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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    I think we have all heard about the death bed confession..? It's just another intricate piece of a confusing jigsaw puzzle.

    I think all parties will agree that the original investigation was an absolute disgrace to say the very least, if fact, these are kind words I am using to describe it.. It was a complete and utter shambles of the highest order.

    So, the Gards that were rewarding people to fabricate evidence or entrap Bailey, certainly tarnished their image as impartial enforcers of the Law (agreed?)

    So the logical next thought would be.. Why are the Cops so fixated with Bailey?? Why are they ignoring the many other potential leads? They have no evidence to connect him to the murder scene, nor indeed the victim... Why the big interest in him??

    By all accounts, Bailey was a cute hooer... He was sharp, he was quick on the uptake, and had many contacts. He was actively thinking outside the box, wasn't he evaluating the professional killing scenario as one possible option? As well as heavily hinting that a deceased fellow from Bantry was the murderer...??

    Maybe Bailey knew more than most, maybe he had a suspect and was closing in on him?? He was shouting from the rooftops that this case would make his name nationally... What if he got too near to the truth???

    Didn't the Gards raid the studio and take all of his journals and diaries....? He was hardly going to write, 'Got drunk last night and killed a French bird....'

    Why were they so concerned about the contents of his journals? Had he named names? Had he figured it out??

    Scooby's speculation on the death bed confession is relevant. In fact, it adds credence to Bailey being persued relentlessly... Take him down, before he takes us all down mentality...? What better way to debunk a whistle blower than by making him the public enemy number one (Or prime suspect number one in this case).

    If the death bed confession is true, and there are many say that it is..... Then the framing of Ian Bailey makes perfect sense..!! The loud, brash Englishman with a flair for investigative journalism, maybe about to unmask a high ranking Gard would rock the very foundations of the force.. Of course any action necessary to put him in the picture would be given the nod of approval.

    Take away the death bed confession.... And suddenly, nothing makes much sense anymore (again).

    Scooby is speculating on a theory that makes sense if true? The Horney Gard has come up time and time again on this and many other threads.

    Good on ya Scoobs!!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Ah maybe they were bullshitting.

    maybe they will get chance to prove they were

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭omega666

    Most of that belongs in a conspiracy theory forum.

    The hitman story was Bailey trying to divert attention away from himself.

    If Bailey had any information on a guard doing something wrong would you not think he would have come out with it in the last 25 years.

    The cops took his journals to try link him with Sophie.

    Bailey was picked by the cops because he was a known violent woman beater who just inserted himself into the murder and happen ed to be out wandering the roads a few miles away at the exact time of the murder. That and all the other stuff, scratches, bonfires, confessions.

    The cops were full sure they had thier man and they simply tried to fit the evidence around him to get the conviction. There is nothing else to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    The 'Hitman' theory is as plausible as any other theory... The marriage was in trouble, Sophie was playing away, maybe causing her high profile Husband acute embarrassment? He himself had a new piece of fluff on the go. He was probably looking at a sizable divorce settlement as opposed to being the recipient of a tidy death insurance policy...

    You telling me a hired contract killing is beyond the realms of possibilities..?? Most murder cases involving women are usually committed by their nearest and dearest, and nearly always involve either love or money as the motivation. Sophie was no shrinking violet, she could well have pushed the Hubby's buttons to the extreme.... Note - He didn't bother coming to Ireland with the Family to identify the body.. Not peculiar??

    Maybe Bailey did suspect a Guard? Maybe he was collecting evidence, albeit circumstantial evidence? He was an investigative journalist, that was his job.

    Maybe the Guards let him know in no uncertain circumstances, that to pursue this line of enquiry would result in himself and Jules being slung in jail with hefty sentences...?? Didn't one Guard threaten him with a bullet to the back of the head??

    Furthermore, without credible hard evidence, how could Bailey actually name the Guard in person...? All the hearsay and circumstantial evidence would be laughed out of Court, especially when concerning one of their own.

    Even after 25yrs, no supporting evidence - No case! Bailey knows the libel laws probably better than most.

    The known wife beater mantra is tedious at this stage.. Ask any Guard what the most common call out was during the recent lock downs.. All domestics, in fact they were a full time job.. Bailey was wrong, no getting away from that... But it really is more common than you think. It doesn't make him, or the any of the others cold bloodied murderers... Not b a long shot.

    I don't know were you get he was wandering the roads near the crime scene from...?? That's news to me??

    Please don't reference the liar, the invisible man, and the long black coat nonsense... We've put that scenario to bed a long time ago.

    Anybody can come up with a theory on this thread, there are so many loose ends, and too be frank, you can't fit them all into one timeline. Many of the facts are overlapping and bear no relevance to the case, some loose ends become red herrings.

    The scratches, the fire, the wine bottle, the prowler, the musician, the hitman, the drugs ring, the guard, the latest sworn statements... They all cloud the waters, nothing becomes clearer as time goes on..

