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Car drives into Christmas parade in Waukesha, 6 dead



  • Posts: 1,010 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    The public prosecutor that set the ridiculous bail policy and acknowledged people would be killed because of it, all to be less rascist, should be paying those bills

  • Posts: 1,010 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Looks like the driver has a hx of terroristic threats. So would have been on federal agencies radars too.

    how was this mam not in jail. Even an irish judge like Nolan would have jailed him

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,600 ✭✭✭BanditLuke

    If that woman is America's future then America is screwed. Hard to believe she's not trolling then you realise she's deadly serious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,579 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    "White people in Europe or the US for example don't face the same racial prejudice as other races to do. "

    That is a simply untrue statement

    • Late last year Facebook adjusted the algorithms it uses to detects hate speech. When the algorithm was applied in a neutral manner, it detected and auto deleted hate speech against all races. The "problem" was that the overwhelming amount of hate speech was being directed against white people. This was spun as censorship of non-whites, and the solution was for the algorithm to simply ignore hate speech against whites. This reflects the common stance of social media in the US and elsewhere. Social media posts demonising and calling for attacks on white people are ignored, as they were in the case of this terrorist.
    • Earlier this year, the Biden administration introduced a stimulus package for US farmers. White farmers were disqualified based on their race alone. White farmers have since sued and managed to secure a temporary block, but whites are facing racially based discrimination in legislation. This is an increasingly common theme in US legislative efforts.
    • The Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston planned a pilot scheme earlier this year which proposed "preferential care based on race" and "race-explicit interventions", with the aim of denying health care to white people based on their race. This is currently illegal, and would face legal challenge which the planners are aware of. They argue that racial justice justifies the anti-white discrimination, and they want to take that argument to a court room with the aim of winning. Given the nature of the US legal system, they could win.
    • White people in the US are victims of a deluge of violence against them by non-whites. Much of this is simply denied or buried with the victims. Sometimes it is so blatant that it cannot be fully ignored, as in the case of Kori Ali Muhammad who went and shot dead 4 white men, as he said himself : "I just found some white men to kill" because he was "fed up with the racism". There is the more recent case of the Colorado mass shooter who killed 10 white people earlier this year, again with a long history of resentment and hatred against white people. The was the case of Cannon Hinnant, a 5 year old White boy shot dead in his garden by a non-white. Also recently a white child had their throat cut while waiting in line at a fast food restaurant by black man shouting anti-white abuse while he did it.
    • White people are increasingly unable to receive justice. Ernest Martin Stevens, a 77 year old unarmed white man, was fatally shot dead (8 times) by Devon Dunham in a public parking lot in 2017 while trying to steal Steven's truck. He confessed to the murder. 19 witnesses testified that he murdered Stevens. He was found not guilty. His lawyer had introduced Dunham's race as part of his defence. There is a whole cadre of prosecutors and law enforcement who increasingly openly view crime through a racial justice prism which ultimately results in more violence against white people, as in this case.
    • Public education in the US is increasingly consumed with teaching children that white people have power over non-whites, that they stole that power, and that they use it to hurt non-whites. The mainstream media and US politicians all reinforce that message, talking maliciously about white people in a way that they never would about any other group. This sort of brazen hatred of course fuels the violence and discrimination white people do face. When Kori Ali Muhammad is being told day in day out that he is the victim of white racism, then of course he will go out to find some white men to kill.

    In a way, you're right - they don't face the same racial prejudice. It's far more open and far deadlier.

  • Posts: 1,010 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,230 ✭✭✭✭Fr Tod Umptious

    Yep, you can use those examples, and while I'm at it I'll throw in The Duke Lacrosse case, one of the biggest anti-white witch hunts in recent times, were all the usual suspects like Sharpton and Jackson piled on with no evidence and only lies.

    But to suggest that the lived experience of whites is somehow worse than that of minorities or even getting worse is disingenuous.

    I'll give you example of my own lived experience.

    I was doing my driving test in the US.

    I was late, the tester (a state police trooper) took me into the office and berated me for being late.

    He then stamped my paperwork, gave me my license and commented how good it was to deal with someone he could understand. He told me not to leave the building until he had left in the first of the cars queued outside.

    The cars queued outside were occupied by African Americans, Haitians, Hispanics etc, all waiting to do their driving test.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,579 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    It is worse, and getting worse. I can cite objective reality, whereas you are reduced to anecdotes of no value at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 127 ✭✭funkyzeit100

    All this stuff is just terrible. Terrible in consequence, terrible in discussion, terrible in anticipation. Terrible in reality, full stop.

    Like a broken relationship, too, there should come a point of "I'm just not that into you", and everyone parts ways for the betterment of everyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,049 ✭✭✭joseywhales

    I don't understand, genocide or deportation is not an option, what does "I'm just not that into you" mean in this context, there is no choice, everyone has to either be happy together or miserable together but they must be together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 127 ✭✭funkyzeit100

    You say it's not an option. But far greater things have been done in the face of bad situations. Whatever shape it takes, something's going to happen. Something definitive.

    There is just no scenario I can see for the United States where it all just simmers down for some inexplicable reason. It's untenable. The gears of change are turning.

    So, saying there's no choice is simply correlated to present time. The fact of the matter is that tomorrow is a different day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    'Lived experience'. Absolute cat malogen of a term.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,049 ✭✭✭joseywhales

    It is not a day that I am going willingly allow, you either believe in human rights or you think they are "relative"

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,608 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    What would rather instead of it? 'Many people say', or 'back in the day' type rhetoric?

