at all is indicative of the standard of posting in CT?

    It's this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    No I did not. But I see how selectively quoting half a sentence from whole post which was addressed to someone else can be creatively slowly made to appear like that.

    That is also indicative of the standard of posting in CT. I see nothing is going to change over there so I will not waste any more of your precious time even though it seems you love doing what you do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,740 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    Yes you did.

    As for selective quoting, you denied ever linking Covid and Conspiracy at all.

    The selective quotes are your denial of same.

    Further you claimed a definitive conspiracy regarding the family killed in Kabul, based on nothing other than your faulty assumptions and conflation of 2 events. It is demonstrably wrong.

    It has gone from you not making a claim, to your being selectively quoted? Only those quotes demonstrate that not only did you link Covid and Conspiracy, that you denied making the link. That's lying.

    I'd appreciate that you withdraw your claim that I'm dishonest in my posting. You won't, I don't doubt that but the thing is?

    Everyone can red your posts, your denials and your evading the questions until you finally answered and make their own mind up...

  • Administrators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 76,161 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Beasty

    Surely a "valid" theory is no longer a theory? It seems to me to be quite a fundamental point for the forum, as once proven there is no point in continuing the discussion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,966 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Most discussion on the forum exists in a sort of "grey area" between fact and fiction. What are taken as proven facts are often treated as fiction by users there (e.g. vaccines working, the moon landings, etc) and vice versa, fiction is presented as fact. The term "valid theory" may have a general meaning on normal forums, but on the conspiracy forum, where facts/reason/logic are often replaced by innuendo/gut instinct/pseudo-science it can mean something completely different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I dunno what counts as a valid theory. That's what I'm asking people.

    Conspiracy theorists are the ones that keep coming in and making a distinction between real theories and false ones.

    We keep hearing about some theories are obviously ridiculous and not to be taken seriously, but then there are theories that are serious business and are important truths.

    So far no conspiracy theorist has explained the difference or cited any examples. And it looks to me that the distinction comes down to "conspiracy theories I subscribe to are valid, ones I don't are obviously false."

    Similarly I keep trying to get some kind of comment on actual examples of what might be an obviously invalid theory. For instance the thread where Markus Antonious claimed all space missions are hoaxes seems like an obviously invalid one, yet no conspiracy theorists will comment on the theory at all.

    And now patnor here has been arguing that there have been conspiracy theories that have been proven, yet can't seem to produce any examples.

    I'd love to know the answer but the question keeps being ignored. Maybe if conspiracy theorists weren't allowed to dodge the point we could move that part of the discussion along.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    You keep claiming this and things like it. But reality in the forum played out differently.

    You claim that there's real theories out there, but those aren't the ones being presented on the conspiracy forum. We got all the claims about 5G and mircochips and marks of the beast. We've had conspiracy theorists claim that the vaccines are part of a communist/fascist depopulation plot. We were told that the virus didn't just leak from a lab, but was entirely man made and made for the purpose of either a bioweapon or to cause the pandemic as part of a giant global plot.

    You yourself were there claiming that the side effects of the vaccine were worse than reports and were being covered up. (And you got caught out lying to do so.)

    And then to top it off, you post contains several inaccuracies. For example:

    If you uttered that vaccine to prevent infection by covid will not be available any time soon you ended up pretty much crucified (and still there isnt one available yet), or that there will not be enough of them (see Japan returning milions of doses due to hastily made contamination issues)

    No vaccine can guarantee total prevention from infection. No one claims otherwise. You know that, yet you claim this anyway.

    And in Japan, only withdrew 1.6 million (ie. not millions) doses of the moderna vaccine.

    This has not caused a very noticeable affect on the rate of vaccinations.

    Just because you believe in aspects of the conspiracy theory you deem to be valid, it doesn't mean that these aspects are any more valid or supported or true than the parts you deem invalid. Especially when you claim things that don't turn out to be true when they are examined more deeply.

    Your posts have pointed out the need to ask questions and hold conspiracy theories up to scrutiny.

    Post edited by King Mob on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I wouldn't mind half the stuff in the CT forum if someone actually gave a legible presentation of info.

    I'm still waiting on links to documents, links to videos, links to all sorts that people have said they are using a proof for their theory..

    CT forum - "I believe X is happening"

    Me - "OK cool, have you got evidence of X"

    CT forum - "Yeah Y and Z happened here, here are some videos which pertain to X happening because of Y and Z"

    Me- "Y and Z are unrelated or have been dismissed as false, here is numerous pieces of info supporting this, ergo, you're theory on X must be incorrect"

    CT forum - "you're wrong, Y2 and Z2 shown here also happened, meaning Y & Z are correct"

    Me- "OK, but how does that prove X"


    most of it seems to be "lets fling spaghetti at a wall and see what sticks... and when something does it proves everything"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    On some cases though conspiracy theorists won't even say "I believe x is happening".

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