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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    The same can apply to Russia it can't be a one way street , Putin has his grip on Ukraine and he's not letting go , doesn't matter what consessions he's given he will want more ,let Putin remove russian troops from Ukraine , Moldova , Georgia and elsewhere and then we can discuss where NATO or the EU can place troops or carry out exercises ,

    He's still sending bombers around various states and then complaining whenever America or NATO does it in return ,

    I'd love to see several squadrons of NATO aircraft fly into and land in Ukraine and say they are taking over security of Ukrainian skies and borders ,give the russians something to actually think about

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 11,367 Mod ✭✭✭✭igCorcaigh

    I don't know how they will sort it out, but they will have to. They claim to be the great leaders of the world.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So, this is less about Ukrainian independence, and more for your desire to see Russia humbled.

    Okay. I understand now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    How can it be about Ukrainian independence when they are already happily independent , Russia wants all NATO forces to be removed from Europe full stop , hence the demand they remove troops and weapons from former Soviet Union states ,who post ww2 had zero say about becoming Soviet states ,why would Putin want that exactly ,no nato troops or weapons so he can invade and return the states back to the Soviet Union.

    It's like the usual response on boards let's not stand up to Russia because they have nuclear weapons

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    My comment was about guaranteeing Ukrainian independence, which is obvious enough. Just as you're exaggerating about Putin wanting NATO forces out of "Europe". It seems the borders of Europe continue to expand East far beyond what was traditionally considered European territories. The Ukraine was never part of Europe.

    And no.. it's nothing to do with not standing up to Russia because they have nukes (look back and you'll see I've never used that as a reason). It's about seeking to understand the situation from multiple angles, stop this "holier than thou" attitude, and the double standards that only contributes to further problems down the line.

    The Cuban missile crisis occurred because of the demands by America that Soviet nukes would not be established near US territory. Since WW2, the US has stationed military forces, and nukes all around Russian borders. The Soviets were unreasonable to attempt the same to the US, but the US is perfectly right to do that to Russia... and let's be completely honest here, within ten years or so, the Ukraine would become an ally of NATO or the US directly, providing bases for US/NATO forces. Ever creeping closer to Russian cities... yeah.. that's completely reasonable. I'd ask you to imagine Mexico inviting Russia to set up bases in their territory for economic benefits, but that couldn't happen because the Monroe Doctrine is still very much in effect, although modernised in its' aims.

    I do think it's likely that Putin will seek to take Ukraine... but I also think he could be bought off with some internationally recognised guarantees that said that NATO or the US wouldn't ever place any military assets in countries such as the Ukraine, ensuring that it remained independent... but I suspect that wouldn't interest you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    @[Deleted User] do think it's likely that Putin will seek to take Ukraine... but I also think he could be bought off with some internationally recognised guarantees that said that NATO or the US wouldn't ever place any military assets in countries such as the Ukraine, ensuring that it remained independent... but I suspect that wouldn't interest you..

    Why would it interest me or anyone else ,you yourself saying Putin wants to take Ukraine says it all , Putin wants to return to the Soviet Union of old , so what if eastern European countries and Baltics weren't originally part of Europe ,not that they had a choice post ww2 forcibly occupied by the red army , hundreds of thousands disappeared across the bloc ,so what do we give to putin no NATO troops or equipment in former Soviet states , that means right up to the middle of Berlin , meanwhile Russia can invade and occupy everything east of Berlin because who's going to stop him ,not the EU or a highly weakened and hamstrung NATO ,

    Do you honestly think putin sticks to legally binding agreements ,like the russsian Ukrainian treaty where Ukraine handed over it's nuclear weapons in return for a friendship and nonaggression treaty ,

    Nukes handed over several years later invasion , occupation and annexation of parts of Ukraine ,

    But let's get NATO out of the way to keep putin happy

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,321 Mod ✭✭✭✭Manic Moran

    NATO doesn't dismiss it, it would be foolish to disregard the possible reactions of other actors (1950 demonstrated that nicely) but it views the security of NATO states as more important.

    If you're going to guarantee the security of a NATO member on the border with Russia, it makes a lot of sense that the exercises happen on the terrain it is to be fought over with the logistical infrastructure to be used. Similarly, it is to a potential aggressor's interest that such exercises do not occur, as it reduces defensive capability and makes for a weaker target.

    When Russia conducts its exercises like Zapad, NATO keeps a close eye, but doesn't protest them or demand they stop happening. It's not like these exercises are a new concept.

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭Perseverance The Second

    NATO are considering whether to place more troops in Romania and Bulgaria

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,883 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    Poor old Russia, sadly it is always under "threat". However it does a fair bit of threatening and scary stuff itself (and that's aside from army exercises and military build ups, probes by aircraft and ships etc near neighbours' borders). It has been engaged in constant low level (& not so low level) grey zone tactics against the US, UK and several EU members for the last decade or so. Despite neutrality and really having not much to do with any of this, even Ireland's arguably experienced a bit of collateral damage or accidental overspill from those Russian actions quite recently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,573 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    I'm not getting drawn into an argument about terms. I've used the term EU/NATO to reference the economic & military blocs as well as their members. You can call them the good guys if you prefer.

