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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭chicorytip

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    That's an interesting lead, the Sun wouldn't print anything like that unless they had lawyers and fact-checkers on it first. AND Nick Foster is from Liverpool, where they wouldn't use the Sun for toilet paper so they'd be more careful about what they say.

    There was a catchphrase some time back, I think from Harry Enfield "I read it in the Sun, must be true!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Here's something for people like @tibruit who are full of concern for Jules Thomas and what she's had to put up with all these years. I don't know what kind of hold Ian Bailey had over her when she claimed she was quite happy with him, but of course as certain people here know, women simply can't be trusted to know their own minds. Her daughters sound daft as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    Not many people had a spare house up the road with running water and lighting, an absolutely ideal place to clean themselves up before returning home.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Who the actual feck does this chancer think he is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    I wonder what people here make of this. I haven't seen it discussed on this thread before...

    Geraldine O'Brien worked for Marie Farrell in the ice cream parlour in 1997 when she was 15. (In fact, Geraldine O’Brien was in the shop in June 1997 when Mr Bailey came in, and had given a statement to gardaí about this). She said after she stopped working there, she and Marie Farrell had kept in touch occasionally over the years.

    In the 2014 trial (in which Bailey sued the state), under cross-examination by Senior Counsel Paul O'Higgins, for the State, Ms Farrell denied a suggestion that she had made contact "late last year (2013) or early this year (2014)" with a former employee, Geraldine O'Brien, and had discussed the Bailey case with her. The High Court was told Ms O'Brien would give evidence to say that Ms Farrell told her Mr Bailey was in line to get millions from the court case and that she would be getting her cut too.

    In court, Ms Farrell told Mr O'Higgins "that never happened". She agreed she had phoned Geraldine O'Brien late last year or early this year to ask on behalf of her daughter about a beauty school she is running but she said she did not discuss Ian Bailey.

    On 6th of March 2015, Geraldine O'Brien took the stand in the High Court as a witness for the defence. She testified under oath that, in 2013 (or early 2014), she had bumped into Marie Farrell while out shopping in Cork. They were discussing a course for Marie's daughter and Marie discussed her finances. Marie Farrell told her there was a case coming up that Mr Bailey was involved in and that she was going to be a witness. She had been told that he would receive substantial amounts of money.

    O'Higgins: Did she estimate any kind of amount?

    O'Brien: She said a couple of million.

    O'Higgins: Yes?

    O'Brien: Then she said she would probably get something from that too.

    (Reported in The Irish Times, Irish Examiner and Nick Foster's book)

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    Do you understand how this compares to today, when her daughters will not be in the same house as him? There's two factors at play here, I suspect there's a case of coercive control, gaslighting and genuine fear. A narcissistic abuser can be highly charismatic and its only when people get physically away from their control that they can reflect rationally on their behaviour and control. Then there are those who are not even in direct contact with the narcissistic abuser but find themselves being 'useful idiots' that can be very easily manipulated. They don't even seem to grasp the depth of the depravity and violence in the abuser and excuse it or deny it when confronted with it.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]


    Marie Farrell gave statements to the French investigators too, absolutely adamant that she had been bribed and coerced by gardai into making false statements from the beginning.

    She has stuck with it ever since, and as far as we know hasn't received any money, just a whole load of trouble having to relocate because the people of schull turned on her and her family.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    That's not how "hearsay evidence" works. This is not hearsay. She is testifying that Marie Farrell told her something directly. It would be hearsay if she tried to testify that Marie Farrell told her that Ian Bailey said something. Anyway, this forum is not a court of law.

    And of course, she didn't receive any money. Bailey lost the case. There were no millions.

    Also, an interesting fact to ponder regarding Marie Farrell's change of heart.... She still maintains to this day that she saw the mysterious man in the black coat at the same 3 locations:

    1. Outside her shop, where two other witnesses identify Bailey as being at that exact time.(Dec 21 3:00pm)

    2. On the road, thumbing a lift, directly across from a place where we know (from multiple witnesses and Bailey himself) that Bailey was staying at that exact time. (Dec 22nd 6:00am)

    3. Kealfadda Bridge. (Dec 23rd 2:00am now instead of 3:00am)

    So, according to Marie Farrell's NEW version, the mysterious man in the black coat was following Ian Bailey around on Dec 21st and the morning of Dec 22nd, because they are both in the same place at the exact same time.

    Post edited by flopisit on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,301 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Some guy to be up at 6am one day after an all nighter and out 2am the next going across fields by moonlight on foot.

    Aside from super stamina he also seens to shapeshift depending on whether MF is trying to describe who she may have seen originally, Ian Bailey or AN Other. Supernatural almost? A ghost or figment more like on the bridge.

    Anyone who believes MF originally described Bailey without mentioning his obvious height and build.. seriously? Her description is not Bailey. Beggars belief that was the first time she saw Bailey on Schull Main Street working there for a year too.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    Hang on. I thought he walked to Kealfadda Bridge to wash in the sea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Any single person has those facilities and if someone's cleaning up at night most people they live with are asleep. Narrows things down to a few 100 suspects

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    What rubbish, read the articles, Jules Thomas and her daughters were always able to look after themselves but they did find the Guards creepy

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,684 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    I meant Shirley was the one making the call to Foster.

    Maybe the new owners of Alfie's and Shirley's house found a the watch?

