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All Covid-19 measures are permanent, don't be a boiling frog!



  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I don't think they do openly support each other. Most of the time they don't actually respond to each other except to complain about how mean people are to them. Or occasional when one Gortanna especially things he might get support from someone, he link dumps crap the other person is never going to read, and that's the end of the conversation.

    When they're asked about other conspiracy theorists claims, the ignore the question and refuse to address it directly.

    When they're presented with the ridiculous claims other theorists make (even those on the thread), they whinge that these are obviously false and that we're inventing them to make "reasonable" conspiracy theorists look bad.

    Rarely do we see a conspiracy theorist correct another conspiracy theorist. Rarer still do we see a conspiracy theorist being convinced by another conspiracy theorist.

    They don't want to talk to each other because they don't actually share the same beliefs and they don't want to concider beliefs beyond their own. Nor do they want to think too hard about how much in common beliefs they think are daft have with things they believe.

    So, ignore ignore ignore. Then it stops existing. Problem solved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol Another attempt to deflect to a new topic because you're getting cornered again.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's a simple question. I'll put it to you again: what do you think Bill Gates meant when he was said last year that 'the next one' would get people's attention?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,543 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    Again you ask questions and expect answers yet refuse to answer any yourself.

    You said you would get back to me and explain why masks would be permanent, you said you would explain the reasons behind the need for people to wear masks from now in, care to elaborate on it now while I have you here?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,543 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    Ah so it was just another lie in a long list of lies that you have told?

    This right here proves to everyone reading this thread that you are a liar and have no intention whatsoever of debating in good faith.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Only direct and honest answer you've given on this thread.

    You are refusing to answer the question because you can't answer it.

    You can't answer it because you conspiracy theory is just fantasy you are pretending to be real.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,543 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    For clarity sake here is the exchange about masks on November 9th.


    "you STILL haven't explained why they would be permanent, what's the nefarious reason (in your mind) that they would need them to be permanent?"


    "I'll come to that later. I read another hypothesis the other day."

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I suspect that now he's going to start claiming "I never said that" etc etc.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes, come to that. Not now. I'll come to it. No rush.

    And your man sealioning every thread as usual. It must get boring after a while. Can only half ignore on boards, unfortunately.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,543 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    Yeah we can all see that you won't, every post you make just oozes dishonesty.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol. So you'll come to it at some point before the thread hits 300 pages of you not answering it?

    Before 400?

    Before the end of time?

    I don't think you'll ever come to it because you don't have an answer, and you are a very dishonest person. I think you saying that "you'll come to it" is another one of your lies you used to deflect from the fact you can't answer it.

    Who's "Your man"? Are you again refering to me but for some reason you're afraid of stating my name?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    And for clarity, are these the same conspiracy theorists who've been claiming that it's all a secret communist plot as foretold in a childrens song?

    The same ones who were claiming the vaccines are magnetic/have secret tracking nanotechnology/will cause global depopulation?

    Please quote where Dohnjoe said that the restrictions were definately going to be lifted on October 22nd. To my knowledge I don't think he ever claimed that. Like a reasonable person, he made sure to clearly stated that this was a possibility.

    Also, could you clarify, do you believe that conspiracy theorists claimed there would be surge because the surge is faked and was planned? Or do you believe the surge is real?

    You guys have flipped and flopped and claimed so many false and contradictory things, I forget where you fall on this issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    Give us the context of where he said that, have you a link, what was he talking about? Everything I checked up on about Bill Gates turned out to be nonsense. I'd be surprised if this wasn't too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,765 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    And they're slowly coming back. I remember a few months ago wondering why world leaders were all talking about a dark winter. The dark winter was more lockdowns (Austria and the Netherlands in recent days), in my opinion.

    So are you suggesting that world leaders a few months ago intended to lockdown everyone in the winter, and that the lockdown in the Netherlands is not in response to rising Covid numbers and strain on their hospitals?

    The measures haven't been lifted properly. Businesses are still operating under heavy restrictions. People still have to show a pass to eat or drink indoors (a radical change in the West).

