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Rose Of Tralee now accepting trans applicants (Threadbanned List in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    "Someone with breasts, a vagina, no facial hair, x chromosomes, a rounded body but no ovaries is a women as they do not have facial hair, a penis, testicles, sperm, and a leaner body. "

    Has to be the biggest load of absolute sexist bunkum I have read in many a year.

    Laydees are round, and soft, with bosom's, and smooth skin like silk and mens are lean (tall? hairy? flat chested?) and apparently that is that. Every single human being must conform to a 1950s casting call stereotype - no deviation permitted.

    Well, that will come as a surprise to the lean women, the rounded men, the hairy faced female (there goes the hair removal industry), the hairless men.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,757 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    What test? That’s not a test, it’s nothing more than you giving your opinion, which nobody is required to pay any heed to.

    Swear we were children the way you go on with your “take the test” nonsense, grow up for goodness sake 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    No one said anything about being soft and having smooth like skin other than you. Rounded refers to a person's pelvis, which are shaped differently between men and women, as men cannot give birth. I see we're still going for the undermining of basic science tactic, now trying to suggest that sex differences are 'sexist'. Someone best tell mother nature. Anything to say re the chromosomal part of the definition, sexist too?

    Here's a simple introduction to the differences between male and female pelvis structure:

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    Can you give a 'sociological' definition of what a man/women is that isn't circular or based in stereotype, even one that isn't circular?

    It's not an opinion, it's a question that is asked and never answered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    I already quoted a given definition of drag queens viz

    "A drag queen is a person, usually male, who uses drag clothing and makeup to imitate and often exaggerate female gender signifiers and gender roles for entertainment purposes. In modern times, drag queens are associated with gay men and gay culture, but they can be of any gender and sexual identity."

    You wish to note that first. Secondly none of that stops a person who is a drag queen rag identifying as a "woman" for any period of time either independently or for the purpose of the RoT

    Or are you suggesting that the new RoT criteria that "Anyone who identifies as woman" is eligible to enter the competition is wrong? Or that it should be now restricted to only biological females and "transwomen"?

    If so why?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    The point is that the competition is now open to anyone who identities as a woman

    The RoT has simply declared the competition open to anyone deciding they want to identify as a "woman"and yes that could include drag queens etc.

    I don't believe the RoT have defined that you must belong to a "quota" to qualify either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Given we are discussing people who are Transgender - not transbiology - taking part in the RoT frankly biology is as relevant as chromosomes - which is to say not even slightly.

    Not one person has claimed biology can be completely disregarded - people are saying "Mother Nature" (your term) f'ed up and the biology got it wrong. People are saying GENDER AND BIOLOGY ARE NOT THE SAME THING. Apologies for shouting but this has been said many many times now. In the vast majority of people they align. These people are 'cis', in a minority of people they do not align - some of these people are biologically opposite to the gender they believe (apologies to trans people for the clunky terms that don't really fully explain it) and so they 'identify' as that 'opposite' i.e they are 'trans gender'.

    If biology and gender always aligned there would be no such thing as transgender - but they don't. And this has been recognised for hundreds of years across diverse cultures. Some people are not the gender their biological body would 'say' they are. They are in the wrong bloody biological body. That is the blasted issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    You argue for the rights of people to determine their own gender. That be as it may.

    It's odd however that you then you chose to impose the relatively recent phrase "cisgender" upon another group of people which clearly negates the rights of others to determine their own identity.

    I would suggest that if you don't understand the difference between someone adopting an identity and imposing one on others you should have a think.

    If you do but are trying to impose your definition on someoneone else's then that is extremely disrespectful.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    It would include drag queens only if they identify as female, which of course, they don't all do.

    Do you have an issue with drag queens?

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    Not one person has claimed biology can be completely disregarded - people are saying "Mother Nature" (your term) f'ed up and the biology got it wrong. People are saying GENDER AND BIOLOGY ARE NOT THE SAME THING. Apologies for shouting but this has been said many many times now.

    No need to apologise. And sure, gender is a social construct, or has an element of it anyway and as such is not completely biological.

    These people are 'cis', in a minority of people they do not align - some of these people are biologically opposite to the gender they believe (apologies to trans people for the clunky terms that don't really fully explain it) and so they 'identify' as that 'opposite' i.e they are 'trans gender'.

    But is it not the case that they identify as the opposite sex, not gender per se? As you say below, the issue is that they are in the wrong body.

    If biology and gender always aligned there would be no such thing as transgender - but they don't. And this has been recognised for hundreds of years across diverse cultures. Some people are not the gender their biological body would 'say' they are. They are in the wrong bloody biological body. That is the blasted issue.

