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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    The postman? Oh, I forgot, he delivered Alfie's Monday morning post on Sunday at 6 p.m. how convenient.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    Why don't you tell us what inspired you thirty posts ago to join boards and start posting on this thread? Fairly random thread to start your posting journey. Your also very polarised. If you want to learn more of an alternative theory go back and read the thread or go to redit or better just type it into Google.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    Do you really think if she was having an affair with a married guard she would ring that into the guards. Are you well?

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    Maybe, if you want to call people "dense", you could do the honours and let us know all the reasons to believe in this Dead Gard theory.

    The problem with discouraging people from joining this thread is that you end up stuck in an echo chamber in which any crackpot theory is given credence as long as some posters want to believe it.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Flopsy came from reddit.

    They should read through the 9K comments on the thread tho, it's a ride!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It was Christmas tho, so while unusual, not unheard of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    I read through a lot of the thread before. I did notice, on my journey, a lot of assertions that were completely wrong.

    Worst of all, the frequent claim from many posters that it is "simply incredible that there would be no forensic evidence left at the scene" which apparently gave rise to people believing the crime scene was "scrubbed clean" by a garda conspiracy.

    And of course, that old favourite that "there is simply no evidence against Ian Bailey"... an assertion that comes directly from Ian Bailey himself on Twitter.

    I've also been assured many times, by people who claim to know, that Sophie was complaining to gardai about the rampant drug dealing going on in this remote area and that she was the snitch who informed on Alfie's "drug activity"... prompting Alfie apparently to fly into Tony Soprano mode and bash her brains in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    The Garda wouldn't have told anybody about this unless they had to.

    "The Garda did not want to say it had imported the drugs. So a version of what had happened was put together."

    Castletownbere is a short boat trip from Dumanus.

    Unless any new investigation tells us if another of these type of operations was happening around the area , highly unlikely, we will get nothing other than a perfunctory look at the case files and nothing new. Where were this group of "armed detectives" 6 months later? Where did they work out of? Bantry? Bandon?

    "Garda sources said lives would be placed at risk if such an account were made public."

    I'm sure lives are always placed at risk with the kind of games that go on?

    Was Sophie's?

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭omega666

    In that article it says the Gaurd is alleged to have had an affair with Sophie in the 1990s.

    So she bought the house in 1993, she was in there 3 years and only visited Ireland a couple of time a year. In the west cork podcast i'm fairly sure it said that 1996 was the first time Sophie has come to her West Cork house by herself. Shes was always there previously with someone else, her son, her husband, her friend, her brother or Bruno were all confirmed to have visited with her. So persuming she wasnt riding the guard while her family were down stairs on her twice yearly visit then when exactly did Sophie manage to fit in her affair with this guard?

    It hard to believe people actually swallow that rubbish.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Is there evidence against Ian Bailey? So why hasn't he been sent for trial. Oh yes, because the HIGHLY experienced DPP realised that all the Guards had was convenient, and what would look to any member of a jury with 1 brain cell as fabricated, evidence. Better to convict in the court of public opinion anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭chicorytip

    John O' Donovan or O'Donnell, I think. No information or photographs available online relating to a deceased member of An Garda Siochana from Bantry going by either of those particular names.

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    Alfie registered ownership after Sophie. Maybe because he was there in some way prior to her but incontrovertibly he registered after she did.

    On his death it has passed to his partner. I have cropped out most of the personal stuff obvs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    Things that seem odd/don't add up.

    • MF her contempt for the court and lack of will from AGS or the courts to put her behind bars where she should have gone (suggests she's was with AGS member hence protection from law)
    • MF and the house she and CF built from zero no mortgage no nothing (suggests proceeds of crime)
    • The house keeper Josephine Hellen pointing the finger at AL for using the bath (suggests willingness to break laws and also that JH had reason to distrust him)
    • The lack of any into on AF before he moved to Schull and bought the Basil Brush (suggests lack of AGS will to actually look anywhere but IB)
    • AL and his 90% sure comment of introducing IB to STD (reads like a lie, someone is certain or not - suggests intention to frame IB)
    • Fiesta sightings prior to murder no re-enactment on crimewatch but poorly discredited (suggests willingness from AGS to ignore obvious lead and is also typical AGS car at time)
    • Body not moved to mortuary as requested by state pathologist (willingness of AGS to allow forensics to disappear)
    • Bandon detective not deployed on case he would typically be deployed on (probably took a few days compassionate leave who knows)
    • MF flipping sides and joining in with IB case (what has she got on AGS that she can now comfortably flip sides??)
    • AGS bribing of witnesses (will at all costs from AGS to frame IB. They are incredibly aware they have no case, and have no interest in catching real killer)
    • STDP missing diaries (not sure on credibility but suggests people knew she would have wrote about the killer if true)
    • AL drug infringements and past history of growing (willing to deal or dabble in drugs)
    • STDP drugs complains
    • AL and STDP tension over the gate, access issues, shed issues etc.,
    • AGS tampering with Job books (AGS very aware casework won't stand up to scrutiny and is again willing to break law to prevent poor casework becoming criminal matter)

    It literally reads like a Tarentino thriller. It even has the perfect Patsy in IB. Someone who appears guilty but isn't. If your going to grow or import or deal drugs of any type. You need a lawless AGS member to bribe, you need someone with the right place to import and you need a few drivers / distributors. Who is who let you make your own mind up. Just seems to be like STDP wandered into something she wasn't meant to.

