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Run run run run run run run....



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Dubh Geannain

    I tried to apply your same psychology of not looking back during the race. I resisted the urge to skip ahead in the text to see if he did finally catch you. That was some tension and a great report. But also a super race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Fantastic reading. Fair play on some phenomenal running and even better reporting! Gripping reads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Your race reports are every bit as good as your running! I absolutely love the details & the tension you recreate in them. Well done on the 1st place beating Mick, must have felt unbelievable - those are the moments that make this running lark worth while. Really enjoying your log☺️

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    ⬆️ Thanks all! it's great to be back writing race reports, despite the dodgy boards platform update 🤭

    Monday 19/07 - 7 miles @ 7:30 m/m

    I was planning the day off as usual but with a good quality 4 mile race coming up at the weekend, I was advised to focus on getting an 80 mile week in and 'front load' the milage while also factoring in a taper for the race. This is always a difficult balance where you can easily end up overloading yourself early in the week and may end up making a mess of the race. To kick this off, I started the week early with 7 easy miles around the city after work. It was nice and very warm. I ran up around the Lough hoping the sight of water would cool me down. It did not cool me down. The legs were definitely still feeling the 20 mile effort but that was no surprise.

    Tuesday 20/07 - 15 miles

    • AM: 5 miles @ 7:24 m/m

    A tired and groggy run around Ballincollig. No interesting insights or incidents. These are the mundane ones that have as much of a role to play as the big sessions. It all adds up, every, single, boring mile.

    • PM: Track - 4x200m (200m rec), 8x400m (400m rec), 4x200m (200m rec)

    Helter swelter. This was a spicy one and an ideal situation to take the top off. I think every fella took the opportunity at some stage or another, not that runners torsos are particularly aesthetically pleasing. Hey ladies, check out my rib bones! This was essentially a blow-out for the race Sunday, whatever that is. We tend to use that term 'blow-out' a lot but I get the gist. I threw on the Dragonfly spikes to try them out, assuming the cushioning would allow me recover well. I was also looking at doing a track race soon so I'd need to get them out for a spin. After the first few reps I just didn't feel that comfortable and was feeling a lot of impact on my weak achilles when turning. After the 2nd 400m rep, I decided to stop and take them off and put on Hokas instead which immediately felt more comfortable. The last thing I wanted was putting myself in danger of missing the race on Sunday because of stupidly wearing spikes for a session days beforehand. I had company for the whole session with a club mate and we had a good understanding taking every alternate rep with no nonsense. Thank fizz for that or this could have been a long one. Glad to get this done and dusted. I'm not sure if he's still alive digitally, but great to see @skeleton_boy back on the track after a lengthy injury absence.

    Splits: 33, 33, 33, 33, 70, 70, 69, 71, 69, 71, 69, 67, 34, 33, 32, 32

    Wednesday 21/07 - 16.5 miles

    • AM: 11 miles @ 7:25 m/m

    My track legs were quite sleepy and unhappy this morning but I knew I wouldn't regret getting the longer miles in early today with the Azores high planning on torching the country for the day.

    • PM: 5.5 miles @ 7:12 m/m

    I met up with a buddy at around 6pm. It was still 24c but almost pointless waiting until later in the evening, it wasn't getting any cooler. Just get it done. It was grand. Sleeping is a challenge these days.

    Thursday 22/07 - 12 miles @ 7:25 m/m

    I would have done another repeat of yesterday but with golf on the menu for the afternoon, that would in effect be a 5 mile run. I got out nice and early for this with a club mate, it was cool and that's all that matters. The legs were still a bit fatigued but I was confident they would come around for Sunday with a bit of rest and a rub.

    Friday 23/07 - 10 miles @ 7:09 m/m

    Beautiful morning in Cork. A nice trot to the marina and back with a club mate. The legs definitely felt fresher which was surprising because I was wrecked after the golf in the heat which also meant I slept like a log. It's a strange phrase, to sleep like a log. Tree's definitely don't sleep, especially murdered ones. Got a nice massage later that morning to freshen up the legs a little.

    Saturday 24/7 - 7 miles @ 7:16 m/m

    The (race) day of sabbath day is upon us but with a few races under the belt now, the apprehension leading up to a race feels back to pre-covid levels. I decided to go easy on the legs and headed for the grass sanctuary of the UCC farm. It was a lovely old trot with a few strides on a beautiful sunny morning. We seem to be in bonus territory with this mediterranean weather now. We'd all expected it to turn but it's hanging in there. 11am tomorrow is going to be toasty so I'm getting plenty of fluid into me today and I've kept spirits up by washing two cars, doing some garden jobs and watching crappy television. What a day. I'll probably spend most of the evening playing GeoGuessr, my new favourite pastime in the world. See ya at the next race report...

    Post edited by jebuz on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Best of luck tomorrow! Looking forward to the race report 😊

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    I probably should have done this 4 minutes after the actual race because I'll be honest, it's feeling very hazy now. I'll try de-haze it as best I can.

    Sunday 25/7 - RACE! Fermoy 4 mile (10 miles total)

    So, my 4th race in 3 weeks and I am really loving being back in the thick of it. Grange-Fermoy were one of the few clubs last summer who took it upon themselves to put on a road race amidst all the chaos. They managed to pull together a small invite-only field and it was a cracking race despite a hellishy difficult course. That was the same weekend last July and I came 12th in 20:03. The standard was top notch and had me walking away happy but distinctly aware of where I stood in terms of the top performers. This is what it must have been like in the 80's. Very few races but high quality fields and a standard you just couldn't compare to today. It has to be one of the reasons why they were so good. Running a 4 mile in sub 20 minutes would have you barely making the top 10 and you just had to work harder to get anywhere near the top. Plus they had no bouncy shoes.

    Gladly, the race was scheduled again for this year with another good field promised. Before opening up to the public, they opened registration a day early to anyone who ran last year in an effort to encourage a good standard. I was more than happy to take on another race and I always enjoy the 4 mile distance. It's essentially a 5k effort where you give no consideration to the last mile until it's actually happening.

    I front-loaded the milage this week and tried to come down a little closer to race day to get fresh as this was one you would want to be fresh for. Having ran the course from last year, I knew it was going to be challenging but with my last two races on difficult courses, I was feeling in a good place and able to tackle anything hilly. We just heard a few days before the race that the course had changed due to unforeseen circumstances. This made little difference, it was going to be just as hard as last year.

    It's race day and looking out my bedroom window, the sun is piercing my eyeballs with the temperature already close to 20C at 9am. I wasn't too worried about that, I can run ok in heat, it's only 4 miles and how can you ever complain about such glorious weather. The drive up to Fermoy was nice and relaxed and I arrived at 9:30am for an 11am kick off. I'm getting good at this. We got a recce of the course done in a bus driven by a friend of the club and that was actually great again having the course knowledge in advance. it was kind of looking uniformly difficult with no major hills but just plenty of small difficult pulls. Once we hit mile 1 we'd turn right, left, and left again, making a small triangle before running mile 1 again in reverse. I guess you could say the course looked like a corner flag. We ran the first mile out and back for the warm up, which definitely warmed us up but it was nice to have that done a good half an hour before the start.

    The atmosphere around the start was great and the beaming sunshine had people in great form, if a little apprehensive. There we all were, parked in a farmers field lathering buckets of sun-cream all over our pasty white skin while doing hamstring stretches. An Irish road race in summer if ever there was one. Finally it was time to lumber off to the start line where people took shelter in any sort of shade they could. The start line was packed with quality. Amongst my own club mates was Ryan Creech, a serious talent having been unlucky with injuries but now probably in the form of his life having witnessed the stuff he's doing in training. To me there was no doubting the winner when he was standing on the line. Fellow Wexfordian Ger Forde had made the trip to Cork and always seems to do well in these shorter events. Niall Shanahan of Limerick is in flying form but I just can't seem to ever get near him, he's been a bit too quick. Other familiar Cork faces like Tim O'Donohoe, Alan O'Shea, Sean Doyle and club mate John Shine were also nearby so this was shaping up to be a really good race. As with the last race, I turned off the split notifications on my watch, put on the time of day and promised myself to focus on the racing. Nothing else.

    Mile 1 - 4:48

    Well to say this went out fast is an understatement. It went out very fast. I must have been back in 8th or 9th, really working to just keep contact but it was already splitting up at the front. It was a bumpy ride up until about halfway through the mile and then relief in the form of a nice fast downhill where I felt I was starting to relax and get into my stride. I was after making up a couple of spots and sitting in 7th coming to the end of the mile. My coach was there shouting out the splits and I was almost going to plug my ears but was too intrigued to hear what it was. Pretty happy to hear the 4:48 and feeling reasonably in control. Could I keep doing 4:48's though? No, probably not.

