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Relaxation of Restrictions, Part XII *Read OP For Mod Warnings*



  • Registered Users Posts: 18,437 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    "It doesn't affect me so why does it matter?"

    Yeah, you'll fit right in here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,569 ✭✭✭Penfailed

    Ah c'mon. Even I want everything open when they said they would. Would it matter to me? Day to day? Probably not. Weekends and nights out? Very much so. Showing a vaccine cert to sit in for a meal? Really? With 90% vaccinated and probably quite a few, like me, who have recovered from Covid but haven't been vaccinated? It's ridiculous at this stage. They really should have done it weeks ago. I was happy enough to wait it out because I was sure that the 22nd was nailed down. It's a bit of a kick in the balls. I still have that optimistic streak running through me that thinks it's just the media playing media games for clicks...but...

    Gigs '24 - Ben Ottewell and Ian Ball (Gomez), The Jesus & Mary Chain, The Smashing Pumpkins/Weezer, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Stendhal Festival, Forest Fest, Electric Picnic, Ride, PJ Harvey, Pixies, Public Service Broadcasting, Therapy?, IDLES(x2)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,569 ✭✭✭Penfailed

    That's a really silly argument...and it's been done to death (no pun intended).

    Gigs '24 - Ben Ottewell and Ian Ball (Gomez), The Jesus & Mary Chain, The Smashing Pumpkins/Weezer, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Stendhal Festival, Forest Fest, Electric Picnic, Ride, PJ Harvey, Pixies, Public Service Broadcasting, Therapy?, IDLES(x2)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I completely agree, but it will still make very little difference. Night clubs aside. Having to show a thing on your phone as against not having to show a thing on your phone.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    That's the million dollar question. Was it the covid vaccine? I don't know.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    So it's better to open up closer to the winter when people's immune systems are at their lowest?

    It was of course a mistake but can you guarantee that the infection rates would have been even worse?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,508 ✭✭✭✭Beechwoodspark

    I can’t guarantee but ....if the floor was say 500 cases a day then surely it would have risen had restrictions been eased?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    Are you serious? Everyone has done the best they can and have dates changed over and over, levels moved up and down, travel banned nearly, economy sent to hell, Protect these people, protect those people, vaccinate yourself and everything will be fine.

    Our cases rise and they start thinking of not fully reopening? Can you not see why people would be on the edge of snapping?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭Happydays2020

    Not to mention whole industries which have been decimated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭Corby Trouser Press

    I am actually just hoping now this is a Covid Cert extension ploy and nothing else.

    Hopefully pubs/clubs can get back open next week and back to normal hours.

    I am fully vaccinated but refuse to use the Cert and can live without the pubs/clubs at this stage in life.

    I have lost all hope of masks mandate on public transport / retail being dropped at any stage in the near future.

    The masks are a nuisance and I am basically only going to wear from now on if/when threatened with a fine.

    Feel sorry for youth being basically forced to get vaccinated in order to have an unrestricted social life.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭Nyero

    Vast implications if wfh policy is changed.

    People will have organised childminders, canteens ready to open, houses rented etc. etc.

    This is serious stuff, please stop dumbing it down to showing something on your phone or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 975 ✭✭✭Parachutes

    I remember at the start of this being aghast they would force you to wear a mask to go in to do a bit of shopping. Now we think the best case scenario is dropping some restrictions with a vaccine passport system in place. We’ve been whittled down and demoralised beautifully. What they try next is anyones guess.

  • Posts: 21,179 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Judging by the amount of traffic compared to first lockdown there certainly doesn't appear to be a lot of People working from home, the M7, N7 and others are just as congested as ever if not more so.

  • Posts: 21,179 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    The vaccine has proven now to be ineffective at spreading the virus so someone not vaccinated really is right " in my opinion " not to take this current vaccine until one is proven to be effective enough. This is the vaccine that was supposed to rid us of the virus lol, the professionals said it and People believed them, terrorised them into taking it.

