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Relaxation of Restrictions, Part XII *Read OP For Mod Warnings*



  • Registered Users Posts: 975 ✭✭✭Parachutes

    The HSE is there to protect us not the other way around. What do we do when the country is economically destroyed by restrictions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,464 ✭✭✭MOH

    You seem to have major problems understanding simple concepts.

    Like "possibility": saying you didn't know something was possible is completely different to saying you didn't know details about it.

    Or "unsourced": I included numerous links to sources, yet you bizarrely call that "unsourced"? That's why I gave up including links in the first place. People like you just blather on, ignore facts, move goalposts, or just make up lies like the cretins you defend.

    You, on the other hand, haven't provided any links whatsoever to back up anything you've said. You've given me the title of a completely irrelevant ECDC report listing different categories of variants as of last week. There's nothing whatsoever there indicating that the ECDC had no idea for most of 2021 that variants were possible. I'd be very surprised if any such source existed, given you yourself were the one who pointed out that everyone should know we get different strains of flu every year. So I'm fairly sure the ECDC have heard of the concept.

    I've no idea what your first paragraph means, it doesn't seem to make sense. If you're asking for a government who had a plan in summer 2020 which was based on as-yet unidentified variants and the impact of vaccines which hadn't been developed, then no - I doubt any exists unless someone has a time machine. And if they did that would be better used to go back pre-Covid and stop it happening.

    I am however aware of a government that released a complete shambles of a "plan" in mid-September 2020. A plan that was obsolete on the day it was launched. A plan the Taoiseach lied about key elements of even as he launched it. And that later the Tanaiste later claimed failed because they were unaware of the impact of vaccines (which could only have helped it succeed) or of the POSSIBILITY of covid variants.

    I'm not making any claim here. I'm just referencing the statement Varadkar made. Either he told the truth and the government and their advisers are astonishingly incompetent and were actually not aware that it was possible that variants of a virus might exist. Or he lied, and used that as an excuse to try to pass off responsibility for their disaster of a plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,464 ✭✭✭MOH

    You do know our hospitals have been less full this year than they were at the same time in 2019, right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,616 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Still dodging the question, the HSE doesn't have infinite capacity, we could throw all our taxes at it but it has a limit. COVID puts a massive strain on the HSE, when making decisions around restrictions there has to be a plan to either avoid the capacity limit or what to do with patients when it is hit.

    The answer from other years is to put people on trolleys in the corridors, this isn't possible due to the infectious nature of COVID, so you either stay within capacity or turn people away.

    The rhetoric of "it's not my job to protect the HSE" is bullsh*t, the governments job IS to protect the HSE, if you were in government, what do you do to protect it.

    "Oh lots of people died but it's not my job to protect you" isn't a coherent or rational answer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,616 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    So put the COVID patients on trolleys in the hallways as we did in 2019 when over capacity?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,616 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    People were put on trolleys and treated in hallways, this isn't really an option for an infectious virus like SARS-COV2. Capacity has been expanded but it wouldn't be enough if the case trajectory kept going it's current direction. However, the upside is everybody is getting boosted, already vaccinated or getting infected (which isn't an upside for the individual or hospitals) but does get us to the point where ncov2019 is just cov2019 and normality can resume (as is pretty much the case in the UK).

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,859 ✭✭✭ebbsy

    I like the Singapore approach.

    Want to go into a workplace ? Get a jab. Don't have one ? Pay for a test each day at your own expense.

    Don't have a jab but you have caught Covid ? You can pay your own hospital fees.

    Enforcement is the key. People have to be forced. Is it nice ? No it is not. But it is necessary. These are not normal times, and normal freedoms do not exist at this point in time.

    That way things can be kept open.

    Lockdowns do not help people that are following the rules.

  • Registered Users Posts: 945 ✭✭✭WhiteWalls

    Can anyone simplify to me how we have let hospitals reaching breaking point so quickly?

    I know everything isn't as simple in practicality but how were nurses and doctors not up skilled in ICU treatment and more equipment bought such as ventilators to expand our ICU capacity?