    Mile 2: 4:58

    We'd turned right and I knew there was a difficult hill here about halfway through. I was still sitting in 7th and on the tail of Tim O'D and both of us were closing a little on Sean Doyle. Tim was really moving well and edging his way away from me and making his way up to the group ahead of Niall and Ger. When I got to the hill I was right behind Sean and tried my best to kick up the hill to get ahead. I did get a small gap but coming off the hill and taking another sharp left, he tucked in right behind me. Knowing the ability Sean has, he was not going to be easy to shake. We're on a straight section of main road now, Ryan was starting to get out of sight up ahead and very rapidly closing in on a Watergrasshill runner who went out very very hard. At the end of the mile I spotted said Watergrasshill runner at the mile marker, sitting in the ditch looking pretty spent. That puts me in 5th now but there are many footsteps aggressively pursuing me. I was starting to feel the effort now. Things were hurting, as they should.

    Mile 3: 5:00

    Shortly after the 2 mile marker, we took another sharp left, just about avoiding a lethal pothole which was circled with white spray paint to highlight its lethalness. This was a reasonably unremarkable mile and pretty incident free. I don't remember much other than just focussing on getting to the 3 mile mark and trying to kick for home. I was moving well. I eventually got to the crossroads where we first turned at the first mile and now it was onto the home straight. Straight but lumpy. I was really starting to breath heavy but kept telling myself it's just 5 minutes more. I was now about 15 seconds behind the trio of Ger, Tim and Niall who were all in close proximity and getting ready for the battle of the minor podium spots. Ryan was out of sight. Of course I wanted to be up there with them but I wasn't strong enough and realistically I was not making that gap up so my primary focus was to hang onto what I've got and I reckoned I'd be walking away quite satisfied. I knew I had the ability to see this one out but a mile is a long way.

    Mile 4: 4:59

    Not long into the final mile and I arrived to what was once a lovely downhill section on mile one, now a loutish uphill on mile four. I had confidence in my ability to run the hills well, just putting in that short sharp effort and taking some relief if there was any going on the way down. It was actually nice in a way not knowing how long exactly was left or what time I was on for. The good news is that the footsteps behind me were quieter than previously and I was probably pulling a little clear. I didn't let up though and hit the next few bumps just as hard and the ragdoll arms and legs were most likely making an appearance at this stage. I was aching for that final corner where I knew once I'd hit it, the final 300m or so would take care of itself. I was really in the hurt zone now, getting little recovery from the drags but I knew I'd put in a decent shift today just by position alone. Finally I could see a crowd ahead and that meant home was within touching distance. I turned the left corner and put in one final spurt to the line, crossing 5th in 19:47. I only saw my time just as I crossed and I was happy to see I was well under 20. Around 10 seconds later, I managed to turn around in time to see John Shine, Sean Doyle and Michael Bruton all barrelling over the line, 1 second separating them all. I was glad I kept focussed for that last mile or it could have easily been an 8th place finish. Ryan had run a blistering 19:00 with the trio behind all around 19:30. What a show. Water, water. Give me water.

    Summary: 5th place in 19:47

    Overall, happy to walk away from this one with a sub 20 time and a decent placing in a strong field. Things are going quite well and I'm doing something right and feeling in good racing form. I just need to keep on the same path without doing anything silly, like taking up smoking. Afterwards, I headed up to the Fermoy reservoir for a really nice dip and then it was off into to the city for strictly controlled pints and pizza in the evening sun. It's good to stop and celebrate the small achievements but my god almighty I am such a lightweight. Monday was rough.

    weekly mileage: 78

    Post edited by jebuz on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Monday 26/07 - 8 miles @ 7:04 m/m

    Easing back into the grind with an easy hour after work and again no need to take the day off with low volume over the weekend. Pretty much feeling fine after the battering yesterday, well apart from the hangover I had to nurse. At least they're rare. The shorter races tend to be a little kinder on the legs but still said I'd leave off track tomorrow and do a session Wednesday morning. The plan this week is to put in a good 85+ mile week and then next week wind down late next week for the 10 mile in Kilbeggan.

    Tuesday 27/07 - 15.5 miles

    AM: 10.5 miles @ 7:13 m/m

    Nice morning run on my usual route with a club mate. I had a sore rib this morning. At first I wasn't sure what it was as it felt like a stitch but then I remember I absolutely whacked my rib off the side of a table the night before when turning on a lamp. It was fine after a few miles. Got my 2nd vaccine later this morning in Pairc Ui Chaoimh. Finally I am invincible.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:20 m/m

    I retreated to the sanctuary of the UCC farm for a handy few grass miles this evening. It's the kind of place where you can head on your own and almost guaranteed to meet somebody to run with. I bumped into our own @EauRouge79 who doesn't post anymore but had a good catch up and as always the miles just look after themselves when you're in good company.

    Wednesday 28/07 - 17 miles

    AM: 7 miles tempo @ 5:22 (12 miles total)

    No negative side effects from the vaccine so I headed to the marina with a couple of club mates for a very early start to get this done before work. The rib was still bothering me but not enough to worry or stop running but that was about to change. The session itself was fine. Once we let our other, faster club mate go, it was just me and the other one alternating each mile keeping them all around 5:20-25 and the body was not letting me go any quicker which suited me fine with the race still in the legs. Once I stopped though and on the cool-down, my side was really aggravated and was really hurting. I figured it was bruised from the impact on Monday night but again I could run without any real distress so didn't worry too much. I got some Volterol (anti-inflammatory) gel on the way home to rub on in the hope it would help it calm down.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:24 m/m

    Off to the social hub of the Farm again which seems to be finally getting back to the way it used to be pre-Covid. It was off limits for most of the pandemic, death by shame being the punishment if you were caught trespassing. The rib was ok and still managed to run with out issue but I didn't even get to think about it as I was running with some club mates and chatting about things not rib-related.

    Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 0 miles

    And here's where the log stops for the unforeseeable future. The next morning I woke up in terrible pain. Not good. The ribs had really deteriorated overnight and it turns out that the tempo was one of the worst things I could have done. All sorts of movement from putting on socks, to showering, to innocently opening a press overhead were really painful. To a point breathing was even sore and laughing or hiccuping were particularly sore. Not that I had anything to laugh about. I was supposed to meet a club mate for a run that morning but clearly that wasn't happening. I knew this needed sorting so I arranged to see a doctor that day and luckily got an appointment before lunch. Thankfully it wasn't anything very serious in that my lungs were functioning fine but the doctor suspected a bruised or cracked rib. It didn't matter and it didn't need an X-Ray to verify because the treatment is the same. Rest and drugs. I got a prescription of inflammatories and strong painkillers and told to rest up until the pain subsided. It still hasn't subsided. What a ridiculous and avoidable injury but there's no point getting upset about it. It could be worse. What's interesting is that every morning I wake up sleeping on my back and I never, ever sleep on my back. It's fascinating that my body is putting me in that position, likely to protect the rib area. I think that's interesting anyway.

    On the plus side, I'm not injured due to running and I could view it as a forced rest since I don't factor planned rest periods into my year. I've had a great run up until now to be fair with no interruptions in 11 months. It's now Sunday and while there's little movement there's also little improvement. I'm still somewhat hopeful of running the 10 mile next week but it would really need to start clearing up soon. I'm not worried about the fitness, that'll still be there. I'll have no problem knocking the race on the head next week and just getting back into training for Berlin which is now only 8 weeks away. That's the main goal for now. Here's hoping the next post contains some sort of run...

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Sorry to hear that, it's the freaky accident things that are hardest to avoid. I fell off the bike once (yes, I'd had a few) and the ribs were sore for a long time. Hope it clears up for you before too long - I'm enjoying your race reports too much for you to take an extended break. Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    ...and we're back. Ribs are slow to heal and I was no exception. Every day I woke up on my back and had trouble putting on socks, I knew I wasn't ready to run. The good news is after 7 days of little or no movement I went out for 5 miles and I didn't make it worse. I was a little shocked at how achy the legs were after the mini hiatus, it felt like I had stopped for a few months let alone a week. I can deal with the aches as long as the ribs are better and I'm sure the legs will come around very soon. Fitness is hopefully not impacted too much but I'm trying to see it as a forced break that will set me up for a good strong block now. I was disappointed to miss the Kilbeggan 10 miler today, especially seeing the quality field there but was also delighted to see my club mates putting in some good strong performances. Anyway quick summary of the week and we're hopefully back on track for Berlin. 8 weeks to go...

