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Climate Bolloxolgy.



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭JimmyVik

    So the two main things that people want to cut in Ireland are air travel and Agriculture.

    Im just wondering how many jobs that will cost, being that we are a small Island on the edge of Europe.

    Imagine how many people working in Ireland who are citizens of other countries might feel about that.

    Google, facebook, paypal and the like would never be able to get staff. Just have to move to cenbter of Europe where staff can cycle from the other countries to work for them.

    I already hear people moaning about the amount of people now living in cities in the world and using up the precious city resources and wasting all that space in the countryside. I wish they would make up their minds.

    Next we will be banning buses and trains as it will be the only transport left that produces carbon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,511 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

    Corporation tax is 80% seemingly so we're all right Jack.

    It's getting ridiculous at this stage.

    How far we're gone we've now an unelected minister for agriculture advising farmers to take a course with someone who's not a farmer and claims there's no rhizomes or nodules on Clover grown in pasture.

    Is there an on off switch somewhere? 🤔

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,556 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    I had a lightbulb moment over the weekend. The government have put into law, or are planning to, reduce emissions by 50% by 2030. To meet this, and you read it here first, there will be unbelievable manipulation of numbers done over the years. I mean - UNBELIEVABLE. You'll see every leaf counted in the country and be told it captures X. Stuff like that.

    To meet a 50% reduction, every man woman and child must reduce everything they do by 50%. Half your food, half your electricity usage, half your water use, half your data usage, half your driving, half your heating, half your clothes spend, half your beer 😱. That's it. It's simple. Halve everything. Are people going to do that? If not, how much will you cut? We're all impacted together by the climate, therefore we must all contribute.

    Farmers are probably the only show in town to try capture carbon. Lots of talk here about selling/trading credits. Who's pocketing that? And the government see a few €€€ in that bull by starting to lay claim to the carbon stored in the soil!

    Farmers will move to different enterprises if that's what the consumer wants. Fact is, consumers still want meat and dairy. We're good at producing it. Why would we change? Farmers will follow the money.

    An example. Lets say we cut our dairy output by half. And we're the world leaders for trying to do something for the planet. And we're lauded and admired. The loss of the 50% of dairy will, 100% be filled by someone else. Most likely somewhere without the sustainability we have here. Do people think that us cutting is not opening the door for someone to take our place? The changes we make on this island will have such a teeny tiny impact, assuming everyone else changes nothing(good or bad) as to make no difference whatsoever. To lead we need to show how to produce in a sustainable way and be able to do it without polluting and making a few euro. Otherwise, our friends across the world will just go "Idiots - here buy our produce". If we can show it can be done others will follow. But no one will voluntarily do it if it means they are going to be poorer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,732 ✭✭✭ginger22

    Amazon have announced that they are to build another 2 data centres in Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,732 ✭✭✭ginger22

    The hypocrisy of this government is something else

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭Deub

    this thread is difficult to read and understand.

    Changing the way agriculture is done currently is nice and well intentioned but the way we consume food need to change first. Eating fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes in winter should not happen because they have either been imported or grown in heated greenhouses. We should try to eat as much in season vegetables as possible.

    Agriculture is not only farmers. It includes food processors, machine manufacturers, fertilizer and pesticide manufacturers. These groups don't have any incentive of having consumers changing their eating habits. They are big companies with an easy business model: They supply or process goods without carrying the risks. Only the farmers do. Subsidies are a blessing for these multinationals as it means farmers have more money to buy their products or decrease the buying price. They are now so powerful that, for instance, in the US, they can decide if a farmer can survive or not. Until something is done about these groups, it will be baby steps to try and reduce the impact of agriculture on climate change.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 3,193 Mod ✭✭✭✭K.G.

    At the moment the government are taking the carbon credits for grant aided forestry but if the forest owner decided to chip the trees and sell for bio mass are those credits still available if the trees are burned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Easten

    Ah cripes get a grip man. This is good news for Ireland, and it will fizzle down to everyone. We have more than enough wind energy here to power a thousand more data centers, we just need to develop it.