    So you think if someone doesn't take the vaccine then they should not be allowed treatment that their tax money is paying for ? or their own healthcare + their hard earned tax ?

    So by your logic, someone that was compliant and did as the Government told them who got the vaccine should be allowed treatment and those who didn't get the vaccine for whatever reason should be refused or they should refuse treatment ?

    What next, tie someone to a bed and force them to take the vaccine ? or maybe, not allow them buy food ?

    If the Professionals and Government really want to eliminate the virus then they need a proper effective vaccine that may come out in a few years in the time frame it probably would take any other vaccine, question is will people will so willing to get the next vaccine ? the Government will probably brainwash people hundreds of times a day through the media so they probably will jump at the chance to take another vaccine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,977 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    I agree, I always understood the WFH policy, was just that, policy, not a mandate of actual law/restriction as such (open to correction)

    My impression is that overall this will be driven by employers, not government in the sense if it was feasible, companies will permit/encourage it. Already major multi nationals , Finance, accounting firms have state they'll stick with the guidance primarily because it suits both them and employees.

    Obviously there's been cases of employees unhappy about being called back to the office but I'm not entirely sure employers were ever legally obligated to allow employees work remotely.

    Edit, apart from level 5 lockdown period, but even then it seemed essential worker could have been interpreted in many different ways and it absolutely was.

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭Happydays2020

    Saw that Glynn video. But ironic to be sitting in a fancy publicly paid office telling people to work from home for the winter. Some people are happy to WFH, others are not, many employers will have some kind of hybrid, but this advice is just confusing.

  • Posts: 21,179 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    The damage to the economy is massive, in one of my work places one of the cleaning ladies, A Brazilian, actually the manager has to work at cleaning instead of managing because she can't get the staff because they all refuse to work, receiving the covid payment is too much of incentive to sit at home. I know of Foreign People in back in their home countries receiving the covid payment ?

    How could this happen ? well as soon as people knew they could sign up online there was no real way to check whether people quit their jobs or not. Absolutely shocking stuff.

    But anyway, now the Government are in Panic mode because they allowed medical muppets to dictate what happens for so long and now it's backfiring because this wonderful vaccine is proving not to be nearly as effective as they said it "was" and why ? because it was never really tested properly, they just went with the first positive thing they had and now they all look like absolute fools and their only tactic now is to target the unvaccinated, try make them get a vaccine that's not effective enough, not even guaranteed now not to keep you out of Hospital.

  • Posts: 21,179 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Well I've always been an essential worker, no way around that, I wish there was but I definitely have to be on site most days, at least for now. I think if People can work from home then they should be allowed for the sake of sitting in endless hrs of traffic a week alone + it frees up the road for People like me who absolutely have to travel. It made me absolutely sick when they blocked the N7 to make it as inconvenient for essential workers to travel that was absolutely shocking, then to hear people tell me I'm nuts because "the Government are only trying to protect the people" yes, funny enough it was mostly People not travelling to work in this frame of mind, pure brainwashed by the Government and media.

    But, we have the right to travel unhindered and untaxed and this was wrong what they did, so are tolls, but I won't talk about that one lol.

    But you're correct, companies are not obliged to allow employees work from home and it's suits crappy bully managers and other bullies in the work place to have someone to take their crap out on lol, basically sociopaths, there's many of them in the work place and they thrive on making People's lives miserable while making themselves out to be great.

    Ireland shamefully has no Flexible working laws, Ireland.INC. It shouldn't matter in many cases where a person works if they can work remotely or it shouldn't matter what time they start or finish as long as the work is done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,977 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    Tiresome nonsense re PUP, if the "Brazilian " cleaning manager had any issue with people refusing to return to work, her employer has and alway had a mechanism to report this to the DEASP, to date miniscule numbers of employers have actually reported and even those that did , complaints were not held up after investigation. PUP has closed, payments drastically reduced and I suspect those who earned minimum wage (cleaners from example) are now likely to be on the lowest PUP rate of €203 per week = to JSA.

