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Relaxation of Restrictions, Part XII *Read OP For Mod Warnings*



  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭watchingfromafar

    How many are taken up by obese people?

    Thats your problem, you only care about vaccine status for who you want to be discriminated against.

    The ICU beds are not taken up by unvaccinated 20 year olds.

    So why are you drawing the line at vaccination status?

    Why not age? Ban only those over 50 who aren't vaccinated would be at least a more accurate assessment of those at risk to need ICU.

    What the logical argument for banning a 20 year old fit man who isn't ever going to end up in ICU?

  • Posts: 8,647 [Deleted User]

    Is obesity infectious? Second hand smoke is an issue. That's why you can't smoke indoors in public places. Some similarities for both rules.

  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭foxsake

    I know that site (among others) intimately - an odd assertion to make.

    I remember such times on that site you reference - like the time in oct when they reported (and was quoted by all leaders and Nphet) the unvaccinated were clogging the hospitals and their only report ran from April despite ireland only going 50% fully vaccinated on July 21. I remember that.

    That's sh1te stats or misinformation - take your pick.

    The UK and CDC stats are much more informative.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,612 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    To keep the capacity of the health system so we don't have to go into lockdown? You're going wildly off into all number of tangents. There is a finite capacity on hospital beds and ICU, the fact that these are relatively small numbers (especially ICU) don't matter, unvaccinated are taking up a disproportionate amount of them hence unvaccinated will be kept out of some riskier locations. We can afford 12 vaccinated cases for each unvaccinated case, how do we keep the unvaccinated from getting infected (we reduce that to 0 impacting 8% of adults and we get 50% of beds back) and then how do we keep everyone from getting infected (we reduce that to 0 and we get 100% but we have to impact 100% of adults). The numbers used are also averages, on particular days we may get higher amounts of unvaccinated and on other days higher amounts of vaccinated, you're correct, we do not overcorrect due to 1 days worth of data.

    What you need to do is show that if your numbers in ICU/hospital/wherever with COVID/for COVID/whatever are correct, what is the reason they're putting restrictions on the unvaccinated not just keep ratholing on percentages here/there/wherever but what that means if you are right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭watchingfromafar


    Your argument is that unvaccinated people are more likely to end up in ICU. You are arguing they are at risk FROM the virus themselves. Nothing to do with YOU because you are vaccinated and protected.

    So stick to the one topic at a time. We are talking about personal risk of ending up in ICU which is what you are using to argue for the passes.

    You are claiming that unvaccinated are more at risk of ending up in ICU. That isn't about them infecting others so you can't say obesity isn't infectious because that isn't the point you are making by quoting how many unvaccinated are in ICU. It is a logical fallacy and a massive red herring.

    Now that I have pointed out your blatant fallacy, please explain why a healthy unvaccinated person who won't end up in ICU EVER from covid, is somehow responsible for ICU capacity?

    You are banning people one 1 health metric, but allowing others who while vaccinated are at more risk than the healthy young man can go about their lives.

    Explain your logic

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,612 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    The number of can't be vaccinated in ICU based on population who can't take vaccines is going to be low single digits, it's just not a thing. If it is a thing you need to explain why they are hiding the data and what their goal is. Again, it's ratholing on numbers you don't have to try and avoid having to explain what you think the real reason for the extra restrictions on the unvaccinated is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭watchingfromafar

    Unvaccinated children are allowed indoor dining correct?

    Why is that? Because they aren't the ones ending up in ICU right?

    So why is an 18 year old unvaccinated person who is also not going to end up in ICU treated differently to a 10 year old in a resturant.

    Both are not at risk of taking up ICU capacity.

    Keep repeating the 50% but you can't explain why we should ban all unvaccinated people (bar children) even though the median age is 50+

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,612 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    It's turning into the CT forum "here are all these numbers!!!". Ask them to explain that if those numbers are correct, what the aim is.

    "here are all these numbers!!!".

  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭foxsake

    being recovered gets you a time limited pass.

    But i'd be angry anyway with this sh1te was carrying on pass or not.

    On a personal level I'm grand, the loss of freedoms and descent into rule by dictak from unelected civil servants and the government who follow their lead is what worries and angers me more.