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 0 miles

    Thursday 05/08: 5 miles

    Friday 06/08: 5 miles AM + 5 miles PM

    Saturday 07/08: 7 miles AM + 5 miles PM

    Sunday 08/08: 10 miles AM + 4 miles PM

    weekly milage: 41

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    good to see you back - hopefully not much damage done to the fitness.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    6 weeks to go to Berlin. I completely lied in my last post and said it was 8. The little break seemed to only have a minor effect on my fitness bar the rusty legs and if anything has probably freshened me up for the suffering I'm about to put my body through. I'm a little concerned how quickly the marathon is upon us but if I look back on the year to date, I've put in some great training including a 20 miler most weekends so I think it's just a case now of some specificity, focus and staying healthy over the next few weeks. It's just another race so I'm trying to prepare like I normally do and not build it up so much like I might have for previous marathons.

    Monday 09/08 - 5.5 miles @ 7:09 m/m

    I pulled back a little today to allow the body adjust to the previous few double days and getting used to the miles again. Aches are subsiding and feeling almost back to normal. The ribs are still in some discomfort but every day is getting better.

    Tuesday 10/08 - 15 miles

    AM: 10 miles @ 7:12 m/m Usual morning route with a club mate, nice to be back on this route and feeling good

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:13 m/m To the Cork savannah (the Farm) where I met a couple of lads and galloped a few laps. This day will become very routine and some day I may look back in horror that I was doing this

    Wednesday 11/08 - 15 miles

    AM: 10 miles @ 7:11 m/m Usual morning route with a club mate, nice to be back on this route and feeling good

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:03 m/m To the Cork savannah (the Farm) where I met a couple of lads and galloped a few laps. This day will become very routine and some day I may look back in horror that I was doing this. Yes I copied and pasted this day, because that's exactly what it was.

    Thursday 12/08 - 17 miles

    AM: 7 mile tempo @ 5:24 m/m (12 miles) I guess this was the big tester of the week as it was this exact session 2 weeks ago that signalled the start of the layoff. Thankfully all went well. Though it's still not fully healed, I didn't even notice the ribs on the warmup or the session so that's a good sign. I kicked this off at 7am down the Marina with a club mate who ran the Kilbeggan 10 mile at the weekend. For that reason and because it was my first effort in 2 weeks, we eased into this with a 5:30 mile and said we'd see how it goes. There was a testing wind at times but effort was always controlled if feeling a little hard at times but we finished with a 5:18 so this was a good session on all accounts.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:15 m/m Farm. grass. Enough said.

    Friday 13/08 - 12.5 miles

    AM: 8.5 miles @ 7:16 m/m Met a couple of club mates for an early run through the city and back. Lovely run to start Friday, topped off with a latte and almond croissant.

    PM: 4 miles @ 7:09 m/m After an essential haircut I went for a non-essential 30 mins at the farm with a club mate. Grand evening.

    Saturday 14/08 - 5 miles @ 7:29 m/m

    With the first of the marathon focussed sessions planned for tomorrow and 65 miles done for the week, this was pretty close to a day off. Off to the farm where even at 7:30am, I bumped into some club mates doing a warmup for their session so I had company for a couple of miles. The rest of the day was spent mainly playing Geoguessr.

    Sunday 15/08 - 20 miles @ 6:12 m/m (final 5 miles @ ~5:30 m/m)

    So my marathon hat is firmly on and this was the first of the long runs with some intentional pace built in. It went pretty well in that I feel satisfied but I really want to go for a lie down. On our usual 20 mile loop, we started with a nice group of 4 and ran a steady ~6:25 pace per mile until 15 miles and then 2 of us picked it up to 5:30 pace for the final 5 miles. The increased effort was definitely tough but in the context of a 90 mile week and the rolling terrain, it felt manageable. I had dropped out Maurten drinks the evening before and we picked these up at 8 and 13 miles with some Ribena at 17 miles. This is not only to fuel the run but to practice drinking fuel while running at pace. I still find it hard but I can only get better. This topped off a solid 90 mile week after the rib incident so here's hoping for a very uneventful next few weeks.

    Weekly milage: 90

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Great to see you're still on course for Berlin after the little lay off. What's your most important LR session that you've planned? Oh, and are you racing a HM?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Yeah great to get that week down. The only other long run session planned (3 weeks out) is 20 miles with 14 at pace but nothing is set in stone really. I've never done many of these LR sessions in the past as running a hard Saturday session (e.g 4 x 2 mile) followed by an easy 20 mile on tired legs the next day is just as effective in my eyes and I've had decent success off it. I think some people can focus on the LR sessions too much and neglect the faster stuff and the recovery. The midweek tempo (MP+10-20 seconds) or say mile reps have as much a role to play along with the easy doubles days.

    In terms of a HM, time or logistics are not going to allow that so it'll just be the big session. Between tapering down and recovering it's just not feasible in the time remaining and while it has its place, I don't subscribe to the notion that a HM is critical in a marathon block.

    Hope all is going well with your Manchester plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Monday 16/08 - Rest

    Todays "rest" involved 4 hours of sub-standard golf in Macroom. I was completely wrecked after it.

    Tuesday 17/08 - 15 miles

    AM: 10 miles @ 7:25 m/m

    Just another boring but probably enjoyable morning run to kick start the week.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:32 m/m

    My achilles, my beloved left achilles has been bugging me lately. It's not like a typical usual flare-up where I just know I need to stop for a few days but it's more a pain that isn't actually impacting running. If I pinch the area above my heel, it's incredibly sensitive and sore yet I don't feel any pain when running. It's worrying but I think it just needs to be managed. I went to a buddy for a rubout after work and then headed to the farm for a few easy miles.

    Wednesday 18/08 - 16.5 miles

    AM: 12 miles @ 7:20 m/m

    And another boring morning run. Half on the road, half on the farm. More and more of my miles these days are edging towards the farm for some reason. It's a safe harbour with mythical powers that are rumoured to keep injury at bay. But seriously I definitely think the grass running is helping me get through these miles, not to mention the fact you nearly always have company out there and the miles just fly by.

    PM: 4.5 miles @ 7:19 m/m

    Farm. Can't remember it. Saw a few trees.

    Thursday 19/08 - 13.5 miles

    AM: 5 miles @ 7:16 m/m

    You know you're knee deep in a marathon when you do a 5 mile run the morning of a race but there's really no wiggle room if you want to get the miles in with a day off a week.

    PM: RACE! Rathcormac 4 mile

    Another race? sure why not. This one seemed to fit well in place of a tempo this week so myself and my training partner John decided to head up to Rathcormac on a fine Thursday evening. I've had the tendency to skip racing during marathon build ups in the past but I think they can play an important role as long as expectations are reasonable and tapers are minimised if not banned. You can't be expecting to lighting up shorter races when in a heavy marathon block on constantly tired legs (which actually turns out to be a great excuse if things go south). There would be no winding down for this one and I probably expected the legs to be a little rusty having not run anywhere near 5 minute miles since the Fermoy race 3 weeks ago. I was a little concerned about how the ribs would react knowing that things are not quite fully healed in that department. I was the first to arrive to race HQ, clearly having learned from my Dundrum 10k experience, now a distant memory. At least I would definitely leave today having come first at something. There was a great buzz around the sleepy little village and a nice pre-race atmosphere building up. You just can't beat the mid-week summer races. I headed off for a warm up with a few club mates and we soon realised how quick the first mile would be and subsequently how difficult the last mile would be. When we were standing on the line, it felt like it would be a mini repeat of Fermoy a few weeks ago with Tim O'Donohoe of East Cork, myself and training partner John Shine all toeing the line today. We came 3rd, 5th and 6th respectively in that race. Would it be a repeat? Standing on the line I also realised that eating a very spicy curry for lunch was an awful decision, it felt like someone had started a bonfire in my stomach. It's alright I thought, it's only 4 miles, just survive it. The course would be a simple loop basically out for 2 downhill miles and back for 2 uphill miles.

    Mile 1: 4:46

    So off we went and eager to bank some of that free downhill money, I set out hard and sat right in behind Tim and John with another Midleton runner tracking just behind. I was feeling quite good at these early stages but how couldn't you with a breeze on your back while flowing down the admirably paved country roads in bouncy shoes. At the halfway mark of the mile, the three of us had broken away and it looked like this was the battle for the top 3 spots. I had the time and splits turned off on my watch so no distractions to allow me focus on one thing, racing. I had a feeling we were running quite fast though but I also knew what lay ahead in the 2nd half so I wasn't getting ahead of myself.

    Mile 2: 4:59

    At the start of this mile, I'm still in 3rd and we hit the first climb. It was a tester and it was here that Tim displayed his strength and conjured a couple of daylight units to separate himself from myself and John. I made an effort to go ahead of John here to pull us up the hill to Tim but the gap just remained the same. About halfway through the mile we took the first of the right turns and enjoyed some respite with a nice quick downhill. There was some good support around here though I was hurting at this stage and unable to properly appreciate it. Tim is really pulling away now and John is stuck to me but this was really keeping the effort honest. I knew the hardest part was yet to come but I'm feeling reasonably strong.

