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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭TheW1zard

    Why would anyone repeatedly change their name and delete posts on boards? Only one reason I can think of LOL

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    moloney was sent down from dublin by his paper, the Star? Ian briefed him and gave him the "fill" . Moloney said it was an excellent "fill" pages of it so Bailey was a good journalist.

    then Bailey told Moloney "your on your own now". Moloney wanted bailey to hold his hand going down to the murder scene to meet gaards. He whines how embarrassed he was going alone... some journalist

    When did Arianna Boarina get to Schull?

    that the woman who saw the coat being soaked?

    Have you seen this floppy The late Ursula Jackson also told gardai how she found an axe head she did not recognise in the ashes of a bonfire at the back of her home six weeks after the killing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,307 ✭✭✭MonkieSocks

    Post edited by MonkieSocks on

    =(:-) Me? I know who I am. I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude (-:)=

  • Registered Users Posts: 136 ✭✭MTU

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    arrest today? Also he says the house showed slight disturbance which was shown to be wrong.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    Do we have any indication of when Senan Molony came down? Getting the fill on 24th is a lot different from getting the fill on say, the 28th.

    Yes Arianna is the student who stayed with Ginny for Christmas and saw the bucket in the bath/shower.

    I saw that article about Ursula Jackson finding the axe head. She's right next door to the studio house... the implication being that the killer burned the axe and tossed it into her burn pile.

    I read somewhere that Ursula Jackson made a statement indicating Ian told police her son was in the area of the murder on the night. She was upset about this. If I am speculating and put two and two together.... I come up with this:

    What if Ian burned the axe, then tossed the axe head in the neighbor's burn pile, then tried to throw suspicion on the neighbor's teenage son?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Do we have any indication of when Senan Molony came down?

    Senan says "I think i got a phone call on St Stephen's Day" about 1.40 mins in. I didn't listen to it all so am not sure if Senan says when he went down

    I read somewhere that Ursula Jackson made a statement indicating Ian told police her son was in the area of the murder on the night. She was upset about this

    where did you read it though? Was it reliable?

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    I'll have to check where I read it. Pretty sure it's from one of the books. The context was Ursula was saying her son told her that Bailey had told police something about him. And she said Bailey later visited their house and denied he said this, then went on a rant about how he was sure Daniel du plantier killed sophie.

    The Jacksons also at a later stage informed the gardai that Ian was trying to involve them in a scheme to give some incriminating evidence to the gards and get some payment for it (so Ian could show the gards were corrupt and paying people to manufacture evidence) Needless to say the Jacksons were not interested in Ian's shite and immediately told the gards about it. (I think this was mentioned in the West COrk podcast)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    OK post when you find it .I have Sheridan's book Death in December and Ralph Riegel's book A Dream of Death

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  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    AC John O'Driscoll on Morning Ireland "live investigation" serious crime review team assisting considering making a review based on advances in forensics and other developments.

    I don't see how he squares live investigation with considering a review.

    I can't understand them dragging their heels unless they want all the corrupt guards to die first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    So Bailey carried the axe from Dreenane to Kealfadda Bridge, washed it in the sea, didn't use his immense strength to fling it out to sea but carried it home to try to burn metal then realising he couldn't actually burn metal tossed it over the hedge?

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    Josephine Hellen told Paris Match a POKER was missing. Nothing about an axe.

    Also she says the a guard on the boreen told her a 1 p.m. of 23rd it was a French woman. But surely nobody knew that, only Bailey, according to the lynch mob.

    And she noticed two FRESHLY washed dishes. Would a dish look freshly washed from nine or ten the evening before?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,131 ✭✭✭chicorytip

    I was contradicting the opinion of the poster "Jim Wallace" who is of the belief that Bailey could not have killed Sophie, did not know or had even met her and whose behaviour, movements and physical appearance in the period between the discovery of the body and his arrest are suggestive of those of an innocent man. There is no conclusive evidence to back any of this up. The DPP can only form an opinion and report on the evidence presented to him and, in this case, the evidential gathering procedure was deeply flawed and carried out in an incompetent manner. Many of those who gave statements to the Gardai were clearly telling lies and both the chief suspect and his partner gave contradictory statements regarding his whereabouts and activities on the night/morning of Soohie's murder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Of course Jim is right. The DPP's job is to decide on whether to bring a prosecution, that will SUCCEED, based on evidence presented and quite clearly states that what was presented in this case had no chance.

