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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭kerry_man15

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,464 ✭✭✭FishOnABike

    The 'main' road is a typical West Cork mountainy R road. It's a sunken boreen, with ditches on each side and taking the lowest ground between rocky outcrops of hills. Using Google Street view along its length, the houses don't appear to be visible from anywhere along the 'main' road. You would have to drive most of the way up the cul de sac before any of houses are visible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    You're taking the word of someone who told us a week ago that Jules is the one who beat up and assaulted Bailey. LOL

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Still bitter about me pointing out your naivety in relation to cops planting evidence?

    Show us any point on a map where you think it's possible to see Alfie's house? Or maybe change the subject as is your wont.

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    Would you include the head cut as "sorted"? And the stick story conflicts the turkey story... How is that "sorted"?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    Pay attention folks!! The trolls would discuss the scratches all day every day if they could.

    They have no interest in the implications of the present investigation taking place in France.

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    Any new developments/leads/info are of course most welcome to solve this tragedy and bring the culprit to justice.

    That accepted, surely one can query how a conflicting stick & turkey story along with their respective timings has been "sorted" ?

    Surely that's not an outrageous query?

    I believe accusations of trolling are against the charter so you'd want to refrain from that I imagine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    It's well and truly sorted at this stage... Totally buried even.

    People seen scratches, others seen no scratches, the guards knew this was going nowhere.

    The alibi of cutting down the top of a tree & killing turkeys sufficed as a reasonable explanation at the time..

    It's over 25yrs ago.. Do you think the scratch marks are going to make one jot of difference today if the case is re-investigated again??


    The scratches have no relevance anymore.. It's been debated a thousand times over... Logically, the alibi covered the markings. The Anti-Bailey brigade keep dragging it up to add substance to Baileys potential guilt.... And around we go again in circles.....

    The scratches - They're sorted, forget about them and move on..

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    There are people on twitter happy to tell us how they pray for Sophie and her family but then undermine their 'Christian' credentials by assuring us they want to see the sc*mbag Bailey rot in prison for the rest of his days. This is about someone who hasn't even been charged here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    No actual clarity on the conflict of stick v turkey cut on head so.

    Thanks for clarifying that's not "sorted" and either Jules or Ian were not telling the truth...

    What alibi covers Ian's claim a stick made the cut on his head the night Sophie was murdered? Ian doesn't have an alibi iirc for the period of interest. He wasn't in bed...nor was he in the same building as Jules... He has no alibi that can be verified

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  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    What the Bailey-minions have to do in order to claim there is no evidence against Ian Bailey is convince you that every witness is lying or mistaken and that the police have engaged in a wide ranging conspiracy and that Jules' statements while being questioned were fabricated. Once you accept all of that, then there is no evidence against Ian Bailey.... LOL

    Regarding the scratches evidence: If this case ever went to court, the prosecution would present witness statements showing Ian had scratches for days after the murder. The defense would then present Jules and her daughters Ginny and Saffi to counter that evidence. (provided Jules, Ginny and Saffi are still willing to testify).

    Allow me to explain something to those who seem to not understand how criminal investigations work:

    If I have scratches on my hands after a murder and I tell police I got those scratches from cutting down a tree, it does not negate the evidence that I have scratches on my hands. I have simply given my explanation for those scratches.

    Similarly, if I rape and murder a woman and my semen is found in her vagina and I tell the police "We had consensual sex earlier that night and someone else must have killed her" - That explanation does not negate the fact that my semen is in the vagina of a dead woman.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

    What a risible load of pompous bullsh*t. You obviously don't understand the part in the documentary where prejudicial evidence is spoken about. If the prosecution, in a highly unlikely scenario tried to present scratches as evidence of something, with maybe Detective Dwyer on the stand, he would be very quickly embarrassed at being asked if he was unsure whether he was in a pub or a court of law.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    with maybe Detective Dwyer on the stand

    Betraying your lack of knowledge. Why would Dwyer be on the stand? What would he testify about?

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    • Bailey doesn't need an alibi for not being in bed on the night of the murder...
    • He stated that he got up after about an hour in bed, and composed an article for the a paper. He could as easily have said he supped a bottle of whisky and passed out... It's up to him what he does in his residence, no alibi required here.
    • Instead of looking for alibi's for every blemish you think you see in a man's statement, how's about providing some evidence to the contrary..? Show supporting evidence that the stick, turkey, tree, wasn't the root cause of his cuts / scratches.
    • If you think Baily's marked hands are the bee all and end all of this case... You need to read the thread from the beginning. Plenty more likely suspects to consider before you come to Bailey. (A whole bunch more!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭mamboozle

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    Thats a daft viewpoint.