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭ErnestBorgnine

    'Experiences', that is unless you actually have 'Non Lived Experiences'?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,608 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    One of the people I had Thanksgiving dinner yesterday with is an active FBI agent working in their counterterrorism section.

    He would laugh at the suggestion that they have an anti-white political agenda. And he's a staunch Republican.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,579 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    You're stating he is a republican as if that means anything in the context of an anti-white political agenda. Christ republicans were tripping over themselves in the rush to denounce Rittenhouse. Democrat/republican - just two sides of the same coin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    I know the noose was left hanging there and the black driver believed it to be a racist taunt. He didn't make up **** or put it there.

    Have you an equal list of all the Karen's making fake calls about people being somewhere, walking, sleeping, while black?

    We have literally generations of systemic racism in the DNA of societies the world over. You pulling out a few issues of 'blacks behaving badly' is a drop in the ocean.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,608 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Of course, its not an entirely level playing field - the US elites treat BLM with kid gloves, whereas white parents at a school meeting are classified as domestic terrorists.

    The last President literally begged state Governor's to use force on BLM protestors. That was after suggesting the NFL should fire players who drew attention to the BLM movement.

    He claims to be one of the best business men (he isn't) and has a gold plated apartment in New York (it looks hideous). It doesn't get any more elitist than that, does it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 127 ✭✭funkyzeit100

    I didn't literally mean bloody genocide man.

    When different factions of people are forced into closed proximity for the simple motivation of money, then an inevitable split is on the cards when they don't get along any other way.

    I'll stick to my analogy of a relationship. When it comes a point that a relationship is clearly broken, having been through years of counselling, it's just time to call it a day.

    Now of course there's the seeming impossibilities of who gets the house, the children, the finances, the supports...but they do get worked out in the end.

    To follow through, the smart decision at this point is to split the United States. It can be done in a controlled manner, or it will happen in an uncontrolled manner.

    I would be confident to put money down on a split or fractured USA within the next 20 years very easily. Within the next 10, I'd still fancy it. And that's not internet toughman talk, I genuinely mean it. This thing is simply spiralling.

    If you woke up tomorrow and heard a militia of Hispanics went crazy and killed a few hundred people, and a militia of Caucasians jumped on in, and a militia of Africans jumped on in and an entire town or city descended into chaos, would you really be THAT surprised at this point?

  • Registered Users Posts: 127 ✭✭funkyzeit100

    The white flight thing is particularly apt for my relationship analogy.

    If the girl moves town to get away from you, it's probably an indication that you shouldn't follow and move in next door. Take a hint.

    Of course the fly in the ointment is that the USA is all about money, and the only reason people are constantly following "whitey" around is because they want some of that money too.

    Crazy situation.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,608 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I probably watched less than 50 hours total of mainstream media commentary on Trump over the last 5 years and of whatever it is I've watched, it's actually probably been skewed in the favour of more of it than not being of a conservatives leaning.

    You apparently forget that Trumps thoughts and words were communicated verbatim more than probably any human in history. From his Covid era insistence that he lead press conferences, to his rabid use of Twitter as some form official communication channel no one should but the idea that 'it was the media that have made him look a particular way'.

    I'm not saying nor have I that Trump is a card carrying hood wearing white supremacist, but I am saying that he has pandered to them much more than he should have. I don't buy the casual 'disclaimer' that he put in in the phrase you've quoted above. That event was an unashamedly white power motivated event (as evidenced by the fines handed out this week) and to leave any sort of room for ambiguity as to how people attending it should be perceived I think is deliberately creating doubt so that some can say 'Oh I wasn't one of the racists, I was one of the fine people to the side'.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A casual disclaimer? He literally denounced and condemned white supremacists!


    It's pointless even talking to you on this subject if you can't admit that this "crash" has been under reported for some bizarre and inexplicable reason.

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    It's all part of the my way or highway routine. You can avidly denounce white Supremists and other such racists, but unless your fully on board with whatever the latest progressive narrative is, you are some kind of - phobe or - ist, or are 'doing the work of racists/sexists/transphobes/homophobes etc. for them' as has been bizarrely claimed previously.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,399 ✭✭✭newhouse87

    That's it in a nutshell with many progressive types, you could agree on many things, but agree with a couple of conservatives policies that differ from their progressive opinions and you are some sort of conservative white nationalist. Its The most childish of minds to have. Either agree with everything i say or you are wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,608 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    He didn't avidly denounce them.

    He muddied the water by giving anyone who was there the opportunity to claim 'Oh I wasn't one of those guys, I was just a concerned observer'.

    As for 'it's my way or the highway routine? Wtf do you think you or everyone else I'm arguing against is doing?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. 

    Yeah...that's absolutely muddying the water.

    Fuck sake man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,608 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    It absolutely was.

    'Hey, I'm just one if the good people on this side, I'm not a neo-Nazi'

    There was 25M dollars fines handed out to those people, there should be no room for those involved to absolve themselves of the true motivations in play that evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,419 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Have I wandered into stormfront by mistake? I thought this was

    WTF is this sh1t?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,399 ✭✭✭newhouse87

    Would you be agreement with some on the joe biden thread , who claimed the 74m people that voted for trump have racist ideologies or are full blown racist? All 74m not just some.

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