    It's possible there could be damage to Sophie's wrist caused by a watch in the crime scene photo of Sophie's arm,

    I wont post that photo here, it's photo no 149 here:

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    I have read the article. What I see is someone searching for anything that reinforces their denial about someone and excusing the fact that they are a violent, manipulative, abusive, alcoholic narcissist. What exactly is it that you admire in someone like that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    That's quite misogynistic but there's plenty of that here when it comes to Jules and her daughters. The main gaslighting happening at present is coming from someone who fits the profile of a British MI6 spy, Nick Foster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭omega666

    It's common knowlege the Thomas girls despise Ian Bailey now. They forced him out of Jules house. The fact that you had to go back to an article from 2014 shows how out of date you are. A lot changes in 7 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    So fu*king what? They were quite happy with him 25 years ago and that's what matters. People split up all the time and not amicably, when they've sworn undying love for each other at the start. The likes of you refuse to see that Bailey had a very good relationship with Jules and her kids, and this constant attempt to portray him as someone he wasn't is despicable and with an obvious agenda to try and distract people from some real dirty bast*rds in this story. Jules Thomas couldn't have been clearer in her court case and the recent Jim Sheridan documentary that her relationship with Bailey was VERY good. And she is a very able dignified woman who didn't live under some coercive control the sympathisers here with their faux concern would have us believe.

    The problem for you and your ilk is that more and more people are seeing through what you're up to and I get the feeling that the recent move by Nick Foster is designed to steady the horses, because he's part of something and all it will take is for one ex-Police officer to grow a conscience and this case will be blown wide open.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    How is he surviving if he's not selling books but was able to dedicate 7 years to this case. Where do MI6 get their spies from? Any idea?

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    I think you need to find a distraction for yourself. It's not healthy to make excuses for someone who beat their partner to a pulp several times. You can see in the documentary that he projects control in every situation, or tries to. In the West Cork podcast they explain how hard it was for them to get to talk to Jules alone, that Ian was always there, listening and watching over her. They only got one chance in the entire series.

    The fact is that the youngest daughter appears to have been able to detach herself from the situation and stood firm when they tried to get her to change her statements. Her partner gave statements about her being intimidated to change her statement ie. that she heard both of them leaving the house that morning. He gave dates and times. Others have also been intimidated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    The fact is boll*x, the cops took a child in at 7.30am for 12 hours questioning. Jules Thomas' evidence in court is all we need and she talks about the vast exaggeration that so many like you indulge in. The real bullies in this case are Gardai. Have you just dropped some handle and come back here to lie through your teeth all over again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    People here should remember what Irish Guards are capable of. If Guard Maurice McCabe hadn't secretly recorded a meeting with his superiors, their plan to fit him up as a paedophile would have worked. Just think about that, the lengths they will go to so as to keep their wrong-doing covered up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭omega666

    Would you really describe physically beating up a partner and making sexual advances on thier children as a good relationship? maybe you just personally have a low bar set when it comes to relationships if you do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Anyone have any thoughts on Nick Foster as regards his background and motivation. Isn't this idea of getting involved so closely with Bailey a little bit weird even though before he began working with him, the DPP's report had become common knowledge and there was enough evidence given during the libel trial that anyone could see Bailey was framed? Yet Foster has inserted himself into the story, discovered precisely zero of any use but has ended up the same as so many other suspicious people with a conviction that Bailey is guilty. He has told us nothing else other than bullsh*t the DPP threw out but he has a gut feeling.

    That leads me to think this guy is working to other people's agenda.

  • Registered Users Posts: 838 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    I think this is a blind alley.

    It is not in question that Ian Bailey is an obnoxious, self obsessed, good for nothing, violent ego maniac. Of course he is.

    Send him to jail for beating up Jules, by all means.

    But there is no solid evidence linking him to this crime. None.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    You appear to have that old Irish cleric mentality. Women aren't to be trusted. If Jules said I hit him and he hit me I believe her and am not shocked by it, and I especially trust her judgement when she says I forgive him because I believe I am partly to blame for what happened, HITTING HIM FIRST.

    Making sexual advances on her daughter? Go on tell us what the monster supposedly said or did if it's not too much for you. you might have to go to confession after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    Bailey had a very good relationship with Jules and her kids

    Colette Gallagher was a 24 year old woman who was visiting the Schull area with a male friend in the Summer of 1993. They were part of a group of people Jules invited back to their house after the pub closed. Bailey assumed they were a couple but they weren't. He showed them to a double bed in the Studio House and Colette's friend opted to stay in the main house.

    Colette said she woke up about an hour after going to bed to the feel of a hand on her leg. Jules came in and started screaming at Bailey who was in the bed seemingly naked (Colette said the sheet covered him from the waist down, so she doesn't know if he was fully naked). He had crept into the bed while she was asleep. Jules at first blamed her. Colette fled to the main house. Jules followed her and ended up apologizing to her, while Bailey shouted and roared in the yard. Jules said Bailey had done worse to her and lifted her clothing to show Colette she was black and blue with bruises on her torso and legs.

    Colette told the Gardai that Bailey did not apologise for his behavior and did not offer any explanation. In fact, she had only spoken to Bailey that one time when he showed her and Ronnie over to the studio. During the party Colette only had a vague memory of seeing Bailey kind of in the background which made Bailey's uninvited appearance in her bed and his wandering hands all the more difficult to understand.

    The whole event is detailed in Nick Foster's book Murder at Roaringwater and in the DPP report.

    There is also the statement of Jules' daughter Ginny Thomas (now Virginia Oliver) made on January 2nd, 1997: “Ian also made advances on me on Christmas Day 1995 - I was in the car with him when it happened - he didn’t touch me physically but he made me understand that he wanted to get off with me”. This happened four months after she turned 18.

    Living with Bailey must have been a lovely experience.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    Just to clarify, Jules' daughter Fenella was 14 in 1996, which would make her 18 in 2000 when she was arrested at her rented flat off Shandon Street in Cork. She was living away from home.

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