    Mile 3: 5:08

    We took the next right turn for home and are now faced with a pretty angry headwind. I just focussed on Tim ahead though it was getting hard to see him at this stage. He was getting smaller which usually means far away. I had time to think so I'm wondering what sort of time I'm on for. Can I look? Nah, just get back to it and stop thinking about the time. We're halfway through the mile and it's really, really starting to feel tough and with John right behind me I'm thinking I probably need to develop a gap if I want to stay in 2nd as John has a kick, a better kick than me. The problem is I couldn't make a gap, it was really hard.

    Mile 4: 5:12

    Onto the finish straight and it's literally all uphill from here. I was breathing really hard and the rib is starting to hurt now. It feels like a really bad stitch but I am somehow still able to maintain a decent effort. All I'm thinking is it's 5 minutes, just suck it up and run. Just run. He's still right there, breathing as hard as me so I know we're both deep in the pain cave. With about 400m to go we get to the Y junction signalling the end of the loop and it's straight uphill to the finish line. I start pushing now and get a small gap on John and I just push, push and push more up the hill. I can hear the fanfare though I can't see the line yet. I start to see a crowd and a little bit of metal bar which is hopefully a metal bar attached to a finish line. It is. The rib is absolutely killing me at this stage but I don't let up and push it all the way. John had apparently started reeling me in over the last few meters but I get in just ahead of him in 20:03. Absolutely spent.

    I barely had enough energy to congratulate Tim and John but that's why races are better than any session. I swiftly retreated to the safety of the curb and sat down to stare at the ground for a while munching on a banana. I don't think I could have gotten much more out of myself today and I'm delighted with that effort when only a few weeks ago I feared being sidelined for a lengthy period. While the splits don't look pretty, given the course profile I think that was reasonably well paced and it seemed everyone was leaking time in the 2nd two miles. In the context of the heavy training and the silly rib layoff, that's a really good result so no complaints and I'm in a good position now to kick on with the training for Berlin. I'm having fun doing it all, that's the main thing.

    Summary: 2nd in 20:03

    Full results

    That's me running

    Friday 20/08 - 10 miles @ 7:20 m/m

    Clearly having not fallen out over our battle the previous evening, I got out early with John for a nice 10 miler around the city. I say nice but it was the most disgusting wet and windy morning I have ever seen (this week). Got another rubout in work and some physio advice on the achilles. I heard exactly what I wanted to hear - if it's not hurting you, keep on training and we'll manage it.

    Saturday 21/08 - 10 miles

    AM: 5 miles @ 7:22 m/m - Farm

    Met a couple of club mates nice and early followed by coffee and cinnamon swirls.

    PM: 5 miles @ 6:55 m/m - Farm

    This was a little bit of calm before the storm planned for tomorrow. Even though the forecast is actually excellent

    Sunday 22/08 - 25 miles

    AM: 20 miles @ 5:48 m/m

    And it was a beautiful morning. Sunny and calm, perfect for a bit of hurt. We decided that given the mid-week race, it would be a good idea this weekend to skip the Saturday workout and put in a harder effort on Sunday. The last time we did this sort of steady run was a few weeks ago at around 6 min/mile. That went well but we'd aim for about 10 seconds a mile quicker today and overall it went grand, ticked all the boxes. We got going just after 8am when the roads were quiet and after a 0.5 mile warmup jog we kicked into the first mile at 5:55 pace. John had dropped Maurten bottles out on the course so we had fuelling sorted the whole way and I took a half of a Maurten gel to try it out. It makes such a difference to the workout when there's a little planning and intent. This seems like an intimidating session but once you break it down and make mini targets, the miles just look after themselves and I find these runs really satisfying. Beneficial? we'll have to see. We ran a relatively flat out and back route with some tricky spots when going through the city but luckily didn't have any trouble and didn't have to stop at any point. We hit the 10 mile mark in around 58:40 and then naturally picked up the pace on the return leg, finishing with a 5:33 final mile and the 2nd half in 57:30. I felt as good as I could really, it never felt uncomfortably tough and the heart rate was quite steady at 146 avg. A good finish to the week. These long run efforts feel like good stressors and also confidence building for the big MP session in 2 weeks.

    PM: 4 miles @ 7:25 m/m

    There was only one place I was doing this. After watching Cork getting a little bit mauled, I peeled myself off the couch and headed for the safety of the farm. Fantastically boring run. Another good 90 mile week banked and 2 more big ones to survive. Now it's time to pray to superman.

    Weekly mileage: 90.5

    Post edited by jebuz on

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Super race in the 4m - amazing result given the training - that 20m run on the Sunday is fantastic.

    How is your training structured? Do you get it weekly or is it more laid down for the months ahead? I presume its Donie who's coaching you??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Thanks AMK, it was a good week alright when I read it back. Looking forward to a day of rest today, both mentally and physically.

    Donie is my coach alright but it's very much an informal structure. We definitely don't plan months ahead and outside of marathon training, I arrive to most sessions not knowing what's on the menu. For Berlin, I came up with a rough 7 week plan myself and just left mostly placeholders for sessions so we're just taking it week by week. For example, I had a 4 x 2 mile session and a 20 mile easy down for last weekend but we decided after the race to change it up and the steady long run would be better. Rigidness and sticking steadfastly to plans really has no place in marathon training.

    You're probably seeing a bit of a pattern to the weeks, it's typically 2 big sessions and a long run. I know that works well for me and I have adapted over the years to absorb the higher mileage. The specifics of the sessions don't really matter to me and not something I get bogged down in. If your working hard, pacing it right and stressing the body without overdoing it, then a session is going to benefit you no matter what. It's a two-way street with Donie because at this stage I know my body well and I know what training I respond well to and sometimes if I'm brave, I'll challenge him on things. A coach shouldn't be dictating every step you take. When you see their role as more of an advisory then the dynamic shifts and you're more in control of your destiny.

    That said, I'm very lucky to have someone like Donie who not only ran at the highest level but always take lifestyle, work, health etc into account when he coaches. He doesn't operate in specifics (e.g run your 10k effort in this rep). It's run hard or run easy, but run relaxed. it's very old school and there's a certain wisdom there that can't be taught.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Monday 23/08 - Rest

    Tuesday 24/08 - 17.5 miles

    AM: 12.5 miles @ 7:17 m/m

    4 miles to the farm, 4 miles on the farm, 4 miles back. The legs were reasonable given the abuse on Sunday but the rest day probably played a little part there.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:07 m/m

    Post rub run on the farm. That's a tongue twister. Cracking evening!

    Wednesday - 17.5 miles

    AM: 4 x 10 mins (2 min recovery - 12.5 miles total)

    With a 10 mile race planned for this Sunday, the goal here was to try run a bit of 10 mile race effort and get a feel for it. Three of us met up at early O'clock down the Marina and we were ready to start the actual session by 7:30am when traffic was still quiet. Ideal. This was a session where things felt like they were clicking and I felt really in control all the way. The paces for each rep were 5:10, 5:09, 5:08, 5:06, all just coming in under 2 miles. Really happy with that considering we're in the thick of it and a good sign that the fitness is coming along. The three of us worked together for the whole session and everyone took their turn with a bit of front running. I've probably said it so many times but it makes it so much more manageable working in group where you do your bit up front and get dragged along for the rest.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:24 m/m

    Farm with a few lads and lapping up the Indian summer. I got so weak in the middle of this and just went very quiet. I was counting down the miles and almost promised myself I was only doing 4. Somehow when I did get to 4 I just felt ok again and just did the last mile. I think I was just seriously energy depleted and didn't eat enough after the workout this morning. I'm thinking as unenjoyable that feeling was, it might be a good stressor for the body. Maybe not.

    Thursday - 17 miles

    AM: 12 miles @ 7:18

    Another glorious morning with a light fog floating below the morning sun. Ran to the farm, a few laps and back again with a club mate. Met some more ladies from the club out there and it just a really enjoyable morning. I was thinking during the run that no matter what happens in this marathon I have loved the training so much and I'd be doing it all regardless of the race.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:23 m/m

    Wrapping up the last of the 17 mile days before winding down a little for the 10 miler and aiming to be somewhat fresh, if that's even possible. Some day I'll look back in horror at this sort of carry on.

    Friday - 8.5 miles @ 7:14 m/m

    Nice run around the marina one of the nicest mornings I've ever seen. The just-out-of-the-oven warm scone and latte afterwards while sitting outside in the sun just topped it all off.

    Saturday - 5 miles @ 7:20 m/m

    Nice relaxing loosener around the farm and since yesterday's scone episode went so well, we felt it appropriate to rinse and repeat. All ready for tomorrow.