    The DPP puts no importance on Bailey changing some details about his movements on the night as clearly, there are many people who would have no alibi and as the report says it is not the kind of detail one would be expected to remember. So much of the case being made would not have lasted 5 minutes in a murder trial but you and many others persist with this type of inconsequential hearsay, rumour and speculation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    The first article is from Irish Independent - Saturday 11 January 1997. Wasn't Bailey the source for the Independent? What's the date on that second article and what paper is it from?

    Isn't that Bailey's reporting for Paris Match you're reading? Ian supplied the French newspapers with information. He's the one who was reporting on a poker in the irish newspapers.

    There never was any poker missing. So I would suspect the quote from Josie is made up.

    Ian was well-known to make up quotes and falsely attribute facts to people.

    But here is Michael Sheridan in Death in December talking about the poker misinformation:

    And the best recent source is the West Cork podcast:

    "They would get a lead from Sophie's housekeeper that there was a small hatchet missing. It was usually kept by the back door and used to split firewood".

    Strangely, on 21 July 2003 The Independent were calling it a hatchet attack for some reason:

    Post edited by flopisit on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,365 ✭✭✭dublin49

    if Joe O Reilly had managed his phone better and been aware it could place him at the scene of his crime the DPP more than likely would not have proceeded with his case.All the anomalies and strange behaviour would have counted for nought.Dwyer may yet walk free as the incriminating phone evidence may yet be deemed inadmissible.In the eyes of the law both would be innocent men,such are the vagaries of the law,the DPP I would imagine regularly doesnt proceed with cases where the prime suspect is most likely guilty.The DPP casts a subjective judgement on the quality of the evidence not on the guilt of the potential defendant.Lots of cases the DPP allow to proceed are thrown out so their judgement is nothing more than a well informed opinion.Others like me don't accept your dismissal of a changed alibi as inconsequential,we do put store in the fact he was a very violent man ,self confessed stunned by his own actions,and we are swayed by the witnesses who contradict Bailey's version of events and we are also swayed by the mountainous anomalies attached to Bailey around the time of the murder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    You're not comparing like for like, as those two cases put the murderer at the scene. If Ian Bailey had changed his statement and said I remember now, I did get up and went out naked save for wellingtons and went wandering around the local area, it wouldn't have put him at the scene of the crime.

    It has been discussed recently how people throw out this idea that Bailey is a 'very' violent man and that his guilt about his temper proves this. It can be argued that his guilt proves he is not violent at all. People were shown pictures of his partner with a bandaged eye and were assured that this was a very violent person, with an implication that he was capable of keeping up a sustained attack on someone much smaller than him. But subsequently we learned that the instances of violence were more like fights where the victim suggested that she might have initiated the fights. Domestic violence goes all the way from pushing and shoving between couples, through bullying of partners and children with punching and beating with implements up to attacks that end up with people dying. If Bailey is 'very' violent, what is someone who hospitalises partners and children with serious injuries, what is someone who kills partners and children?

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    The 'DPP report' wasn't even written by the DPP, it was written by a solicitor in the office, Robert Sheehan, who apparently missed out on an internal promotion to someone he felt was less qualified than him. There's more details about that in Michael Sheridan's book. The gardai received the report unsigned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    Ah ffs. He himself wrote in his diary that he made her feel that 'death was near'. In 2001 he was convicted of further violence and was caught in the airport apparently trying to flee the country. After another incident in the early 90s there was blood left on the wall near where they had been sleeping. Justifying serious domestic violence like this is just grotesque.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    You're post comes across as one sided and patronising..

    You attempt to make little of Bailey's domestic violent past, the suggestion that his partner may have instigated the fights is totally irrelevant even if it is true. The end result did not hold Bailey in a good light. To suggest that Jules may have been the catalyst to her beatings is beyond comprehension.

    The posters who believe that Bailey may have something to do with the murder of STDP, pin a lot of their supposition on Bailey's propensity for violence towards the opposite sex. Like it or not, it wasn't once or twice this occurred, and the photo's are all over the internet for all to see.

    To compare Bailey's violent past against someone who kills their partners and children is cringeworthy too be frank.

    Are you stating that Bailey is really small fry compared to some of the bigger cases of domestic violence out there..?? Should we be thankful for that?? That's how your post come across.

    Posts like this one of yours, does nothing to help Ian Bailey. Anybody reading it would assume you are totally blinded by your devotion to Ian Bailey.

    You attack and condemn anybody that doesn't agree with you.. Try listening to their opinions, offer supporting evidence to enlighten them to the contrary.

    Who knows.. You might stop falling out with half the forum...?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,365 ✭✭✭dublin49

     Mamboozle: Domestic violence goes all the way from pushing and shoving between couples, through bullying of partners and children with punching and beating with implements up to attacks that end up with people dying. If Bailey is 'very' violent, what is someone who hospitalises partners and children with serious injuries, what is someone who kills partners and children?

