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The main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Catching up:

    Oct 18th - 24th:

    Only 4 runs this week due to Holidays and an unplanned rest day on the Wednesday.

    3 x 7mile runs - nothing fancy - didn't do the midweek session due to fatigue and general busyness!

    Fri 22nd: Session

    On the Friday prior to holidays I wanted a good session to finish off. - I chose a 4m@MP/ 3@HMP/ 2@T / 1m@ 10k pace

    The 1st 4m were a bit on the quick side - the 1st 2m downhill, then uo the S-Bends and up Military Road (6.20/6.30/6.26/6.18) - took a 4min recovery.

    Next 3 were at a bit quicker - up Chesterfield, a lap of the Acres pitches, back to Chester field - (6.05/6.04/6.14) - 3 min recovery

    Next 2 - the 1st mile was up Chesterfield (6.08) but still at sub 6 effort - 2nd mile down the North Road - (6.00)

    Final mile was up Chesterfield again - 5.53 pace.

    Felt remarkably strong today and got a massive confidence builder.

    14.7m (6.47 pace ave)

    Saturday 23rd - Sat 30th: No Running - Off with Wifey to Santorini.

    Signed up to Seville while away - Feb 20th - 16 weeks away - thankfully I did sign up as its full now!

    Sunday 31st: 12.5 miles / 8.11 pace - I knew I should have done a 5-6m run and left it at that - get back into it.

    But on the run the legs feel good, so you turn left and not right to extend the run - then realise after 7-8 miles that you're a good bit away from home, with no phone and are knackered.

    Monday 1st November: 6.4m easy run - 1st run with the headlamp this year.

    Tuesday 2nd Nov: Session: 6m Easy / 3mT / 2mT / 1mT / CD

    I ran the 6m Easy around some estates to finish in the PP - then set off on the 1st 3m. Daniels advises running at a lower vdot in the early weeks, so was aiming for 6.10's for the tempos.

    1st 3m (6.12/6.07/6.07) - 3 min jog

    2nd 2m (6.07/6.03) - 2 min jog

    3rd 1m (6.03) (didn't complete rep as side of my shin cramped up after 4.40)

    3m Cool down for 15.2m total.

    I found it difficult in certain parts of the park in the dark - my headlamp is not bright enough, plus some cars lights are just too damn bright. Eventually found a better route from the Aras, turn left at the Polo Grounds, back onto the North road and left at the triangle. Thats a much better route methinks for these sessions - less people and less traffic.

    Regarding the cramp - this has happened before on a similar session - in the same place - its just my body reminding me not to bite of too much too early.

    Wednesday: On my cool down on the Tuesday session - I jarred my ankle (again) - so it was a bit 'meh' - I done a 4m recovery run to get the legs moving and flush them out a bit.

    4m / 8.42 pace.

    Thursday: Considered doing another short run - but left it - my miuleage would be good enough without it and the rest would help the ankle - which it did.

    I really like the JD sessions - I think I'm going to base my Seville training around Jack Daniels - I keep saying it - but it just works for me.

    My ONLY motivation for doing Seville is to keep motivated over the winter and get some good sessions in - whatever time I run on the day will reflect that - Not putting any pressure on myself again - I dont think the stomach ulcers can handle it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Good to see you were approaching the threshold point for being ruled out of log of the year....

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Only 1 man going to win that - its the 2.53 lad - not the 2.52 lad. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Friday: Easy run to the PP and 6x20sec strides.

    7.4 miles

    Saturday: Session: 2E / 8miles MP / 1E / 3 miles MP / 2E

    In keeping with my love of Jack Daniels sessions, this was the scheduled session for this weekend. As per JD's advice - MP was to be 6.37 for this 5 week block. I wore the New Balance TC's for this - my goto session shoe/easy day shoe / recovery shoe - strangely, I don't consider it a 'super shoe' as there is an elite version of it with a Carbon plate.