    The UK who are hosting this climate change fanfare are about to announce another Oil and Gas field development off Shetland. So it's all just posturing and bullsh1t. In reality we probably are over stocked and too dependent artificial fertilizers. More money from Amazon means more money to pay for these green schemes. If the Government want to cull some of the Suckler herd then they should be paying a very high level of compensation to the farmers. I'm putting a figure of about 5k per cow reduction to be paid to the Suckler farmer, and a green pament into the future. Let them put there money where there mouth is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,732 ✭✭✭ginger22

    If you believe that is going to happen you are in fairy land.

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭VillageIdiot71

    No, I've set out my basis for refuting that claim. Are you saying Teagasc make that calculation some other way? Because they don't.

    If you are a farmer, then I can understand that every second business you have dealings with depends on agricultural activities.

    But mostly, overwhelmingly in fact, farming households depend on off-farm activities for their income. They earn more from PAYE jobs than they do from farming activities. (And you know damn well those PAYE jobs aren't overwhelmingly in agricultural businesses.)

    If you are that much in tune with rural Ireland, you'll know rural people very much want people to know there's more to rural economy than farming.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,053 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Irealnd is a socialist country. Every time I see people applaud and defend ABP and AT - two organisations which are not answerable to or involved in the democratic process - I can barely believe it. The number of people on Boards who say things like: 'owning property is a priveledge and should be subject to heavy responsibilities' just boggles my mind. A nation of NIMBYs, where other people's business is 'their' business to manage.

    Does any other OECD country have anything like Ireland's parochial 'local needs' planning policies and restrictions? They boggle the mind. An Irish person can move to Australia, buy residential zoned land anywhere and pretty much build what they like within code. Here it's, 'well ye wouldn't be from around here, now would ye?, or; we'd like to see you spend more of your money on making a quarter of the front of your house look like it was built from stone - no not that stone, my mate has a quarry, we like the stone from that. Those windows look like you might get a nice view, so we'd prefer you get ones with lots of glazing bars so it looks more faux elizabethan - that should fix your notions of clear views and getting above yer self. Oh, you can see a lake, can ye? Can't have that, make sure you plant the boundary with species of tree that will grow to at least 15-20m - that should fix your entitled notions. I can give you the name of a friend who sells really expensive semi-mature trees. Can't wait for nature to block that view, now can we?'

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭VillageIdiot71

    Sure, haven't I already said that if international tax changes crash FDI, and all we had was our earnings from agriculture, we might as well emigrate to Bulgaria. By boat, if necessary.

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭VillageIdiot71

    I wouldn't worry. You'll find Government will cushion the farming sector, and hit energy and transport instead.

    Which will impact everyone - including rural households. But farming will be protected, far beyond its actual economic value.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,235 ✭✭✭green daries

    Posted by a vegan 🤣🤣🤣 but like for god's sake the guardian ffs even the dogs know that's full of **** as is the river .... human ****

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭farmertipp

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    Because the wind always blows, right.

    Yeah Amazon making more money fizzles down to everyone.

    Ever check out how old Jeff looks after a lot of his own employees ?


    Some Irish people managed to get a job with a FDI tax dodging multinational and they have lost the run of themselves and actually believe we own these fooking leeching companies and they are great for us.

    Maybe if we were like Israel who have built their own actual tech sector then maybe we could take pronouncement like yours seriously.

    Ah this shyte is trotted by you and another boards forum poster ad infinitum.

    We produce beef and dairy, also mutton/lamb because you know what we are fooking good at growing grass, the staple input for ruminants.

    We don't grow oranges, bananas, avocados, almonds because we don't have the fooking sun and heat.

    Huge chunks of the country is not suitable for tillage and large scale hoticulture.