    So are you saying that in the West we shouldn't take action against a virus, and we should just let it run through the population. What if it was Ebola, would you still think we shouldn't do anything about it, and have no restrictions? What about foot and mouth disease, if there was an outbreak, do you think restrictions would be justified, like in the past?

    And the more vaccinated the population the more restricted life is.

    What do you mean by this?

    Instead of the restrictions being properly lifted life is becoming more restricted.

    So are you still confined to 2 or 5 km from home, can you not go to crowded matches (40,000 + in the Aviva yesterday), can you not go to shops, restaurants, pubs. What do you mean?

    Latest is masks outdoors

    What do you mean by that? Have I got to wear a mask if I walk down the street or go to the park?

    It was said to be for international travel only. Soon enough it'll be required almost everywhere.

    So what's wrong with requiring the Covid cert to get into places where social distancing is not possible. Do you think the virus is gone, and there is no longer any risk? Do you think the Covid numbers are just made up?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So what did he mean when he said 'the next one' would get people's attention? Simple question.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Again, why should any answer your demand for an answer to a random off topic question when you've admitted that you're refusing to answer the central question to this thread/

    Abject hypocrisy on your part. Complete dishonesty too.

    As per usual, what he said was something completely innocuous that conspiracy grifters are taking out of context to make it sound sinster. They did the same thing to claim that Bill Gates plans to kill millions of people.

    You swallowed this same scam again because you don't seem to retain memories of when conspiracy theories fail and you don't apply critical thinking to anything.

    When he talks about the next one, he is refering to the next pandemic as pandemics happen naturally. He's pointing out rightly that if a big pandemic hits governments that aren't ready for it, then it will be a big issue that people can't ignore.

    If someone was pointing out that a government isn't prepared for the next natural disaster, would it be logical to claim then that person was going to cause the next natural disaster?

    And on top of this, we are again forced to ask why he would announce his evil plan to a public audience?

    And conversly, if you were asked what he meant, you would not supply an answer. You would dodge and throw a tantrum and avoid and then deflect to a new topic and pretend you last topic hadn't been explained to you like you were a child.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Also, this is not context.

    One is a link to some twitter crank talking about an entirely different topic, so is completely irrelevant.

    The other is a clip from a conspiracy youtube channel that provides no details about where and when and in what context the quote is from. It is editted purposfully to remove it from it's context. The video does not show what Gates was talking about before the quote you're asking about, therefore it is not in context.

    This is a very common and very dishoenst trick grifters use on gullible people to make them think their lies are true.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 913 ✭✭✭buzzerxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    Ok, your youtube link is to someone who has cut 17 sec out of a 17 min interview with Gates recorded by the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation in June 2020, and is trying to put a spin on it (to gauge their credibility, the same person says the Covid outbreak in 2020 was predicted in 1956, also says the Antichrist is here, etc)

    Here is the original video on youtube. In the bit in question, starting at about 4min 40sec, he is answering a question "what are you concerned about now?". He answers

    "Well, this won't be the last pandemic that we face, you know pandemics can come from natural causes, which is largely coming across from other species, you know, a flu, for example, is still a very big risk, and so we'll have to invest in making sure that we catch the disease sooner, and that we have platforms to make diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines very quickly. Very little was invested even though there were calls from a lot of people, including from our foundation ... " leaving out a bit, but further on he says " ... and the cost would have been tiny compared to say what we spend on being ready for war, we didn't actually do the simulation to think about, ok what about nursing homes, what about getting factories ready, what about the testing regime, you know, in fact, the testing could have been ramped up very quickly, and, a few countries have almost avoided the epidemic entirely, like Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, you know, they took their experience and actually prepared and so they moved a lot faster, so, we, you know, will have to prepare for the next one, that, you know, I'd say, is, ah, will get attention this time",

    He's clearly talking about pandemics in general (google 'pandemics' and see how many there have been in the past), and he's referring to the inevitable next pandemic, and, given our experiences with this one, we will be more ready for the next one. Nothing at all suspicious in what he says, it make perfect sense to me. Why do you think what he says is not what he means?