    Sunday - 19 miles

    AM: RACE! Mooreabbey 10 Mile (total 14 miles)

    I spotted this one on the calendar shortly after the recent 4 mile race and initially though I'd be better getting a long run in but then I really thought about it and I just know there's more to gain both mentally and physically out of a good hard 10 mile race than any long run or session. I'd have loved to be doing Antrim but couldn't justify the almost 10 hour round trip. That's the sort of half marathon that you target solely, not run it flat out as part of a build up 4 weeks before Berlin. This one suited better, only an hour away and 3 miles less, with no real expectations. Even though the miles were pretty heavy this week I was going into it feeling pretty good especially given the encouraging session on Wednesday.

    Given my newfound appreciation of punctuality for races, I aimed to arrive in Galbally for 9:30am with an 11am kick off. The weather was sunny, very sunny with a light breeze and I knew that would be making things interesting. I had looked up the left-turning looped course on a map and it seemed reasonable but from experience, it's best to set expectations of all Irish country road courses to 'difficult'. A few of us piled into a car and drove the course with the coach and only then did I start to realise it was going to be a tough route. There was essentially a 3 mile drag to start, a steady fairly flat mid section, a difficult climb from 7-9 and then a quick final mile.

    The start was a mile away at the actual abbey that the whole town is built around and named after. It just made sense to jog there for the warmup. I wonder did the person(s) who designed and built the abbey envisage a 10 mile road race starting right outside it hundreds of years later. Probably not. It's really such a beautifully scenic area and just looking around on the clear sunny day with the Galtee mountains looming in the background, you couldn't but smile and appreciate it. But not for long, it was almost 11am and time to get racing. I have to say there was a great buzz around with people in great form and it's just great to see these events happening and being organised so well. With a PB of 54:00 from 2018, I reckoned this was due a renewal and barring disaster this was an inevitability knowing in my last half marathon I'd gone through in 51 high.

    So we all lined up at a bridge in the midday sun and having a look around on the start line, there were a few runners on my radar along with training partner John but it all didn't really matter, this was a day and a course to just go out and race like hell.

    Mile 1: 5:09

    A countdown of 5 and we're off. Myself and John seemed to quickly start to breakaway and got into a good stride, side by side. It was the first mile, I was feeling pretty good as was everyone else I'm sure. Around halfway into the mile we climbed into the village where we were welcomed with the discernible melody of 'Chariots of Fire' on a crackling tannoy. I chucked and almost felt like running in slow motion past the villagers but that of course would have been foolish and may have massively hindered my chances just for the sake of hilarity. I soon saw 5:09 pop up on the watch and though that was a decent start but the drags were only just starting.

    Mile 2: 5:22

    The start of the 2nd mile felt like 3 bags of sand had been immediately attached to me but we were just getting going with the drags. I felt completely deceived and tricked by the drive through of the course earlier, it didn't look that bad at all but then again humans are appalling at estimation and I am a human. I just tried to focus on relaxing here and keeping a good honest pace knowing that it's still early days. Pretty uneventful and when I clocked 5:22, I was now thinking that running a good time should take low priority today, just run for the win. I assumed it would be a flip of a coin between myself and John with no one else deciding to come with us early on.

    Mile 3: 5:19

    We're still climbing, it's actually getting quite stingy and I'm already feeling the pinch of the midday heat but my focus was to get to 3 miles where I know it starts to level. There shall be relief, just grind through it. Oddly enough here John was starting to fall behind. It was way too early for that so I suspected something was up with him. I'd notice a gap here and there before he'd quickly close it but before halfway through the mile he just completely fell off. I know the shape he's in so I just put it down to a bad day or the heat and what else could I do but kick on and run my own race. Nearing the end of the mile, I hit a nice downhill and for the first time I started to relax a little after a pretty intense start.

    Mile 4: 5:07

    I was getting into a decent stride now and almost halfway through the mile, I take the first of the left turns, a very sharp almost-hairpin turn taken very carefully as I sneaked a peek back to the chasing group. I counted a group of 4 who were maybe 10 seconds behind me, including John now tucked in behind them. It would now be a straight road for 3.5 miles and looking down that lonely road, I was starting to wish I had people around me. Focus is so hard when you're alone. The feeling I just had of settling into the race had now withered and despite the relatively flat terrain, I wasn't at all feeling settled and starting feeling like I had a long way to go. Maybe I just had too much time to think. I hit 4 miles in just under 21 minutes which was fine but in my head I was thinking there's at least 30 minutes to go - not the ideal thought process at that point.

    Mile 5: 5:17

    I felt a little in no-man's lands around this point, almost going through the motions and thinking what is the minimum I need to do here to maintain this lead and just get to the finish without anyone reeling me in. It was a bit of a draggy mile but I just focussed on the permanently blinking hazards on lead car ahead. I tried to stay in the shade where possible though the camber and disrepair-ness of the road edge at times meant I drifted into the middle. Utterly useless information there but I need to fill each mile with something half interesting. First half in 26:18. Would I take another one of those right now? Abso-bloody-lutely.

    Mile 6: 5:12

    There was a little bit of a downhill in this mile and while I'd have loved to (and wanted to) be running closer to 5:05's today, I simply couldn't push much harder as I just knew in my bones I was running the right effort to get to the end in one piece. Anything faster and I'd be getting peeled off the road at 8 miles.

    Mile 7: 5:12

    Mile 7 is still downhill and I'm getting a little second wind and feeling ok, just ok. Tolerable and starting to relax a little. I hit 10k in around 32:30 and was pretty pleased with that, if I could keep it going. At around 6.6 miles, I come to a cross and take the 2nd and final of the left turns. Coach Donie is there and calmly lets me know I've 100m. I find it hard to visualise a 100m gap and translate it to a number of seconds. This conundrum occupies my mind nicely for the rest of the mile but I'm suddenly not as relaxed as I was a few minutes ago and I know there are people in that chasing group capable of gobbling me up. I must keep focus.

    Mile 8: 5:24

    I've now entered the most difficult section of the course though from the drive earlier, I'd have never though it. It's really getting hard now and a quick glance of the pace tells me I'm slowing considerably but I honestly couldn't tell if it was because of the drag or I was tiring badly. Breathing is really becoming laboured now and my sole purpose right now is to get to mile 9. Once I'm at mile 9 I was confident I'd have enough to take it home. I swore I could hear footsteps here but couldn't break the cardinal rule of not looking back. At one point I stopped my breathing for 2-3 seconds just to have a clear listen. It was the most eerily quiet 2 seconds but I felt safer after it. I didn't heard anything, I think. Soon after, what I did hear in the distance behind me was that familiar crackling tannoy music and it was getting closer. As it approached me I recognised the song "You'll never walk alone". I couldn't but smile and wince a little at the irony as the car overtook my lonely rag-doll chassis, chugging up the hill. I wished I was in a car. I had no idea what was going on as there was already a lead car ahead of me. A very strange few minutes really but the good news is the finish line was getting closer. I saw a clever sign on the side of the road here that amused me - "It's a hill, get over it". Nice touch by the organisers.

    Mile 9: 5:30

    Onto what was the hardest and slowest mile of the lot. Again, still not sure if I was blowing badly or this hill was worse than I thought when we drove it. It turns out it was thankfully the latter. I was doing just fine. I still had no idea the gap I had but I couldn't hear anything behind me. All I needed to do was summit the hill and trust I'd have a fast downhill mile in me. I could really feel the heat, breathing was really laboured and I was really puffing up that slope. What could I do but keep the head down and grind it out, it's too close to stop pushing now. Eventually the hill started levelling just before the 9 mile mark, and it was all downhill from here. In a good way.

    Mile 10: 4:46

    This was a bit fun. Once the breathing settled and the rag-doll costume discarded, I really got into a good rhythm. A 5 minute mile would have been fine by me but once again my eyes had deceived me in the drive and this was way, way quicker than I though with a net loss of 137 ft. Once I saw pace was in the 4:50's I knew I had it in the bag now so I just let the legs go wild and really kicked for home, trying to squeeze every second in getting a new PB. Eventually the fun was over and the line started making its way to me. I crossed 1st in 52:26, the 2nd half in 26:08 and really happy with that time considering the solo run, difficult course and heat out there. I was about 30 seconds ahead of 2nd place and John impressibly persevered from falling off at 2 miles to hang on for 4th. A PB day is never, ever a bad day. I feel my quads might be paying dearly for that mile tomorrow. There was a lovely atmosphere around afterwards and that ice cold can of coke hit the sweet spot. A really good athletics event run by proper athletics people.

