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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 2: Easy Hour

    Started week 2 of block 1 on Tuesday evening. On the menu was my usual Easy Hour Loop. Relaxed run, the legs deciding on a slower pace than normal. I finished the loop in about a minute over the hour. The legs mostly felt good. Bit of left hip/glute stiffness for first half mile or so, then some light right heel feedback over the closing mile or so. Nothing I would class as pain. Just have to continue believing that doing the PT prescribed exercises and keeping the training arc gentle and not aggressive will allow me navigate back to a good baseline fitness.

    Completed the first of this weeks S&C sessions after the run. Watching BT’s ‘around-the-grounds’ coverage of the first Champions League match-day.

     Total 6.94M @ 8:52

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 2: 800+(2x400) @ MP

    If the right heel pings it tends to be near the end of runs. It’s good that it’s not painful, but it’s annoying to realise that it hasn’t fully healed up yet. Further confirmation that I was wise to revert to the gentle starting block of this rebuild plan.

    Over to the Park after work. Using the playing fields path for this. Looks like some clubs are running sessions this evening. They’re moving anti-clockwise, I’m moving clockwise.

    MP pace was very manageable and the heel did not protest during the MP sections. Plan was 800+(2x400) @ MP, with half distance recoveries. A significant moment near the end of the first 400 section, when the Garmin started to beep the end of the 400 I had to think a moment to realise I would need to drop the pace not pick it up. Proof that MP was comfortable.

    Average MP pace tonight was the equivalent of a 3:06 marathon.

    Home in time to tune in to Anfield and hope for more Italian success, wasn’t to be, cracking game though.

     Total 5.58M @ 8:27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 2: Easy 5K

    Heel was pinging more than usual today, maybe 0.5 on the pain scale. I do think there is some correlation between the amount of time I spend sitting at the desk and the feedback from the heel. More time up and about means less trouble from the heel. Happy to have some light rain falling for this one. Stayed very close to home and ran the guts of this inside the Royal Hospital grounds. Mostly just dog-walkers out this lunchtime. Didn’t check pace at all on this run (don’t check pace on most runs of late), I was a bit surprised afterwards to see just how slow I was moving, proper recovery pace of 9:14. Back home, quick shower, back to meetings. Looking forward to more MP tomorrow.

    Total 3.11M @ 9:14  

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 2: 1600+(2x800) @ MP

    Quite a few runners out running sessions around the Playing Fields last Saturday morning. Warm conditions. Heel is good on my warm-up. I start the MP pieces at the bottom of Acres. First stint is 1600m and takes me up Acres around the top of the Playing Fields, back down by the Fort and a few metres along the southern path. It went fine. MP pace is manageable and in ways more comfortable than easy pace. The 1600 was completed in 7:04 at 7:06 pace. Half distance recovery and then two 800s in 3:32 (7:06 pace) and 3:33 (7:08 pace). The former covered the full Acres ascent, the latter was more downhill. I finish the run by returning home along the S-bends. Heel a bit stiff on this return journey. Otherwise all good.

    Total 7.09M @ 8:09

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 2: Easy 9 Miles

    Absolutely gorgeous sunny September morning last Sunday. Very conscious that there may not be too many more of these in the year.

    I stick largely to trails. Polo Grounds up past Aras and eventually turning right to join the North Road perimeter trail. Legs feeling mostly good (they haven't felt entirely good in a long long time). Reach Knockmaroon and head down into the Glen. An unwise decision to climb the short steep dirt path out of the Glen and up to the 15 Acres. This involved a few paces on my toes. Heel didn't protest though. All the same I won't do that again for a while. Some grass trail 15 Acres running under the sun, before descending to the bottom of the Khyber via the Fort. Then an easy mile back home. All told the best run of Rebuild-2 so far, helped by the weather.

    Sunday weigh-in is more encouraging this week, down to 73.95 kilo.

    Total 9.08M @ 8:26

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 3: Easy 5K

    Have to shuffle runs this week a bit. Monday is my 4th consecutive day running. Just an easy 5K to kick off the third week of block one. Stay with my neighbourhood 5K loop. Kilmainham to Inchicore then back to James along Emmet Road. Keep this very slow. Some heel pinging but again nothing I would class as painless. Heading to Athlone in the morning so early to bed.

    Total 3.12M @ 8:59

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 3: 1200+400 @ MP

    First run in Athlone in around 18 months. Staying with friends and a little tight for time. I run to the town end of the Greenway near the train station and run the MP sections in straight lines. Correctly detect that running away from town is on a slight uphill as I cannot relax too much on the 1200 section. The return 400 is easier to find MP pace. The 1200 is completed on target at 7:10, the 400 is a fraction too speedy at 7:02 pace. The heel pings a little but is mostly ok. Both legs instead feel quite heavy tonight. Weather feels quite heavy as well.

    Strange to be back running in Athlone, but also feels very familiar.

    Total 4.43M @ 8:25

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 3: Easy Hour

    Wake Friday morning and my first thought is that I won't be able to run today. My left leg is aching, glute, hammer, calf, hard to pinpoint exactly where the main source is from. This has come entirely out of the blue. I didn't run on Wednesday after Tuesday's Athlone run and the legs felt their usual 'mostly-ok' selves. Feeling very despondent that I would have to interrupt Rebuild-2 so early on.

    However I did the school drop in the morning and the leg didn't feel too bad. The ache passed as the day passed. On a lunchtime walk it felt better again. I took a decision to risk tonight's run. Maybe I just slept funny. I have had these aches on one or two occasions with my shoulder, lasting a single morning and then going as mysteriously as it arrived. I'd bail on the run if it became uncomfortable.

    The run goes generally ok. The left leg is fine for the first mile, heavy and a bit stiff for the next 2 or 3 uphill miles, and then fine for the mostly downhill remainder of the run. I think the source of the ache is from the glute and/or upper hammer. I finish the run happy that I decided to risk it. Since then there has been no repeat of the morning ache. An occasional small ache from around the glute/upper hammer if I stretch in a certain direction. Heel continues to slowly improve. I ease off a little on the next S&C session.

