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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 30,385 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    The evidence from the French and Irish witnesses is laughable.

    On the French side, people who didn't remember Sophie mentioning Ian Bailey when he was arrested for her murder, but years later? Were they on an expedition to the Arctic? You believe them?

    On the Irish side, we have Alfie Lyons being 90% sure of very briefly introducing Bailey to Sophie. Whatever 90% means. But notice he never mentioned seeing Bailey at the cottage in any other capacity despite living next door. No one mentioned ever seeing the two of them together around the area. There's no evidence of any letters, phone calls, any individual contact whatsoever from any credible source.

    As for Leo Bolger, who remembers Person A being introduced to Person B by Person C which was an event of no particular signifiance to him.. either he has a photographic memory or he's a lying weasel. An individual who got a suspended sentence despite running a sophisticated drugs operation. An honest believale witness? Not even remotely.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    This is also part of the reason, why my gut feeling says that the murder was planned, not unplanned. It's also my gut feeling that the murderer knew that Sophie was in the way or some kind of threat for whatever reason and "had to be dealt with" meaning eliminated.

    However I am aware that opinions differ on that one, even on the definition of planned vs unplanned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭tibruit

    "The evidence from the French and Irish witnesses is laughable"

    Only to the biased mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,385 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Only the biased, corrupt or gullible could believe such garbage and in some cases obviously fabricated lies.

    Is Leo Bolger one of the Irish witnesses whose evidence you are standing over?

    Or the French woman who remembered 'Bailey' 10 years after his arrest? You are standing over that?

    As I said, laughable.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Says one of the few people on here who can't consider other suspects except Ian Bailey 🤦‍♀️

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm open to Sophie being in the way or some sort of threat, but I find it difficult to believe her murder was planned. If it was it was very badly planned, as the perp used random weapons they found to hand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    The scene could have been staged after the killing to take attention away from evidence elsewhere. I don't think it was planned but maybe an attempt was made to convince her/change her mind and then it got out of hand. From what I read of her she had little fear and may have started off very angry?

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    Half of me is convinced it was a spur of the moment attack. I believe it started and ended outside. This points so some sort of altercation that went from zero to a hundred in a split second.

    The assailant in a fit of rage, grabbed the nearest thing available to him, in this case a cavity block. Then, driven by temper, proceeded to smash Sophie's brains in.

    I don't think a sexual rejection was the motive, more like some quarrel over the gate / laneway.

    The other half of my brain is disputing this theory....

    If it really was a spur on the moment act of madness, thirty seconds of mindless violence, a sudden unexpected act of rage...

    How come was there not one shred of evidence left at the crime scene... Not one iota of anything to link the slaying to the murderer..?

    Even the best planned murders leave something at the scene.. But nothing .. diddley squat!

    I know it was 1996, but we've been killing and murdering for hundreds of years, most perps are caught without the dna technology that came later.. But this dude left nothing ...

    (Unless certain evidence was removed from the crime scene that would implicate somebody that the Gards didn't want implicating)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I'd say she must have been some sort of a threat, otherwise the murderer wouldn't have killed her. If it was in rage, I'd suggest it was because she rejected somebody's sexual advances. That's just my thoughts here. I would also find it hard to imagine that suppose the horny Guard would have visited her at 7am in the morning for a sexual encounter. It's not impossible, but rather unusual.

    For an unplanned murder surprisingly little evidence was found, hence my feelings. Yes, it's possible that the murderer staged the crime scene after the murder. Even if the murderer didn't plan the murder ahead, I'd say the reason for the visit to Sophie's whatever the nature must have been of grave important to the murderer. If the nature of the conversation was drug trafficking the murderer would have contemplated the option killing her prior to the visit. He also must have known that she was home. If there was no meeting arranged by phone, how could the murderer have been so sure, she was home, and also home alone? I'd say his chances of finding Sophie home alone were higher in the early morning, she'd be unlikely to have had any guests at 7am? ( unless another man stayed the night over., which we all know is not beyond possibility.... )

    It's also my gut feeling the murderer parked his car down by the gate, rather than at Sophie's house and they may have walked down to the gate together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    I believe that in early morning twilight about 8 am, she saw some activity and went to confront somebody. It could very probably be a spur of the moment thing with the assailant wearing gloves because of the cold. Either grabs a poker from Sophie's hand or has something else like a nail bar to hand, that after one or two blows there is no turning back. Finishing off with the block is making sure. There is no reason there should be much by way of evidence left by the killer at the scene.

