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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Couldn't have said it better. The very same people crying foul about the ex garda being accused are the very same people that no issue in throwing Ian Bailey under the bus and ruining his life for 25 years. I'd like to say I'm surprised but from what I've seen of this so called of force over the years, I'm definitely not. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. I guess when you're so used to getting away with severe corruption and incompetence over the years, its a bit of a jolt to the system when you're finally called out on it.

    The only people or posters here who dont think this case involved serious corruption are either gards themselves, associated with gards or working for the gards. That is blatantly clear. Either that or complete idiots

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    The only people or posters here who dont think this case involved serious corruption are either gards themselves, associated with gards or working for the gards. That is blatantly clear. Either that or complete idiots

    so anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot?

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,706 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    Alfie sold the shed and land around it to Pierre, Sophie's son in 2008.

    So Sophie was there first and had taken ownership of the shed, which she was led to believe was hers.

    Then Alfie's solicitor or estate agent did due diligence and decided the shed was actually Alfies.

    But access to the shed was over Sophie's property until she sold him that piece of land?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    According to the pathologist, there were some marks on her neck, I believe, that could be likened to a doc Martin imprint, however he did not confirm this was certain.

    That's true. The killer may have stomped on her neck with something resembling a Doc Martin boot. Or else it may not have happened at all. Harbison couldn't say either way.

    Incidentally, it's likely this happened (if it happened) after the beating with the stone when the killer found he couldn't kill her that way, so attempted to crush her neck, and when that didn't kill her, used the concrete block. When you see multiple weapons used in this way, it's a rule of thumb that the killer couldn't accomplish the job with one method, so he moved on to another method. Based on other cases I read about, stomping on the neck might indicate she was gurgling at that point.

    you absolutely would retain evidence, because dna improved over the years and several items have, in fact been re-tested. In an unsolved high profile case, you would keep absolutely everything.

    This is not true. The ability to collect DNA has improved, but DNA degrades with time. Whenever you see cold cases being solved with DNA evidence, it is with preserved samples. They swabbed the gate and preserved the samples, then fingerprinted it. After that, any undetectable amount of DNA would likely be destroyed. DNA can be preserved by itself in a bloodstain or a semen stain, but an amount that was undetectable on the gate in 1996 would likely not survive for more than around 30 days.

    Even in high-profile crime cases, they don't keep everything. Just for example, in the Rachel O'Reilly murder, her blood was all over the hallway, the wall and the door. Police just take samples. They don't excise things just because there is blood on it. If Sophie was killed in her house on a sofa, they would not take the sofa and keep it in evidence for 25 years. The gate was taken because they anticipated they might be able to lift fingerprints from it, even though the chances of that were not great. It's an indication of how thorough the forensics team were at the scene, trying their best to collect evidence, which would contradict the idea that they were attempting to cover up evidence.

    bribing and coercion. I don’t even know where to start. It’s absolutely impossible to deny.

    I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to. It seems like people read that the police gave Martin Graham money and they think that constitutes bribery... Is that what you are referring to? 

    Or the council house Marie Farrell got, which GSOC investigated and the determination was that she did not get special treatment, the gard did not talk to the politician, the politician said he did not experience any pressure and the council house was given according to the usual procedure.

    I suggest you research the case more before coming back with these half assed replies.

    You are being unnecessarily insulting. I appreciate people sharing information here and I especially appreciate the people who correct me if I get something wrong. Just because I don't sign up for a baseless conspiracy theory about a dead gard and a blind belief that Ian Bailey is "definitely" innocent does not make me the enemy.

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    There was corruption

    But saying anyone who disagrees is a fool or whatever he said is arrogant

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    Just the evidence of Dermot Dwyer in Bailey's high court case against the Guards, where Dwyer directly contradicts the DPP, means some officer of the state is lying under oath and can only be interpreted one way.

    It would be interesting to know what you are referring to here.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    "an amount that was undetectable on the gate in 1996 would likely not survive for more than around 30 days."

    Not necessarily could survive and be identified with low copy number but look up lcn in the Omagh bomb case.