    Sleep - I need more sleep. I haven't been getting enough for the last while (2 years) not because I can't sleep, rather because I'm happy to burn the midnight oil. When I stop to think about it it may be no coincidence that the last two years have also been my most injury-ridden period. I think the reduced sleep started during our last big crazy work project, where for 14 months we worked silly hours and silly intensity and in the evenings I refused to go to bed simply because I wanted to dedicate some awake time to myself and not just to work. Late nights with a few hours of sofa-sleep before transferring to bed for a little more sleep.

    Going to really try hit 7 to 8 hours a night (in bed) for the next weeks and will note how I feel and how the muscles feel. Need to give them the best opportunity possible to recover and rebuild.

    Total 6.94M @ 8:55

    Post edited by outforarun on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 1 Week 3: 2400+800 @ MP

    After 399 days of no haircut I reverted to a 1 blade today. Should help with Sunday weigh-in. In the end I think I prefer hair long. Coincidentaly another 399 days without a haircut will get me to DCM weekend next year. Marathon with a hairband is the plan.

    Could feel air on my head and could hear air in my ears today as I ran this light MP session clockwise around the playing fields. MP pace was very manageable. Heel was mostly ok, left leg was mostly ok on another warm September day.

    The 2400 was run at 7:10 pace, the 800 was run at 7:06 pace. MP today the equivalent of a 3:08 marathon.

    Total 7.14M @ 8:04

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild 2, Block 1 Week 3 – Easy 10 Miles

    Another beautiful warm and bright Sunday morning. How many more are left in the year? Stuck to the trails in the Park for this one. Starting wit the trail above Wellington Road, dashing across Chesterfield to run through the Polo Grounds and up past Aras, then a clockwise loop around the perimeter of the Visitor Centre before joining the North Road trail by Ratra House. Tip along in and out of the copses of trees towards Castleknock Gate. During a 200m stretch in this section I have half a dozen light twinges from the left knee. Not the same twinge as last year so alarm bells aren’t ringing. Twinges pass. From Castleknock I follow the trail down to Knockmaroon Gate but don’t go into the Glen instead I work my way back up towards Furze and out onto the 15 Acres. Run into and out of Oldtown Wood before descending across open grassland down to St Marys, left along the perimeter trail of the Hospital Grounds before heading back up Acres and clockwise around the Playing Fields to the south-west corner and exiting by Islandbridge Gate below the Fort.

    One of those runs that really makes me appreciate how lucky I am to have the Park on my doorstep.

    Total distance is 10.19 miles (I think I know what to cut out to make it an even 10, will try again soon enough). 

    The heel was generally ok. Still a presence in the right heel that is not in the left heel, but I don’t recall it pinging on this run. This was my longest run since that ill-fated ‘long’ run on the day of Euro20 final. The distance was very manageable today. That’s the target longest run for this block ticked off.

    I actually kind of missed having hair in my eyes for this one! I estimate that hair will be back in the eyes sometime next July. On the weigh-in I was very surprised to see 72.55 kilos. Well over a kilo lost since last week. Less bread, less snacks and less hair.

    Total 10.19M @ 8:27

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild 2, Block 1 Week 4 – Easy Hour

    Final week of block 1 started Tuesday last week on another pleasant late September evening. I stuck to my usual Easy Hour Loop. I could feel a light presence in my right heel, no pings and no pain though. Same with the left knee, a light presence but no pings nor pain. Feedback from the knee does not feel like it did last year, preceding my long lay-off injury. Otherwise the legs felt happily light.

    A bit of me expects pings and presences as effectively I am starting over and the legs are retraining again and getting used to stresses. Key concern is that I don’t push too hard.

    Murph_D above asked if I plan on doing anything different this time round. I remember on the first rebuild in block 4 I strayed from my 2 sessions a week rule. I was running a short 10K pace session midweek, a tempo session on Saturday and then on 2 successive Sundays I ran over HM distance with some marathon pace miles built in. Too much in a single week in the first half of a rebuilding project. I will insist this time round on no more than two sessions a week. I have adjusted plans accordingly.

    Finish my Tuesday loop just 45 seconds inside the hour, so a little faster than previous Tuesdays. I’m happy if I complete the loop inside a minute either side of the hour.

    Total 7.02M @ 8:33

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild 2, Block 1 Week 4 – 4 Miles with 1M @ MP

    Out a little later than planned last Wednesday and it was noticeably less light out. I had expected to run round the Playing Fields but instead I switched to the Chapelizod Road for this one. Nothing complicated. I ran the riverside of the road out to the clubhouse, crossed the road and ran a marathon pace mile back toward town, starting at the 0 metre marker. Pace was easy to dial in and maintain and happily there were no heel pings this evening. Every run I do is preceded by some heel and calf strength exercises and it seems this is working, fingers-crossed. The MP mile is completed at 7:09 pace, equivalent of a 3:07 marathon.

    Total 3.98M @ 8:40

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild 2, Block 1 Week 4 – Easy 5K

    Headed to Bray Friday evening for my first live sport since late 2019, so I squeezed this one in at lunchtime. A gentle 5K in mostly sunny conditions. I take the scenic route and run a lap around the War Memorial Gardens, before crossing back for a lap of IMMA. Heel was good, or at least I didn’t notice any feedback. Left hip/glute a little stiff, not painful. Knees were fine. I think that later, spending the evening on my feet in the Carlisle Grounds was good for the legs, they felt generally ok as I headed into the weekend.

    Total 3.11M @ 8:56

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild 2, Block 1 Week 4 – 7M with 2M @ MP

    It rained overnight but the sun was out Saturday morning for this short MP session.