    It has been established that there was something happening around the main entrance gate and the gap into her field where someone may have been making a claim to some right of way. It wouldn't be the first time people have come to blows over this very thing. How much did the investigators dig into the background of what was happening at this precise location in the days and weeks prior to the murder? It seems like such an obvious flashpoint but the investigators set their sights on Bailey with undue haste. He would have found out what was going on and had to be stopped.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭tibruit

    There are no other suspects. Some come on here and accuse people based on imagined evidence, or rumours that must be true because they heard it down the pub. You are one of those. Yet you ridicule me for referring to real actual statements that have been given by real actual witnesses. But away....sure it`s all just one big conspiracy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,385 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    No other suspects?

    What does that mean? I don't even know. Do we just convict people even if they are innocent, when we don't have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt - cos no other suspects could be found?

    What about the crimes with no suspects? What do we do then?

    Anyone with a passing knowledge of other cold cases solved decades later, or miscarriages of justice, could never come out with such dangerous nonsense. It's a charter for more miscarriages of justice.

    The evidence of the French witnesses, Leo Bolger and to a lesser extent Alfie Lyons is ridiculous, it deserves to be ridiculed.

    Do you believe the evidence of Leo Bolger?

    Do you believe he, as a bystander, actually remembered in such detail Alfie very briefly introducing Sophie to Ian during gardening work?

    I don't think I would remember such an event, I don't think most people would.

    Can you explain why he, running a sophisticated drugs operation, received a suspended sentence?

    Because he is one of the witnesses you are relying on when with your vague references to Irish witnesses...

    And I think if Sophie had mentioned knowing Ian Bailey to someone in France, that when Bailey was arrested for her murder, that would have triggered the recollection. Someone remembering years later? Simply not credible and believing such nonsense is - again - a charter for miscarriages of justice.

    And that's what we see here with Ian Bailey, a potential miscarriage of justice which our DPP has - three times - seen right through. We should be thankful we have honest brokers in such positions given the known corruption in AGS and the kangeroo court in France which is a stain on France's justice system.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Were they wearing gloves? No answer to that it seems but would explain lack of fingerprints skin on the block. Was the block to be re-tested for traces of fibres/skin cells?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,135 ✭✭✭chicorytip

    I don't think she would have had a clear, unobstructed view of the entrance gate from any vantage point in her house and certainly not in darkness. It's far more likely she was chased down the lane from the house by her murderer or else was alerted to his presence at the gate by the sound or lights of a car or by the sound of his voice calling her. A dispute over a right of way ? Only the Lyons could possibly have been involved in that kind of dispute with Sophie and neither of them were physically capable of perpetrating such a violent assault. So,that leaves a drug angle. I don't think drugs were being landed in the locality. It's many miles from the sea and where would they be stored? Maybe Sophie was a drug user and had a dispute with her (local) dealer and he killed her. There was no evidence or parephanalia associated with drug use found in the house. All roads still lead back to the prime suspect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    Of all the theories and suspects, I find the drug trafficking theory and the local police being in on it the most likely scenario.

    Whether the horny Guard from Bantry did the killing of Sophie or they coerced somebody else, like Alfie, or Leo or even another Guard, to do the killing is hard to guess and prove today.

    The reason why I think that this theory is most likely is that the local police did so much in terms of, to date proven, cover up and collusion that it automatically begs the question as to the motive of their doing so? In the end the local police went to great length with that cover-up activity.

    In the case of a possible French hitman, hired by either an avenging lover or her husband wanting to avoid a costly divorce and cash in on the life insurance the local police would never have considered coercing Marie Farrell into making a false whiteness statement or involving Martin Graham with drugs and money to get close to Bailey.

    The local police would never ever have coerced or colluded or covered up, if it wasn't to direct attention away from them.