    Rule nothing out, no theory is rejected out of hand whilst there are still supporting elements to them.

    Pick any theory you want, you can probably pin a few supporting pieces of evidence to it (circumstantial of course, but that's the nature of the beast on this thread).

    Open minds!

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    The truth is you don't believe a word of what you're saying but you defend the state procedure no matter what. We've seen it many times in the case of the church. Long after it was understood by senior state officers, like more than one DPP, that Bailey was framed, official Ireland wouldn't relent as evidenced by the high court case taken by Bailey. It's long been a state attitude; the people are stupid and will believe what they're told. True in for what might be the majority.

  • Registered Users Posts: 100 ✭✭Glen Immal

    Freudian slip perchance, Soulwriter?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I don't know about all the sources lads, maybe they are all winding you up.

    The first mention of the deathbed confession on this thread was by a poster called Thompsonette, a long long way back now.

    Aside from discussion and endless teasing out of tangled details this thread hasn't thrown up any new revelations. We couldn't even figure out who Fosters 'prisoner souce' was until we read about him on twitter.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The 'Hitman' theory is as plausible as any other theory.

    and more so than the deathbed confession

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    meaning they may get a chance to prove they were bullshitting

    Are you in the UK ?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I shared who the prisoner was on here first.

    Tbf the deathbed confession is long known about, its just likely impossible to prove. apparently it wasn't actually to his family, so I've no idea why people have harrased them, if this is in fact true.

    Like I've said multiple times, the only way this will come to light is by a garda whistle-blower, or drew Harris doing what he said he would and weeding out past corruption.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    That's not saying anything new.

    Why are you asking where I live? The way you go on to me is starting to border on harrasment.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Tbf the deathbed confession is long known about,

    as a rumour

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    i won't be saying anything new on a public forum

    when you are asked to substantiate your claims your shout harrassment. how is it harrassment to challenge you on your claims. it is not much of a sleuth who will run away when questioned. You want to be able to post your spin but not be challenged

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Which in all honesty, due to a corrupt investigation, loss of evidence and files, most persons of interest dying along the way, is all we have left with this case.

    It could, however, be investigated. This particular garda was nowhere to be seen during the murder, was he transferred? When did he retire? What unmarked vehicle did he drive? At the very minimum, Harris could look at those basic facts as a starting point. Then those darn rumours could be quashed (or not) once and for all.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    But you say cryptic things then won't explain yourself, then endlessly try and get me to say stuff I'm not prepared to on a public forum either. Hypocrisy much??

    Asking where I live on top is bordering on harrasment. It's none of your damn business. You shouldn't be asking for personal information on a forum ffs

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I shared who the prisoner was on here first.

    Sorry Scoob, it was on one of those crazy twitter threads long before you put it on here.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If rumour is all we have left why is the deathbed confession spoken of as fact? I was in West Cork and it is largely thought to be unsubstantiated rumour. of course some say it is common knowledge but it is only rumour and pub talk

    It could, however, be investigated. This particular garda was nowhere to be seen during the murder, was he transferred? When did he retire? What unmarked vehicle did he drive? At the very minimum, Harris could look at those basic facts as a starting point. Then those darn rumours could be quashed (or not) once and for all.

    how do you know it's not being investigated. why would that garda need to be seen during the murder.? Maybe he was not involved in the investigation. It is just Gemma conspiracy

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    asking if you are in the UK is harrassment? How? you are not obliged to answer. You claim to be this great investigator with sources but you are 'harrassed' if asked a simple question

    posting conspiracy theories about this dead garda might be considered harrassment by his family but it doesn't seem to bother you

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I didn't claim anything of the sort.

    Now leave me alone. Thanks!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I know exactly who shared it on twitter, cheers.

    I didnt get it from twitter.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I see the crime guy in the UK thinks Sophie was not the first to be murdered in 100 years because there was a manslaughter conviction in the area

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    you didn't answer why the garda needed to be involved in the murder, maybe he was not assigned to the case. So what if he was transferred? Lots of gardai are transferred. Just Gemma conspiracy

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The fact that Gemma O'D was tipped off about this garda by someone in government suggests its more than just a rumour. (this is in an interview with her, Frank Buttimer and jules that you can find on bitchute or one of those sites)

    It also suggests that only the likes of her of another investigative journo will get to the bottom of it and attempts to go through proper channels have likely been quashed in the past.

    I personally think it's the only theory that fits.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    How am I supposed to know?

    I think it's unusual that in such a big case the only one of 2 detectives in the nearest involved station was nowhere to be seen, but again. Just my opinion.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Gemma says she was tipped off. it is not a fact it is a claim by G.. She claims lots. Doubt if anyone in government takes G seriously

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I agree she's dicredited herself since, but she did some stellar work on this case a few years ago.

    Watch the interview maybe.

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