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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    Cool the jets a little...

    There is no suggestion that Jules, nor Bailey himself, is up to anything untoward.

    You must keep an open mind to the many different aspects of this case. Unless there is hard evidence supporting a particular event, then it is all theories and hearsay & possibilities.

    Consider this.. Shirley Foster discovers the body at around 10am, runs back to the house and tells Alfie. Shortly after 10am we assume Alfie contacted the Guards to relay the same..

    Now, this is West Cork, everybody knows everybody else's dogs by name, do you think Alfie or Shirley didn't ring some friends with the grizzly news, and them friends ring their friends.??

    Of course they did.. The news would be doing the rounds by 10.30am easily.. How soon before Bailey got wind of it (If he did?)

    There was one local witness that states she seen Jules driving towards Sophie's at speed with a passenger on the morning of the body being discovered. This is a claim denied by Jules herself. (still, an odd statement to make)

    If.. (and it's a big if), just suppose that Bailey did get tipped off before the official Cassidy telephone call, how would he react? I know what I'd do..

    There is no evidence to suggest he left the Prairie / Studio that night or the following morning - None. There is no evidence that he had prior notification of the murder before Cassidy told him - None.

    But this is West Cork we are talking about, a tight knit community were news travels fast. I wouldn't rule it out. It's plausible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    One of the statements records Jules saying she drove past the scene around 11am. She later denied saying this but there's no record of either of them being unhappy with the statements they signed at the time. This 11am trip would corroborate Bill Fuller seeing her coming down the hill towards Kealfadda Bridge from the direction of Sophie's house at that time, the vegetable stall owners who said she bought vegetables and told them about the murder before it was announced on the radio and Jule's daughter's statement that they both left the house that morning for an hour or so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    News travels fast in rural communities.

    Don't confuse the intentions if it even occurred... 'If' they did travel out there on the morning of the body being discovered, it was at the request of Bailey looking for a scoop.. Any journalist worth his salt would have been all over it like a rash.

    Once Bailey realised he was in the picture for the murder, I wouldn't blame him for distancing himself from the crime scene. If he truly believed he was about to be fitted up, why keep adding fuel to the fire.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    Wasn't there talk that it would have been broadcast on AGS radios which people of the time liked to listen in on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭PolicemanFox

    It *was* broadcast on the radio, and the Schull Gard said it was a "murder" when he contacted the Garda car in Ballydehob at 10:15. The 999 operator in Bandon was horrified and called the station to tell them to stop. Every Garda station in Cork and Kerry knew about the murder and anyone else listening in. When Eddie Cassidy rang around all his journalist contacts at least one of them had already heard. So the news got out more or less immediately.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    "You must keep an open mind to the many different aspects of this case. Unless there is hard evidence supporting a particular event, then it is all theories and hearsay & possibilities."

    Thanks for revealing yourself. This is back to 'it could be Bailey'. Then some sh*te about Alfie phoning people and how Bailey and Jules could have been on the scene looking for their scoop before the Priest had grabbed his rosary beads and car keys. Believe it or not this has been mentioned but you won't find many here ready to point out the obvious, which is that every phone call from everybody relevant to this case will have been logged. Regardless there is nothing to stop Bailey from saying I got a phone call, I heard it on a police radio scanner I listen in on or I intercepted someone's carrier pigeon. But he or Jules don't say that, he tells the truth about what time he went out and is believed, as he should be, by the DPP. But this is a problem for the Guards as they have sworn (holy mother of God) statements that someone saw them in the early morning. And even one of Jules' daughters as well proffered that information and was quite certain about it. Which means Ian told Jules that he'd murdered someone and Jules said well we best make the best of a bad job so let me grab my camera and hopefully we can get over there before the Guards arrive. That's the theory. Solid!

    The only thing I'll keep an open mind on is what's in the missing pages from the Jobs books but I think I know what is most likely in them. Since they were cut out with a scissors at the point where Bailey's name was first mentioned there will be something like a suggestion to investigators there. It would be something along the lines of an explanation that in a murder investigation, where there is no hard evidence, the only hearsay evidence that will stand up in court are admissions of guilt on behalf of the perpetrator and that if not possible to get them from em, Bailey himself, it would be fantastic to locate anyone to whom the perpetrator has made these admissions. The last line would say - right you be boss!