    And again I don't disagree. What I do disagree with is the claim that trans-women are women. The term women/man are biological terms (adult human female/male)*, the term cis-women and trans-women, as you have pointed out, are not. The first feel and/or sense that they are the gender that their biology suggests, the second do not, as you have also said. Unfortunately, how one feels/sense/identifies as does not unsurp their biology. And that is why I cannot accept the claim that transwomen/men are women/men, as it is scientifically incorrect. I have no problem with one being allowed to legally identify as the opposite sex, with the caveats that I previously mentioned, but I will not accept that this makes one that actual sex. This is what the claim trans-women/men are women/men is saying.

    As I see it, suggesting this is the case essentially erases the complications that trans-people feel, as the whole issue is that a female feel/senses that they are male and vice versa. Saying a transman is a man is akin to saying he is a male, even though they are female. Now, unfortunately, I may be banned for saying all of the above, but I hope it clears up the issue that I have. It is not based in transphobia or any under lying hatred or distaste for tanspeople. :)

    *This is why people with your beliefs are oft asked to give a different definition of the term women (in most cases), as it is a term that is biological in nature (female), and why I have asked for a sociological definition.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,757 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    No I can’t, and neither can you, nor can anyone, because of the simple fact that ANY definition, doesn’t matter whether it’s biological or sociological or anything else, will exclude anyone who does not conform to how the person attempting to suggest their definition is the only one which everyone should accept, is exclusionary in one way or another.

    It’s the fundamental basis of classification - sorting people according to observed characteristics! That’s why I pointed out that your “test”, is nothing more than your opinion, which nobody is obligated to pay any heed to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    Yes, definitions will exclude, that is the point of definitions. And since you agree that a sociological definition of women cannot be given it will remain a term rooted in biology.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    No do you?

    Let me quote the given definition again that you missed.

    "A drag queen is a person, usually male, who uses drag clothing and makeup to imitate and often exaggerate female gender signifiers and gender roles for entertainment purposes. In modern times, drag queens are associated with gay men and gay culture, but *they can be of any gender and sexual identity"*

    "THE Rose of Tralee has announced that the event will now "welcome" anyone who identifies as a woman"

    Afaik they haven't given that qualification a time limit

    So as such where dragqueens qualify for the RoT - why do you wish to exclude them?

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I don't. If they identify as female then they can enter. If they don't, then they cannot. It's the same for anyone. If they identify as female, they can enter.

    I don't see a problem

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,757 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Ehh, getting ahead of yourself there. You didn’t put forward the argument that a sociological definition of woman couldn’t be given. You wanted a definition that was suited to your terms, which you called your test, and tried to goad anyone into taking YOUR test. All I did was point out the glaring flaw in your argument.

    The term woman, and what woman refers to, was never, and has never been rooted in biology. It was rooted in mens expectations of women. Women at the time when the classification was conceived were considered the property of men, with no distinct rights of their own, because they were not recognised in law.

    It’s law which governs rights and freedom from discrimination, not biology, so if you wish to argue what rights anyone is or isn’t entitled to, you would have to confine your arguments within the bounds of law. Not biology, but law.

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    No idea what you are going on about. A women is defined as an adult human female, a man is is an adult human male. Not sure what 'mens (sic) expectations of women' has to do with those definitions.

    'You didn’t put forward the argument that a sociological definition of woman couldn’t be given.'

    So give one then, bearing in mind that a definition cannot contain the word being defined... by definition!

    It’s law which governs rights and freedom from discrimination, not biology, so if you wish to argue what rights anyone is or isn’t entitled to, you would have to confine your arguments within the bounds of law. Not biology, but law.

    I'm not arguing against for or against rights, I am arguing about how things exist in nature. I've no problem with the Rose of Tralee allowing anyone male or female entering their competition as there are, as far as I can see, no negative societal consequences to such a decision.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Drag Queens as a collective group have zero to do with the Rose of Tralee.

    Only possible reason to introduce them to the topic is to drag the thread down another rabbit hole.

    What next - shall we discuss Drag Kings who are cis ( a short- hand term for 'people whose gender aligns with their biological sex' which is far easier to write then 'people whose gender aligns with their biological sex' but still some people, usually those 'people whose gender aligns with their biological sex' get their gender specific underwear in a twist about it) entering in full male drag?

    We already have had a poster who believes trans men should be allowed to enter (because they are biologically women) so the idea of a Rose with a beard and a trouser bulge has already been approved by someone who is gender critical.

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    I can identify as male, and be a female. I can identify as male and get a gender recognition cert anyway in order to compete, as such identify as male yet be legally a women. No transition is required.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,996 ✭✭✭✭gozunda

    I would strongly disagree that as a group - they have nothing to do with the RoT.