    I'm not getting drawn into the rights and wrongs of any military interventions, regime changes, partitions, or assassinations. It is sufficient for my argument that you acknowledge they are practised by EU/NATO members. Any grown up assessment of the world has to accept Russia will practise them too.

    I'm not getting drawn into the revisionism regarding the crazed reaction to Trumps election.

    At this point and time, I've yet to see any real evidence that Russia is massing troops for an invasion of Ukraine. Is there Russian troops in Russia? Sure. Do they do large scale military exercises on a regular basis? Sure. The Russians have denied they have any plan to invade, though they have also been clear that any Ukrainian offensive against Russian passport holders (apparently 500K in the region) would lead to a response. You don't have to trust them - any objective assessment understands that it gains them nothing and it would be even dumber without the advantage of surprise. And we have experience - the same wailing and keening about a huge Russian invasion was happening back in April 2021. No Russian invasion then. There will be another session of keening and wailing sometime in 2022. And 2023. And 2024. And 2025 and so on.

    There are clearly factions in the US that thirst for a military conflict with Russia. But that's no reason to listen to them. These are the same people who brought us stories like the Iraqi WMD programme. Now it's annual Russian invasions.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    The Annual russian invasion , that's a new one one , along with there is no evidence of a russian build up,


    There is more than enough evidence and a lot of it is open source , satellite imagery , social media videos of military units arriving at train stations close to the Ukrainian border , the 10 + new russsian military bases opened along with border with Ukraine ,this isn't a training exercise this is a build up for a major operation against Ukraine ,if russia is worried about the so called russian passport holders why doesn't he evacuate them and even at that it's safe to say the number is hugely inflated to suit Putins aggression , just like the genocide of Russians in Ukraine never happened despite putin himself publicly stating that genocide was being used against the so called russian population of Ukraine ,they also previously stated they had discovered hundreds of mass graves containing russian speakers in Ukraine ,

    What evidence have Russia produced to back up the claims , nothing,

    Absolutely nothing they have no evidence of anything happening to Russians in Ukraine

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,460 ✭✭✭Markcheese

    This is just another chess game for Putin - ratchet up the pressure - at the same time europes gas is under threat - and Moscow has spent years gearing it's economy towards this , if ukraine does something stupid then the Russian military will enter and absorb Donbass - if there's a situation they can use they'll keep going .. and you can guarantee there'll be as much behind the lines, little green men , stuff as possible -

    Slava ukraini 🇺🇦

  • Registered Users Posts: 241 ✭✭MarkHenderson

    Reports of an extra 25k troops brought into their forward areas in the last week according to Reuters news agency. I'm beginning to think this is not a bluff and Putin may have made his mind up to go in now with obvious American weakness evident.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,659 ✭✭✭✭

    If NATO does not support Ukraine's independence to chart it's own course it's appeasement, plain and simple. It would be a really troubling message to the Baltics, Poland, all former soviet republics.

    Who would be next?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Poland is currently facing a huge amount of Russian propaganda for some reason or another ,in the last few years in Moldova russian media ran stories that Moldova banks had run out of money and the economy was about to collapse , Moldovans made their way to Russian military bases and surrounded them to prevent russian forces coming on to the Streets ,look at Serbia where another putin puppet wants to break away from the dayton accord and divide the relatively calm region , under the guise putin will protect his Citizens

    This isn't just about Ukraine it's multiple states facing russian aggression

  • Posts: 13,688 Marie Strong Pocketful

    None of what you mention indicates that Lukashenko would be willing to hand over Belarus to Russia. You've just described a mutually beneficial alliance.

    • Russia and Belarus are allies.
    • Of course Lukashenko would be willing to allow Russian nuclear weapons to be deployed in Belarus - it makes Belarus safer and puts a buffer between Moscow and Western Europe. Both Moscow and Minsk are happy.
    • What has keeping functional military infrastructure in place got to do with the price of bread?
    • Putin could take out Lukashenko but that goes against your argument that Lukashenko would be willing to hand over Belarus to Russia. My contention was exactly that - Lukashenko would have to be pushing up the daisies.
    • And what people don't want them running the show? Russians absolutely do want Putin. Lukashenko is admittedly much less popular in Belarus.

    The RAF patrol Irish skies, it's hardly an invitation to invade.

