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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Literary achievements is quite a stretch 😅

    But yes, I agree

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Unbelievable... two accounts whose profile pics are both of Nick Foster’s book agreeing with him and each other.

    well actually it’s not unbelievable at all seeing as this ‘journalist’ has arguably used multiple accounts to do the exact same thing on here.

    it’s the blatant arrogance of someone who doesn’t see how obvious this all is that gets me

    Edit: Jesus... it gets worse

    **** hell. Is there one code of journalistic ethics this hack hasn’t broken .

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    They are a nasty bunch. They also think every account that supports Ian is him, which is quite funny really because I know for a fact he's not tech savvy enough to have multiple handles.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Oh come on

    And meanwhile a lot of the Twitter accounts who reply to NF’s tweets, and are vicious about Bailey, genuinely appear to be bots/fake accounts? I don’t know much about this kind of thing but once I started looking at the accounts who engage with Foster there seems to be something weird about them. That’s the accounts whose profile pics AREN’T just the three above that are the exact same pic of the book... the screenshot is just an example of the most ludicrously obvious among them.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    They are unfortunately not bots but a group of trolls who have clubbed together to basically hurl abuse at Ian and anyone who supports him or are even vaguely on the fence.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]


    ludicrous. Just **** ludicrous

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Some of their profiles seem strangely similar though, like two of them have the first few lines of poems as their bios. And they seem not just obsessed with Bailey but with NF.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes that's correct. They all talk over DM and plot their nastiness. Hang on every word foster says too. Sad bunch tbh!!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yep. There's far worse from them than that too.

    A group of lads from the North were brought in to sort the trolls out, they are a cracking bunch. Most of us have blocked all the trolls at this stage. There's a core group.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,332 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    I'm not sure of the precise meaning of 'fingered' in this context; does it imply the guards/justice system? Anyway, I meant identified as a suspect by anyone, even some randomers on the Internet.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The lads from the north who sort the trolls are a proper laugh tbh

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Mate I was just quoting you.

    What do you mean by fingered? No norty answers now, I know it's the weekend n'all but... 😝

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'd be hesitant to laugh at those twitter accounts because it's fairly clear some of those people are mentally ill. They have repeated the same vitriol day after day after day for months.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Oh I'm not laughing at the trolls, they are nasty pieces of work. The lads who came in to tackle them, on the other hand, do have their moments 😉

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]


    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    Ah @irishspiderplant you can't post any old **** in here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    Is Nick Foster for real......? Seriously like..??

    In one twitter post he actually recites the last conversation with Sophie and her assailant... Like Wtf..????

    Followed by the claim he received an anonymous letter containing only three sentences, that basically blew the case right open...

    So with the murder almost solved, he headed off to Ireland to scramble the moors to verify the stunning revelation...

    And low and behold, the 25yr case was cracked....!! (Sherlock Holmes eat your heart out!)

    So with all this iron clad information at hand, what does Foster do next....?? Of course, he heads off to France to drip feed it to the French media!

    His legion of Twitter followers, (the entire cast of 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest') are elated by his amazing sleuthing prowess, the near orgasmic Foster fan base are wetting themselves with joy and unbridled devotion towards the master armchair detective...

    Did you ever see the gimp off it...???

    His informant, if true, is a real piece of work... A real beauty... He'd give Marie Farrell a run for her money in the credibility stakes. In fact, he'd fit in seamlessly to the already peculiar west Cork cast (as would Nick himself for that matter).

    I hope Drew Harris proceeds his reputation, he seems like a no nonsense type of fellow with an open mind to the case. He'll have his work cut out for him here, there are so many loose ends to tie up.. Hopefully, the likes of Nick Foster and company can be outed as the money making charlatans that they are, and dealt with accordingly.

    Although I doubt very much will become of reviewing the case, it's no harm to expose some of the many flaws in the original investigation, and to conclude there was zero evidence placing Bailey anywhere near the murder scene, and ultimately sticking two fingers up at the French judicial system.

    Time will tell.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,060 ✭✭✭Thespoofer

    This thread has gone a little bit ... erratic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,155 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Running out of any new things to say? Then again that doesn't stop many of us. Including me.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Admittedly I got a tad carried away with enthusiasm for @flanna01 post but it was the best thing on here for a while!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So this news Foster is peddling seems to be that Bailey was friends with a man called O' Riardon. This man told the Gaurds sometime after 2001 that Bailey confessed to the murder to him and mentioned stealing a bottle of wine.

    Foster claims, though the bottle was found in 1997, it was kept a secret, so O' Riardon could not have known about it unless the killer told him.

    To me, it sounds about as clever as his previous gotcha claim, that because Bailey mentioned the Hindu goddess Kali, he must have known Sophie as she was also familiar with the deity, (not realising Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom had prominently featured Kali in its huge worldwide cinema release).

    Do we know if bottle of wine find was really kept secret? Or is it a figment of Mr Fosters sorry imagination?