    Legs fairly heavy on the way from home to the Playing Fields. I run to my usual starting spot for any sort of faster than easy work on this path, the second bike lane marker. Up the pace and proceed up Acres. Josh jumps in for 3 mins, good to exchange some quick catch-ups. I continue alone and need to up the pace slightly to get back to MP. Finish a full lap of the Playing Fields and continue up Acres for the second time. Soon the Garmin sounds the end of the MP section. That was fine. No feedback from heel. The 2M were completed in 7:07 pace, equivalent of a 3:06 marathon.

    I stop awhile at the northeast corner of the lap to chat with Josh and scotindublin, cannot stay long as I’m on a timer to get home today. I continue on this lap but swing down Acres to the S-Bends and continue home this way. That was good, again some dull feedback from left hip/glute, otherwise all good.

    Total 7.05M @ 7:57

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild 2, Block 1 Week 4 – Easy 9 Miles

    Finished Block 1 earlier this month. A pleasant 9 miler mostly on the trails in the Park. Windy and sunny. Encouragingly there was very little feedback from the right heel, nor from the legs in general.

    Total 9.01M @ 8:35. Happy now to step back for a week and let the body absorb the work completed across these four weeks.


    It’s nice to break free from running plans on every fifth week. No obligation to run, no pressure to find a running window during the day. No pressure to stay out long and tick off the miles. During the week easy 5Ks are the most I do. These come with some light right heel pings and some lighter pings from the left knee. Anything I feel from the left knee is not reminiscent of last summer’s injury, so I’m not overly concerned about this.

    On Saturday I run a short neighbourhood 4 miler, again with some right heel stiffness. This is taking a long time to fully pass. I end the week with a surprisingly light-legged 10K along the Chapelizod towpath and through the Park. This latter was probably the best run of the week.

    So Block 1 saw all goals ticked off successfully. I averaged between 30 and 35 miles a week, I ran 2 miles at marathon pace, I completed a 10 mile Sunday morning run. And I dropped my weight from 74.4 to 73.6. I expect the weight loss to increase as the mileage increases.

    Right heel continues to make its presence felt, sometimes stiff, sometimes pinging, never painful, never limp inducing. I’ve felt some pings from the left knee, rarely lasting more than 200ms or so and not similar to last year’s injury. Hip and glute have been aching though. Some runs have been feedback free, but the majority of runs have featured feedback from a mix of heel, knee and hip. When all three are involved I can’t say the run is enjoyable

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild 2, Block 2 Week 1 – Easy Hour

    An unexpected trip to Cork this week. Didn’t expect to be running and didn’t pack to run. Then it turned out I could get some runs in after-all. I bought some running gear while there. And I have been wearing my Asterias as casualwear of late so I did have runners with me. I started Block-2 on Monday afternoon with a hilly 7 miles around Glanmire. First time in the Asterias since before the Euro2020 Final. The hip was fine as were the knees but the hills en route did provoke some right heel stiffness.

    Total 7.06M @ 8:30

    Rebuild 2, Block 2 Week 1 – 6M with 2M @ MP

    I don’t know if it is because of where I was sleeping or because of an impromptu uncomfortable desk arrangement or because of the first run in the Asterias for a while, but I develop some lower back stiffness this week, doesn’t really bother me while running.

    This one is run as an out and back on Wednesday evening. Run 2 miles of warm-up and then by the Vienna Woods Hotel I increase the pace to marathon pace. Run a mile to Dunkettle and onto the new bicycle path there, when I hit a mile I turn 180 and return back to the Vienna Woods at MP. Commuter traffic keeping me company. The faster pace is ok to hold. Average MP is 7:07, the equivalent of a 3:06 marathon. Some presence from the right heel but otherwise the legs feel ok.

    Total 6.04M @ 7:53

    Rebuild 2, Block 2 Week 1 – Easy 6 Miles

    Back in Dublin and back in the Park late afternoon on Friday. Aside from some continued right heel stiffness the legs feel generally good. More or less make up the route as I go. Take in a little bit of trail descending by Aras. Happy to see that the temporary pavilions that were in place by the Polo Grounds have been removed. They had been blocking by go-to Saturday morning tempo route.

    My lower back stiffness is not going away, but is still not impacting my runs. On a positive note the recent hip/glute stiffness seems to have gone. I think I might have been overly aggressive with the roller and the powerband, I’ve eased off accordingly.

    Total 6.01M @ 8:30

    Rebuild 2, Block 2 Week 1 – 4x800 @ Sub 3 Pace

    Happy to introduce sub-3 marathon pace on Saturday. For rebuild purposes, sub-3 pace is the equivalent of a 2:55:00 to a 2:59:59 marathon finishing time. It’s as fast as I will travel in this second block.

    Baby steps to begin with, a 4x800m session off 400m recovery. Stick with the same route I used for MP work in Block-1, clockwise around the Playing Fields, starting near the bottom of Acres. The 800s are ok. The legs are not unhappy with the pace but I notice the lungs have to work a little. Right now it is inconceivably far away the possibility of running 42195m at this pace. But these are the very first baby steps in that direction. Nice to complete these and I’m looking forward to tracking lung improvement as this pace becomes more familiar.

    Today’s 800 average pace was a tiny bit faster than target, at 3:18 per 800, equivalent of a 2:54 marathon. I bring up 7 miles for the day. Lower back stiffness continues to persist and irritate outside of running.

    Total 7.04M @ 7:55

    Rebuild 2, Block 2 Week 1 – Easy 10 Miles

    Lower back stiffness is bad this morning and it affects my run. For the opening 2 or 3 miles it feels achy and uncomfortable. The further I run the less uncomfortable it feels. I stick to trails and hope this is easier on the body. When the lower back feedback starts to fade the right heel starts to provide feedback and then left knee starts to ping. I’d be lying if I said this was an enjoyable run. Biggest concern now is lower back.