    Now we don't gorw as much veg as we once did because a lot of farmers, and indeed people with garden space, find it cheaper to buy veg in supermarkets.

    And this leads us onto point about food prices.

    Food prices over the last 50/60 odd years as decreased in relative terms.

    Cost of production on the other hand has skyrocketed.

    And that is why governments around the world have to subsidise farmers.

    BTW using your argument about self sufficiency, will you tell the Belize farmers to stop growing all those bananas and the Brazilians/Columbians/Kenyans to cut their coffee production ?

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,021 ✭✭✭alps

    This last bit is exactly the point being made by Irish Food Producers. The same argument of logic doesn't seem to apply to the country that supplies most of its food produce to Europe though

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,556 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    Why do you think that an off farm job is required? In the 80s my parents reared 2 kids off a 46 acre farm, with 26 acres only usable from May to October. And my mother stayed home to mind us. 2 kids through school, house paid for, etc, etc. One of the reasons was that you could actually make enough money from 60 heifers on a summer grazing farm to do that. It's not possible now as the costs to produce have gone through the stratosphere (the roof is far far below) and the price received from the processers hasn't remotely kept up. We're just talking over 30 years ago here, not pre famine times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,463 ✭✭✭J.O. Farmer

    I don't know if the figures are right or wrong but you've said the claim is Irish agriculture (not just beef) can produce food for 40 million is wrong because we only produce enough beef for 30 million the 30 million being your figure.

    Does nobody eat lamb, pork, cheese (or other dairy products), eggs, poultry. Surely if we produce beef for 30 million there must be enough for 10 million between the rest so your claim sounds like fake news.

    I can't be sure of your not fake news tax figures because the your other claims seems unreliable but surely we should be promoting indigenous industry such as agriculture if so much of our tax take is reliant on FDI and I do accept a lot of it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,732 ✭✭✭ginger22

    And do you go on other forums to dictate how all these other business you mention should run their affairs or is it just farming you have an obsession with

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,259 ✭✭✭tanko

    Oh dear, i’ve heard it all now, we can all give up farming, Jeff Bezos is going to make us all rich, €5K for each Suckler cow you say, where’s me trailer i better tell Daisy, Maisie and Crazy that their time is up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,235 ✭✭✭green daries

    Row boat you have to protect the environment 😜

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,466 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    This is a discussion board. I am free to make relevant posts in any forum. It might have been more appropriate to come back with an argument about how and why farmers should be the only industry to be self-regulated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,463 ✭✭✭J.O. Farmer

    If Jeff is willing to give you that for getting rid on top of their market value of them I'd take it.

    Maybe it'll be like Benjy the bull again, oh wait wasn't the point he wouldn't be slaughtered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭VillageIdiot71

    I've no opinion on whether it's required, it is simply a fact that Revenue figures demonstrate that farming cases generate more income from PAYE employment than from farming. Bear in mind, the contention being made by some is that agriculture is the chief source of rural income, when it isn't even the chief source of farmer income.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 3,193 Mod ✭✭✭✭K.G.

    Putting on mods hat but if you have to post a comment that uses"you" or"your",don' dosent matter whether someone is a farmer,hippy or a barrister here.debate the points.we don't have to agree,we just have to make our case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,732 ✭✭✭ginger22

    Judging by the comments on here it seems to me that if Martin and Vradkar think hitching their wagon to the "climate change bollixology" will get them reelected they have made a big mistake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭VillageIdiot71

    You've missed the point by a mile.

    If beef should only provide about 2% of your total diet, then giving 30 million people 2% of their diet isn't feeding them. Its feeding the equivalent of 30 million * 2% = 600,000 people.

    So, no, the deficit isn't made up from other products.

    It's a deliberately misleading statistic that has grown legs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,732 ✭✭✭ginger22

    "the only industry to be self regulated" are you having a laugh. Just goes to show how much you know about farming.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,270 ✭✭✭✭whisky_galore

    If only we could stop people from fu.cking and reproducing.
