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Covid vaccines - thread banned users in First Post



  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 7,401 Mod ✭✭✭✭pleasant Co.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 41,605 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    Unfortunately kids dont exist as a separate stand alone section of society. They interact with pretty much every other age group in familial situations.

    Plus due to schooling, they interact with each other physically than pretty much every other age group.

    So we have this group of society who are basically a petri dish.... And who interact with every other age group.

    So if this age group, due to being unvaccinated, are especially at risk of being a super spreader group, then doesn't it make sense to vaccinate them to reduce the risk of spread to more vulnerable groups?

    Now notice above the thing I didn't say :

    1. I didn't say the vaccine stops the spread of the virus, it doesn't, but it significantly reduces it due to the lengthy of time a covid positive person is transmissible.

    So if you look at children as a specific separate homogeneous grouping, the argument for question the benefit of the vaccine to them is increased as "Shure they don't get very sick from the virus".... (even though that's not correct for every case, and it misses the point that the vaccine reduces the possibility of severe illness)

    However children aren't a separate homogeneous group, they are holistic part of the society as a whole.

    So to the question of whether the vaccine in children benefits society as a whole, the answer is a definite yes.

    Personally I fully understand why parents might have a hesitance in getting their child vaccinated, it's easy to make a decision your own behalf, much harder to make it for someone else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

    And once again you are putting words into my mouth. I never said I disagreed with those doctors you mention.

    It's exhausting trying to make a point without you and others inferring something else.

    I am simply calling for greater debate in the basis that:

    There are some (a minority admittedly) that disagree with child vaccination. Qualified & educated.

    The majority are not always right particularly in unprecedented times when mistakes have been made in the past by the majority.

    I don't always believe pharmaceutical companies are as ethical as we would like them to be. Why is that? Well the opiate epidemic in the US is just one small example of their questionable promotion of medications.

    Another is unethical medical trials in this country within my lifetime (I'm 49 admittedly) on children in mother & baby homes.

    Another is pharmaceutical companies have enjoyed fines of up to $3billion in the past for misleading research.

    It's enough for me to question if it's right for me to stick a needle into to my 5 year olds arm for something I believe has not be trialled comprehensively enough and that he may not actually need based on risk vs reward.

    As I've already said, repeatedly, I'd like to see more debate about it.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,605 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    And........ The mask slips.......

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    But notice how you've not actually addressed my questions.

    Do you believe there is an ulterior motive in doctors and medical organisations stating that child vaccinations are safe and effective?

    It's a yes or no answer.

    Do you believe there is an ulterior motive for why there "isn't debate" on the matter?

    If the answer to these questions is no, why would you want to discuss this topic in a conspiracy theory forum and not the other places that have been pointed out to you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,996 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    If someone genuinely wants to debate/seek information about vaccines they would likely be on the medical/health forum or related.

    If they are on a conspiracy forum, well, more often than not they are an anti-vaxxer either being direct about it, or masking it under a veil of "I'm just concerned about X". And this thread is straight-up anti-vaxx central.

    Also if I was genuinely concerned about vaccines in children (who've been receiving vaccines for decades) then I'd be going to a reputable sources

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,996 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Vaccinated women potentially pass Covid antibodies to their infants

    If this is all a conspiracy theory, it's turning out to be a beneficial one

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

    I don't think doctors have an ulterior motive. No.

    Did they have an ulterior motive in the States when freely prescribing Oxycodone? I don't know.

    I do wonder why there seems to be what I consider you be imbalance in the Covid debate in general, not just about child vaccines. As a small example, last night we were treated to Anthony Staines from ISAG with his latest opinion as the lead story on Today FM news. I believe the media are biased. Perhaps I've read too much into the views of Chomsky & Herman on this point but I've always been one to question things. Just question it, not deny it outright.

    If you are so sure medicine, the media & science are completely right this time. Why have they been wrong in the past?

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol. Where did I say "medicine, the media & science are completely right this time"?

    You were whinging a few posts ago about people assign arguments to you that you didn't make. It's very hypocritical for you to engage that in that same misrepresentation.

    And again you've ignored questions put to you.

    Do you believe there is an ulterior motive for why there "isn't debate" on the matter?

    Yes or no?

    If the answer to these questions is no, why would you want to discuss this topic in a conspiracy theory forum and not the other places that have been pointed out to you?

