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The wondrous adventures of Sinn Fein (part 3) Mod Notes and Threadbanned List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,401 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    I think you're vastly overestimating housing and how much the electorate care.

    FG were ahead in the polls most of the time over the last few years including Leo as the most popular leader up until Zappone gate.

    SF are pinning all their colours to the housing mast.

    Leave them at it. I think it's the best thing for everyone at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    I take it you didn't read the exit polls for the last GE or indeed much in the way of polling since with reference to public sentiment on housing.

    "Ignorance is the softest pillow on which a man can rest his head"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭dudley72

    Again this is a Sinn Fein thread. You don't need to share a link to reference an article, you can provide details on the subject and of course the location(RTE etc).

    As I already said it again confirms Sinn Fein are blocking houses even in the middle of a housing crisis when they get the chance, lucky this time other parties had control and they couldn't block.

    It is fairly pointless going around in circles so I will leave you to it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭dudley72

    The problem is Sinn Fein are now making fools of themselves around housing. Like O'Broin making a boo boo the other day and Leo laughing at him, the answer from Sinn Fein was shouting and roaring.

    Plus more and more are seeing that the reason why houses are not been built and haven't been built for years is because Sinn Fein are blocking it. Even the article today with them abstaining from voting is another confirmation of they couldn't care less about people buying homes or been homeless. They just want some buzz words and more people homeless so they can shout about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    I don't believe you know what an anti-vaxxer is. By your definition the majority of the electorate in 2015, (the article is from 2015) were anti vaxxers, as were numerous politicians from all parties _HPV was a concern for many).

    An anti vaxxer, IMO, is someone who is anti vaccines. I think in your rush to slag off the shinners and the majority of the electorate you've lost the run of yourself.

    I don't believe you know what anti-immigration is. You seem to think anyone who is concerned about too much immigration, is anti-immigrant. You can be pro asylum seekers and immigrants and against an open border policy, but in your rush to slag off shinners, you lost the run of yourself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    Saw that. Claim was SF controlled DCC for 7 or 8 years. Thanks for clarifying. I knew it was nonsense. They'd an agreement with like minded parties to try tackle the FG housing crisis. Good on them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭Shebean

    You posted an Eoghan Murphy poolbeg disaster from 2019 as proof SF ruined housing, when both FF and FG had more seats on their own than SF on council and it was a government **** up anyway. Get up the yard.

    If SF are the biggest blocker of what FF/FG/Green pass off as a good deal, may they continue to do so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    To put some reality about some of these Orwellian newspeak claims about Sinn Fein's rather consistently held policies on the transfer of public lands to facilitate private developments I offer you the following...(and there's much more where this came from)

    *whistles in Blueshirt* What a blocky blockerson. Chilling

    "Rising star" of FG Emer Higgins sinister blocking of 8'500 homes in West Dublin. You read that right, this FG TD alone displays more housing blockiness than the entirety of Sinn Fein. Not normal in my book.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭dudley72

    The answer always, something something FF/FG something something

    wash, rinse, repeat

    How predictable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    That was an awkward one wasn't it? Varadkar's constituency running mate blocking 8'500 homes all in one shot. More than the entirety that it is claimed Sinn Fein has done (but really didn't).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭dudley72

    Wash rinse repeat

    This is the SF thread, maybe 🤔 discuss Sinn Fein on it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    I'm talking Sinn Fein directly here. I get it, it's pure awkward. I'll pose it this way, and it's a useful benchmarking exercise for everyone to assess Sinn Fein's alleged housing stopiness given the claims floated. I think it's important we figure this one out between us for the sake of democracy:

    Who displays more housing blockiness in raw housing terms and who's more sinister?

    1. Sinn Fein (taking the numbers from the FG spad research factory on good faith for just a moment)? or...
    2. Emer Higgins of FG - 8'500* homes blocked ?