    If people can't see we don't live in a free society anymore if our freedoms are granted at the pleasure of the "powers that be" on the premise we do what they say - then we are lost. But the Irish people don't , the old bread & circus is replaced with a desire for pints and dining out.

    In 1984 winston went down the proles living quarters and found just that - it's so apt for Ireland.

    For all his sh1te talk , I do admire the British and Boris attitude of carrying on and living with covid.

  • Posts: 8,647 [Deleted User]

    I'll give one example. Unvaccinated person spreading covid to an ICU nurse. Whilst the vaccine doesn't eliminate spread of covid, it certainly reduces spread. This reduces ICU capacity.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,612 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Then your argument is for age certs instead of vaccine certs, you need to explain what the consequences of your profound wisdom of knowing this data is.

    8% taking 50% of capacity is the reason for COVID passes. You now need to negate that and explain another system, if you want to base it on age, convince people of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,742 ✭✭✭Captain_Crash

    Yeah but there’s other reasons Boris is expected to do that! A quick glance at the UK media will explain it, and it’s for sure not because of Covid 😉

  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭foxsake

    Then why did donnelly mention immuno as a stat? he said 82%

    I wish I knew why the stats weren't more exact.

    It's easy to make blanket statement , it's easier to hide the exact truth , incompetance. who knows?

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭BuildTheWall

  • Registered Users Posts: 540 ✭✭✭PhoneMain

    The OP was insinuating that a lot of those in ICU may have been immunocompromised. I was pointing out that that immunocompromised doesnt mean they cant get the vaccine. Its basic stuff but he had a notion in his head and wanted to use it to confirm his own biases.

    Maybe the ESRI should do updated research as to why people dont get vaccines. Or cant. But the numbers who cant get vaccines after reactions is low. From HPRA website on vaccine reactions, there were only 6 cases of myocarditis in Ireland after covid vaccines.

    COVID-19 Vaccines, Overview of National Reporting Experience

    Publication date: 12 August 2021 (Update #10)

    "For Comirnaty® or Spikevax®, as of 03 August, the HPRA has received a total of 24 reports, that describe suspected side effects of myocarditis (six reports)"

    As regards breakdown of ICU cases, those reports are available.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭BuildTheWall

    I suppose when it comes to Nanny Stating we are world leaders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭watchingfromafar

    What about the vaccinated nurses who were in the clubs for the last 6 weeks mixing and spreading covid. As clearly shown by our massive increase numbers after the reopening (to the vaccinated only). The passes didn't work so they are now closing down clubs again. But she can still go into work. Ban nurses from hospitality? Sounds good doesn't it. They are the front line workers...and so are you right? You shouldn't be allowed indoors as you are then placing your patients at even greater risk. And not only that Dazzler, you are the traveling pharmacist. Much more chance of you spreading covid to the vulnerable than and 18 year old unvaccinated lad who works in a chipper and only hangs around with his friends.

    So given that passes didn't work for night clubs or bars and we now have to restrict them again...please explain to me how the covid pass works to stop the spread?

    Because you have given up on the pass stopping the unvaccinated ending up in ICU (because most of them wont)

  • Registered Users Posts: 540 ✭✭✭PhoneMain

    Know the website maybe but your OP showed you dont know what you're interpreting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭watchingfromafar

    FFS Its not my argument.

    I am using your "logic" and applying it in the same manner and asking you why you support banning all unvaccinated people (except kids??) and only using 8% of the population instead of 25% (the actual unvaccinated population) when comparing against ICU numbers. Last time I checked ICU wasn't exclusive to those above a certain age.

    Or is it because you are fully aware children aren't going into ICU?

    Therefore if children aren't to be counted because they won't end up in ICU, why is a 16-18 year old now counted? They arent going into ICU either.

    So again I ask.

    Why are you okay banning a health unvaccinated 18 year old. But not a 10 year old from indoor dining. Because that is age discrimination. Or will you want to ban a 10 year old from a meal with their family once the vaccines are approved for them?

    So if we can discriminate by age. Why aren't you only calling for those most likely to end up in ICU (50+ unvaccinated)

    Again. I am not asking for this to happen. I am pointing out the illogical use of covid passes using the same backward logic you use to promote them.