    Again, you keep saying that you aren't an anti vaxxer, but you keep behaving like one. Ignoring questions and misrepresentation is a very common tactic used by them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,996 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    There are plenty of Covid and vaccine threads on other forums on boards

    This is the conspiracy theory one, Big PhArmA, MSM, "science", etc. Conspiracy theorists are often anti-vaxx.

    Is there a conspiracy you believe is going on? If yes, what is it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

    I believe the media are biased and only promote the narrative given to them by government and subscribers, so I guess that's an ulterior motive yes. They are biased.

    I was referring to another posters reply in relation to the comment about medicine etc being right this time. You'll have to forgive me but there's a bit of a tag team thing going on here with regard to replies.

    As for debating this on a conspiracy theory forum that is the precise point I was making from the start. I asked why a thread innocently entitled "Vaccine Safety" is filed under "Conspiracy Theories". It was explained that there were some wild arguments in there and it was moved there.

    Are there not similarly "wild" or conspiratorial arguments made in the other general Coronavirus threads as well?

    My OP, once again, was questioning why what I believe is an important debate is housed away under the moniker of conspiracy.

    Yes I could start a new thread or debate it in a main Coronavirus thread but I thought an existing debate about vaccine safety, particularly for kids, might be more mainstream.

    I'm not anti-vax. If I say it a 3rd time will you accept that? I'm vaccinated, not boosted. I'm anticipating you'll ask why? Because I had a bad reaction to the AZ vaccine. Was it definitely vaccine related? I don't know I'll never know. There could be 2 other causes. But it was such an unpleasant and still persisting reaction that I held off on the booster until I could see a specialist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

    Possibly bad science and money. The latter being the root of almost all mistakes and misjudgements that are made.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Ok. So you're suggesting that there is a conspiracy.

    That makes you a conspiracy theorist I fear.

    Why do you believe that the governments are trying to push an agenda to get children vaccinated with a dangerous and ineffective vaccine?

    How did they manage to trick doctors and medical organisations into this when you've admitted that they aren't involved in this conspiracy?

    And no, sorry I don't believe your claims about having adverse effects or "not being anti vaxx".

    Claiming unverifiable personal experience with the vaccine is also a very common tactic of anti vaxxers.

    If you want to just have a serious discussion about the safety of the vaccine, you've been pointed to several places were you can do so.

    However, they will not tolerate your conspiracy theory that the media are being controlled to push the vaccines. Because that is a silly conspiracy theory with no place in serious adult discussions.

    I think this is the true reason you are posting here and not in those places.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I've listed multiple threads on the COVID forum that discuss children, side effects etc. The difference with this forum is people invent a new theory every ten seconds or so and engage in constant disinformation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

    I'm not calling it a conspiracy. You and others are.

    I am simply saying the media are biased. If that's a conspiracy then Noam Chomsky must be wearing great big tin foil hat as well.

    And again, I never ever ever said the vaccine is dangerous & ineffective. Please stop misquoting me. I simply said I'm still not convinced of its efficacy or safety in kids. If you can't understand the difference in those 2 stances then that's your problem.

    And if you still think I'm anti vax or that I may (I repeat may) have had an adverse reaction, then there is little else to debate with you because you are incapable of accepting what I write. Is that ignorance or paranoia or what is it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,996 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Okay, and do you have details of this regarding Covid vaccines for children?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Ok. So if it isn't a conspiracy, why is the media biased towards the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines?

    Why do you believe that the government is trying to push vaccinations to kids that could be potentially dangerous and ineffective?

    Not sure why I've had to ask you this 3 times to get a straight answer.

    And yes, I still think you are anti vax and making things up about your personal experience.

    I will accept what you write as long as it's stuff that you can back up with evidence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

    You clearly know I don't in relation to covid vaccines for kids. I'd be dead or very famous if I did!

    My point, which I believe I've made numerous times before, is that I'd like more debate around this.

    But there is evidence of bad science & money in relation to other pharma products so it's not a conspiracy to say it could be an issue this time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

    Do you want me to send you the ECG of my arrhythmia?

    And I've already answered the other question. I never said the vaccine is dangerous & ineffective and the government are therefore pushing an ineffective & dangerous vaccine. My view is that it needs more debate.