    All in all, a great day out and I'm really glad I did it. That will probably do more for me than any session would have done this weekend. I really had to battle away some negative thoughts at times where it was feeling a little too difficult but the fitness came through in the end and I'm feeling well on track to being able to put together a good marathon. There was no doubt fatigue in the legs today with the midweek session, the front-loaded miles and the hard 20 miler last week. Considering all of that, I'm actually really pleased with it and I will certainly relax with a PB beer tonight and a day off tomorrow. One more big week to put in and I feel the bulk of the work is done.

    Summary: 1st in 52:26

    Full results

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:33 m/m

    This was pencilled in tentatively with full permission to erase if one were to be exceedingly goosed after the race. There's no point pushing myself needlessly just to hit milage targets but in this case I felt fine, I had eaten well throughout the day and it was doable once I peeled myself off the sofa following the United game. It was exactly as you'd expect, a trudge at the farm but quite enjoyable in the evening sun. It was a lot cooler, ideal for a race really.

    Weekly milage: 85

    Post edited by jebuz on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Brilliant race report as usual! Well done on the PB😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Congrats, great run and thoroughly entertaining report!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    3 weeks to go to Berlin from yesterday. I started last week with the mindset that I just needed to get one more big week in, including a testing 14 miles @ pace on Saturday. If I could crest that week I knew the bulk of the work would be done and it's then just a case of getting fresh, being extremely paranoid and getting to that start line in one piece. I'm now in that place. Bubble-wrap me.

    Monday 30/08 - Rest

    Probably my favourite rest day to date, one that felt both necessary and deserved. I really don't think I even walked much.

    Tuesday 31/08 - 15 miles

    AM: 10 miles @ 7:17 m/m

    Routine is the friend of any marathon plan. It doesn't even require discussion or thought now, I just know I'll meet my club mate at 7am and we'll go to the farm. These doubles have been the bread and butter of the last few weeks and I've actually really enjoyed them. It's disgraceful. The legs weren't too bad but certainly feeling some effects of that 10 miler.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:15 m/m

    To the sacred farm again where there's really been a great buzz these past few weeks. With team sports back and runners pounding the grass every evening it's just a really nice place to be. A real social hub.

    Wednesday 01/09 - 17.5 miles

    AM: 40 minute tempo (12.5 miles total)

    I was a little apprehensive about this one being so soon after the race but if you're not tired at this point of a marathon block, you're probably doing it wrong. The work just needed to be done. Thankfully I had my club mate John as usual and being under a bit of time pressure with work we set off at 6:45am for the warm up and kicked into the session at around 7:20am without even a shoe change. I wear the Nike Tempo shoes for most sessions. They're clunky and noisy but I find them comfortable and they've worked well so far this year. The Marina was quiet enough with traffic but there was a temperamental breeze hanging about. We started off pretty stiff and lethargic and I really wasn't feeling it at all. I knew it would be a grind. The 3rd mile into a headwind was a particular struggle but I just had to remind myself of the tiredness and race fatigue and there was no panic about the pace, it was what it was. I was glad we ran this pretty sensibly and got into a decent rhythm for the last few miles feeling good and covering 7.4 miles in total. Glad to have that one ticked off. 5:23, 5:24, 5:30, 5:25, 5:23, 5:22, 5:20, 0.4 miles @ 5:17

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:05 m/m

    After this morning's effort, 5 miles at the farm felt like almost getting no homework. I bumped into a few lads I hadn't seen in a while and ran away with them as the time just flew by. I did not make the same mistake as last week of under-fuelling for this run. Decent day of it.

    Thursday 02/09 - 15 miles

    AM: 10 miles @ 7:14 m/m

    Standard carbon copy of Tuesday.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:06 m/m

    As above

    Friday 03/09 - 10 miles @ 7:18 m/m

    How on earth did we suddenly get to pitch dark at 6am? I needed an extra 4 zombie minutes to sit on the side of the bed, staring emptily at the ground. Eventually I got going, threw an espresso down the hatch and met John at 6:30 for a nice run to the Marina and back. The city centre is noticeably busier, even at that hour. Topped off with a scone and a latte and it's time to get ready for the big one tomorrow.

    Saturday 04/09 - 25.5 miles

    AM: 20.5 miles w/14 miles @ 5:30 m/m

    The big day. I've never gone beyond 10 miles up marathon pace in a build before so 14 seemed like a fairly tough session on paper especially given the tiredness built up over the last few weeks. Myself and John picked a nice 7 mile out and back route for the faster miles and had dropped Maurten at 4, 7 and 10 miles. After 4 easy miles we started the faster section aiming for in and around 5:30's but the main thing was finding the right effort, aiming to ease the pace and come home slightly quicker. I turned off mile splits on my watch and just kept an eye on the average. Overall felt quite good for this, never felt in trouble and bar the legs being tired, the breathing and heart rate were ideal for a marathon effort (151bpm avg). I couldn't believe how fast it was going, suddenly we were at the 7 mile turning point and on the way back. We had averaged 5:32 m/m for the first half and I was finding a nice rhythm now. We hit 10 miles in 55:15 or so and the half marathon in 72:25, the 2nd half slightly quicker. 2 mile cool-down and job done. That was a massive confidence booster and both of us were buzzing after it. If I were to repeat that effort for 26.2 in 3 weeks I'd be a very happy boy. Of course anything can happen on the day but barring events outside of my control, I feel I can certainly get to 20 miles at that pace and then anything can happen.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:17

    I travelled up to Dublin in the afternoon as I've a wedding in Meath on Sunday. I was staying in a hotel near Santry stadium this evening so got out into the beautiful Santry park for a few miles. Really impressed with this place as I'd never ran here before apart from the odd short warmup before a track race. It's way bigger than I had thought. It was a glorious and peaceful sunny evening, the legs were surprisingly good and I really enjoyed this one.

    Sunday 05/09 - 10 miles @ 7:24 m/m

    The wedding wasn't until 3pm so I went for a nice relaxed run around my old haunts of North Dublin when I was a student in DCU, ensuring to run past all of the old houses I lived in over the years in Whitehall and Glasnevin. How things have changed from those lazy days, drunken nights, chinese takeaways and Pro Evo tournaments. Running? The only bit of running I did was when I played ultimate frisbee, the odd game of 5 a side or maybe getting to the off-licence before it closed. This was a nice little trip down memory lane and tops off what will be the highest milage week of the build-up and time to focus now on getting to that line in good nick.

    Weekly mileage: 93.5

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    You are in great shape! Stay safe in that bubble wrap😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    And so I've stepped in through door of taper city though I really don't feel I'm fully in the door, at least until the last week anyway. This week the intensity of the training didn't really change, just marginally lower volume setting a precedence for the next 2 weeks as the start line edges closer and closer. As much as I want to treat this like any other race, it's really hard not to. I found myself stepping out of the shower very carefully today, a sign of things to come. It's a marathon, it's a 26 mile race and if you want to do yourself justice you just have to put in the work and give it the respect it deserves. You also have to be very paranoid and careful in the last 2 weeks, while all the time making sure you tell everyone you're running a marathon.

    Monday 06/09 - Rest

    Thank gravy my rest day is a Monday. The wedding on Sunday was really enjoyable but also a little draining. It was very strange meeting old friends and not knowing if we should touch elbows or hug. Needless to say once the night got going, hugs became mandatory. I did enjoy kicking back with friends and enjoying a few drinks, you have to be able to do that without worrying about the running. At the end of the day I'm just an amateur athlete and letting your hair down the odd time does more good than harm. That said, it helped that the wedding fell 3 weeks out. I'm not so sure I'd have been as relaxed if it was the week of the race. The drive back to Cork the next day felt endless. I did have to stop about halfway as my eyes were closing so I just pulled in, lay back the seat and nodded off for 30 minutes. It was just about then I felt very old.

    Tuesday 07/09 - 15 miles

    AM: 10 miles @ 7:16 m/m

    And back to the grind. I met John for a few miles to the farm before he headed off early for work and then I bumped into Lizzie and ran with her for the 2nd half. Nice to have the company as I was feeling fairly wrecked and zombie-ish. I went for a nap around 4:30pm before heading off for a rub. Working at home is great.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:14 m/m

    After the rub I headed to the farm for another serving of 5 miles on the grass, still fairly tired. I'm looking forward to getting fresh as I'm getting to the point where I think another week of this sort of intensity of training would start having negative consequences. It's just not sustainable.