    I done the 2m WU on a 2 mile loop locally, before starting off heading to the canal. It took 2 miles to reach the Canal - I done a lap of a local park and noted the the wind was certainly blowing a gale in 1 direction. Once on the canal - things were fine - I obviously had a tail wind as the miles ticked off nicely - I'm also eager to build into the run, rather than hit a target off the bat.

    1st few MP miles were 6.45 / 6.37 / 6.29 / 6.28 / 6.22 / 6.21 - at this stage I turned a 180 and went back on myself - the next 2 miles were tough into a savage headwind 6.28 / 6.40.

    So that was the 1st set of 8m complete - very happy with that - 1 mile easy into the wind 7.57 and a little walk across the road at ashtown before beginning the next 3mile segment.

    The next 3 miles were a bit strange - 6.36 for the 1st mile - 6.28 for the 2nd mile but there were 2 stops in this - both traffic related as I moved off the canal and into the park at Laurel Lodge. I then done a couple of laps of that park and this certainly helped with the pace - as I was pushing a bit - the final mile came in at 6.07 which I was quite happy with.

    Just under 2miles easy jog home.

    15.8 miles / 6.59 ave and 11 good miles at pace. Happy with that session.

    Sunday: a few easy miles - some with good company - another lady who's doing Seville.

    7m at 8.26 pace.

    In other news - I had a follow up appt with the hospital on Saturday evening (Sat evening.............I repeat, Sat Evening) and got good news that there was nothing 'Sinister' in my stomach (my dad died of stomach cancer in his 50's) - but my 3 ulcers were 100% stress related, my hernia needs work and my diet needs to change slightly to help my diverticulitis.

    If I was a dog I'd be put down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Good news Alan. No harm in cutting the stress. Where would you start?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Gonna be following this log with interest (not that I dont normally but extra interest now)...Which JD plan are you following? Or are you adjusting it as you go?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I'm doing the 55-70 2Q plan - I'll probably try to stick to it with a few exceptions;

    • Add strides twice per week
    • Swap around certain weeks due to races / work travel
    • Possibly add an additional set of 5k paced km reps prior to Jinglebells (but unsure) or maybe sandwich some 3min reps in between Tempos.
    • Add a few miles to workouts to extend them to 24 miles (nothing too mad though - this is part of the cramp resistance plan.)
    • Add in some 200's & Hill sprints as technical sessions once per week - 3k-5k pace (Dathen Ritz swears this cured his cramping issue)
    • Extend JD's long easy runs to 20+ miles.
    • I'm doing a HM in Jan (Donadea) - that will be as a session - 10MP+3T

    But apart from the above - it'll be identical :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I'm currently evaluating every aspect as there's a lot of stress right now - primarily on the work front but also on other fronts.

    I'll probably get stressed from being stressed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thats a tad confusing - the Elite version is the RC elite - so I dont now if thats the TC or the RC?? Also - if you search on the English version - they are more expensive!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I think strides twice a week are recommended as part of daniels plans anyway.

    Last question for today.. you fuel or take water on those q1 or q2 sessions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    No, not yet but I will.

    I do a decent job on a Friday fueling for Sat session, but only have some toast for b'fast - no fuels or water during.

    For the Tuesday Q2 session - I have a decent b'fast and lunch - but not much in the 2-3 hours prior - nothing during the session.

    I will take gels/water as the weeks progress - taking these at race pace is a bit of a skill, as well as teaching the body to absorb them when needed - if your body is not used to taking a big lump of sugar, then suddenly gets it in a race environment when in crisis mode, then its not a good situation - some things I've picked up from some of the many coaches I've had :) is that chemically, your body does some strange and wonderful things and these chemicals, once in balance are fantastic - but if they go out of balance, then it can be a $hit storm. Its a balancing act on going out of balance - too little salt - too much salt - too little glucose - too much glucose etc etc.