    It’s very frustrating, for weeks there has always been something, if it’s not the right heel, it’s the left-knee, then it was the left hip/glute (which fingers-crossed seems to have gone away), now the lower back joins the party. I hope the back goes the way of the hip, I hope the heel continues to slowly slowly improve and I hope the knees are just adjusting as I effectively start over with training, and I hope nothing else pops up, at least not until all the previous listed items have resolved. Hard to keep track.

    Seasons are changing, more oranges and yellows around the park, more muddy underfoot. Still warm when the sun breaks through though. Felt heavy today and so was genuinely surprised with a final pace of 8:05. Quite a few 7:XX miles slipping into this one.

    Monday off now and won’t lace up again until Tuesday evening, fingers crossed my back improves in that time. I’d pay for an ache free, ping-free, care-free, light legged run.

    Total 10.02M @ 8:05 

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Looking Back at Block 2 Week 2

    Easy Hour

    Main focus last Tuesday was on the lower back. It had felt much improved during the day and I was cautiously optimistic. Set off a little after 6pm. Feels autumny this evening. I run my usual Easy Hour lap, conscious that it could be the last time I run it this year.

    Back feels ok, some slight ache but nothing like last Sunday. Footfall feels lighter tonight as well. It darkens quickly as I run. By the time I'm descending Chesterfield it's dark enough to not spot tree roots so I move from the trail to the footpath.

    Finish in the dark. Finish faster than intended.

    Total 7.12M @ 8:27

    5M with 3M at MP

    Dark runs becoming the norm now. Out after work Wednesday and run my 5 mile Chapelizod Loop. I run a little over a mile of warm-up and then shift up a gear when I get to Ballyfermot Road. Quickly find and settle in to marathon pace. The 3 miles take me down into Chapelizod, back along the length of Chapelizod Road and along Conyngham Road to the Dublin Bus depot. It feels a little harder than MP should be, but it is not at all difficult to maintain. I prefer MP pace to easy pace. Only the left knee providing some feedback this evening, a light presence coming from it (not like last year's).

    The 3 miles of MP is completed in 21:11 at 7:04 pace. Equivalent of a 3:05 marathon.

    Easy 10K

    Last Friday, a Chapelizod Loop with a Royal Oak loop tagged on at the end. Legs feeling heavy tonight and some pings coming from the right heel over the closing couple of kilometres.

    Total 6.32M at 8:41

    1600+(2×800) at Sub3 MP

    Back in Cork. A straightforward out and back, Hazelwood, Dunkettle, Hazelwood. Start the fast bits by the grotto outside Glanmire village. This is mostly into a headwind but is still very manageable. The 1600 is completed in 6:40 at 6:42 pace. Turn around for the two 800s. Now a tailwind and it's all about not running too fast, I don't quite succeed, logging a 3:16 and a 3:18, too speedy. Average pace for the sub 3 bits is the equivalent of a 2:54 marathon, a minute too fast. Some right heel presence but otherwise all good.

    Total 6.21M at 7:49

    MLR 11+ Miles

    Final run of the week is a morning loop in Cork under good conditions. Hazelwood - Glanmire - Mayfield - Montenotte - Kent - Tivoli - Dunkettle - Ballinglanna - Riverstown - Hazelwood. Lower back ache is back, I wonder is it the bed here? It's not as bad as last week and improves as the run progresses. Miscalculated length of run and ended up running half a mile longer than intended.

    Total 11.55M at 8:21

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Looking Back at Block 2 Week 3

    Lower back was a little grumpy Sunday afternoon and Monday. Tuesday it was better, but I didn't run until Wednesday. Setting myself up for 5 consecutive days running, been a while since I strung 5 days in a row.

    Wednesday 27 Oct - Easy Hour

    Conditions were properly miserable when I laced up for this one. Low heavy clouds and unrelenting heavy rain, breezy as well. The only consolation was that it wasn't too cold. Conscious of fading daylight I run my route so that the more dangerous bits of road are completed early on.

    Maybe the conditions were so unpleasant that they acted as a distraction and stopped me from paying too much attention to the legs. They felt good, maybe a little presence from the right heel but otherwise no complaints, they even felt light at points.

    I pass one other runner on the road between Glanmire Village and Riverstown Cross. We salute each other loudly both aware that we must look mad to any non-runners driving past.

    Good start to the week.

    Total 6.87M @ 8:44

    Thursday 28 Oct - 7M+ with 4M @ MP

    Happily conditions were better for this one. Got out a little earlier to gain a little more daylight. I need somewhere relatively flat for the 4M at marathon pace and there aren't too many options. I head again from Hazelwood to Glanmire and start the MP section by the grotto.

    I dial in marathon pace with little difficulty. It feels easy and I am constantly running at the faster end of target range. At Dunkettle roundabout I turn right and start heading along Tivoli towards town. Wind is against me but it doesn't seem to be slowing me down. I have nearly 2 miles completed when I get to Silversprings Hotel. I turn 180 and start heading back the way I came. This back section I have the wind with me and it becomes an exercise in not running too fast. As I start the final mile near Dunkettle roundabout average pace is too fast. Brakes on as I return to Glanmire Village.

    I complete the 4M marathon pace section in 28:13 that's 7:03 pace or 3:04 marathon pace, a fraction quicker than target. Pleased with how comfortable this felt. Don't recall the legs protesting at any point.

    Total 7.78M @ 7:38

    Friday 29 Oct - Easy 5K

    Back in Dublin for this one. Short and slow, a 5K round my Kilmainham-Inchicore-Heuston-Kilmainham loop. Legs feel ok, just one solitary ping from the front of the left knee. I feel a bit heavy and I know I've taken my eye of diet during this last week in Cork.

    Total 3.12M @ 8:57

    Saturday 30 October - 2400+800 @ Sub3

    Out late Saturday morning. Legs felt very heavy and stiff on the warm-up for this one. Run to the Playing Fields and start the Sub3 section near the base of Acres. I find it surprisingly easy to dial in sub3 pace. I was worried that this would be tricky but instead the legs manage well. Notice that I'm breathing a little more than I'd have liked. Lungs need to become familiar again with faster paces.