    Your friend might find if they checked, alot of her colleagues may have actually left the country, along with enormous numbers of hospitality workers. Finally students who would make up a large percentage of hospitality workers have been off PUP if returning to education since 14th Sept and yet hospitality industry still blaming PUP for their staff shortages, is absurd and disgraceful. People have moved on, home or gone home.

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Posts: 21,179 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Well I don't know who in their right minds would like sitting in traffic that I encounter daily on the N7/M7 and other roads all so they can sit in an office, sure I get the human contact thing and all that but if I had the choice I would not drive to work ever again, sick of it and sick of all the crashes caused by People playing with their phones, can't put the phone away for any length of time, it's a worse illness than the virus if you ask me, addiction to screens that badly that they can't put them down while they drive to and from work, is there a vaccine for screen addiction ? how many People die because of this ?

    Every car should come with lane assist and anti collision, dynamic cruise control etc, I have this in the new car, Jesus, the difference it's made to my commute. Accelerating and braking and steering by itself, hardly have to do any driving apart from paying attention!

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  • Posts: 21,179 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I'm not blaming PUP for anything, but it's a fact, a lot of People quit because of it, believe it or not, yes she could have reported them but chose not to because at the end of the day as she said what good would it have done her ?

    And yes, many People went back to their home countries while receiving PUP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,977 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    Fair enough , I take back my irritation and apologise, I just get so annoyed at some quite ill informed assumptions I've come across about the PUP.

    I've absolutely no doubt abuses took place but it's often lost in translation this was an emergency support and there is still near 100k dependent on it, furthermore the vast majority were forced onto it through no fault of there's.

    There's one well know clown from the restaurant association who spent months blaming PUP for staff shortages (even before restaurant fully reopened), not once admitting numerous other factors at play, pay, conditions, staff returning home etc.

    He had the neck to say staff might now need PUP again after the breaking news of possible delays in removing all restrictions .

    There is still approx 300k separately employees having their wages essentially paid through the TWSS , a form of PUP for employers and rarely a mention of this.

    I agree both schemes were and continue to be necessary, just makes my blood boil , particularly when I'm reminded of that awful Cliché "we're all in this together"

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Was planning to visit Irish nightclub unvaccinated next weekend but now looks like not possible. If your government truly believes problem is the drug-free peoples then it will just be Covid certificate and no other restrictions. If government believes vaccine is failing then it will be winter of more and more restrictions for you. It is looking like no Irish holiday for me this year unfortunately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    There never has been an effective vaccine against a coronavirus and there won't be anytime soon. The current vaccines are as good as it gets and they're really not very good, but let's just use them as leverage to be able to participate in society anyway. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭Nyero

    Nobody in hospitality is blaming the pup specifically.

    The lockdowns caused the staff shortages, as people left the industry to work as courier drivers, supermarket etc.

    The PUP is a significant factor in shortages but nobody is saying its the only reason.

    As for reporting people, if somebody tells their old employer they have taken a new job then the employers isn't to know if they are still on pup or not.

    And its the EWSS, not the TWSS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,612 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    This is just a pure lie and spreading of misinformation:

    The vaccine has proven now to be ineffective at spreading the virus so someone not vaccinated really is right " in my opinion "

    Vaccines have the R number at ~1 when it would be at 6-8 without vaccines (maybe more).

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,612 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    The SARS-COV2 vaccines are amongst the most effective of vaccines. The variable in all this is that SARS-COV2 has high transmission rates, if SARS-COV2 had the same transmission rate as influenza it would have been virtually eliminated in vaccinated countries.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,537 ✭✭✭brickster69

    No, that one is correct. Total chaos now over there after just one day. Never mind the supply chain problems but it is going to be a right problem getting the 900,000 barrels of oil a day to Trieste pipeline which supplies central Europe's refineries. Then there is the LNG on top, very clever move.

    Either Draghi gives in on the mandate or they have to send in troops to unblock it.

    “The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”

    - Camille Paglia
