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Covid 19 Part XXXV-956,720 ROI (5,952 deaths) 452,946 NI (3,002 deaths) (08/01) Read OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,063 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Not the point. The point was that there are higher risks to not being vaccinated .

    Your point was that it was obesity as the highest risk of serious disease with Covid . You did not qualify it saying" well it's more in older people than younger etc." You said the Highest risk . I pointed out it was not , that that would be being unvaccinated now , and then it grew legs and twisted with every post back to me .

    You are talking about young people with diminished risk ? What else do you want to bring to this discussion while not admitting that your original statement was incorrect ?

    On that diminished risk then ...

    Of course there are people with underlying conditions as I pointed out in my original post to you , if you had read it properly .

    Of course younger people are less at risk than older , all things else being equal .

    You want me to say that there are no young fit people who are unvaccinated getting seriously ill with Covid ? There are lower numbers yes , but there are young , previously fit people getting very sick and hospitalised with Covid .

    Those numbers are there for all to see . But what they don't tell you us their vacination status . The young people age groups / are unvaccinated , or immunocompromised .

    But the highest risk for all ages at this time now , of serious disease is ...being unvaccinated .

    Especially now others have been boosted .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,354 ✭✭✭nocoverart

    Hi mate

    I actually can’t remember how it works now.

    most of us took the plunge quite a while back.


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Some crazy stuff today from plague island

    • Our CMO picking a madcap figure of 1 in 6 people having Covid like symptoms this week, based on a couple of polls.
    • Posters wanting children of the unvaxxed to be denied the right of education in school because of their parents choices.
    • TV and online ‘personalities’ videoing pubs in an effort to find a queue that they can then scream blue murder about.

    This would have all been conspiracy theory stuff 4 or 5 months ago. I’m not sure which is the worst, probably the kids thing, proper nasty suggestion, a bit fash too, only educate those you agree with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,371 ✭✭✭FintanMcluskey

    Apologies I did start deflecting.

    I'm standing by my original comment.

    Young, healthy and unvaccinated are at less risk than older, unhealthy and vaccinated, of which obesity and related illnesses are the primary risk factors

    That data is in the HSE report that runs from June to November

    80% of ICU admission have underlying illnesses.

    Only 26% of admissions to ICU were under 45, but for month's during that time that age group was unvaccinated, and during that time they accounted overwhelmingly for the positive cases per head of population (forget the figures now).

    They older age groups were-mostly vaccinated, had less positive cases (per head of population) but accounted for 75% of ICU admissions

    The problem lies with the unhealthy and unvaccinated, next up is the unhealthy and vaccinated, and lastly is the young,healthy and unvaccinated. In that order

    I often wonder for whatever reason, people who would know they are at risk from Covid but didn't get vaccinated , why?

    Is there illnesses that mean people dont get vaccinated? Certain cancer? Chemo?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,840 ✭✭✭Polar101

    When MM was giving his big speech earlier, he said something like "we've built up a massive testing capacity of 25k a day".

    There were over 31k swabs today - so how does that work? Are they using the Germans labs? Obviously the testing capacity is struggling now, with no available testing appointments in many regions.

    If testing is over capacity, doesn't that mean case numbers, positivity rates and the like are completely unreliable?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭kittensmittens

    Have to say, its not often my jaw falls but I heard this on the radio earlier and almost collapsed into laughter!

    This is the CMO......Our "Top Doc"... and this is what he comes out with?????

    So this apparently highly educated man who has a serious position of power in the country has proclaimed that people in Ireland are showing signs of Covid.

    Such as sneezing, sore throat, feeling unwell, fatigue etc etc.

    In IRELAND....In fukcing NOVEMBER. The dampest, most miserable weathered country in the whole of Europe and in general the most miserable Western Europe has to offer.

    This is our CMO!! Chap must have been living a pretty sheltered life up until Covid. The absolute sham has never heard of a common cold....the misery of every single Irish person for decades that flat 7-up and a dose of Lemsip have been treating for donkies. Sneezes and a sore throat ffs. Christ almighty, I've had years pre covid that I'd catch a dose in november and not shake it properly till spring.

    But I think he's not as foolish as the quote seems, look how its worded "shows signs of Covid" . If it was covid, it would be covid. He's fouling the ball imo. If people can't see this for what it is, more fool them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Láidir agus Dílis

    It's the smugness and sense that they know best that leaves me aghast.

    A real whiff of Varadkar and the more right wing of Fine Gael, thinking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,476 ✭✭✭floorpie

    I don't think you know what "highest risk factor" means 😅 I understand that you believe being unvaccinated is a risk, but it's a miniscule risk in comparison to, e.g., having prior respiratory illness, or being 90, or having immune issues, etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,476 ✭✭✭floorpie

    He didn't ask if you can't remember how it works or when you went, but rather how does it work

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,139 ✭✭✭Danye

    Any reaction’s to it?

    I’m quite anxious about it actually. A lot of the reasons for getting don’t actually make sense to me, doesn’t stop you getting it, doesn’t stop you getting sick, doesn’t stop the spread.