    The opening 2400 section is nearly a complete lap of the Playing Fields. Effort levels are very manageable, the hardest part is navigating some busy footpath on the south path as some kids' football training ends. I programmed the run incorrectly on the Garmin and gave myself 800 recovery instead of 1200 after the 2400 section. I don't think it made a whole pile of difference. I felt ready to run the last 800. I complete it in 3:21, that's 6:44 pace.

    My average pace for the Sub3 sections was 4:11 min/km or the equivalent of 2:56 marathon pace. Faster end of target range. Legs a bit stiff again on cool-down.

    Total 6.00M @ 8:10

    Sunday 31 October - MLR 12 Miles

    The last time I ran 12 Miles was on Euro20 Finals Day. Feels like a lifetime ago. Sunday I dusted down my old 12 mile loop. The opening 4 or 5 miles feature very heavy legs. Admittedly these opening miles are mostly uphill, and it's my 5th straight day running. Stride becomes looser and run becomes more enjoyable once I swing right at the top of Tower Road and onto Whites Road.

    Down OS Road, up Furze, up Chesterfield to North Road and then a lovely descent down the length of Acres. Through the S-bends. out Park Gate and home via HSQ.

    Distance wasn't an issue. Knees were a bit sore (in a good way) later Sunday and I can still feel the run today as I type. It'll take time for them to readjust.

    Just one more week of Block 2 remains, fingers-crossed the legs (and back) continue to stay quiet. My Sunday weigh-in came in at 73.75 kilo. Too heavy, but I'm not surprised I knew I'd been slack of late. Will try drop a kilo across the next 7 days and take a little pressure off the legs.

    Total 12.08M @ 8:15

    Post edited by outforarun on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Looking back at Block 2 - Week 4

    Tuesday 2 November - Easy Hour

    The final week of Block 2 started after work last Tuesday evening. It's dark now so I prefer to avoid the Park. I need a new easy hour loop. I head south, down towards Crumlin before skirting around the edges of Kimmage and Harold's Cross and following the canal back to Dolphin's Barn and home. Nice to try a new route. Not too many traffic lights to navigate and mostly well lit pavement. I need to find around another 200/300m to add to it and it will be a good substitute for my Park route. Some right heel tightness. Nine out of ten runs have some level of tightness, but no pain, during nor after. One or two left knee twinges.

    Total 6.86M @ 8:47

    Wednesday 3 November - 5M with 1M @ Sub3

    Looked cold out and I opted for gloves, first time in months. One mile in I knew I didn't them. I follow my 5 mile Chapelizod Loop this evening. I start the sub3 mile at the 0m marking on Chapelizod Road. I have to push a little more than expected. Still feels comfortable though. Stride feels surprisingly smooth. I finish the mile by Islandbridge Gate. Mile completed in 6:42, pace for a 2:55 marathon. Just a little right heel tightness.

    Total 5.01M @ 8:34

    Thursday 4 November - 10K Easy

    Wasn't in the mood for this one and it took a bit of willpower to get out. During the school drop in the morning the right heel was pinging a bit, not really painful. And during the day it pinged on occasion. I was a little concerned ahead of the run, but instead the heel provided zero feedback the whole way round. Ran my Chapelizod Loop and tagged on a Royal Oak loop at the end to bring up 10K. Heel didn't ping any more after run.

    Total 6.27M @ 8:33

    Saturday 6 November - 7M with 2M @ Sub3

    Bright sunny morning but very windy. I'm on single Dad duty so junior outforarun gets roped into this one as a cycling companion. Head to the Playing Fields. Usual starting point at the bottom of Acres. Up the pace to Sub3. This morning it feels so much easier than Wednesday evening. Mornings just tend to feel easier than evenings. The heel behaves. I need to keep an eye on Garmin to make sure I don't run too fast. The hardest part is definitely the stretch from the Fort to Acres, where I lean into a strong headwind. Finish a full lap of the Playing Fields and continue for a second ascent of Acres. Lungs are working more than the legs. I complete the 2M section at 6:38 pace, that's a 2:53 marathon. So a bit faster than planned. Head back home via S-Bends. Legs feeling generally ok. Block 3 will see me work to try double this distance up to 4M, I'm already feeling confident about this.

    Total 7.23M @ 7:58

    Sunday 7 November - MLR 11 Miles

    Travelling to Cork yesterday so I needed to get out earlier than usual for this one. Today I didn't wear gloves and spent the opening 3 or 4 miles wishing I had. These include a full Parkgate to Castleknock Gate ascent of Chesterfield and there's a light but cold headwind blowing against me. Happy to turn 180 then down OS Road. Warming up now. I run a lap of the Playing Fields as I work my way back home. Haven't been in the Park before 8am in a while. I'd forgotten that it is 90% runners and cyclists at this time. Miss that, must try rise earlier for my Sunday runs. Again some right heel tightness but otherwise all ok. And that's that. I needed to dash for train so forgot to weigh myself but I suspect I'm more or less the same as last weigh-in. It's winter, the hibernation gene is kicking in and I've an urge to fatten myself.

    Will enjoy a down-week now before starting Block-3. This will see the re-introduction of tempo pace. Will need to get new 'fast' shoes. The Asterias are at life-end (I'm wearing them casually), need to figure out what to wear instead of them.

    Total 11.01M @ 8:17

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Bit of catching up needed here.

    The week beginning 8 November was a down-week. I'm so glad I introduced these. Apart from giving the legs time to repair and strengthen, they are also a great pressure release from having to follow a set weekly schedule.