    So yeah - I will be taking them in the final 6-8 weeks I reckon - if not sooner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Cheers for the info A. Much appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    I don't know what it says about my personality but I'm reading your last couple of posts, and even after everything I've said on my own log, I can't help but think 'I'd love to be starting a marathon block with AMK right now'....what is wrong with me!?🤣😭

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: Easy miles + strides - 7.3miles

    Tuesday: Set off to do a session but was having some stomach issues - I ate too late - canned the session to Wed.

    6.3 miles

    Wednesday: 5m Easy / 3x2mile Tempo / 2x1m Tempo (2 min recovery) (Target for the 2m reps was 12.15-12.20 / 6.05-6.10's for the 1m)

    I was more sensible with my food intake on Wednesday and set off with my new brighter headlamp to the PP.

    A 5m warm up to Castleknock Gate in the PP and I was ready to go - I felt confident enough about this one.

    Each of the 3x2miles was done on the 2m loop around Ashtown Gate - I knew my lamp was bright as a number of people walking towards me had to put their hands over the eyes as it was so bright. (I didn't think it was that bright - but still brighter than my current one.)

    1st 2m 6.02/6.06 feeling very good. (12.08)

    2nd 2mile was a tad fast - 5.55/5.58 (11.53)

    3rd 2mile was 5.50/5.58 (11.48) - again - far too fast.

    The 1st of the 2x1m was on the same loop - 6.00 and for the 2nd one - I headed up Chesterfield & over to Whites Gate - 6.07.

    Just under 2m home for a total of 15 miles.

    Very happy with this - felt strong and didn't take an easy option of a downhill finish (although I may do that at some stage!).

    Thursday: I had planned a rest day - but felt I needed a break after work so went out for a slow 3m - a nice loop

    3m/9 min miles

    Friday: Very busy day after a very busy week - anyone who works in the semiconductor business is in a state of bedlam right now. Anyone in Logistics in the Semiconductor business has my sympathies as its exactly where I am. Cannot get them fast enough and everything is urgent for every customer globally.

    Legs were still a bit meh from Wednesday - so took a handy few miles locally - avoiding the hills. Listening to a podcast about Kenyan Training myths.

    No one in Kenya does the 'Kenyan Hills' workout! Most haven't even head of it.

    7.4m / 8.40 pace

    Saturday: Held off on the session for 1 more day and done an easy run on the PP trails with 7 strides.

    5.8m / 8.35 pace

    Sunday: Session/long run : 2m Easy / 2x2m Tempo / 60mins Easy/ 2mTempo / 1E

    I was out on Sat night for dinner and a couple of beers - so went out a little later on Sunday for the session. I expected the tempos to be a bit 'meh' as I felt like I had 10 pints when I 'only' had 4.

    Ran the 2m to CK Gate and started off 5.52/5.54 (11.46) was a bit stupid in hindsight - the 2nd 2mT was 5.54/5.54 (11.48) - again a bit silly on my part.

    Just run the paces Alan - dont beat the workout. - as a result - the 60mins easy was a bit of a slog to begin with, but I came around. I ran around the PP and towards the park in Laurel Lodge - the legs felt like lead at this stage - I guess thats the secret sauce of this workout with the faster 2m tempo to come.

    I started out and got going well enough but by the end of mile 1 I took a 90 sec recovery before going again for the 2nd mile - 6.02 / 6.09 for the 2x1m was a good result I think.

    A short enough cooldown and was quite tired when I got home - needed to eat all around me before going to Naas to pick up a dress for my younger daughters wedding debs :)

    16.7m Total

    A hair under 62 miles for the week. Another week down and already looking fwd to the coming week. (A family wedding (not my daughters ) on Friday may interrupt some training...)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Didn't realise you were working in semiconductors. Same here .

    As for the bright lamp are you sure it wasn't your post holiday tan that was blinding them?