    Also if her blood was on the sofa they may cut out a piece off the sofa and store it

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    That’s fair enough. Wasn’t intending to be insulting, my apologies, it’s just that all these things have been discussed multiple times on the thread already and a lot of posters have put in a great amount of research to their replies.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Interesting or helpful to people too lazy to do their own research?

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Get a life MoonUnit, pathetic you're still coming back here, getting paid by the gards again I see. You know full well all of your points above have been completely discredited before numerous times. Do sometime better with your life than trying to implicate an innocent man in a murder.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I have to say this is an amazing thread all the people being accused of being moonie.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You never know! This thread is full of surprises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    I don't know about the shed. I didn't look at Sophie's folio. The French documentary had Alfie reminiscing about how he was advising Sophie when she was newly arrived about workmen and renovations. If she was there first at the very least it shows Alfie was a fantasist or at worst he was portraying their relationship as friendly for an ulterior motive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    I'm not a MoonUnit and don't know whoyou are talking about. If I said anything that has been discredited, then by all means discredit it. What I said is true.

    It's clear to me that there are a few people in this thread who are adamant about existing within an echo chamber in which the only discussion is:

    "Is Bailey innocent?" "Yes he is"

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    I know that there are quite a few people who follow this thread and find it interesting but wouldn't dream of signing up and posting because they're a bit paranoid. Maybe with good reason because we're mentioning the Gardai quite a lot. Since it is one of the few forums where you can discuss this case under 'Queensbury rules', it might be regarded with an element of caution by the powers that be. It doesn't matter how little influence it has, since anything is better than none. For good or bad Gemma O' Doherty's article really found legs here. I'm not surprised to find people like @flopisit who seemingly come out of nowhere with strident views suspiciously similar to the views of people who haven't long disappeared.

    To be continued😋

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    It has all certainly kicked off today. It was Glossy Box.....sorry... Scooby Sna.....sorry ...Thompsonette, who I remember was spinning this tall tale either here or on the other thread many moons ago. Back then, the lady wasn`t a nurse, but a housekeeper. Thompsonette claimed to have heard about it from a friend of a friend of the housekeepers son I think. Something like that anyway. Then Scooby at one point stated she heard all about it in the pub. More evidence of how Chinese Whispers develop in that now we know that it was a nurse in a hospital and not the housekeeper.

    The other interesting info in the article is that there is a nutty woman (wonder who that is?) harassing the nurse`s family online for confirmation of the fantasy. The family must have contacted the Gardaí. How else do they know about it? Remember this is not the family of the dead garda, who it could be argued might have an ulterior motive to make it all go away. So it is now clear that the family of this nurse was never told that the dead guy confessed. Because he didn`t.

    Post edited by tibruit on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Your the one spinning tall tails here tibs.

    I'm not thompsonette so don't try and give me another username, thanks.

    This rumour has been around for donkeys years, I believe Bailey was told about the deathbed confession at least 10 years ago, saw that in an interview somewhere.

    I don't ever remember reading about a housekeeper, was that on this thread?

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    And I said upthread what happened this year: a friend of the nurses family started being very vocal about it on social media, mainly Facebook I believe, and told multiple people about it.

    Fella from bantry. I've come across a few people on forums he told, and that's how it resurfaced this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No im pretty sure that's it.

    If you see people mentioning it on forums enough times, you start asking where they heard it.

    It's not rocket science.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Nah....if you see people mentioning it enough times, the likes of you start to believe it. At least now you have confirmation that the lady`s family know nothing about it.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    What like you imagining myself and Soulwriter having some sort of liason??

    You really are a ticket tibs 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Change the subject why don`t ya. Always happens when the subject becomes uncomfortable. Classic.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No, it's just hilarious you think I believe anything when you've imagined a secret boards tryst and posted about it several times last night.

    You're a hypocrite. A hilarious one, I'll give you that.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    it is soon someone will be accused of being scooby....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Well I could go back a week or two and pull out the loved up chats ye were having. But I can`t be ars*d. I think anyone who read what ye were saying to each other last night will get a sense of what I`m talking about. It was so funny that SoulWriter took so long to cotton on. See! You`ve changed the subject. Congrats.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Loved up chats?

    no please do. You’re talking utter nonsense as usual.

    looks like I’ll have to put you back on ignore.

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