    Bailey did hospitalise his partner with serious injuries,so he is in the 2nd worse category on your own spectrum .

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If Bailey is 'very' violent, what is someone who hospitalises partners and children with serious injuries,

    Bailley is very violent and did hospitalise Jules. Just because there may be someone more violent does not mean Bailey is not very violent. He assaulted Jules three times. Pushing and shoving between partners is nonsense in relation to IB JT. Bailey is seriously violent. I expect JT minimised it because she wanted to spare him

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    You are blinding yourselves to something that was initially used as the basis of making Bailey a 'good suspect', by people who were prepared to exaggerate a lot of things about Bailey(things like Detective Dwyer continuing to say that Bailey's arms were destroyed with scratches when they clearly weren't). His victim said in court that there was a "vast exaggeration" around the circumstances of the assaults/fights but somehow this is not enough for you and you prefer to patronise her and suggest she doesn't understand or is maybe trying to protect him. But the real problem I have with the exaggeration was that it was sustained by people who were far more concerned with getting their suspect convicted by public opinion and had to have known that the case they were making against Bailey was far too weak to get a murder conviction. However unpleasant people find Bailey this should have had nothing to do with the investigation, which went in a direction that was bound to leave us where we still are. There is a justified suspicion that this was a deliberate policy. Murders happen all the time, but to suggest that the first thing to be done is to go after people in the local area who have a proven propensity for violence would be decried as ridiculous. The glaring problem here is that the someone did get away with murder while the Guards led us all on a wild goose chase.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Go and look up the victims recollection of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    Ian Bailey in The Big Issue: "I wrote occasional articles for the Cork Examiner and Southern Star, specializing on doing profiles of famous musicians - Ronnie Drew, Hothouse Flowers, etc... In late 1996, I returned to full time self employment as a freelance reporter... I circulated my details and CV to a number of Irish papers and received positive responses from a number including The Sunday Tribune... By the end of 1996 my career as a journalist was flourishing. I had regular work coming in from daily and Sunday newspapers..."

    In The Kev Show interview in 2021, Ian says: "So my idea was this, I would pursue my journalistic career, I was writing articles for The Examiner and the Southern Star... on music, music, musicians that were coming down, that was one of my specialities, I wrote about Ronnie drew and oh a number of them over the years... sometimes The Hothouse Flowers... but that was later on, back in 1995 that was... I was always doing pieces and... eventually I went back to, in effect, to full time self employed journalism in 1996 and I was writing away, no shortage of stories, and then just before Christmas in 1996 [the murder happened]."

    The following is Ian Bailey's entire publication history in Ireland between 1991 and 1996, prior to the murder:

    The Southern Star 27 Aug 1994 - "Paddy spearheads West Cork's New Record Label" - Eoin Bailey

    The Southern Star 02 Nov 1996 - "Schull Priest Ties 95 Knots" - Eoin Bailey

    The Southern Star 02 Nov 1996 - "The Ronnie Drew show pulled into West Cork" - Eoin O'Baille

    The Southern Star 16 Nov 1996 - "Michael Collins Premiere" - Eoin Bailey

    The Southern Star 28 Dec 1996 - "Hot House Flowers Bloom Again in Leap" - Eoin Bailey

    (And then there is the "Cyberpub" article he allegedly wrote on the night of the murder, which was published in the SUnday Tribune on the 29th.)

    From the Sunday Independent dated 16 Mar 1997: "Eoin Bailey who in his former life was called Ian [says] "I haven't been able to work since this thing happened"... referring to their arrest by gardai."

    Well, he wasn't able to work BEFORE this thing happened either... He has spent 25 years lamenting the loss of a journalism career that never existed.

    Post edited by flopisit on

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    But this is typical of the kind of twisted logic that there is here, you make a pronouncement of something as being fact and dismiss the judgement of the only person being in a position to know because you just know

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,365 ✭✭✭dublin49

    Mamboozle " Murders happen all the time, but to suggest that the first thing to be done is to go after people in the local area who have a proven propensity for violence would be decried as ridiculous. "

    eh no,it would not be decried as ridiculous,just as if a child was abducted in a small rural community any known local sex offenders would be top of the suspects list so it goes that a good place to start any investigation of a violent crime against a woman is locals with a history of committing a similiar crime,I can see why its so important to you to try and paint Ian's known violent acts as somehow different in nature to other violent acts against women but you really are stretching there.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    you are the twisted logic king trying to rationalise violence as pushing and shoving. You do not know JT did not minimise it

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