    Post edited by OwlsZat on

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    Come of it. We've been through these lies before. I have lived in Ireland sixty years. There is NEVER a post delivery on a Sunday. Saturday is highly unusual but happens occasionally. The Monday was a working day no reason why the post wouldn't be delivered as normal.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes, definitely odd.

    Didn't he say that Sophies car wasn't there when he went up too?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There is NEVER a post delivery on a Sunday

    yes there is at Christmas. Many times I have had delivery on a Sunday before Christmas. It is not a lie because you do not know about it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    No one on this thread said she was having a full blown affair with the gard, its unlikely considering how infrequently she visited her West Cork home. That's not to say they didnt know each other which seems likely because of the problems she was having there. Its not to say that this particular randy gard didnt have a thing for her as he did for alot of foreign woman & thought he was the s**t in the area no doubt & felt he could what he wanted. Plenty more gards out there like this.

    Its hard to believe people like yourself believe everything the gards say & put out in the media such as there was no reports Sophie made a complaint. This was an investigation where the gards destroyed over 30 pages of evidence. 30 Pages!!! And aswell as this deposed of a pile of vital evidence.

    And you think people around here are gullible. Pull your head out of your ass.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭PolicemanFox

    Yes, from memory the case was dismissed because you can't just base a warrant on an unnamed "confidential informant". Personally I think if you can't get a warrant based on a snitch, I wonder how you can get a warrant at all :)

    It was a serious charge, Alfie could have gone to prison.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Cheers Foxy.

    I wonder if it wasn't an official complaint, more an informal tip off...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I don't believe she was having an affair with him either.

    It's possible she had dealings with him tho, and she trusted him.

    I think Sophie knew and trusted the person who called that night/morning. It's another reason this theory fits.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭omega666

    Everything you just said above is just from your wild imagination, it's not based on any facts whatsoever. It's not likely and there's no evidence the two people knew each other, There's no reports from neighbour's of Sophie ever reported seeing this person with her or anywhere near her house, and as you said yourself it highly unlikely she would have the time to have any affair with him. I dont think people are gullible, Just plain stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭PolicemanFox

    Well I think we know a lot more than we did. There really was a Bantry Garda, active at the time of the drug bust. There was a Bantry nurse too, though she worked in Cork. We also know that Sophie was sufficiently bothered by a neighbour that she considered going to the Gardai.

    And we now know the Gardai are sufficiently exercised by this to investigate and pass info to the media.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Nothing is from my 'Wild Imagination'. There were numerous instances of Garda corruption in the area. There was an imprint on her face from a boot that was consistent with the type that the gards wore. There was a sighting of a fiesta fleeing away from the scene that was consistent with what a local garda drove. There was the loss of evidence inexplicably (gates, wine bottles, etc), there was the destroying of numerous pages from the book of evidence, the lack of follow up with witnesses, the bribing of witnesses, the intimidation of locals, the many many instances of severe corruption/incompetence in this case, the list goes on & on.

    And you just think all of that is people with over active imaginations.

    The only thick thing around here is your postings, thick as mince.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    There was an imprint on her face from a boot that was consistent with the type that the gards wore.

    There was not.

    There was a sighting of a fiesta fleeing away from the scene that was consistent with what a local garda drove.

    You got that from one article written by one journalist.

    There was the loss of evidence inexplicably (gates, wine bottles, etc),

    You would not expect the police to keep the gate. After being swabbed and fingerprinted, it is of no use, so you would expect it to be discarded. Which is what happened.

    the bribing of witnesses,

    No evidence of bribing witnesses. GSOC also came to that conclusion.

    the intimidation of locals,

    Apart from intimidation of Martin Graham after he went to the newspapers trying to cash in, I am not aware of any intimidation. Unless you mean Jules being told Bailey might kill her next.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    You asked me to post my thoughts and I did. I'd appreciate if you try to discredit all my points considering I was kind enough to indulge you.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    According to the pathologist, there were some marks on her neck, I believe, that could be likened to a doc Martin imprint, however he did not confirm this was certain.

    there was a sighting, and a statement. This is widely known and has been discussed various times in this thread.

    you absolutely would retain evidence, because dna improved over the years and several items have, in fact been re-tested. In an unsolved high profile case, you would keep absolutely everything.

    bribing and coercion. I don’t even know where to start. It’s absolutely impossible to deny. I suggest you research the case more before coming back with these half assed replies.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    If the Guards are unhappy about the family of this "dead Guard" receiving unwelcome attention now, isn't it a case of sauce for the goose and all that? It was a very public arrest of Ian Bailey and Jules Thomas so soon after the murder and the Guards were well aware of what it would mean for them in the kind of rural/small town area they lived. There are many people in that part of west Cork who know that Bailey's treatment has been appalling and that there are Guards, and particularly this one, who come up very short when it comes to living up to standards people have a right to expect.

    To say that there wasn't corruption in this case is disingenuous if one has studied it. Just the evidence of Dermot Dwyer in Bailey's high court case against the Guards, where Dwyer directly contradicts the DPP, means some officer of the state is lying under oath and can only be interpreted one way.

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