    *That's eight, five, zero, zero; a most chilling number of homes all at once.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Fine Gael boogyman politics glossary - SINN FEIN EDITION*:

    *(use in emergency when you're losing a good faith argument badly and you need to drag things into the ditch where you're more comfortable)

    Sinister: We want people to think of opposition politicians like Sinn Fein as they might think of Skeletor or the Penguin from Batman. Would you vote for Skeletor? WOULD YOU???

    Chilling: A close relation of sinister. Irish ABC1 voters, although educated and wealthy, may have a residual fear of the paranormal from when they visited their granny down the country as kids and she told them Banshee stories or warned them off the fairy fort. Chilling is the optimal word to reactivate their latent fear of the supernatural in this otherwise rational demographic. Recent research from our interns at Fine Gael HQ suggests subtle messaging that Pearse Doherty is in fact a púca of ancient lore coupled with a suggestion he will *raise your taxes* is an effective gambit. CHILLING

    Blocking: Sinn Fein have a nasty habit of scuppering the transfer of publically owned land banks to our lionhearted captains of industry - who as we all know from Business Org class in whatever Jesuit day-school you went to, are the only people who have the know-how and bravery to build housing. The word BLOCKING evokes a strong mental image of Mary Lou MacDonald petulantly standing in front of a digger leading a human chain of other unreasonable people from odd-numbered postcodes who, without the benefit of a private education or a commerce degree from UCD, can't mentally process that the magic hidden hand of the market and really high house prices on public land actually produce really low house prices.

    Not a normal party: Fine Gael is a funky contemporary brand and lifestyle choice for the young generation - like Pepsi, but in political form. But, as much as we like to let our hair down and listen to the best of Coldplay on Spotify every now and again while enjoying a cheeky craft brew we picked up in Donnybrook Fayre, we keep things between the ditches and like it that way. We don't want to give people psychological permission to suddenly adopt a reefer habit, join the dole queue and spark a Marxist insurgency in Cabinteely. Just as you might say: "hey man, not normal " to a friend who is toying with going to an illegal rave in Wicklow and experimenting with MDMA, if your friend mentions Sinn Fein as the two of you talk politics over a pint of Kinnegar pale ale, you say to him: "bro, NOT A NORMAL PARTY." The chances of him straying from the path is drastically reduced. Actually, we're not sure about the effectiveness of this, but we paid the Communications Clinic 40k for it so we'll run with it for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85 ✭✭FullyComp

    Actually funnily seeing how it's the SF thread. Mark Ward there objected to a new garda station being built for Clonburris....

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,401 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    Another copy and paste job.

    Do you have any views that you think of all by yourself?

    Or just from the book, you know, that SF handbook that was discovered last year full of soundbites and little nuggets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭CDarby

    It was good to note Mary Lou McDonald was one of the first politicians to speak out about the disgusting and vile scenes that went on outside the home of Leo Varadkar last weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    🤣 Oh do let us in on the mystery Lieutenant Kojack. Where exactly was it copied and pasted from? Who loves ya baby?

    Or was it a little uncomfortable reading a satire of an attack comms strategy that you regurgitate day in day out and it's a little close to the bone?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,034 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Lets just put "...but SF would be worse" spoken in a whiny little voice on a repeating loop and close this thread down because thats about as useful as it has become.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    You brought my quoting of a FG'er over to this thread to accuse me of selective quoting because I didn't supply a link. Which was embarrassing for you because I cannot post links. Basically I commented on the piece I quoted. The sinn fein element wasn't much nor relevant to my point.

    I never denied SF were blocking housing when its not fit for purpose.

    Lucky this time? They abstained. That means they didn't vote either way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    See they are pur shite, so we look for alternatives. Be mad to blindly follow failed FG/FF scutter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,545 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    Odd, I thought killing innocent children and women and Gardai and Irish Defence Forces personnel were crimes.... I must have been mistaken.

    I guess when you prefix 'The Cause' with your acts of violence you get a 'Get out of Jail' free card, and continue to spout your nonsense and spoof away.