    The local police would also not have done so, if it was just down to simply one of their own having certain sexual desires. The local police would only have done so, if they knew it was way more than one officer involved, at least 3 or 4 of them, I'd suggest. A drug operation in the SW of Ireland could not be done by just having one bent Guard, but more likely 3 or 4, or even more.... And I find it more likely 3 or 4 Guards were rather in it with the drugs than they all wanted sex with Sophie. We would have known about the latter by now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭kerry_man15

    I agree, I think this all has to do with land/property. From the aerial shots of the crime scene it is clear there is fencing being done in that field also, with posts laying in the grass. I've never heard it mentioned that Sophie had commissioned this work nor have I ever heard who was doing it. It beggars belief if this line of inquiry was never followed up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Of course you'll find the usual suspects here ready to pop up and tell you that yes it was investigated, but the Guards were satisfied that it had nothing to do with the killing. Some people will have the nerve to suggest that while Sophie could practically survey the countryside all the way down to Toormore she wouldn't have been able to see activity at the bottom of her garden because it's pitch dark at 8 in the morning. Given the extent of the focus on this killing it does beggar belief that we don't know precisely who was working around the gate, who put up a new gate, who left fence poles in Sophie's field/garden and how much Alfie and Shirley knew about it, since they presumably passed by there everyday. Why it was deliberately ignored is another story but it is beginning to emerge as the only credible reason for what happened

    Proof of the fact that the investigation of a land/property dispute was only given scant regard is in its omission in the Netflix documentary or some of the books by people who are more inclined to the 'official' investigation. After all the shenanigans of the Guards in the area, their telling us that it had no relevance, alone, should be reason for suspicion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭tibruit

    "No other suspects? What does that even mean? I don`t even know"

    Sure you do. Evidence is what it takes, plain and simple. We have had a myriad of names proposed here as suspects. But when you get down to the nitty gritty with them there is no evidence that goes beyond what we should imagine exists or what someone heard in the pub. There are no other realistic suspects.

    There is no reason not to believe Bolger. It`s not rocket science as to why he received his suspended sentence. He was a potential future murder trial witness and they wanted to keep him sweet. Anything else you have in mind belongs over in the conspiracy theory forum. I would remember making that introduction too by the way, sorry if it means you have a bit of brain fog.

    The DPP, apart from showing some basic lack of understanding of localized minutiae, went through the various "he said she said" scenarios and came up with some reasons why a future defense counsel might undermine a number of witnesses. Some of this however is nothing more than believing Bailey to be truthful. This ignores the fact that Bailey lied on the initial questionnaire and lied early on under interrogation. You can treat every statement as a microcosm and try to find fault with it as you have just tried to do with Bolger, but there comes a tipping point when the burden of witness testimony should be considered as a whole. This became apparent at the libel trial when 20 witnesses contradicted various aspects of Bailey`s evidence. They were all subject to cross examination by Bailey`s team and none of them were undermined.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    @odyssey06 you really shouldn't bother with this comedian. Look at this "The DPP, apart from showing some basic lack of understanding of localized minutiae". "apart from" if you don't mind.

    There are many people in Louisiana that will swear blind that many convictions of overwhelmingly African-American males by non-unanimous jury decisions based on hearsay evidence are perfectly sound. It's a strange world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,385 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    There are no other suspects .. does that mean you pin it on a whoever else you can find?

    What about crimes were there are no suspects? How did they do it leaving nothing linking them to the crime? And why couldnt that be whats happened here?

    Read up on some solved cold cases or miscarriages of justice? Because your ignorance is dangerous if you are ever on a jury.

    Theres no reason not to believe a guy facing a long prison sentence... who now has a motive to lie?

    A suspended sentence for a large scale drugs operation?

    This is one of your witnesses?

    This is part of your tipping point of evidence?

    Garbage tainted evidence is still garbage evidence no matter how much of it you sling. And thats all there is. Garbage evidence from people with a reason to lie, dodgy memories which resurface years later and a community whipped up into a frenzy by AGS that they had a dangerous killer in their midst who would strike again and needed to be put away. A result was needed.

    Its the recipe for miscarriages of justice seen so many times.

    Yeah there is no reason to your argument, just gullible delusions and illogical thinking.

    Its a charter for miscarriages of justice.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭tibruit

    "Theres no reason not to believe a guy facing a long prison sentence....who now has a motive to lie?"

    You might have a point.....except he made the statement over a decade before he was arrested.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,385 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    No he didnt as far as I can tell.

    And even if he had... he was involved in the drugs for how long... he could have been setting up a favour with AGS to turn a blind eye at the time to his illegal activity. His testimony has no credibility.

    As I said relying on garbage evidence is a recipe for miscarriages of justice.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    I think most of us agree, that the cast in this bizarre murder case are unique at best, or total bonkers at worst...