    I could turn that question around, why are some other governments NOT pushing the vaccine for the same cohort then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 858 ✭✭✭jolivmmx

    and the risk of death from a blood clot with the pill is way higher!

    also, your risk of blood clot is much higher with a Covid infection itself.

    little stat for the anti-vaxxers. If you develop Covid, 1/3 will develop long Covid (1 or more symptoms more than 12 weeks). Of these, 1/3 report that it has a significant impact on their lives. Covid vaccines reduce this risk of long Covid by 50% and may reduce the symptoms for those with long-Covid. I would be much more worried about a 1/9 risk without the vaccine, than a 1/100,000 risk (and the risk is lower than from an infection itself)

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Nope. You can't provide any evidence I think will convince me. Again many many anti-vaxxers have claimed to have had bad personal experience.

    Personal experience you can't verify doesn't have any place in any debate on the topic.

    You haven't answered my questions, you are dodging them by nitpicking and whinging about the wording.

    Why do you believe that the governments are pushing vaccines?

    Simple question, you keep dodging it.

    I believe they are pushing it because the majority of doctors and medical organisations have shown that they are safe and beneficial for kids.

    I cannot think of any other reason why they would be doing so if there was good reason to think that they were not safe and beneficial.

    Your vague claims of big pharma money do not hold much weight because they are so vague, nor could they explain why doctors would support the vaccines when you've accepted that they aren't supporting the vaccines for ulterior motives.

    As for why some other countries aren't pushing the vaccines as much as others, there could be a great number of reasons, such as their differing infrastructure, different progress in vaccination, differing views about public trust and opinion.

    Which of the governments you are referring to are not pushing because of safety concerns? Please list them and show where they have stated this.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,605 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    The Irish government is not PUSHING the vaccine on kids at all.

    They specifically say "Getting your child vaccinated is a decision between you and your child."

    That's a reply to all who are saying they are pushing it

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,996 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    What do you mean by "this"?

    Vaccines in general?

    Vaccines in general have a very good record. Of course, there have been some issues, but looking at them in context, they are isolated rather than systematic. Likewise there have been millions of medical treatments and products, out of all of those there were obviously incidents where treatments/products had issues. Whether for negligence, fraud, research issues, etc. But the vast majority have been safe.

    Again, I'm not sure how this is conspiracy related?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭SmithsFan

    The government believe they are safe, hence they are promoting them.

    Yes Pandemrix. Did they not also believe Pandemrix was safe or were those compensation sums awarded in court my imagination?

    I'd prefer the more cautious approach of somewhere like Norway or Sweden where I believe (happy to be proven wrong) they aren't vaccinating kids under 12 without underlying conditions. I reckon their infrastructure is as good if not better than ours if it came to vaccinating kids.

    You do also realise you are calling me a liar regarding the fact that you don't believe I have an arrhythmia and am waiting to see a specialist, in May as it happens? If I was an anti vaxxer would I not exclusively be blaming this on the vaccine and not being simply quizzical about it being a potential cause and therefore hesitant about getting a booster shot? Do you realise how childish or paranoid that makes you look?

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,097 Mod ✭✭✭✭robinph

    My point, which I believe I've made numerous times before, is that I'd like more debate around this.

    Then you are posting in the wrong forum. This is the place for misunderstanding government stats, making claims about 5G and magnets or Bill Gates trying to kill us all off. If you genuinely want to debate some aspects of the vaccines programme then you need to post in one of the many other threads on the topic elsewhere on the site.

    Just you'll get bumped back here if what you are posting about ends up being about some conspiracy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,678 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Come on, this is a blatant lie on your behalf. The data being released by Pfizer is around the trial data, which the FDA have been releasing (Pfizer don't control that data anymore), it's also got nothing at all to do with the ingredients.

    You should feel really bad in yourself for posting something that stupid.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Ok. So the government, the majority of doctors and medical organisations all agree that they are safe.

    As you've agreed, they aren't lying and involved in a conspiracy.

    So what you are calling a "bias" just seems to be that they aren't artificially propping up a debate where one side is not supported by evidence.

    And again, you keep ignoring questions. In Norway and Sweden, why aren't they pushing vaccines on kids? Please provide where they state that it is due to safety concerns.

    I notice that you also qualify your claim here. Are Norway and Sweden vaccinating some kids? If so, that kinda shoots your point in the foot, doesn't it?

    And yes, I don't believe you claim. I'm sorry this upsets you, but as I said, there's a lot of anti vaxxers who claim the same sort of thing.