    Wednesday 08/09 - 17 miles

    AM: 40 minutes tempo @ 5:20 m/m (12.5 miles total)

    It was an oddly warm and humid morning. I met John at 6:45am and we jogged towards the Marina for the session. I had a singlet under my t-shirt thinking it would be cold for the warm-up but only a mile in I had to take off my t-shirt I was sweating so much. We kicked into the session and felt a stiff breeze already. Like last week, we ran the first mile slower and at that hour of the morning when you're still barely awake, it just feels like an extended warm up. We eventually got moving into the 5:20's for the rest of the session and I was feeling relaxed and well in control. 7.5 miles covered and another decent tempo in the bag. 5:29, 5:21, 5:22, 5:21, 5:18, 5:18, 5:18, 0.5 mile @ 5:08

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:06 m/m

    There were a lot of strange droplets of a mild liquid substance falling out of the sky at the farm this evening. I actually can't remember the last time I ran in the rain, I guess that would make that a very successful summer. It really was nice when you think about it. The legs were surprisingly nimble following the abuse this morning. When I finished up I figured that was probably the last time I'll run 17 miles in a day. The madness is finally subsiding thankfully.

    Thursday 09/09 - 15 miles

    AM: 10 miles @ 7:15 m/m

    A very humid morning but quite a nice one. Usual route to the farm and back. Traffic has gone absolutely mental but thankfully for me I get to observe it, not sit in it. It hit me this morning that this may well be the last double of this marathon block. I've really enjoyed it all but as I've alluded to, I'm at the point now where I'm ready to wind down, the fatigue is real.

    PM: 5 miles @ 7:09 m/m

    Usual evening routine with John. I was glad to get this one done and then it was time to kick back with dinner and a great TV show I started watching called Silicon Valley.

    Friday 10/09 - 8.5 miles @ 7:20 m/m

    Usual Friday route through the city, to the Marina and back. Still getting used to it being pitch black at 6am but it turned into a decent morning and it's still singlet weather, for now.

    Saturday 11/09 - 10/9/8/7 min off 2 mins (12 miles total)

    Off to the farm on a perfect Saturday morning for a session. When I heard the session I suggested dropping the 7 min rep as I was just conscious of starting the wind down but Donie just said to basically do it but keep the efforts the same. Donie knows. Normally for a session like this we'd dial up the pace a little every rep as the time comes down. In with a nice group for this and overall it went pretty well with 34 mins of work below 5:10 m/m. The first rep was possibly slightly too fast but I settled in after that and kept them all pretty even. Great session.

    10 mins @ 5:05 m/m

    9 mins @ 5:08 m/m

    8 mins @ 5:10 m/m

    7 mins @ 5:05 m/m

    Sunday 12/09 - 15 miles @ 7:25 m/m

    15 miles on a wet wet wet morning. I'm not used to running in the rain still, just shows how good we had it for the last few months. Met up with some other club mates and kept the pace nice and sensible, not too knackered from yesterday. A good week of it, now it feels like it's wind down time.

    Weekly mileage: 83

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    1 week to go 😮how did that happen? I'm not feeling the freshest just yet as the 10 mile effort on Wednesday took a bit out of me but next week will really be a case of just reeling it in, sleeping well and not getting a cold.

    Monday 13/09 - Rest

    This was first Monday in a while that I felt a rest wasn't absolutely necessary but I took it anyway, I guess that's a good sign.

    Tuesday 14/09 - 10 miles @ 7:05 m/m

    It was a bit odd just doing the one run today but a very welcome change also. Usual route early in the morning with John, to the farm for a lap and back again. The legs are starting to come round slowly and what a strange but nice feeling in the evening to have so that extra time. I spent it wisely, getting a rub in the evening and then sitting.

    Wednesday 15/09 - 10 miles @ 5:31 m/m (12 miles total)

    This was a bit of a first for me, I would usually do a 20-25 minute tempo 10 days out from the race but John had been recommended this session a few years back in the lead up to one of his marathons and said it worked well. I liked the sound of it and felt like it would be a good confidence booster. The purpose of this run was more psychological than anything since there's little or no fitness to be gained at this stage. After a mile warmup, we started at Blackrock Castle, headed out for 5 miles to Passage and back again. Perfect morning, cool and calm. I dipped into my new swanky gel belt at 4 miles and downed a Maurten gel which went down fine. We hit 5 miles in 27:39 and came home in 27:37 hitting 10 in 55:16. Grand job. When we stopped, I wasn't in any great stress nor breathing hard but it was by no means a walk in the park. Going straight into 5:30 pace at 7:15am is not easy but after a few miles in I did settle down and got into a decent flow. Heart rate was ~154 average for the effort so I think that's around sustainable for a marathon (for me anyway, my max HR is not very high). Holding this pace for 26 miles will certainly not be easy but I think there's a good chance I can sustain it for at least most of the race which would yield a solid PB regardless.

    Thursday 16/09 - 10 miles @ 7:11 m/m

    An exact replica of Tuesday but the day was Thursday and the legs were a little tireder. 10 days to go. 9 days of tricking the legs into thinking they're on holidays and then bang, welcome to painville.

    Friday 17/09 - 8.5 miles @ 7:36 m/m

    Very tired and cranky legs this morning, I guess that's probably a consequence of the effort on Wednesday. Somehow after a torrential night of rain, it was 16C and dry. I actually went back to bed for an hour after this and then a visit to the physio for a rub at 11am, while supposedly working. Not too worried about the tiredness right now, plenty of time to get the legs fresh. Right? RIGHT?

    Saturday 18/09 - 4 x 5 mins (9 miles total)

    To the farm on a gloriously sunny morning, bonus territory for sure. This was a nice session on the grass, lighter than usual but just enough to keep the legs ticking over without building fatigue. Paces were 5:19, 5:21, 5:21 and 5:16. It was so enjoyable to once again sit in the sun at a coffee shop afterwards with club mates and feel that heat on the face. Unfortunately it didn't last for too long and the rain came down in the afternoon, but we had our fun.

    Sunday 19/09 - 10 miles @ 7:07 m/m

    Another cracking morning on Leeside and just 10 easy miles on the menu today. Headed off with a few clubmates at 9am and then obviously breakfast and coffee in the sunshine afterwards. Nice enjoyable run and the body was feeling well rested today. Now it's getting real...

    Total mileage: 60

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Very best of luck to you 😊 Looking forward to the race report already!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    👆Thanks Lainey! 0 weeks to go. Wait, does that mean...yes, Conor. It is time.

    Monday 20/09 - 8 miles @ 7:34 m/m

    To the safety of the farm on a nice calm Monday morning. Laps and laps and laps, until I met a club mate and then the concept of laps just faded and the run flew by. Nice run, though I'd take a few points off for the overly dewy grass resulting in wet socks. A few strides at the end and job done. All good.

    Tuesday 21/09 - 6 miles (with 2 miles in 9:47)

    Down to the Mardyke track for what is the now traditional 2 miles on the track before a marathon. I've always done these at marathon pace and never particularly walked away feeling great so I really wasn't going to care how I felt tonight, there are too many moving parts to this final week. The focus is primarily on sleep, hydration and nutrition, that's it. I fell in with John for this and as we discussed beforehand, we weren't going to be running MP but rather aiming to complete the 2 miles in a nipper 10 minutes, a proper short and sharp effort. John took the first 400m and we hit 73, that set the pace and we pretty much kept that effort until the end swapping at the front every 800m and hitting 3k in ~9:10. Very enjoyable effort and walked away pretty pleased. 2 mile cool down and then off for my final rub.

    Wednesday 22/09 - 7 miles @ 7:06

    And off to the farm again on another nice morning for some solo miles but it was quite nice. I noticed a good few solo soldiers out galloping this morning, of course the old runner's nod mandatory as you first pass them, then it just becomes awkward every single time you pass them after that. Hello again.

    Thursday 23/09 - 6 miles @ 7:02

    Rinse and repeat at the farm but this morning I had company with John and the legs are kind of starting to feel good now. Few strides at the end and that Tiergarten start line edges even closer.

    Friday 24/09 - 5 miles

    The last run on home soil, it had to be the farm of course. What a pleasure that training block that was, I enjoyed almost every step and I'll just take whatever's going on Sunday. I cleaned up, inhaled some brekkie and picked up John before heading for Dublin. All went smooth in the airport bar a few queues longer than usual but it was just so exciting to be heading abroad for a race again. I did manage to absolutely whack my side (again!!) while leading out of the window at the Fermoy toll booth when my coins were rejected. It’s the same side I injured a few weeks back but slightly higher, I just prayed and hoped it wouldn’t be a repeat of the last time.

    Saturday 25/09 - 20 mins @ 8:18 m/m

    The morning before. At 9am I met up with John and another Cork athlete staying nearby and enjoyed a leisurely 20 minute tourist trail around the streets. The jog to the start line is only a mile away which is ideal. The side of my ribs that I abused yesterday isn’t terribly painful, there was definitely some damage was done but I think I’ll get through the race grand. If it pains me for a week afterwards then I’ll deal with it. It’s time to go get it.

