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Covid 19 Part XXXV-956,720 ROI (5,952 deaths) 452,946 NI (3,002 deaths) (08/01) Read OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Ah_well.

    You are so right there . The stereotype of the big Irish drunken paddy is some absolute pile of shite lie . The English are the real drinkers of Europe . Once you get to thirty in Ireland you are expected to sit at home watch the late late with your glass of wine . Pathetic . In England they know how to have a night out. 20 30 40 it doesn’t matter what age you are . Life is for living . Advanced nations like England know that . Ireland still in the dark ages .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,023 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    I think it's kind of vaccine, which matters. Israel was vaccinated with Pfizer, while UK in a big part with AZ. I think AZ gives better long time protection, especially because was administrated 2-3 months after the first shot. Just compare these two countries. Vaccine in Israel practically waned, while in UK there were a lot of cases but not so many death, if you compare it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,799 ✭✭✭mightyreds

    I'm sitting here at mid 30's with my glass of wine watching the late late 😂

    But this is very true, working in England opened my eyes, lunch hour down the pub for a pint, Weds, Thurs, Friday after work drinks.

    Nail on the head with older generation going down the strip as we used to call it in wigan, anyone form 20s to 50s, living it up down there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,651 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    You have been told the correct numbers over and over by posters here today and yesterday but you choose to ignore them , why I don't know . Your mind is made up that it's all a lie ?

    Nobody here calling unvaccinated " lepers "and I find it offensive that you are saying that . Please be explicit when you make statements like that. Who has said that ? It appears to be a rhetoric only coming from people who cannot accept that the case numbers are way higher in unvaccinated , and being attributed , incorrectly to some posters.

    There are one or two who have expressed some extreme views , on both sides of the debate here .

    Don't get Waterford/ Carlow except where has anyone said that cases there were anything but mild ? Are they hospitalised in large numbers there ? I haven't heard that . And I don't think you have either . Mild cases in vaccinated populations, even with some moderately ill , are not unexpected where there is high levels of community transmission . The problem is when it gets into nursing homes or where people have underlying conditions . But again the numbers being hospitalised and in ICU are low .

    Skygord and raind posted the figures and graphs earlier for ICU and hospitalisations today , Addressed to you so how could you not have seen them ? Or is this just a post ignoring that , to up the ante ?

    ICU numbers have pretty much been as you were told earlier ...not going into that again if you don't accept it .

    Yes, our relationship with the UK and NI which has a much higher incidence than ours has kept our numbers high throughout . What reason do you give for that not to be the case ?

    Why do you say about forcible vaccination / segregation of children , and boosters and the Covid cert as if it is going to be used as in Israel?

    . Nobody is talking about this in Ireland , only boosters for the aged and high risk medically , and even that is not happening yet . I don't agree that Ireland would ever consider going down that right wing road, but I agree it us hard to have faith given what we have been through in the last 20 months .

    The only part of your post that I can fully agree with is the fact that the DCC may be here for the winter, and that antigen testing would be useful now, so that clubs and gigs etc can continue to open fully .

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,651 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Ah you're just making stuff up now, you know that is not what I said.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Ah_well.

    Exactly. All ages all sorts and kinds. They don’t give a shite . In Ireland if you are out on the town in your 40s you are seen as a sad sack . In england it’s the most normal thing in the world .

    Post edited by Ah_well. on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,023 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    Eeee, I always thought drinking was escaping from life. Ho do you live your life if you are drunk?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,265 ✭✭✭✭stephenjmcd

    That's not exactly what she said now let's be fair.

    She said the question in government is how far they extend the vaccine passport & that really is the question at the moment. It's under consideration appearently and she said herself the question in government is if not now then when

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,651 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    The most basic, basic, prevention of transmission of all disease ,gastrointestinal, respiratory and otherwise , is through the proper washing of hands,. It's the first thing all chefs, nurses , doctors, childcare staff , hospitality workers , and even children learn .

    I don't believe your post Adele Full Shortchange and think you and nyero are taking the proverbial .

    All I ask is that you wash your hands afterwards ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Ah_well.