    Jules claims Ian said the head injury was from a stick, he allegedly said that after Sophie was murdered.

    He also claimed the same injury was from killing turkeys.

    There is clear bullsh1t going on there, I don't need to prove anything to point that out. referring (clearly) to a head scratch...not the hand/arm scratches. At least read my poksts prior to responding to them.

    You claimed the head scratch has been put to bed.. seemingly has not. Either Jules or Ian lied. That is 100% clear

    No alibi required for time of murder but "The alibi of cutting down the top of a tree & killing turkeys sufficed as a reasonable explanation at the time.."

    Ludicrous viewpoint...

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    Also....ive read the entire thread. One can read without being registered.

    So don't be jumping to conclusions

    You can be sure Ian is very much still a suspect so I'm sure he'd love an alibi for the night of the murder. Himself and/or Jules lieing doesn't help him one bit... Well actually it likely has 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    The onus is on the prosecution to provide the evidence.

    Your own view point is ridiculous, don't you see the holes in in??

    Are you pinning a murder on a bloke because he had a cut on his head? Really?? Is that it??

    Jules stated she didn't notice the cut on his forehead previously? Bailey states it was on his hairline, so his hair display of any given time could either reveal or conceal the cut... What's so hard to understand about that?

    I've often gone out for a meal with the Mrs & friends, only for them to praise her new hairstyle.. (never noticed it until pointed out to me)!

    You seem to be placing all your chips on the cuts and scratches.. He said this, she said that... Blah, blah, blah

    The cuts and scratches have been reasonably explained away... People make honest contradictions when being pressurised by the authorities..

    Jules probably didn't notice the cut on Bailey's forehead, so what?? Bailey states his hair was combed back (revealing the hairline and said cut) So what..?

    Neither are lying in their statements, its what they both believe to be true. Why do you think the DPP didn't entertain it?

    The cuts and scratches are dealt with. Time to move on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 839 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    This post encompasses a lot of the fog around the case against Bailey. All the tenuous, contrived and manufactured circumstantial "evidence" against him can only be regarded as significant if one adopts the starting point of "Bailey is guilty" From that fundamental belief, the scratches, the cynical attempts at black humour, the bonfire, the wife beating can be regarded as reinforcing that position.

    If one takes the opposite view, then the same principle applies. Only those factors which point to his innocence are regarded as relevant.

    The objective view, which accepts that he may be guilty and he may also be innocent should lead one to examine the evidence as presented and the facts as known. It seems to me that the DPP report on the evidence presented by the Gardai, is a good place to start. The report is logical and cohesive and critically evaluates each element of the case against Bailey. It concluded, quite correctly in my opinion, that the evidence was very weak and the prospect of convicting Bailey was remote.

    To my mind, if a link between Bailey and Sophie can be established, then the circumstantial evidence carries a little more weight. If a motive can be established then further credibility is added. A forensic link to the house, to the actual crime scene or to the victim would be a clincher. The Gardai were aware of the threadbare nature of the case, which is why the (now discredited) sighting on Kilfeada bridge was so important to was the only thing they could present as a link, thereby lending weight to the circumstantial stuff.

    But none of these has been established. No association with the victim , no motive, no link to the house/crime scene, no forensics. Prolonged debates about the minutiae of the circumstantial evidence will, unless something emerges, always run into this brick wall.

    To those who regard the circumstantial evidence as compelling is would ask this:

    Bailey didn't have an association with Sophie. Alfie Lyons did.

    Bailey had no motive, Alfie had been/was in dispute with her.

    There is no evidence Bailey was at the scene. Alfie definitely was.

    Bailey had scratches on his hand. Alfie's hand was bandaged.

    If the evidence pointing to IB is convincing, isn't there more evidence linking AL?

    Now, I don't think Alfie did it. But the evidence against him outweighs that against IB and the question must be, why was IB identified as chief suspect?

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    The poster above me doesn't know what he's talking about.

    As I said previously:

    A man is suspected of rape. His DNA is found inside the victim. He gives the reasonable explanation that he had a consensual sexual encounter with her. Does that deal with his DNA? Time to move on?

    DNA cases are not based on DNA alone. THey are backed up by circumstantial evidence. For example, in my hypothetical case, evidence that the rapist was not seen by anyone else having a relationship with the victim, scratches on his face/hands etc.