    The main, and probably only reason I’m getting it, if I get it at all, is to be able to do certain things like go for a meal, cinema, a drink, a trip away etc.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Drinking in a local, the owner swept in at ten minutes before midnight. "Right lads, finish up fast before a HSE inspector shows up". I replied, "does that infer we are a source of contagion a minute after?" "Leave before I call the guards". "You have just lost my custom, how does that make you feel?" "They're on the way, hope you enjoy your night in a prison cell". "Watch me go, and there isn't a single thing you can do about it". "You're banned for life". "Arra sound, I'll be advising everyone I know to avoid your kip. Tell Tony I said hello".

    The insanity has reached epic proportions, whereby people rat each other out for "the greater good". Watch out for the Cinderella variant that achieves unusual potency on the stroke of midnight.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,825 ✭✭✭Healio

    A lad in the friend group is unvaccinated, for whatever reason, not my business.

    However, every invitation to interact is declined; 5 a side of a monday, outdoor pints socially distanced (summer 2020), and even just a jog around the park; at the end of the road.

    He was a man who liked his pints in fairness, but he was knocked back the one time we manged to get him out from the local (fair play to them for following the rules).

    The man has not left the house other than when he was at Cheltenham 2020, as he is not allowed in anywhere; he would have socialised these days.

    However, if i as to listen to the daily news cartel, this fellow single-handedly caused 118 people to be in ICU this evening.

    Where exactly are the unvaccinated cases coming from?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,804 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    With testing capped out, the figure to watch would be positivity rate. You would expect that to increase while positive cases remain kinda stagnant, meaning there's more cases being missed.

    I know it may seem crazy to say, but with the testing kinda always following a pattern (low at the weekends, high midweek) and pretty much being capped, you can find a similar number of tests on the same day of a recent week and compare both positive results and positivity and get an idea where it's heading. It would be harder to do if testing ranged from 10k to 100k daily (positivity would be jumping all over the place)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,354 ✭✭✭nocoverart

    Look, the Vaccine isn’t a silver bullet but definitely gave me peace of mind. What’s the alternative now anyways apart from getting a potentially worse dose of Covid. We’re all gonna get it, might as well train the body to deal with it.

    I personally had no side effects getting the Vaccine and I had some concerns with some health issues I have.

    And yeah, like it or lump it… meals, drinks or trips away aren’t as easy as they once were.

    I’m on my holidays next week actually and won’t give Covid a second thought.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,245 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye

    The big issue is how our nation isn't as smart as it used to be. There's lots of stupid people out there now that I don't remember being around when I was younger.

    It's sad that so many are so reckless in these tough times. If we all were a little more careful and disciplined we wouldn't have these lockdowns.

  • Registered Users Posts: 568 ✭✭✭72sheep

    "Where exactly are the unvaccinated cases coming from?" <--- This 100%.

    Again, we are told the unvaccinated account for 40% of ICU occupancy; this is a spectacularly high number. Can someone provide a link from our Irish public health team that explain where these cases come from?

    (I'm sure many here can provide opinion but I want to know if there's ever been any official explanation.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,540 ✭✭✭Real Donald Trump

    I gave a response to this post yesterday and my post has now been deleted for some reason. Id like to know why please?

    All I said was obesity was a huge factor when it came to Covid, that we have a terrible health service that didn't get their **** together and that Gibraltar with 100% vaxxed is canceling Christmas

    Post edited by Real Donald Trump on

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,357 ✭✭✭✭lawred2

    It's the worst set for a daily poll.

    It's a self selected group of covid worriers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 729 ✭✭✭SupplyandDemandZone

    Say's a lot about you when you refer to people with a weight problem as "fatties".

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,876 ✭✭✭bokale

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,876 ✭✭✭bokale

    God image having to listen to that nonsense after the year pubs have had.

  • Registered Users Posts: 692 ✭✭✭cheezums

    I personally know two people with cancer and on chemo who were advised by gp and cancer doctor to get the vaccine asap as they are extra vulnerable. I assume this is standard medical advice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,033 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    So the guy was doing whatever he is required to do to keep his business open and you gave him hard time.. Some hero you are..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,848 ✭✭✭Sweet.Science

    You know there was a midnight curfew in the hope they could close on their own accord. Then the government aren't obliged to provide any financial relief. But hey, keep pretending what you want . The science yeah .

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,767 ✭✭✭hynesie08

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,540 ✭✭✭Real Donald Trump

    Same poster is all for going down the Austrian route here in this country, it's best to ignore loons like this, let them rant and rave all they want, just sit back and laugh 🤣

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,799 ✭✭✭mightyreds

    Isn't serving up time 11:30 on a Thursday anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Too much facts I suppose. Our health system is in permanent crisis for the last decade if not longer. Patients on trolleys and articles about health system imminent collapse every winter when flus season starts. Winter vomiting bug visitors closures etc...

    Obesity is a factor but from personal experience of being as vulnerable as they come plus bit overweight on top of other serious ailments and having experienced covid two times already I would say people really need to start focusing on other, more important things in life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,892 ✭✭✭the kelt

    Quite possibly the most ironic post in boards history.

    Lots of stupid people out there apparently but if we were just more careful and disciplined we wouldn't have these lockdowns!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    It could be the other way around actually. Stupid people usually think they are the clever one and everyone else is stupid...