    This down-week consisted of a midweek easy 5K Inchicore loop. Legs felt pretty good on this one. Just a little right heel tightness. On Friday evening I run an easy 4 miler. Out and back along the Chapelizod Road, again with some light right heel tightness keeping me company. On Saturday I got out before the rugby for a trip up Infirmary Road into the Park and up to the Phoenix via the Polo Grounds. Pause on the way down the Khyber to let a mini deer-herd amble across the path. Legs felt good on this one. And I finished the down-week on Sunday with a slightly hungover trip along the towpath to Chapelizod, a steep climb up the embankment by the Glen Road and skirting outside the perimeter of St Mary's. I do think an easy fresh air run is an excellent hangover cure. It was unusually mild for mid-November. Some right heel tightness.

    Block 3 Week 1

    So a new week and a new block commences. This is week 12 of a 50 week project. The goals for this block are:

    • Increase average weekly mileage to 40-45 miles
    • Increase long run to 14 Miles
    • Build to 6 Miles at Marathon Pace
    • Build to 4 Miles at Sub 3 Marathon Pace
    • Reintroduce Tempo pace, building to 1 Mile at Tempo

    My biggest concern right now is the right heel. I haven't worried about my knees in quite some time. The hammers feel generally ok. Occasionally the right hammer can feel a bit tired after a run. The left hammer hasn't protested in weeks. That dragging left leg sensation is long gone. Occasional tightness in the left hip/glute, maybe one run out of five. The right heel is the persistent one. No pain, no real discomfort, just a lingering tightness and sometimes a light ping. I hope it slowly slowly fades. I do need to get around to booking another session with the PT.

    Easy Hour

    7.03M @ 8:34

    I started on Tuesday with another south side easy hour on my kind of unremarkable urban loop. The drag up the Crumlin Road is my least favourite stretch. The first half of the loop is mostly uphill, the second half mostly downhill. As with most runs I have some right heel tightness to keep me company.

    7+M with 5M @ MP

    7.56M @ 7:39 with 5M @ 7:04

    This was good. I run a warm-up lap of my Royal Oak Loop and then get stuck into the full 5 miles of my Kilmainham-Inchicore-Chapelizod-Heuston-Kilmainham loop at marathon pace. I'm mostly uninterrupted by traffic during the run. Need to be alert along some unlit stretches of pavement. The first part of the loop I have to push to hit target pace, then I keep pushing when I should have eased off so I run the central miles a bit too fast. Finish feeling always in control, even on the climb up Steeven's Lane. A cool-down lap of the Royal Oak loop and I'm done. Enjoyed this one. Legs felt nicely exercised after it.

    7M with 4x400m @ Tempo

    7.06M @ 8:12 with 400s @ 3:51 pace

    Back in the Asterias, back at the Polo Grounds, back to Tempo pace. It will take a while to become familiar with this pace again. This morning I overcook it. Target pace is 3:55 min/km to 3:59 mi/km. I ended up averaging 3:51. Too fast. The legs were ok though, the lungs a little less so. End goal of this rebuild process is to be able to confidently run 10K at tempo. That seems a very long way away right now. Baby steps. Some right heel tightness, but no more than usual. Still haven't ordered new runners to replace these current Asterias.

    MLR 12 Miles

    Total 12.08M @ 8:10

    I was joined by a cycling junior outforarun on Sunday morning. Into the Park at Islandbridge. Bit chilly for the opening miles but once we had run to Castleknock Gate and started our descent it was fine. Junior needed a break after a while so we targeted the Polo Grounds where she could wait by the Pavilion as I ran some laps on the grass. She got to be my photographer for the morning. Legs felt generally good and my energy levels were fine, no hint of fatigue near the end. Walked to Aviva and back later in the day for the Argentina game. Lots of fresh air and slept well Sunday night. My first 40 mile week in quite a while.

    End of week weigh-in was 72.70 kilo. Good bit of work to do yet on the weight front.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Catch-up on the last few weeks.

    Ok I need to get this log back to a clean-slate state before the first run of block 4 starts tomorrow. From tomorrow I want to return to logging a post after every run.

    A high level overview of the last 4 weeks. Covering weeks 2, 3 and 4 of Block 3 and last week's down-week.

    Points of Note

    • I completed all runs as planned, hitting all block 3 targets: average mileage of 40 to 45 miles a week, longest run increased to 14 miles, completed a 6 mile run at marathon pace, completed a 4 mile run at sub-3 marathon pace, and completed 1 mile at tempo.
    • My right heel is definitely improving. Far less stiff now, though sometimes I do still feel some faint pings. More and more often I don't notice it while running. I notice it most when standing up after having been sitting working for a few hours.
    • Over the last 10 days or so my left knee has provided some feedback. It seems as soon as one area of concern starts to retreat another one takes its place. The pings are not painful and they are not like the left knee feedback from last year. They feel more like runners-knee than IT band. I notice this mostly when the pace is a little faster.
    • I've tried to keep doing some amount of S&C work as the mileage and intensity gradually increases.
    • I've struggled with diet as the body seems intent on fattening up for winter. The extra mileage however helps keep weight in check. At the end of week 4 I weighed in at 71.8 kilo. My lightest since starting Rebuild-2.
    • Starting to look for new shoes as the current Glycerins and Asterias are nearing retirement. The strap of my 5 year old Forerunner was on the verge of snapping in two and on the day I'd planned to run to the Run Hub in Ashton to pick up a replacement the start button stopped working. It was meant to be. Happy with a new Forerunner 55 and ran with heart rate measured for first time, easy pace at 13X bpm. Curious I've left in on when not running as well, average resting heart rate is in the mid to high 50s and drops to the high 40s when asleep.

    Block 3 - Week 2 Summary

    Started the week with heavy legs and a lap of my south city easy hour loop. Midweek effort focused on a 3 mile run at sub-3 marathon pace. The sub-3 section was run at 6:39 pace, so a little faster than prescribed, equivalent of a 2:54 marathon finishing time. This was run across the middle three miles of my go to 5 mile loop. A second easy hour run saw me clip a raised paving stone and take a heavy tumble in Kilmainham. Some sore left hip bruising for the next week or so. A new Sunday half marathon loop along the spine of Dublin, following the Liffey on the southside, crossing to the northside over the East Link bridge and then journeying the 5 mile stretch from The Point to Chapelizod, then turning back toward home via Kylemore Road, Ballyfermot Road and the Chapelizod towpath. I like this route.