    Iv missed today’s updates . What do you think we are looking at here ? I see Simon Harris saying restrictions will be eased just not to the level that was hoped for . What does that mean ? Late bars with social distancing? No late bars at all? Extension of the closing hours ? No extension at all? Clubs ? No clubs ? I know it’s all speculation but what are your thoughts ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,265 ✭✭✭✭stephenjmcd

    No idea, you've different ministers saying different things, covney for example also said he thinks there'll be a major lifting but perhaps vaccine certs might stay, Harris was along the same lines.

    My own opinion I think we'll open up but with extended use of the vaccine cert. I could be miles off but that was what I thought when the inital soundings came out the other day and the comments of various ministers seem to indicate that's the thought process in government as well.

    At long last in government the question if not now then then when seems to be asked

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Could we not just have more well ventilated bars and clubs? They'd smell better anyway.

    It's not as if you need to heat night clubs. If anything, they need a lot of cooling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Ah_well.

    I’d be delighted if that’s what transpires. It does seem like fg boys want reopening with strict enforcement of covid certs . I really hope they get their way on this . MM seems so much more conservative. Numbers in hospital always peak at weekends /Monday so the optics will be unfavourable . Hopefully they hold their nerve and open to the vaccinated . As you say if not not when ?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I remember some years ago in a Dublin Hospital asking a doctor if he was going to use a glove while taking blood. He got the glove tied it around my arm and gave me a nod of approval as he finished drawing the blood.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,275 ✭✭✭CruelSummer

    Honestly Goldengirl I wish I had your confidence in the system.

    Raind posted an Irish Times article showing some rates in ICU in early Sept, which at the time was approx 54% or even split between vaccinated & unvaccinated.

    If there’s a source or information for the current ICU admissions & hospitalisations, that would be fantastic as it’s what the Government are basing how the next 6 months will be for Irish society, pretty big decisions. We’ve no breakdown of other issues either like age, underlying conditions, etc.

    How you can seriously state that vaccinated people aren’t being ostracised akin to Lepers is beyond me. They cannot enter into restaurants, pubs, cafes, and plenty more. They’ve been targeted all week as a scourge to society and the reason for all the current talk of not reopening from politicians in the Dáil (Leo Varadkar), to medics & hysterical doctors on the airwaves bashing Callum Robinson to their hearts content. I’m fully vaccinated and cannot stand this rhetoric. Did you hear Pat Kenny’s rants this week?

    I also cannot stand Israel for a number of reasons, but the way they’re going about boosters, disabling certs and forcing their population to take them should be ringing alarm bells here. Imagine people taking two doses of a vaccine only for them to be wiped & ordered to take more. This is absolutely shocking behaviour. Why do you think that wouldn’t happen here? We’ve done everything else Israel has in relation to Covid response, we’re hysterical, we’re talking of abandoning freedom day. I would much prefer if we followed Denmark, Norway, U.K., Sweden type response from here on out. Leo Varadkar is on record talking about an ‘extensive’ booster campaign here. His statements carry weight due to his position.

    No child should be given these vaccines unless there's a medical reason to do so, there is no benefit. Joe Biden is out talking up vaccination for this age group in the US. You think Ireland wouldn’t follow that? They don’t even seem to follow NIAC advice here on 12-15 group & pushed it on all of that age group.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,843 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Would you not include charts with vaccine uptake per age group and deaths per age group though?

    You're looking at charts to fit your narrative. Charts also need to be adjust for population and throw in the positivity rate also, that has a massive impact.

    Any reduction in efficacy in Pfizer due to the Delta variant or any waning, still has it a little higher than AZ.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭Amadan Dubh

    I presume you and the other authoritarian extremists also would like to see a ban on people coming into the country from places with poor vaccine uptakes? So no Africans, South Americans, Asians etc. in Ireland until they are vaccinated.

    I mean, to support restrictions on everyone even though 90% are fully vaccinated would mean that you have a zero tolerance for unvaccinated people in society.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,876 ✭✭✭bokale

    A zero tolerance for unvaccinated people in society?