  • Registered Users Posts: 744 ✭✭✭Heraclius

    It would seem very shortsighted after the withdrawal from Afghanistan to allow themselves to be seen as a walkover again. They'd leave all their allies panicking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 744 ✭✭✭Heraclius

    How well built are these Russian military camps near the border? It must be miserable being in temporary accommodation for months in winter around there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Pretty standard temporary military infrastructure from what I've seen , russians troops seem happy enough living in trenches for months at a time in Ukraine

  • Registered Users Posts: 744 ✭✭✭Heraclius

    I'd last about 20 minutes so! I hope it doesn't escalate to full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,358 ✭✭✭BluePlanet

    Poland IS Nato for chrissakes. Russia isn't going to attack NATO.

    In fact all the Baltic states are, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,883 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    I'm not getting drawn into an argument about terms. I've used the term EU/NATO to reference the economic & military blocs as well as their members. You can call them the good guys if you prefer.

    If you use terms that have a clear definition (like the EU & NATO) in your own way such that they mean something entirely different, then you will make communication impossible.

    I'm not getting drawn into the rights and wrongs of any military interventions, regime changes, partitions, or assassinations. It is sufficient for my argument that you acknowledge they are practised by EU/NATO members.

    No, it's not sufficient just because you state that it is. Most of those listed "Western" (apart from US involvement in them, I think that's about the only vague common denominatior) military interventions were not an equivalent of Russia invading Ukraine to turn it into a new satellite state. Only the US/UK (note: not NATO, not EU) Iraq invasion would be a near equivalent, and even for that there would be several differences.

    Any grown up assessment of the world has to accept Russia will practise them too.

    Alright then, that's fine so.

    By they way, if Russia wish to do that with Ukraine entire, from what I read given hostility of both the govt. (which will put up a fight) and population to this, it may involve a brutal war with casualties and refugee flows the likes of which we've not seen in Europe for a long time. You'll be happy to know I'm not a "militarist" and I don't think there's actually anything the West can or should do here other than punish Russia with economic, political and social isolation after the fact and strongly support a (non Russian puppet) Ukrainian govt. if one survives on territory they retain.

    If it does happen, will be interesting to come back here and see what you think of events from comfort of your little cosy nest in "neutral" Ireland. Safely ringed by the weaponry and armies of a bunch of those Western military powers you so sneeringly term the "good guys". It's all a little bit sick making when you think about it really.

    I'm not getting drawn into the revisionism regarding the crazed reaction to Trumps election.

    What? I'm not revising anything.

    At this point and time, I've yet to see any real evidence that Russia is massing troops for an invasion of Ukraine....any objective assessment understands that it gains them nothing and it would be even dumber without the advantage of surprise. 

    There are clearly factions in the US that thirst for a military conflict with Russia. But that's no reason to listen to them. These are the same people who brought us stories like the Iraqi WMD programme. Now it's annual Russian invasions.

    Well they do seem to be building up military forces at/near the border(s) for some reason. You can't invade a country the size of Ukraine by surprise but I am also unsure what it would gain Russia and it seems like a disaster in the making for everyone. I don't recall any past claims made that Russia may invade Ukraine soon were as loud as to have US president flustered + holding emergency meetings with Putin etc. This situation is not the same as pre-Iraq war. It should be easier (for media) to verify a claim of movement of forces than answer the difficult question of what weapons a country has available to it, or what it is building in secret in hidden facilities. Like yourself, am around long enough to remember there was so much extremely public dissent and doubt (incl. from UN weapons inspectors if I recall) around the assertions about WMD and imminent threats etc. coming from those in US/UK governments who were pushing hard to justify war.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    He doesn't have to attack directly , welcome to hybrid or asymmetric warfare ,he can interfere inside the individual states and support groups from the far right to separatist ,not necessarily to take down their governments but to destabilise and cause division in their populations

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Got to love the sense to humour

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,460 ✭✭✭Markcheese

    What's the earliest that spring could come to the Russian /Ukrainian border ?

    I'm assuming it's march /April -

    And assuming that de-mobilizing those troops will take at least a month or so then what ever is going to happen needs to happen by February or all that equipment will be stuck in the mud ...

    Slava ukraini 🇺🇦

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,358 ✭✭✭BluePlanet

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    More likely to bomb you back the the stone age , while crying for freedom , meanwhile in Russia they cry oppression

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    This is the latest coming from Kremlin TV , American mercenaries are planning to launch chemical weapons attacks ,and are training Ukrainians how to attack russian military positions, Putin himself referenced US military personnel in eastern Ukraine today,along with the notion of US missiles being only minutes away from Moscow and how Russia has nowhere to retreat

  • Registered Users Posts: 493 ✭✭BobHopeless

    This is definitely hotting up now. Putin threatening military action.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭Selenophile

    It looks like Russians don't appreciate conveniences of SWIFT that much, after all. Or they didn't understand some part in "The Worst Economic Sanctions The World Has Ever Seen".

    So... is there a "plan B" or is it going to be: "Sorry Ukraine, we tried" ?

    ...or is there something we, simple folks, don't know ?

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