    So, taking a step away from the community of West Cork, and focusing solely on the actual case investigation, what set of events elevated Ian Bailey to become the prime suspect for the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier?

    This is not a Bailey haters vs Bailey supporters question - I respect all views, and encourage debate.

    For me, it appears the scratches on his hands, the getting out of bed during the night of the murder, his barbed sarcasm (especially at a time of an horrific murder), his contradictory statements, and finally, his well documented issues with domestic violence, seem to have nailed his colours to the mast.

    Of course, I have contemplated each and every one of these factors, and bunched together, they certainly make Bailey a person of interest.


    The scratches on his hands could be conceived as damning evidence? But would the murderer have walked around the harbour with his hands exposed for all to see...? The one physical red flag that was guaranteed to cock an eyebrow of two was not covered and hidden?? That makes no sense at all to me. He attended a large gathering were the locals were throwing themselves into the sea, it was obvious he would be seen by many people, and didn't cover his hands up??

    Getting up during the night...? Not a crime, and apparently he often did it.

    His comments about having a good day until he went over and smashed her brains in, was a crass comment. He has a sense of black humor, or sarcasm if it was correctly labelled. Again, not politically correct, but not a crime either.

    His contradictory statements can be off loaded by confusion? He was drinking heavily, I doubt he could recall every waking hour with absolute accuracy. Pick any day from a fortnight ago, and I would struggle myself.

    The domestic violence - Yep it occurred. Regretfully it happens all to often across Ireland, usually by a bullying spouse, usually full of liquor.. It very, very rarely leads to murder.

    If Bailey knew Sophie, he would have been shouting it from the rooftops.. A celeb in the movie business, rubbing shoulders with the red carpet brigade... He'd have thrived on it.. But not once did he ever mention her name to anybody...

    I just can't see why the Gards made Bailey their prime suspect in this case, and basically gave up on anybody else being in the frame for the murder?

    I may well be missing something, help me out here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,728 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    "I just can't see why the Gards made Bailey their prime suspect in this case, and basically gave up on anybody else being in the frame for the murder?"

    He wound them up.

    Posh, English, public school educated, with a superiority complex.

    Started out poking fun at the yokel guards, but it all went a bit Pete Tong .

    He always thought they would solve the case and he would be in clover .

    But our Gardaí had other ideas, they got stuck in to him and couldn't care less whether he was guilty or not.

    They went all out to nail him at any cost.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    A French magazine has quoted Nick Forster as saying that he now believed that there is new evidence available to the Garda that wasn't there a few months ago. Also that the case is close to being solved.

    Must be something in it or is he spoofing?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]


    Talking utter shite. Foster with his paedo mate and his prison whispers and the wine bottle he claims was a big secret that wasn't.

    He should be ashamed of himself for giving false hope to Sophies poor family and just admit he's been barking up the wrong tree for years.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    ....he now believes..... Believing it, doesn't prove it in a court of law.

    And if the Guards had new evidence we will hear it from them, we don't need Nick Forster and we don't care what he believes or doesn't believe.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's a well timed exercise in twattery to sell more books in time for Christmas.

    Nothing pisses me off more than people pretending to want justice for sophie when they actually want to make money out of her murder.

    That Laura Richards is another wan. Her podcast is full of basic misinformation, it's a disgrace.

    Lads I know we argue on here but at least we all want the same thing: the truth, whatever that is.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    Chooseusername: If your theory is correct, we are no better than the Taliban.

    I was talking to a Guard very recently, and the conversation turned to a ninety something year old pensioner that he had arrested for being drunk and disorderly.. I was shocked, and stated couldn't he have used his discretion and got the old boy home to sleep it off instead??

    His answer was blunt and too the point.. 'We have to be seen to be impartial to all age groups, colour and religion' Although a bit harsh on the old boy, his directive serves the force well.

    In this day and age, nearly everybody is walking around with a camera in their pockets (phones). Never has police corruption been so difficult to engage in.. A far cry from 1996 I agree.

    But would an entire murder investigation be rattled so much by one pompous individual ?? Did they really care about nothing else but nailing this guy? Had they no professionalism? Were they not duty bound to follow each and every lead?

    You may be right?? They did supply money and drugs to secure information to make a conviction. And some of the more seedier characters got off some fairly serious charges for giving evidence against Bailey..

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