    Nice sessions..was wondering when I saw those paces on strava...thought I'd read the book wrong!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    What headlamp do you use by the way? I'm in the market for one as it looks like at least two of my weekly winter runs will be in night darkness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    I use Petzl swift RL. Three levels of light and dims on reflection against road signs. The brightest level is great for country roads and trail. Light weight and comfortable. I've one of those chest lights from decathlon too but no where as good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    This is interesting, I use the decathlon chest light and do probably 80% of my running on country roads, after dark, with no street lights and no hard shoulder either. People who have passed me in their cars have commented that I am well lit up so I feel safe and for easy runs it's grand but I find I'm wary running at pace that I will miss a pot hole (the roads are a complete disgrace 🤨) . I must check out the Petzl, it sounds like it would be a good upgrade.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    The chest light is great with the back light and reflective bits for people in cars to spot you. There's a 150 and 250 version, I've the 250. I actually use both (the chest and head) at the same time if I'm running on busier roads. If it's fogy the chest light is better for your own vision but if I was to choose only one it would be the Petzl.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Thanks, good to hear another perspective. To be honest i'd probably end up using both a lot of the time unless one isn't charged or something. The more lit up the better I feel. In fairness the roads around here aren't busy with traffic but then you have the odd speed demon flying around and with the weather conditions some nights visibility so poor...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Regarding the headlamp - I had about 4 of them - I was using the one they gave out as part of DCM a few years back as some of the others just weren't comfortable or had over the head wiring etc.

    I bought an LE Head torch - based on reviews & being waterproof - think it was 16 quid (and you get 2) and I find it plenty bright - its not completely dark on the roads I run on - Suburbia has its advantages. I wouldn't run in the non-lit parts of the park, mainly 'cos its full of deer!

    Sometimes I will also wear the chest strap with a back light.

    But I ALWAYS wear a reflective bib & armbands - might pick up a totally reflective Gillet soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Bit of a hectic week - Annual strategic planning, US visitors around, escalations coming out of my rear end, a daughter with possible Covid and 3 ladies in the house in the middle of wedding prep. But I get to run.

    Monday 15th: Legs felt in decent shape today, despite the session on Sunday. Out at 6:30pm - kept it local.

    6.4 miles / 8.04 pace

    Tuesday: Out before 7am - the only chance I'd get - so kept it a bit short - and also took the opportunity to re-run my favourite Strava Art run. Nicely picked up by our Marathon Debut guy SB.

    5.3m / 8.40 pace

    Wednesday: Session: 8m Easy / 6x1km / 2m Easy

    I thought I planned this well in advance but I didn't plan it into the watch - should have done.

    I ran the 8m easy through Castleknock, down StoneyBatter, the Quays and back into the Park upto the Aras.

    1st rep of the 6x1km was into the wind up Chesterfield - Holy Jebus - I discovered near the end that I hadn't got 'lap distance' on any field on my watch - so ran 3 min reps instead. (Original was 6x1km off 3 mins - I done 6x3mins off 2 mins)

    Next few reps were manageable - I did find it a bit strange and disconcerting in the Dark, moving off the path due to walkers - runners running 3 abreast - things that dont normally bother you at an easy pace were no bothering me at 5.40 pace.

    Paces for the 6 were: 5.46 / 5.42 / 5.37 / 5.37 / 5.42 / 5.40. Truth be known I could have done 1 more rep.

    2m back to the car.

    14 miles all in - Strangely - seemed like a very long session to be out in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: Easy miles on 'The Willy Route' - 6.5m / 8.25 pace

    Friday: Rest day - At a wedding in Kells, drank my body weight in pints.

    Saturday: Home latish and lay on the bed - not wanting to run or do anything really. Decided to go out for 3 miles and done close to 8!

    7.8miles at 8.15 pace

    Sunday: A bog standard 17m run was on the plan - I wanted to do 19/20 but was too tired from Friday (the bottle of wine on Sat didn't help either)

    17m/7.51 pace

    I suppose this is JD's version of a down week - only 6k worth of effort in the entire week - I probably should of held this for the week of Jingle bells and done something different instead - but thats a lack of foresight on my part.

    Back to the harder stuff this week.