    That's all from me for now, see you in the form of a race report very soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    I think I may be one of those solo soldiers lapping around the farm.

    Best of luck tomorrow, hope everything goes to plan

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Thanks a lot Treviso. I’m not sure if I know you or not but company is always welcome at the farm, even at the ungodly early hours

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Best of luck tomorrow. Not sure what time the lead German lady is targetting, but that's a great way of getting some international TV time 😁 enjoy the race and the post race-beers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Best of luck - may the running gods shine on you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    The Berlin 1/4 marathon

    This isn’t the race report I was hoping to write but at this stage I’ve come to expect the best and worst out of running. It’s all part of what we sign up to. I arrived to Berlin in probably the best shape of my life and having put in what I think is my best and most consistent year to date. I’m running sessions and milage now I would have only dreamed of a few years back. I’ve already spoke about it in previous posts but for me the journey to Berlin this year was one of the most enjoyable to date, with a trusted trainer partner and we genuinely enjoyed the training more than ever. There were tough days, setbacks and of course mornings I didn’t want to get up and run but doesn’t that just makes me human. On the whole, there’s nothing else I’d rather spend my time doing.

    The one thing worrying me the day before was my upper chest which took a hammering at the Fermoy toll booth as I leant out the window. I knew it wasn’t quite feeling right and if there was anything going to be causing me to finish early, that’s what my money was on. After a surprisingly good night of sleep, race morning arrived and I was feeling ready. At 6:15am I drank my Maurten drink, swallowed some toast with peanut butter and jam and I then managed to sneak another 30 minute sleep, waking for the last time at 7am. I donned the race gear and went to meet the two lads at 8am and we jogged the mile up to the towering Bradenburg gate. What a view it was to turn onto that finish straight and I was already visualising myself striding down there with roaring crowds flanking each side, galloping to the finish line on for a massive time. It was so exciting to be back at a major marathon, what an electric atmosphere. The morning was looking hot, very hot. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky at 8:30am and the sun was already beaming down on the helpless and unsuspecting competitors. It was no doubt going to be a tough day but nobody was really talking about it. A collective dissonance.

    It was a breeze to get to the start block where I met a few friendly faces from home. There was a nervous tension in the air, a little more palpable than usual, perhaps because of the 2 year marathon sabbatical for most. Eventually it was time to line up in coral A and we were minutes from the start. I took a gel and started to focus. I was maybe 3-4 rows back from the very front and I looked up that wide Tiergarden road ahead, a glorious sight in the morning sun and I couldn’t wait to get going. The plan was to ease into 5:30 mile pace, roughly 17:10 or so through each 5k. The now familiar tense start line music blared from the loud speakers and the countdown was on. Suddenly it’s happening, I’m back in Berlin and it’s marathon time.

    5k - 17:10

    I knew the GPS in Berlin can be haywire so my pace was to be guided by a pace band on my wrist today with a checkpoint every 5k. I got out with no issues, a lot of people storming out of the traps as expected. I settled into a comfortable pace and noticed John wasn’t coming with me but probably choosing to be a little more conservative. Steady was my goal of the day so I planned to just run my own first few miles and assumed a group would form on 2:24-25 pace. The first few miles were very relaxed and I was happy with how I was feeling. The chest pain? What chest pain! I think if there is any sort of discomfort in those first few miles, it can really tamper with your mindset and set you up for a difficult day but all seemed to be good in my world at this point. I was tracking a group of 3 men who were clearly pacing an African woman who sat right behind their triangular formation. I figured this would be a steady group to cling on to. I got to the first timing mat at 17:10, spot on. I took a glance back and didn’t see John but we always had that understanding that when it came to the race we’d be doing our own thing. I was certainly aware of the morning sun beaming down at this point but I wasn’t feeling affected by it. It was still very early days.

    10k - 34:15

    I noticed in the first 5k an uncomfortable amount of friction in my shoes. Nothing to make me panic but it did feel too early for that. After maybe 6 or 7k I was really noticing it and getting concerned, I could feel blisters forming in both feet. I say too early but in reality, it shouldn’t ever happen. It’s one of these things that no amount of training or willpower can overcome but on the other hand, blisters are so avoidable. I’d worn those socks before in the 10 mile MP effort but that was not run in the AlphaFly shoes. That never crossed my mind beforehand. Still, it felt a very odd for both feet to have blisters. The only thing I can think of I did different was just before the start when I bent down and pulled the top of my socks up really high, so it wouldn’t chafe on my ankles (as it did in a training run before). At 8k I was actually moving really well, I was alongside a guy and we were maybe 20-30 meters behind the African lady’s pacing group and in a great rhythm. The pain was really starting to get to me now, as much as I told myself I could deal with it. In reality I had 21 miles to go and it was starting to hurt. I was clearly in denial mode. I got to the 10k mat and saw the time of 34:15, the 2nd 5k in 17:05. Bang on target and feeling great (apart from the obvious). I was now solo as the guy ahead of me had made a dash for group ahead and I declined, opting to keep running the 5:30’s but also now very conscious of the feet. Running solo was the least of my worries.

    11k came and suddenly it was like running on hot coals. I think the blisters had broken at this point and the writing was on the wall. Every corner I took was excruciating and I was adjusting my stride to avoid hitting the blister straight on. This wasn’t going to happen, I just knew it. I was keenly aware that there was a drink to be collected from a friend at 12k, so that was my mini target to reassess, perhaps even pull in and fix my socks but in all reality I knew I was just going to get there and pull the plug. There was some solace knowing there was someone out on the course rather than pulling in randomly and trying to find my way back. It turns out I didn’t even get that far. Just before the 12k mark, and just as I was about to reattach to the group ahead, I shook my head and waved the white flag. I couldn’t run another step. My feet were burning and every additional step I ran was prolonging my future recovery from it. Time to be smart and call it a day. It’s such a shame as apart than that, it was probably the most comfortable and confident I had felt at the start of a race. I was moving so well but writing it all down now, that’s a huge positive I can take away.

    I pulled in to the side of a very crowded and raucous roundabout and I couldn’t wait to get those blasting clown shoes off me. I was aware of all of the spectators eyes on me, showering me with their sympathy but I was actually really ok with it. There was no sense of anger or injustice, just a strange resignation and acceptance that this wasn’t my day. I took a look at my shoes, a little blood-stained blotch decorated the cushion on each shoe with a matching red blob on the socks. Ow. The blisters most definitely had burst, I’ve never seen or experienced anything like that before. I can’t explain it. As I was getting up, I saw a Cork jersey jogging towards me. Strangely a comforting sight. It was Joe, the guy who was managing our drinks that day, and he was rushing his way to the U-Bahn to make his way to the 32k (20 mile) spot for the next drink drop off. His planning was militant and quite impressive to be honest. I said the best thing for me to do now is to tag along with Joe and cheer on the lads, no time for pity parties. What good would it do me to head back to an empty apartment? I limped along with Joe to the U-Bahn and I was so glad to have the company at that time. It was all a little raw and it really took my mind off my own experience and I could now at least play a small part in helping others get through what was to be a torrid day at the races. We arrived to the 32k mark just as the leaders passed and we got to see the elites in full flow. It was hitting me now just how hot it had gotten. From what I heard it got up to 24C by the end, absolutely no condition for fast times. It was also now dawning on me that perhaps I had just been pardoned from death row. It was confirmed later when I saw the finish times. Nobody ran their expected times. The heat had utterly crippled people in the 2nd half and it made for grim viewing. All of our crew passed us and none of them looked particularly comfortable but the worst seemed to come in the last 10k. John was first of the group home in 2:34 and for a fella who doesn’t run well in heat, he did really well. Most were 4-5 minutes outside their target including David Mansfield who I met at the start. He still ran an incredible 2:19 but had been shooting for 2:15. Even the winning time was the slowest in 12 years.

    Today, though I still feel some disappointment, I’m a little relieved. I feel that if I didn’t have the blister issues, there was no way I was holding that 2:24 pace but I still think I could have been walking away with a PB. It’s not really worth pondering over for too long, it’s pretty much irrelevant. I don’t have a marathon to recover from and (after my upcoming week in Cyprus) I can head back and hit the races again. I have an entry for Manchester but I don’t think that would be smart right now. I’ll take my time and go again properly when the time is right. There’s something to learn from each marathon and having talked to a friend last night, I’ll be learning to tie my laces properly. Apparently there’s a method that’s foolproof for avoiding blisters.

    All in all, as I hope was evident, this wasn’t about the destination but enjoying the journey. I’ve loved logging again, I’m so glad I raced more than usual in the build up and despite not crossing the line, I got more out of this than I probably realise right now. The marathon is a tough nut to crack but when you do crack it, it’s all worth it. There’ll be better days ahead yet.

    Post edited by jebuz on