    Haha christ what's happening on the 22nd again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,265 ✭✭✭✭stephenjmcd

    Yeah FF TDs seem to be a little quieter, the only FF TD that's been semi vocal the last few days is Dun Laoighre TD Cormac Devlin who's managed to get the NTA and Dublin bus to resume the nitelink from the 22nd of course subject to Tuesdays decision but he was really pushing that after the parliamentary party meeting the other night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Ah_well.

    I saw that Devlin tweeting of the nite link back up and running . I had sort of given up on it all but when I saw the nite link was back in operation I stated to have hope that a proper night out was possible again . I don’t know though .A. lot of negativity is circulating and MM worries me . Let’s hope it’s a step forward next Friday and not a step sideways

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    “If not now, then when”, should be the only thought on any well-thinking TD’s mind this weekend.

    If not now, then you’re keeping more people out of their job, their livelihood. For what? For what tangible benefit? Though as our esteemed Minister for Social Protection said, they can get a job somewhere else. Sums up society these days - who cares if an industry is wiped out, they can all start working minimum wage in a busy chain restaurant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Ah_well.

    What happens to all the people who have been hired for the resumption for bar work next Friday in clubs and late bars ? Oh sorry about that . You are unemployed again .if it all gets the thumbs down you get 3 days notice from next Tuesday. Basically your fucked . Horrid carry on

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,843 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Chances are they were not hired, they were taken off PUP or went on to the wage subsidy employment scheme. There are plenty of supports for industries starting back up or attempting to. It's not a cut and shut or cliff edge you make out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,427 ✭✭✭lee_baby_simms

    They’ve made a huge miscalculation due to NPHET influenced crazy modelling and now in order to save face they’re getting the excuses in early. That’s what we’ve seen this week.

    Operation “blame the public” .

    The public who are 93% compliant and have endured the longest lockdown in Europe.

    It’s disgusting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,424 ✭✭✭FintanMcluskey

    Its very unsettling where we are heading in Ireland

    We should be global outliers as a reward for vaccine uptake. There should be no mention of Covid here anymore, we should be having concerts in Croke park for the last 3 months

    Instead the goal posts continually move.

    The vulnerable went from 85 year old's to vaccinating 13 year old's

    Where will we be next June??

    Caught in the same circle, make no mistake

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Ah_well.

    Well there would want to be wouldn’t there. After being shut down the last 19 months . They are finding it nigh on impossible to get staff as it is and now potentially another shutdown of nightlife industry . When the hell will it ever recover if it gets fucked over again next Friday .

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,843 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Nothing has been announced yet, so we don;t know where we are heading yet.

    A high vaccine uptake, yet extremely high cases, is that the Governments or HSE's fault? Sounds like you're looking to place blame.

    It's a pandemic, goal posts will always move, plenty of countries have move goalposts.

    You misunderstand, 13 year old's are not more vulnerable, we have high cases for what ever reason (I don't know myself), but high cases means covid circulates longer. The longer it circulates, the more exposed people become to it, so more people get infected. How do you reduce that, vaccines, but we've maxed out the uptake, 300k adults don't feel the need to get vaccinated, so how can we reduce the infection rate.... reduce the age for jabs. Hence why over 12's were offered a vaccine. Someone on boards put it best, the 300k who refused a vaccine had a 12 year old take their place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,843 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    But your OP stated that they had hired staff.... so did they hire staff or is it nigh on impossible to get staff? There's a massive difference between the two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭Ah_well.

    Well they have to have hired staff or else they couldn’t reopen . Are you doubting that it’s a struggle to get staff to reopen ?everywhere you looks pubs / clubs are desperate for staff . It’s literally a crisis for the industry . Now after breaking their bollox to get new staff you have to turn around and say oh sorry about that your not needed . Who in their right mind would apply for work in this industry with the way it’s being treated .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,843 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    So are these people hired been on PUP or not? Because if they have been on PUP and then they don't open, they go back on PUP, minus a week or 2 they had full pay to get things organised.

    So now your OP changes from worrying about all the staff getting fucked over to the clubs plight in hiring staff.

    The staff wont be worse off due to the supports in place, but yes the business owners will be.