    Speaking of Jingle bells - the intention is to get a race in - it'll be my 1st race in 18 months - I'm not tapering for it and am going to a gig on the Friday night. So the Saturday should be interesting (excuses excuses) - but I'd nearly lay money I'll run 17.38 (A time I've ran about 6 times - with specific 5k training/ with no training / just off a flight from Singapore/ long courses & short courses!!)

    For Raheny - I hope to run hard and PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Monday: easy miles + strides - following the 'easy' long run - the legs felt ok, but still a bit of fatigue - added in 6 strides.

    8.1m / 8.15 pace

    Tuesday: Set off on a session - where the 1st part was meant to be 5m easy - well, not too sure was it the cold, the dark, the busy day in work, the late lunch or all the above amalgamating to say - Nope - not today fella.

    Headed back home.

    7.7m / 8.11 pace.

    Wednesday - session - Take 2.

    I wanted this to work, so modified my lunch - ate early enough - didn't wear earphones and cut the WU from 5 to 3 / extended the CD from 2 to 3.

    Ran down to the PP the 'long way' - which is near enough 3 miles - legs felt good - having to slow down the WU is always a welcome sign.

    Started on the 3 mile portion - using the 2m loop of North Road/ Triangle/ C'field.

    Mile 1 felt tough (reminder to do Strides pre session) - but got into in in Mile 2 & 3.

    1st set (5.58/6.00/5.59) - 3 min recovery.

    the next set felt very good - there was a period where my pace dipped to 6'10's but I ignored it as it felt like a good strong pace.

    2nd set (5.53 / 5.51) - too fast, not intentional - but happy with it.

    3rd set: I considered going down the North road to the Zoo - but I was committed to the loop and I felt in good nick - no point in making it easier :) - the Zoo area would be thronged with cars and people going to 'the lights' anyway.

    (5.56 / 5.57) - a very good return for tired legs and very happy with my execution of these.

    3.2m home and the legs, body & mind all in a good place.

    I wore the original 4%'s for this workout for the 1st time in a while - I noted the grip on them is probably one of the best in any of my shoes - the TC's are pretty good too.

    But - after the workout - my legs felt great and not as beat up as they would do - I expected the worst, especially with the cold - they were tired, yes - but not beat up.

    Doing this session on a Wednesday kinda messes up my plan for Jinglebells - while not tapering for it - I wanted to do my final session on Tuesday, which means doing the weekend session on Saturday, which means doing the mw session on a Tuesday, which ended up on a Wednesday - (..............jesus I'm a bit sad) - which now means I have a Wed - Sat recovery - but hopefully the shoes help with the recovery (I am auld you know) and I'm good to go for the MP session on Sat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Can I ask a couple of questions....sorry....

    You always seem to hit those threshold sessions faster than what is technically your prescribed pace...Am I being too rigid in thinking that the suggested pace/effort should be followed or is it a case of go by how you feel?

    For those big q1 and q2 sessions I note you mention the routes but I don't know the you always have hills thrown into those big sessions or do you try to keep it relatively flat? I guess deep down I know if you plan on running MP in a marathon then you best be damn sure you can do it on a hilly route.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Probably been to rigid in your thinking :) - I always give myself the option of running at 6.05's - 6.10's if needed.

    I think the few months with Stazza has helped me with these broken tempos - I was doing longer efforts in his training - so I can better handle the broken tempos now. I'f I'm doing 7m worth of effort at sub 6 and not really flagging - it must be nearly on the ball park??

    There will be days where I do run a bit slower as the mileage creeps up - and thats grand.

    I tend to do the Tempos on a relatively flat area - but the PP is not really flat so you get 'inclines' here and there - but nothing major on that 2m loop.