    Block 3 - Week 3 Summary

    Another week opens with an easy hour loop. Some mild left glute feedback, maybe linked to last week's tumble? Midweek's faster run was a 6 miler at marathon pace. Again I end up running a little too fast. This was partially due to overtaking a runner as I descended Saint Laurence's Road and then seeing the same runner overtake me on the other side of Chapelizod Road. I stayed with them along the full length of the road back to Islandbridge. Pace was manageable. Equivalent of a 3:06 marathon. One or two left knee pings at MP pace. Another one or two left knee pings at tempo pace around the Polo Grounds Road Loop on Saturday. On a pain scale from 0 to 10, these logged in at 0.5. I go beyond HM distance for the first time in a long time on a sunny Sunday morning. Nice to run with eyes squinted against he reflected sun from the sea in Sandymount.

    Block 3 - Week 4 Summary

    Started the week catching the tail-end of storm Barra around my urban hour route. The hardest effort to date of this rebuild came on Wednesday night out and back along the Chapelizod Road. On the menu 4 miles at sub-3 pace. The effort levels felt closer to tempo than sub-3. The stretch from Islandbridge Gate to Chapelizod Gate was into a headwind and I could feel the effort rising. The opposite direction afforded some respite. Happy to tick this one off. Average pace the equivalent of a 2:56 marathon. Just one left knee ping. A full 26.2 miles at this pace is a long way away right now. Complete 1 mile around the Polo Grounds road loop at tempo (6:20 min/mile). The legs are generally ok at tempo. Will need to start working the lungs in the next block where I will build to 2 miles at tempo. I pace a mate to a sub 27 Aware 5K during my 'cool-down'. End the week with a repeat of my Liffey HM Loop on a unseasonably warm Sunday morning. It's great to be starting to push out the distance again on Sunday morning.

    Down-week - Summary

    Just shy of 20 miles of easy running. Legs heavy earlier in the week. Right heel behaving. Some left knee pings on traffic light restarts. A run to Ashtown to get the new Garmin. A short Sunday run to try it out. And that is that.

    I'll post up the objectives for Block 4 tomorrow evening along with a post for tomorrow's run. As mentioned above I want to post per run now as things start to become a little more taxing. Fingers crossed the left knee pings don't develop into anything more serious, that is my biggest concern right now.

    I also got my booster today and I can feel some shoulder muscle tightness settlng in as I type, I don't expect it will impact too much on an easy hour's running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,427 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Good too see the log back D, hope you guys have a great Christmas. Back down to DH in 22 hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thanks C. Good to see you on here again as well. Yeah I think I'll start to turn up some Sundays for a back seat on the 8:30am bus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 4 Week 1 Easy Hour

    I felt fairly bad on Tuesday after Monday's booster. Very sore and achy muscles on my left side, arm, neck, back, shoulders, both eyes. I managed to work (slowly) but decided against heading out for a run, would postpone until Wednesday at the cost of now needing to run 5 consecutive days.

    This week sees the start of Block-4. This is week 16 of a 50 week rebuild. A 350 day plan. The end goals of the full rebuild include: long runs back to 20 miles, half-marathon distance at MP (3:05 to 3:09), 10 miles at sub 3 marathon pace, 10K at tempo and 5K at 10K pace. Tempo and 10K pace being my old tempo and 10K pace, so they will probably translate to actual 10K and 5K effort levels.

    When the rebuild is over, and presuming everything has gone to schedule I will have 10 weeks to focus on MP and endurance ahead of a PB attempt at DCM22.

    The goals for Block-4 are:

    • hold weekly mileage at 40 to 45 miles
    • increase longest run to 16 miles
    • run 8 miles at MP (4:23 to 4:30 min/km)
    • run 2 miles at tempo (3:55 to 3:59 min/km)
    • run 1400m @ 10K pace (3:47 to 3:51 min/km)

    When I was on my first rebuild attempt earlier this year I broke my 2 hard runs a week rule and for the first weeks of Block-4 I ran a 10K run, a tempo run and a longer run with MP miles. In hindsight this was probably too much. This time round I am sticking to 2 hard runs a week, so this week will see just tempo and MP pace, 10K pace will return next week. I've also reduced the opening 10K pace distance to 1400m, this allows me to add 600m per block and should build neatly to 5K by the end of the rebuild.

    I started Block-4 last night. An easy hour round my southside winter loop. My muscles were far less sore than on Tuesday, I did though have very heavy legs for the opening, uphill, half of this run. Once I'd reached the half-way point I could feel the pace picking up and my stride becoming more fluid and natural. I barely noticed my right heel, which, touchwood, is definitely feeling better now. Concern is directed more towards my left knee these days. It generally behaved ok yesterday, maybe half-a-ping at one restart. Sometimes a little sore at home when coming downstairs. The run turned into an unintended progression run, each mile a little quicker than the previous, opening with a 9:35 min/mile mile and closing with a 7:44 min/mile.

    I'm still new to heartbeat stats, average was 134bpm

    Total 7.06M @ 8:30 in 1:00:02

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 4 Week 1 - 7 Miles with 4x800 @ Tempo

    Foolishly I opted for gloves and a light jacket when heading out yesterday. This was easily the warmest December run I have ever completed. Over the closing miles the sun felt not just warm but hot.

    I opted for the playing fields for this one. Lapping clockwise I start the first 800 near the bottom of Acres. The first and third 800s feel easier than the second and final 800s. I need to watch the fast alerts on the former and the slow alerts on the latter. This is despite the former being mostly uphill.