    No evidence in any case is done and dusted,,, time to move on. It exists. It would be presented if there was ever a charge in the future.

    What we have in Bailey's case is a circumstantial case that is missing a few bits. Police are hoping to fill in those bits with a cold case review.

    People are so used to watching fictional crime in TV and Movies that they think they know something about it. In actual fact, the majority of murder cases are not solved by DNA. Circumstantial cases are the norm. No one piece of evidence in a circumstantial case forms the smoking gun. It is the totality of the evidence.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    In almost every case where a murderer has cuts/injuries on his hands, he offers an explanation for the injuries.

    Famous example: OJ SImpson. He had a cut on his hand after the murder. His explanation was that he was so shocked when he heard about his ex-wife's murder that he broke a glass and cut his hand.

    Reasonably explained? Dealt with? Time to move on?

    Of course not.

    Evidence of the cut on OJ's hand was presented in court.

  • Registered Users Posts: 839 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    Its not just DNA flopsit.

    Its other forensics also. Fibres etc.

    And a great many cases are solved through DNA analysis. Often many after the crime.

    But my central point remains; There is nothing of substance ( yet, at least) linking Bailey to this crime. As demonstrated by the DPP report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,871 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    What on earth are you on about? "In almost every case" - citation needed.

    You mean they don't just come out and say fair cop guv, you got me red handed.

    OJ Simpson had means motive and opportunity.

    Did other witnesses see this cut BEFORE the murder?

    Was the cut consistent with the description provided by the suspect? Or was the cut consistent with the police theory of events?

    So it can be seen bringing OJ Simpson into this shows how far off the mark you are, you try to bring guilt by implication. Some other murderer had a cut. What nonsense.

    What about all the innocent people who offer up explanations? You seem to be aware of "almost every case" where the murderer had a cut, so please enlighten up on on all the contrary examples.

    Bailey's cuts have been reasonably explained. Its time to move on because you offer nothing in response to the reasonable explanation accepted by the DPP except weasel words.

    Bailey had no motive.

    There is no evidence linking Bailey to the crime scene.

    There is no witness putting Bailey at the crime scene.

    Instead all your offer are waffling rambles about the general nature of evidence, trying to throw up a smokescreen to the total lack of it actually incriminating Bailey. There is zero evidence implicating Bailey to the crime. The lack of an alibi is not positive proof of anything.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,131 ✭✭✭chicorytip

    An outsider visiting the area for the first time would have difficulty locating the DuPlantier home today let alone back in 1996. The killer was a local man living nearby - within a five kilometre radius, probably.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,871 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Statement totally without foundation. When you contrast its definitive tone with the evidence provided to support it i.e. none it's laughable.

    Lots of people found their way to their holiday homes.

    Anybody who had previously been to Sophie's or Alfie's could have given directions.

    "The killer was a local man living nearby", right. Because you know for 100% certainty? Utter nonsense.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    You just ignore Jules claims Bailey told her the morning after Sophie was murdered but before he or Jules knew about the murder that he cut his head on a stick ... But the story from him was always he cut it when killing turkeys.

    I don't know if the chap is innocent or guilty ... He's still a suspect though....I was querying how the issue above was hasn't been.

    "Neither are lying in their statements, its what they both believe to be true."

    So Ian telling Jules he cut his head on a stick but telling AGS etc he cut his head killing turkeys isn't a lie? He either lied to Jules or she is lying that he said it. Or the turkey story is lies. There's definitely lies.

    I'm not placing my chips anywhere. Jst querying how something was resolved as you claim it was. It seems it's not resolved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    I agree with you. There is no forensic evidence to suggest Bailey is involved in the crime.

    There is a lot of circumstantial evidence, but not nearly enough for him to be charged.

    Could the killer be someone else entirely? Of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,131 ✭✭✭chicorytip

    Well, let's say on the balance of probability the killer was a long time resident of West Cork with detailed knowledge of Dreenane Toormore and it's few inhabitants rather than,say, some random foreign hitman,burglar or chancer. Which of those is the more likely scenario?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,926 ✭✭✭Andrea B.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,871 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Bailey didn't cut himself on a 'stick'. Do you expect Jules to have done a forensic study on Ian after a day cutting down christmas trees and killing turkeys to match up each mark to a particular incident? You seem very certain of 'lies' for someone so uncertain of details.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

This discussion has been closed.