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭PolicemanFox

    There is no statement from Jules Thomas to say she "drove past the scene at 11am" There is a statement from Billy Fuller to say he saw her driving on Kealfadda. He made this statement to Gardai three months later on 20/2/97. This was the same day he went down to the causeway looking for the murder weapon in the sea with his wife and child. He hallucinated seeing Bailey with a plank down at the causeway and they ran away in terrified panic. (It was a local farmer, Bailey even wasn't in town that day). This is also the statement where he first tells the story that Bailey "confessed" to him.

    The vegetable shop owners didn't make their statements until 2 years afterwards and are inconsistent.

    As for Fenella refusing to retract her statement, she basically refused to have anything more to do with the case after her arrest. She did talk to the French detectives when they asked. She denied contacting Marie Farrell on Ian's behalf but confirmed she contacted Ian on MF's behalf. She said she couldn't remember to more or less everything else. She denied being put under pressure by anyone outside of when she was arrested.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭PolicemanFox

    No, all the interesting phone lines were not logged. The Gardai were only able to obtain the call data from a very few select individuals, e.g. Eddie Cassidy. The houses in Drinane and The Prairie were analog until mid 1997 so no logs were available. The Gardai asked the French for logs from her apartment but never got them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Polly701

    Nick Foster currently on Redfm... What an absolute spoofer!

    He claims to have spotted a clue left by a Guard in the files which will resolve the case... He has given the information to Sophie's legal representatives (and not the Guards here).

    His main motive is to make money out of this case.. He should be ashamed of himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Where did you get the information about the upgrade of exchanges?

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    He needs to stop all this nonsense.

    First the wine bottle, then the watch, then Ians hiking and hiding feats, now the gards have left a "clue" that he spent 2 months looking at and only he has it all figured out.

    And to top it off, he hasn't even bothered to inform the gardai, but he'll go on national radio to announce his massive breakthrough.

    Ffs can the gardai get one thing right at last with this case and arrest this fella when he comes here next week for the 25th anniversary?

    I'm absolutely fuming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    I'd be a bit more suspicious of what the real agenda is, partly due to Nick Foster's background and why he came on the scene when he did. He is proving a real friend to the Guards who conducted the investigation.

    Drew Harris looks to be dragging things out when it comes to making a decision into a cold case review, he might announce something early next year. There's not much to be gained in exonerating Bailey. There have to be things going on behind the scenes where opinions will differ as to how much the state really needs to delve into this case but I'd imagine there are some retired Guards who would prefer it all went away. Anything that keeps Bailey in the picture is music to their ears.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    Really need to cool the jets here...

    Several people have made statements to the presence of Jules & Ian heading to the scene of the murder on the morning of the body being discovered.

    This is not speculation, nor conjecture. These statements were actually given and exist.

    The news of the murder would have been widespread by 10.30am - If you can't accept this fact, there's not much point in you debating this segment of the case any further. Some other poster has already stated the difficulty in verifying phone logs at that time.

    I have stated numerous times, I don't consider Bailey a suspect for the murder. The non existent evidence, the circumstantial evidence, and the hearsay evidence, when methodically scrutinized don't add up to placing Bailey anyway near the top five suspects capable of committing this murder (in my opinion).

    But to just remove the 'Bailey is all roses' sunglasses for a moment, the facts also stipulate that Bailey was not consistent with his alibi for the night in question.. He made statements that were not truthful, the Guards will say he lied about his movements that night.

    Bailey stated that he was in bed all night on the night of the murder. He made an untruthful statement because he was either confused, he couldn't remember or he considered it the best option to eliminate himself from the investigation. Only he knows the answer to that question.

    The Guards obviously came down on him like a ton of bricks when Jules made a statement to the contrary.. In their eyes, he was lying about his movements that night, he gave a false alibi - Of course this elevated his position on the prime suspect list.

    Once Jules had contradicted his movements that night, Bailey must have known they would go over all his movements with a fine tooth comb, if he had already stated that his first inkling of the murder was the call from Cassidy, he was hardly going to start changing his story again to actually being near the crime scene that morning.. He was in a no win situation here, facing dire consequences with an investigation team that had him down already as a liar.

    What if he was to change his story again with regards to the morning of the body being discovered? He'd already stated that he was at home all day until the call came through... Sorry boss, just remembered, I headed on down to the crime scene at about 11am, even though I told you I didn't even hear of the death until several hours later, sorry about that.