    He also calls the person who found it a ' farmhand', but I think I read here it was one of the Helens.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It was John hellen. It was on the kealfadda Road, turning left from the road if you were heading from sophies, and away down that road although I've struggled to find the precise location, but have rough ideas. No of course it wasn't a secret, I imagine most of Schull knew that day. Foster has no notion of the rural irish grapevine whatsoever.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    John Hellen. A 'Farmhand' on his own property. Nick honestly seems to be living in some twilight world of his own imagination.

    I'm beginning to think Bailey's tweet about Fosters mental health might be more than just vitriol.

    I wonder if the media will have the courage to call him out on this bullshit.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    They had quite a lot of land. The Hellens lived in Dunmannus East, and he describes the bottle as being found going out of Sophies lane in the direction of their house, on the right hand side of the road in an old pathway heading up the hill. Pink is roughly sophies house and hellens rough location is pinned. There's a possible location for the old path not far from the turning, or possibly round the bend nearer Hellens. However Google earth has changed I imagine in 25 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    Isn't that a lot of bs?

    As far as I know there are no fingerprints of Bailey's on that particular bottle, also as far as we know the bottle was not used as a murder weapon or otherwise whilst committing the crime.

    Also murdering somebody and stealing a bottle of wine are two different matters. Even if Bailey killed Sophie, I don't see him breaking and entering in her home later on, stealing a bottle of wine, and dropping it somewhere outside of the house. As far as we know that particular bottle of wine wasn't even in her house, after the murder. We also don't know when it got there, and who brought it, as far as I know. Could have been before the murder, on an earlier trip, or by somebody after her murder.

    It seems Foster is peddling as he's probably desperate for money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    It always surprised me that the bottle of wine received so much attention even more that Foster feels the need to write about this. Surprise because the most important thing is to mach murderer to the weapon and to the location of the crime, plus to prove that the murderer had motive and means to carry out the murder. In this sense the bottle of wine will get us nowhere, even if fingerprints can be identified on the bottle, even if the murderer bought it especially for Sophie as a present, to get her attention, etc.. It simply wasn't the murder weapon. Even if anybody came forward and said, I bought it for Sophie a couple of months before, we intended to sit down and drink it together, and later on go to bed together, it doesn't prove that this was the murderer.

    The evidence to be presented in court must be watertight for a conviction. Neither the bottle of wine, nor any other kind of hearsay about various confessions or deathbed confessions would be getting a conviction. I'd say that cavity block with blood all over will probably be the best starting point for re-examination for any DNA, same as all the possibly other yet unexplained blood stains which we've read about through this discussion.

    Post edited by Niamh on

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    The star witness who Foster has pinned his hopes on, is as much use as a chocolate fireguard...

    Prisoner Riordan's marriage had broken down, so he bolted to West Cork to seek solace and reflection, no doubt wondering how such a fine catch like himself had been rejected by his Wife.. (Who obviously got to know him a little better after leaving the Church on their wedding day..)

    So basically Prisoner Riordan is estranged from not only his enlightened Wife, but also his young Daughter..

    Long story short.. The estranged Daughter comes to visit him in Ireland, he takes her out for a meal, tells her how much he misses her.. One thing leads to another, and he ends up raping her... (Yeah, this guys a real beaut..)

    So Riordan gets slung in prison, and allegedly meets Bailey there (who is on remand). For some unknown reason, Bailey proceeds to tell the Rapist Riordan that he murdered Sophie that fateful night, and to add a little spice to the conversation, he tells him that he fired an expensive bottle of wine over the ditch as well... Have a look if you don't believe me..

    Of course the degenerate scumbag reported this conversation to the Gards, but unfortunately, they were too busy trying to stitch up Bailey 24/7 and didn't care to retrieve the nailed on piece of evidence that would have sealed the deal, and netted their man legitimately...

    Now I can understand why nobody would want to engage with the nonce Riordan, not even the bent coppers of West Cork... But did they really know about this wine bottle and not go searching for it... Especially if it could be linked to Bailey??

    As hard to believe as Prisoner Riordan just wanting to be an upstanding member of the public... A changed man with a conscience.

    No wonder the desperate and deluded Nick Foster has stated that he will only release his findings to the French media... They are the only one's barmy enough to buy into it... They've already convicted Bailey on the word of proven liars and fantasists. Shur why not milk em for a book whilst you're at it...

    Just when you think it can't get anymore bizarre.. Up pops the deluded Foster with a Peado in toe... All sorted lads, the rapist Riordan has come forward to provide the final piece of the jigsaw, and he's explained the bottle of plonk as well (this will so sell my codswallop book to the French).

    Don't hold your breath with regards to what happens next... What are the odds that Drew Harris is sporting red fishnet stockings and suspenders sat behind his official desk, looking all professional from the waist up... High heels and brightly painted toenails below the line of vision.. Don't laugh, have you seen him fully standing up yet...?

    This is West Cork lads... Expect the unexpected.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,155 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    The bottle of wine is important. When was it bought? Who brought it there? Why was it disgarded unopened? Has it any forensic data left? It needs to be examined if only to rule it out as related to the murder and is such an odd item. Perhaps it would prove the presence of someone who wasn't suppossed to be there at the time.

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