    "Anyone who identifies as a woman" is eligible to enter the RoT competition and yes that will include those with "trouser bulge"

    And that's no rabbit hole. Its an open invitation.

    If you have an issue with that then probably best leave it with you.

    And whilst "cis" while may be described by some as a "short hand term" - it is infact a controversial and relatively recently made up description attributed to others.

    And whilst I'd agree sure some are getting their "gender specific" or maybe even gender fluid underwear in a twist over the RoT - people have a right universally to their own identity and not one foisted upon them by others.

    Strange you don't seem to agree about that. But no matter.

    Post edited by gozunda on

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,757 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    You’re not arguing things as they exist in nature at all, you’re arguing words as they exist in a dictionary! 🙄

    It’s precisely for this reason that your attempt to limit the definition of anything to what suits you runs into the same problem as it always will, and that is simply that your definition isn’t shared by everyone. Everyone has the same authority as you do to define language however they see fit.

    I’m sure you understand what colloquialisms are, and that people generally don’t go running to a dictionary which is nothing more than a collection of known words and their meanings, in order to convey their opinions and make themselves understood. It’s a useful function of language, as opposed to trying to use obscure terms which are intended to mislead and belittle people, such as “biological woman”.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,275 ✭✭✭km991148

    I'm assuming you were born male and call yourself a man? I think you said that already?

    Assuming so then as soon as you apply for the cert or call yourself a woman then surely that's a transition?

    But I know you are just throwing out hypothetical scenarios and in reality is not going to happen. This is not something people do for fun, that's the reality.

    If I am mistaken regarding your transition, then I apologise and like I say, good luck with the competition!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    If so really think it is that easy off you go.

    Starting tomorrow present to the world as the 'opposite' gender to the one your biology apparently insist you are.

    I have to say, as a cis woman who does not conform to gender stereotypes, it is much easier (tho still at times unpleasant and/or dangerous) to 'pass' as male. Getting the cert - few hoops to jump through there so let us know how you are getting on. I do hope the fact that you will have to make a legal declaration won't put you off. Sure what is a bit of lying under oath when you have a point to make.

    Pull this off and I promise I will watch and support you in the RoT

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    Yes it is a useful function of language to be able to define things, in fact is hard to proceed otherwise. I see you have still not tried to give any definition as to what you mean when you refer to a women/man in a sociological sense.

    And I am indeed arguing how things exist in nature. Observing nature is one of the fundamentals behind science, we have done so, and seen that there are, across the animal kingdon, two sexes. We have then been able to observe these differences and give precise definitions to what has been observed, including for humans. These resulting definitions do not 'suit me', I'm simply able to accept how things are and what it is that we have observed.

    Everyone has the same authority as you do to define language however they see fit.

    Sure, but what isn't very useful is when these people, all of them, never explain to anyone else what these new definitions are. So, will you? You could decide re-define the word dog, if you liked, as a 'person's regular female companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship with', but unless you inform people of this new definition, that is not the one used by anyone else, people will assume you are referring to you know, your dog, which could of course lead to some strange and potentially awkward situations.

    'I can't wait to make love to my dog later'

    'I'm going for a romantic meal later with my dog'

    'My dog has gone away with all her dogs'

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    I'm literally filling out the forms as we speak!

    No, ofcourse it is a hypothetical. But it still could be done, which is why when I state the competition is now open to men, women, males and females, I am correct. Ofcourse, it's highly unlikely any man is going to pretend to identify as a women just to enter, unless for some shite political stunt which would be roundly derided I suspect.

    Assuming so then as soon as you apply for the cert or call yourself a woman then surely that's a transition?

    I wouldn't have to call myself a women, I could change nothing in one sense but be legally a women and as such able to enter. I could request male pronouns be used, keep my current name that is seen as a masculine name, dress the same etc etc. So in a sense, yes there would be a legal transition I guess, but usually when you think of transition with regards to this topic it refers to a sex change. But I think this discussion is rather pointless so I'll leave this here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    Pull this off and I promise I will watch and support you in the RoT

    Don't tempt me Bannasidhe! 😅

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    The competition is NOT open to men.

    The competition is open to women - both those who were born biologically female who also identify as women, and those who were born biologically male but identify as women.

    You are trying to claim the latter can be men who for the craic 'identify' as a whim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,757 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Jesus Christ you must really struggle with “The Rose of Tralee” 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    One can identify as anything they please. It is open to anyone with a GRC that legally identifies them as a women. This includes men who identify as men (read: not a trans-person) who have , for whatever reason, decided to obtain a GRC. Is this likely to happen? No, but it is still possible, and as such the RoT is open to both men and women.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

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  • Registered Users Posts: 464 ✭✭The Quintessence Model

    No definition forthcoming. We'll leave it there so.