    Several people have placed them on the road to Sophie's that morning. It could well be they have their dates mistaken, or they seen a similar car driving at speed that morning, its possible - I don't know.

    The scenario I described as plausible, ties up all the loose ends... Bailey's journalistic ambitions, the witness statements and Bailey's non retracting of his movements for the morning of the murder. That's me thinking outside the box trying to make everything fit... It just as well didn't happen at all... But then why the statements? Why did the Daughter say they both left in the car that morning?

    One of the many grey areas of this case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Troll facts;

    The news of the murder was 'widespread' by 10.30am on Dec 23rd . The Guards didn't arrive on the scene until 10.38am

    Jules Thomas was haring around the roads of Toormore at 11am, she was worried they'd run out of cabbage in Goleen.

    Ian Bailey didn't want to say he'd been at the murder scene before the priest and doctor, even though he realised himself and Jules might have been seen, because he knew that coming clean about this innocent enough information if you're a journalist, and changing his original statement Eddie Cassidy style, would have meant he was the murderer.

    Marie Farrell, despite being in a shop on the main street of Schull was oblivious to the widespread news of a murdered woman and thought there had been a hit and run until Christmas day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭PolicemanFox

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,683 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    So you're saying the news didn't start spreading till after the Guards arrived,

    some 20 mins after the body was discovered?

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    I'm not sure just how sophisticated the analog exchanges were in Schull or surrounding areas but there would havel been a certain amount of possibly useless information about calls made. There were NICE recorders in the Garda station. I specifically said immediately after this that REGARDLESS there is no reason,if it were true that Bailey and Jules had first made a statement concealing it, they could have come clean and said so what? we were just doing what journalists do. They didn't because they were at home, which the DPP could see was obviously true.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    One interesting detail about Jules allegedly being seen out and about at 11am....

    In court, at the Wrongful Arrest trial, Jules testified about this. She said Bill Fuller could not have seen her when he said he did. She said she had a witness who could place Bill Fuller at a different location at that time, so he couldn't have seen her. Who is this witness, she was asked. "Marie Farrell", she replied.

    Marie Farrell then testified that she remembers Bill Fuller was outside her shop that morning. She saw him, she said. Why did she specifically remember this random piece of information so many years later? She didn't give a reason, but she's sure she saw him there.

    It's odd to me that, amid evidence of collusion between Marie Farrell and Bailey at the Wrongful Arrest trial, Marie Farrell suddenly becomes a witness who can disprove the inconvenient allegations about Jules being out and about at 11 am on the morning of the murder.

    Quite suspicious, don't you think?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Well there's nothing suspicious about Bill Fuller is there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭PolicemanFox

    Uh I think you're off on a bit of tangent there. The Bandon tapes were all checked and were quite fragmentary due to the flood etc. Whatever info was gotten or not gotten from the exchanges, it's all gone now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    I'm talking about phone calls on the morning of Dec23rd 1996 which I obviously state are irrelevant

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    There was a statement from Jules read out in court during the high court proceedings that she had told gardai she drove past the scene at 11am.

    You can't hallucinate a person who is actually there, Bill Fuller saw a man in the distance he thought was Ian Bailey. There's nothing remarkable about that.

    They tried to get Fenella to change or retract her statement, it was also brought up in the High Court action. Her partner detailed the pressure she was put under.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,456 ✭✭✭FishOnABike

    I presume you are using the term 'scene' very loosely. The road would be about a kilometer from the end of the cul de sac.

    I guess driving past the scene means something else in the countryside where it being within 1000 metres seems to constitute a drive by.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    Do you know if you can see Sophie's house from the road?

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    They didn't put her under enough pressure, what parent wouldn't tell their child to go in and stand up to the sc*mbags that made you sign those lies against your family

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    The barrister in the court case quoted her words: "I drove down past the scene at about 11am and on to the causeway", it's quoted directly from the court case in Nick Foster's book. Jules replied that she hadn't said this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    People need to relax a little on here, quit making a fool of yourself in front of everybody else.

    If you can't debate a topic like a rational adult, sit it out until the subject changes.

    No names mentioned.. For now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Why do you persist if all you have to say is I'm really reasonable but no matter how unreasonable it is it could still be Bailey, although I don't think so...kind of, maybe it is though

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