    Is it a lack of man/woman power?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,464 ✭✭✭MOH

    Not just 2019 either.

    Maybe don't put thousands patients on trolleys in the hallways for decades and actually invest in the health system.

    BTW there were 2300 patients on trolleys the first week of the month.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There was a paramedic on Joe Duffy a week or so ago saying he'd never seen so many people having heart attacks, which seems to be taking up most of ICU..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,476 ✭✭✭floorpie

    That way things can be kept open.

    The new restrictions put in place are largely only for those who are vaccinated (specifically, new restrictions on bars, nightclubs and restaurants). Why is that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,051 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    If the unvaccinated were the only cause of our stupidly high figures then yes you are correct but the unvaccinated are not our only cause.

    At a rough estimate if we had the missing 7% vaccinated you then have half our hospital figures, great! Issue is numbers would still rise because of the other causes such as vaccine waning, the time of the year and the lack of easily and cheaply available rapid testing to name but a few...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,893 ✭✭✭JDxtra

    Lesson I learned during first lockdown – it is absolutely unfair to impose any restrictions on children in terms of outside play (with anyone), inside play (with close friends) and any sport. I will not be adhering to any advice regarding toning down play dates etc. How dare Norma Foley even suggest this.

    School is also critical to their development, much more than can be quantified in terms of actual learning. I would absolutely hate to see schools revert to that piece of crap known as online learning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 729 ✭✭✭SupplyandDemandZone

    Jesus the day we go down that route is the day i get my family and up and leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,504 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    Eoin de Barra on newstalk this morning calling for school kids to wear masks , fanatics

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,763 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    But you are saying it yourself really — the reality is that infections (combined with vaccination) are now an ugly but necessary and seemingly unavoidable pathway to making Covid a less risky endemic virus. At some point, the moment has to come where we accept the spike in infections and endure it — or we just keep waiting for the magic hour where reopening doesn’t mean a spike, which is never going to happen any time soon.

    Of course, it is at least clear at this point that those who argued that the reopening of things in the warmer should have been far less cautious and protracted were correct, and delaying the reopening to the cusp of winter was an epic miscalculation. Reopening in winter was always going to be painful and this should have been obvious to any rational person. So what do we do? Lock down now to prevent the ever-touted healthcare apocalypse, reopen and inevitably lock down again? Rinse and repeat until Covid is a more minor endemic threat?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,988 ✭✭✭Blut2

    The government has only added about 60 ICU beds total to our capacity in the last 20 months. We needed about 500 ICU beds for our population even without corona (this is what having the EU per capita average would have us at), but we only we had approx 240 in early 2020. So we're still nowhere near there. The problem is this lack of hospital capacity.

    The government has at no time prioritized massive expansion of ICU capacity, because they in 2020 put all their eggs in the "locking down will get rid of covid" strategy. And in 2021 in "locking down until we're fully vaccinated will get rid of covid". They quite clearly never planned for the long term. Even in budget 2022, released only a few weeks ago in early October, they only dedicated €10mn (not billion) to expanding ICU capacity, planning to only add 18 beds (not a typo) in all of 2022. Which is absolutely ludicrous given the billions devoted to other aspects of the pandemic - almost €10billion on the PUP alone.

    We have 4 ex ministers for health in government currently, including our Taoiseach and Tanaiste. So they're terrified of the public asking why the public healthcare system was let become so run down over the last two decades, because the answer is their mismanagement. Hence all the focus in recent weeks on blaming the unvaccinated, British people, the pubs, young people, barbers... anything that helps distract the public from realising whos at fault here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    It's the HSE, the government supply the cash and some level of approval but the HSE do things or not. It's a bit tricky to add or fix things in the middle of a pandemic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,035 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    Vaccination will not bring this to an end. Singapore is struggling, and Gibraltar (100% vaccinated, >20% boosters) have cancelled christmas due to rising covid

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    They are the only tools available to us until the likes of anti-virals come on stream. A good level of boosters in the over 65s and other vulnerable groups should definitely help. Imposing restrictions on people is less less likely to be effective at this stage with so much COVID fatigue.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,616 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Sure, but that's of no help today, remember at next election time to not only vote for those who say they will fix health, but have an actual plan that includes restructuring, to do it.