    Your Twitter link is to someone who is taking a recent interview with Bill Gates and taking things out of context. Here is the original interview on youtube. Most is about climate change, but at 32min 40sec he is asked about "pandemic preparedness", and in his response he says ...

    "2015 that i gave the uh ted talk and wrote a number of papers uh titled 'We're not ready for the next pandemic' and sadly that was uh a better forecast of what would happen than uh anyone would have wished for, you know the economic damage, the, you know, the death's, it's been completely horrific, and i would expect that will lead the R&D budgets to be focused on things we didn't have today ..." -- Skipping forward -- "... so i'm hoping in five years i can write a book called you know 'We're ready for the next pandemic' but it will take tens of billions in R&D ..." -- Skipping fwd -- ".. it'll take probably about a billion a year for a pandemic task force at WHO level which is doing the surveillance, and actually doing what I call germ games, where you practice, you say, okay what if uh a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports, you know, how would the world respond to that, you know, that, there's naturally caused epidemics, and bioterrorism caused epidemics, that, could, even be way worse than what we experienced today ..." -- Skipping fwd -- "..a lot of the R&D we need to do to be ready for the next pandemic are things like making vaccines cheap having big factories, uh eradicating the flu, getting rid of the common cold, making vaccines just a little patch you put on your arm, things that will be incredibly beneficial even in the years when we don't have pandemics".

    So, answering your original question, what Bill Gates meant when he referred to "the next one" is completely clear, and is that he was referring to a future pandemic, which seems inevitable given how many happened in the past, and that we should be prepared for it!

    So do you think a reasonable person could take any malicious meaning out of what Gates said?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    that Bill Gates conspiracy nonsense is only one step away from thinking that Hilary Clinton is a devil worshipping lizard

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,765 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    A simple google would answer that.

    Time waster.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,578 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    Gortanna being dishonest....

    Well I never

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Watch now as even though me and Pintofview gave him a clear direct answer he will ignore and deflect and avoid and try to move on to another topic cause he can't address any of the points.

    He only asked this pointless question to deflect from the fact he's refusing to address any of the questions put to him.

    He knows it's dishonest. Doesn't care. As long as he can play pretends.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Very original. I answered why I believe the measures are permanent. Not my problem if posters want to pretend the question hasn't been answered so that they get thanked by the same 4 or 5 guys over and over again. We'll have another one soon enough. "300 pages in ...". And yet they keep posting here. Doesn't make any sense. Why don't they check out if they don't like the thread?

  • Registered Users Posts: 913 ✭✭✭buzzerxx

    Listen carefully to what the government are saying. They use words like: Probably, Possibly, Maybe, Approximately, Roughly, In all likelihood, In all probability, Most likely, Very likely, Presumably, Reasonable assumption, Supposedly, At a glance

    This is not science, it's propaganda.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I could understand a reasonable person wondering why he smirked after he said what he said, and why his now ex-wife smiled after he said it. But I have noticed that he smirks a lot in interviews, so it's probably just an idiosyncrasy.

    I actually quite like Bill Gates. He comes across as being friendly in interviews. I don't know why so many people have it in for him. I don't have any time really for Fauci have no time for because I think he spreads fear unnecessarily.

    What I am puzzled by is the FDA approving a drug for smallpox. I thought snallpox had been eradicated.

    Actually, it'd be interesting to read about that 1956 prediction.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    But you haven't answered the question.

    It's been recently pointed out to you that you lied about that. You've admitting that you're refusing to answer the question.

    Why do you keep posting bullshit you know is bullshit from twitter cranks you know are liars and grifters? Why do you keep lying and being completely dishonest to defend bullshit?

    No one here has a problem with the thread. You and your buddies however have shown that you are unable and unwilling to engage in discussion where people are allowed to question the conspiracy theory religion.

    Since you keep forget things inconvienient to your beliefs, I remind you, you and your fellow conspiracy theorists were trying to get the forum closed down because you were pissy that people were allowed to not agree with you.

    If you don't like the thread and the forum, why are you posting in it?

    I think it's because no where else will tolerate you posting bullshit you know is bullshit so you can play pretend at being a rebel researcher. And you know no one would be arsed to follow you on a blog or twitter.

This discussion has been closed.