    I do & will be trying to add hills to the MP stuff - even if its going up Chesterfield or over on the lumpy side of the park (S-Bends) - this is something I avoided in the past in an effort to hit certain splits. But I dont have that internal pressure now as its me setting the 'range' and not a coach. And you are quite correct - If I want to hit MP in a marathon - a few hills here and there over the course of 10-15 miles shouldn't really bother theory!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thursday: A cancelled evening meeting - seen me get out at 4.30 for a short recovery run - Happy Thanksgiving! - - I give myself the option of a day off here if I'm busy/stressed/tired etc - in this case a 3 mile run was just perfect for me.

    3.2 @ 9 min/miles

    Friday: A nice local run in Porterstown - ran a few miles with an ex clubmate which was nice, reminded me what its like to run with company.

    I was looking at the weather forecast for Sat & Sun and it was obvious that Sat was going to be a bad day - with Sunday the better day for my planned session. - I made the decision to do the session on Sunday and have 'some' wine with the Late Late Toy show as per my rock 'n roll lifestyle.

    6.5m / 8.10 pace

    Saturday: Was up latish on Sat and brought the Madra to the dog park, I noted that it actually wasn't as bad as planned. My daughters debs was also on Sunday - so on the way home I said I'd head off on the session and see how it went.

    The planned session was 1E/8MP/1E/6MP/1E.

    I done a 2m warm up as it was baltic out but the legs felt fantastic - my warm up was 7.29/7.27 - those who read this blog know that this is a good sign :).

    I didn't want to have a planned route in my head - I just knew that I did not want loops involved - I wanted this to be an 'effort' run with the wind and whatever hills came my way.

    The 1st mile was down Chesterfield, before turning up on the lumpy side of the park - I recall thinking that 6.2x felt easy (this was within the 1st 2 miles :) ). The next few mile were up Military - the S Bends and the Upper Glen road - but once you climbed that mountain, its that little drag to Chesterfield that kills you. the 6th mile was my fastest on the North Road - Next 2 miles were down the North Road, turning at the polo grounds before going back up a piece of the North Road.

    1st 8 miles - 6.22/6.21/6.26/6.27/6.23/6.13/6.24/6.23

    I then had 1m Easy - which I wanted to be close to 7.30's - it worked out at 7.40 - which is close enough.

    Next 5 were tough as its hard to get back going again - the 1st mile was up Chesterfield - then the OS/Furze, back up C'Field onto the North Road - at this stage I was 4 and a bit miles in - the legs were tiring and I had a noticeable tightness in my glute - so I finished out after 5 miles rather than 6. Happy enough with that giving the heavy session on Wednesday and the bottle of wine on Friday night. 5 miles were 6.29/6.32/6.27/6.28/6.33

    I checked my watch and was surprised to see 16m@6.39 pace on the watch at this stage. I was astounded at that - so saved it as I felt it would be a good motivation when I look back at my training in the weeks leading upto the Seville.

    The cool down was 2.3 miles and I was frozen doing it - got back home and I think it took about 2 hours to get life back into me as I was cold and dehydrated (no gels/drinks for the 18 miles but red wine pouring out of me).

    Sunday: 6miles on my Willy Route (see Strava) - which is as flat a route close to where I live - not intentional in any way. I was layered for this and had the watch on under the layers - listening to Grace Lynch talk about her 2.40 Marathon in Berlin - I wish the interviewer (Shane Finn) talked more about her training, sessions etc. Felt like I was running 10 min/miles so, happy to see 8.15/mile on the watch.

    Totaled 64 miles for the week - which is my biggest week since GWAB. - I dont plan to stay strictly to JD's mileage allocations in his plan - I'll run as I can and hopefully after Christmas, I'll be able to hit a couple of 70 mile weeks.

    In other News: A few text exchanges with Swashbuckler led me down the path of not only buying a pair of New Balance TC's for €100 but also a pair of AlphaFlys ( read correctly) that I had no intention of ever buying - until SB told me they were €180.

    So right now - I'm unsure if SB cost me €280 quid or saved me €220. He defo saved €40 with my help.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Seeing as he’s from Limerick, count it lucky you got something out of the deal rather than a free knife or a two for one on your next car chase…….