    Yes, that moment was back in August when we had high vax rates and low cases or next Spring, that moment isn't in the middle of Winter (which is why an October/November reopening was a dumb decision). And, to be fair, we're talking, right now, about a few extra restrictions after being largely unrestricted (phased return to work was the only thing left really), it will be interesting if more will be needed. And it's really important to understand that the government is taking hospital capacity into consideration when doing this, they no more wanted new restrictions then anyone as it's toxic electorally, the hurlers from the ditch are never able to make that decision (because the only alternative is to deny treatment to people, which they don't want to type out for others to see).

  • Registered Users Posts: 729 ✭✭✭SupplyandDemandZone

    Anti-virals may or may not work. I view any results from a pharma industry company that answers to share holders with suspicion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    Well, they have given us vaccines which work! The UK has already approved one anti-viral pill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 400 ✭✭bettyoleary

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,973 ✭✭✭✭titan18

    It is callous to say it but at some point, there probably should be a decision on how much you restrict life to extend the life of someones whos already lived theirs. You can't keep on restricting life and adding debt on to young people to protect the elderly imo. When the average age of death is so high, it honestly should be considered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,763 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    But we have never actually tested that capacity or displayed any level of balanced risk appetite in doing so. In almost all instances, the second things are reopened the government appears to act as if a spike in cases is a complete shock — and the worst case scenario projections are taken as being effectively invariably correct and it’s straight back to restricting things again. We are simply reminded, again and again, of a spectre of Covid collapsing the health system and this spectre is used to justify caution. And when things are reopened, instead of pushing the risk appetite upwards — it is kept low to the point that no tentative risk will be accepted.

    The hurlers from the ditch, who you criticise, were the very people lambasting the government for its abundance of caution all through the majority of 2021. The hurlers from the ditch, in that instance, were correct — and you say so yourself. But the hurlers from the ditch were batted aside with the very same arguments you pursue now — that the risk is too great and it’s all too easy for the people who don’t have to make the calls to bandy about their views.

    At some stage, the spike will have to simply be accepted and endured, but the cautious approach always seems to find a way of saying that the risk is too great — and your own post tacitly concedes that point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,051 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,616 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Right now we treat people in hospital beds and then they die after treatment (and treatment is stopped if it's clear someone isn't going to make it). If we bump up against our capacity limits, then we have to deny hospital beds to certain groups (and this can take the form of not moving people to hospital in the first place), but you need to have a process in place to do this and decision on who gets to have treatment and who doesn't, it sounds like you're OK with that, but that is you being OK with denying treatment to groups of people. When that group was the unvaccinated people were aghast, now that it's old people, are you OK with that?

    edit: I would add that you're the first person to put this into print, it's an answer that many others keep avoiding and try and blame the government or the health system or other posters for. But just to be clear, you're saying that if an elderly person needs a bed in a hospital, you are OK with saying that there is no bed available for them and leaving them be (or giving non-hospital treatment).

    Without the vaccine rollout, the numbers would be stratospheric were society to fully reopen (even the UK realised that early on). The hurlers from the ditch want all restrictions gone today and the consequence of that will be that lots of people who would have lived through hospital treatment will die instead. I'm suggesting that the time for dropping restrictions this year is passed (and it was only from August that we had high enough vax rates to avoid really high numbers) and the next opportunity will be Spring. If you are saying that time is today, you have to be able to say, like titan18 seems to have done, that certain groups, if sick from COVID, and if hospitals are at capacity, won't get treated.

    We may get to that point with the current restrictions anyway, but we'll get there much much faster without them (unless you believe that restrictions have no effect, but we know they do so it's impossible to argue with someone of that viewpoint because the entire viewpoint is built on a lie, which they'll try and deny).

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    Like, is there not evidence in various jurisdictions that higher cases seem to track higher vaccinations?..