    Grade A lunatics!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,545 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    A political rich list was compiled by the Indo. What was interesting was that the Leader of SF, MLMD self-proclaimed fighter for the working class and downtrodden is herself a multi-millionaire.

    Mary Lou McDonald needs to take a closer look around her. When she proclaims to the nation that “she doesn’t know any millionaires”, that’s not quite the case.

    The Sinn Féin leader lives in a home worth €1m in suburban Dublin. She has a pension pot worth another €900,000 from her time in the European Parliament and Dáil. Nobody begrudges her and her family. She and her husband have worked hard through their lives to be this comfortable.

    MLMD doesn't know any millionaires, apart from herself being one of course. Tut tut....

  • Registered Users Posts: 493 ✭✭BobHopeless

    I wouldn't have voted SF in a million years but the latest buy your votes attempt by this government in the form of a bank holiday for everyone in the audience has sent me over the edge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭dudley72

    What happens on a Bank Holiday weekend? People go on holidays. Yes a few will go overseas but the majority will stay in Ireland and take breaks, the mass exodus from Dublin always results in crazy traffic. The reason they are giving an extra bank holiday is for people to go on holiday because it gives everyone a extra break after lockdowns when you couldn't travel but it also pumps money back into tourism in Ireland, a sector which has been hammered during covid.

    It's not to buy votes but to get people back spending money and lots of it on holidays.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,052 ✭✭✭tikkahunter

    She is not the only one in the party - Women of the people !!! its actually laughable -she is a fraud .Shouting about multinationals not paying enough tax yet none of her supporters even take the time to see who her husband works for and how he made his money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 692 ✭✭✭atticu

    Can you explain a bit more, please.

    As I understand it, PBP suggested more Bank Holidays, and even introduced a Bill on this.

    I am not sure how you can blame ‘this government’, but you have and I am looking forward to your explanation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭CDarby

    Hardly any big surprise that former PIRA men didn't consider their operations criminal now, is it?

    The two civil war party's didn't and don't consider their own fallen criminals either, there was a bit of a row earlier in the year surrounding plaques and memorials to two members of AGS, killed by the IRA, which would be the same IRA the Irish state has numerous and various official commemoration ceremonies throughout the year to honour fallen members up and down the country. I know I've attended countless commemoration throughout my life with my dad and grandad (both staunch FFers) for IRA members.

    Do you think the old IRA had any children, women, AGS or Irish defence forces amongst it's list of victims mark? These types of soundbites and arguments from people who cannot spot the irony of their arguments and faux outrage is astonishing. and quite transparent.

    The media should definitely return to that tired old trope coming into the next election, obviously people are far more concerned with a conflict from decades ago and the GFA, than they are with spiralling rental prices, housing crises, and health crises. Worked well for FG and FF last time.

    Isn't there a well known saying about stupidity and same mistakes/expecting a different outcome?

    I don't follow your logic here, my understanding is (could be your understanding also if you read the list, and how the wealth was calculated) they take property assets, and shares etc (including spouse) into consideration.

    What are you suggesting here, Marylou McDonald has no right speaking for people because of who she is married to, the value of their family home, or what income her spouse has?

    It's about as poor an argument as the one about Paul Murphys expensive education. It's not an argument I'd choose to run with myself

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    I wasn't particularly aware of who her husband was or what he did so did some perfunctory googling.

    He worked/works for an arm of Bord Gais having started out there as a clerk? Unless I'm missing something, he's not exactly in Scrooge McDuck territory financially. The Independent has it he and other Bord Gais workers received an approx 60k payout from a Bertie Ahern-era scheme restructuring the company; is that your smoking gun? I doubt he'll be bothering Michael O'Leary on the annual rich list any time soon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,052 ✭✭✭tikkahunter

    No I'm saying she is a hypocrite, liar and a fraud . Preaching about millionaires and landlords and having them vilified when she is one herself