    I notice no feedback from the right heel. My attention is focused on my left knee, but it too is generally quiet, maybe half a ping on one or two of the 800s.

    Splits are 3:02, 3:08, 3:05, 3:07. That's an average tempo pace of 6:22 min/mile or 3:57 min/km. Legs managed ok, lungs needed to work.

    Easy cool down home in very very unseasonable weather.

    Total 7.13M @ 7:50

    Average 150bpm

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 4 Week 1 - Easy 10K

    Yesterday morning, the usual jackdaws arrive for their food. I bend over to gently throw some food their way. As I straighten up I get a sharp nasty pain in my lower back. Where did that come from? For the rest of the afternoon my lower back feels stiff and has a dull ache. I travel to Cork. I opt to go for a run, part of me hoping that the run would provide relief. I run an easy 10K in wet and mild conditions. The back is no worse nor better when running. Later in the evening it definitely felt worse, whether that was because of the run or not I'm not sure. 10K completed at 8:28 pace. Despite the back ache it's nice to be running.

    Decision time: I'd love to get out for a run today ahead of Christmas Dinner but I think I need to rest the back. It's still stiff now (not as bad as last night) as a write. I woke up during the night every time I needed to change position. I was also really looking forward to a 14 miler with 8M @ MP on Sunday. But I think it is safer to rest a week. Return with an easy week, and restart Block 4 on the 10 January.

    Frustrating - it really does seem that as soon as one injury heals another arrives. Not sure if the back is running related or not. This is the first interruption of this second attempt at rebuilding, hopefully it's the last. Hopefully it is just a muscle strain and clears up sooner rather than later.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Have you suffered with back issues in the past?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    No never had back issues. I do remember once getting a similar sensation while turning earth with a shovel. I'm hoping it's just an unfortunate strain. Last few days it has improved, dull ache is nearly 100% gone when walking but it's still a bit stiff when transitioning from standing to sitting and vice versa.

    I feel I could probably run with it but I will wait until next week. I'll probably just start Block-4 Week 1 again on the 3rd or 4th.

    I did have very sore muscles last Tuesday and into Wednesday, in my shoulder, neck, side and back, after getting my booster. I wonder could the muscles have been under stress and prone to strain?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    So since Christmas Eve my back has improved day by day. Walking feels natural, no pain nor discomfort just a presence in the lower back which will hopefully fade in time. Fingers-crossed this a one-off unlucky strain, I do really wonder if it was a fall-out from sore back muscles earlier in the week post-booster. I'm still sitting down and standing up with an element of caution, and if I need to pick something up from low down I'm using my knees rather than bending forward. The positive I take from this is that the knees feel fine.

    In fact looking back on 2021 at first glance if seems like another poor year, starting and ending with injury and with an injury in the middle. But focusing on the positives - both knees seem healed from my 2020 injuries. And my right heel feels 99.9% back to normal. The left foot drag I noticed earlier in the year has been gone and forgotten for months now. Objectively my first rebuild attempt went well in terms of reintroducing the knees to training. The right heel was a curveball, probably agree with my PT when he attributed its flare-up to a change of runners. Achilles being the achilles I didn't want to just jump straight back in where I left off, so a difficult but probably wise decision was made to start the rebuild from scratch. Touchwood both knees and Achilles will behave now in 2022.

    I plan on restarting the rebuild from Block 4 from Monday. My attention will be on how my back behaves. I went out this morning for an easy 5 miler, again in unseasonably warm weather. My back didn't provide any pain or discomfort while running, but there was a lower back presence. Since completing the run my back hasn't felt any worse. I ran from Kilmainham to WMG to Chapelizod to Acres, Khyber and back home.

    I should have been in Milan since Thursday but the late arrival of a PCR result of a close contact meant I couldn't travel for fear of potentially having to isolate in Milan and rearrange my return trip. Of course in the end the PCR came back negative. So with time on my hands I headed to Bray yesterday to get some sea air and to drop into Amphibian King. I have heard only good things about AK but never dropped in before. Wow, easily the most knowledgeable guys I have ever spoken with regarding running shoes. It was a pleasure to chat with them. I asked for gait analysis, something I've never done before. Turns out I could do with a little extra support. I end up opting for the Brooks Glycerin 19 GTS version. While in Cork I picked up a pair of Hyperion Tempos to substitute by Asterias and the guy in AK said they are an excellent shoe. I can see myself doing my faster training in the Tempos but maybe investing in a pair of Hyperion Elites for race days. Not cheap.

    Today's 5 miler was the debut run for the GTS. I do notice less bounce than the regular Glycerins, but they still feel comfortable. Only concern was in the last half-mile when I could detect a potential blister taking shape. I'll rotate these with the regular Glycerin's as I retire the latter. Hopefully this will allow for an easier transition from old shoe to new shoe and this time the heel won't flare up like it did in July.

    Ok, I'll run short and slow again tomorrow and will hopefully resume the rebuild from Monday.

    Total 5.28M @ 8:17 (141 bmp)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles Lower Back Tester #2

    Out yesterday late morning for another easy 5 with all my focus on lower back. This felt a little better than Saturday's 5 mile. No pain or discomfort from the lower back, just a presence to remind me that it is still not healed. It felt better in the afternoon while walking about. So the verdict at the moment is that running doesn't seem to have an adverse affect on the back's recovery. I will proceed with Block 4 of rebuild from Monday 3 January.

    Yesterday's run was just a gentle make-it-up-as-I-went meander around D8. Taking in Kilmainham, Rialto, Dolphin's Barn, and Inchicore. Thoughts were mostly on 2022 and trying to be positive that this year will finally see some return to somewhere near 2020 fitness levels, on the endurance side at least, realistically a return to 2020 speed fitness will be targeted in 2023 as part of a sub 3 focus, but that's a long way away. For now I need top focus on one run at a time.

    Easy pace might be starting to get a little faster, that's a first positive.

    Total 5.09M @ 8:10 (139 bmp)