  • Posts: 8,647 [Deleted User]

    Have you been in a community pharmacy recently? Numbers controlled, safety screens up/ FFP2 masks and safety visors worn. Proper ventilation too. I find it slightly sad that you think that a pharmacy where I had to provide emergency palliative meds should just shut up shop rather than provide the essential service they are to their community.

    Yet again, I'm sure I'll be accused of bringing up the fact I am a pharmacist again even though I was just responding to you

    Have you any stats that show that it was only an increase in vaccinated people receiving covid over the last while and unvaccinated stayed static?

    Most unvaccinated people won't end up in ICU due to covid but a far higher percentage of unvaccinated compared to vaccinated will. Are you denying this?

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  • Posts: 8,647 [Deleted User]

    It's odd that my "feeble brain" can understand the stats from the HPSC website then🤔

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭watchingfromafar

    Where did I say your work should be shut down?

    I said as you are a front line staff member, it is your social duty to not go into high risk areas such as bars and restaurants on the weekends as you can catch covid and spread it when you return to work. Its very irresponsible and you should be banned given your position dealing with the vulnerable.

    As for stats, yes I do. Given that your ilk like to say covid isn't seasonal. I would simply point to the FACT that during the summer months when we all sat outdoors, covid number were very low. Then when we reopened to only the vaccinated population numbers increased. Its pretty clear that indoor dining and the increase in cases is link no?

    Unvaccinated children wont end up in ICU. Should they also be banned from indoor dining?

    Given that they are also part of the unvaccinated population that makes up the 50% ICU number you keep quoting.

    I honestly can't believe how you aren't grasping what I am saying. I am not saying 50% aren't vaccinated in ICU (I can't tell you why or why not) But you are refusing to concede that an 18 year old unvaccinated person isn't taking a bed from anyone. Yet you aren't arguing to ban a 10 year old from a restaurant incase he spreads covid to a nurse who is vaccinated and so concerned for her patients she is willing to go for dinner with the girls....incredible

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,803 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,612 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    What system would you propose that impacts a lesser % of people.

    If you are going the treat everybody the same, then what extra things should we lock down to make up for the unvaccinated now not being restricted (as that will see the % unvaccinated in hospital rise).

    If you want no restrictions, who are you going to stop treating first?

    If you believe the restrictions make no difference, why are they being implemented, what is their plan? Do they not understand the data as good as you or is it a nefarious plan?

    The COVID pass keeps the unvaccinated % in hospital to about 50%, eliminate it and that number grows, you need to show what measures should be used otherwise (or keep on trying unsuccessfully to deny the facts).

  • Registered Users Posts: 725 ✭✭✭M_Murphy57

    So far its talk of working from home and vaccine passes ? ie the stuff we never even managed to get out from under before adding even more on top.

    Let me know when Boris closes nightclubs and insists pantos and "Community events" (read: santa visits and/or anything that might bring joy to children or young people,) run at half capacity (which is really just a way to hobble them and hope they shut voluntarily.)

    And as others said there's distraction at play in the UK also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 531 ✭✭✭thebronze14

    This basically is the reason I have no interest in taking any booster...Once they started reimposing restrictions I thought what's the point. The original reason I got the vaccines was for this reason and to help with herd immunity which we're told doesn't exist so there is little point in me taking the booster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭foxsake

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭watchingfromafar

    I am arguing the passes aren't making any difference. I wouldn't restrict anyone else.

    We should have opened fully in October (the summer ideally)

    If the vaccines are as effective as you claim then we are done. covid is only 1/20th as deadly to the vaccinated as it once was.

    There is no logical reason for restrictions if it is so effective

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭watchingfromafar

    FFS are you dense?

    Children dont end up in ICU in any way that would make sense to restrict their movements in society. Is this the point we are at?

    If you think children in general are at risk from covid and they are unvaccinated do you support banning them from indoor dining?

    Of course not because they aren't at risk. (risk being almost 0. We all know outliers who end up sick)

    Into the weeds we go now.

    Ill stick to my comment that Children (plural) aren't at risk.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 540 ✭✭✭PhoneMain

    Quite like your rubbish that I initially responded to 😂
