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M6 - Galway City Ring Road [planning decision pending]



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,141 ✭✭✭✭ben.schlomo

    Yes, you've said all that numerous times before, we all know your personal circumstances. How big were you planning the family to be if there wasn't enough room in an entire county for it?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No, that was on the “Galway Traffic” thread in Regional>Galway forum, which has also devolved into the usual edition of “alternative commuting manifesto & gazzete” that discussing the ringroads gets dragged into by green activists. We are in the Infrastructure forum where it is a more general matter.

    I bring my circumstances up A: to negate the tendency to think of this as a pencil pushing exercise beloved of politicos where no one gets hurt, and B: to underline that for the anti road lobby’s aims to be met, more drastic actions such as car ownership licencing & population control would be needed.

    My reply to this question of yours is not for polite conversation, nor would be any opinion of you I had for asking it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 OpinionN

    You're referring to me as a "MAGAist" for saying "many people in the Infrastructure forum are uncomfortable with this road" as though I'm proposing some wild theory and unwilling to back up what I'm saying.

    My proof that "many people in the Infrastructure forum are uncomfortable with this road" is the fact that they're posting about it. Loads of them. In this thread. You have even been arguing with them. Those people "against the road" all been saying variations of "sustainable transport first". I don't think I'm making some kind of dubious claims, in saying that?

    Apologies to all, nobody needs to read this rubbish, but I couldn't help myself in replying. I'll show more restraint in future.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Sources lad, sources. 

    You want sources? Sure, there's loads, many have been posted here in this very thread and others over the years. Feel free to go through any number of them. They've been done all over the world and the result is always the same i.e. there has never been an instance where more roads has fixed congestion with congestion always getting worse.

    There is also Reduced demand (the inverse effect also known as disappearing traffic, traffic evaporation, traffic suppression or dissuaded demand ) where if roads are removed, or private car access is restricted, congestion improves as it results in dissuaded demand where people turn to more efficient or convenient modes. There have also been numerous studies done on this too, again, feel free to have a look at any of then.

    All of these studies, from all over the world, all say the same thing, if you build more roads, you get more congestion.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Well, if we're playing duelling google searches,

    This should be my set of articles that say the same thing (more roads = more activity), but in different terms. Apologies for the lack if finnesse, I’m on a mobile.

    And to the user saying “you can see that many people are angry because you have been arguing with them.”, I could drop into a Fox News comment section and start dissing Trump. I can guarantee I will meet the same reaction. Do you think that changes whether they are right or wrong? Different flag, same red mist on the eyes. Politicos gonna politico.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Indeed, one of the major criticisms of the M6 is that its design is, in a large part, to allow for land further from the city to be opened up for development, further locking in car dependence

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    And as a result of that land not being opened up, I am emigrating.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Well whatever about me, what about anyone else? for who should this option be for? How many must we dissuade from polluting rural Ireland? How do we get them into the estates & apartments far from what they, in their wanton extravagance, consider to be their “home”?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,141 ✭✭✭✭ben.schlomo

    What others are out there who are putting off having families in Galway due to a ring road being built or not. I've certainly not heard of any.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,074 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Wherever you end up, keep an eye out for the far more stringent control on rural one-off housing, cos it'll be there.

    Did you ever take a drive through rural England? Ever notice what is missing? An almost total lack of individually built one-off housing fronting the road, any newer than c. 1900 and not connected to a farm or other on-site enterprise.

    It's an absolute mystery where England houses its 50 million people really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 985 ✭✭✭Fred Cryton

    Dumb. How can you possibly dis-entangle the effect of economic and population growth from the effect of the road itself. If a motorway is built, it stimulates economic activity (a good thing) and therefore people move to the area and build homes (a good thing) thus meaning there is more demand for use of the road. All good things.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]


    You’re on about me, whatabouting about England, faffing about my question.

    I opened it out to ask about all the others in my position who’s prevented from building rural by Big Green. My own answer is to emigrate, but what about them? Are they doing the same? Are they doing the desired cookie cutter house in an estate or better, the shoebox apartment?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,967 ✭✭✭what_traffic

    The cost is going to be a big hurdle now, 600 million is a figure from many moons ago. What will be the projected cost in 2024 which is probably most likely date for works to start?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    Even worse she was first elected to Galway City council in 2019 and finished 9th in GE of 2020.

    then she got elected to the highly competitive Seanad.

    Well when Enda did want to get rid of the Seanad the voters decided to go "screw you" rather than vote for it;s end and now we get such luminaries as this wan.

    Somehow I doubt Pualine spends a lot of her time stuck on Bothar na Traffic Jam, the Tuam Rd or around Terryland.

    You had gimp on radio yesterday (not sure was it her) talking about buses and bicycles.

    How the fook do they expect people to get from say Knocknacara to the likes of Ballybrit.

    Nevermind people trying to get from the likes of Spiddal or Moycullen to Oranmore.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Knocknacarra to Ballybrit is a very doable cycle. If there were better cycle lanes it would be much easier. At this stage the by pass I doubt it'll go ahead.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It has decent, segregated lanes for the majority of the route and is very doable. For those for whom the hill is a struggle, I would find it a slog too myself, there is always the ebike option.

    But coming back to the GCRR, I don't know, these things can go either way and until its all decided, nothing is decided. It has a fair few more hurdles to get over (legal, PSC review, funding etc) so we'll have to wait and see how it goes.

    Anyone know what the closing date is to lodge a JR against the approval?

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭brianc89

    No need to pick one of my posts and call it dumb. There were several exchanges on this point (induced demand) between a few of us and we had a constructive conversation.

    As was discussed, this road is specifically being designed and built as a distributor road. This will allow more development which is definitely a good thing. No question. But it's also making it easier for everyone to drive to work. Building roads with the specific aim of making it easier to drive to work, ultimately makes traffic as bad as it was to begin with.

    Building roads and infrastructure is good. Building the wrong type of road is bad long term planning. Anyway, I'm fully supportive of 'just building the damn thing'. The issues it creates can be solved later, like everything in this world..

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The issues it creates can be solved later, like everything in this world..

    True, but then that has always the case until very recently

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,746 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    Anyway, I'm fully supportive of 'just building the damn thing'. The issues it creates can be solved later, like everything in this world..

    So before long you'll hear people saying how another road needs to be built because traffic somehow has gotten so bad.

    However, we'll have wasted the guts of a billion quid and Galway still won't be attractive place to take a bus or cycle within.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,826 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Who said it has to be either/or?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Because funding

    Did you happen to review the GTS documents by any chance?

    It's basically the GCRR and a handful of very basic bus, bike and walking measures. It works out to be about 600 mil for the GCRR and about 25 million for everything else. It should also be noted that not all of the "everything else" will be done either.

    Building the GCRR means crumbs from the table for everything else.

    Whereas spend 100 million on the everything else would free up far more capacity on the city roads than the GCRR ever will and see the city being a far better place to live in.

    What Galway got in the GTS is basically the absolute bare minimum they could feasibly get away with.....and a ring road.

    In a nutshell Galway will not see serious levels of investment in any form of sustainable transport for the next 10-20 years as long as the GCRR is on the table.

    The GTS is scheduled for review this year but as the GCRR was approved by ABP, any modifications to it will be minimal.

    Only when the ring road becomes a fustercluck with traffic jams will they look at resolving that by which time the population will be 50% larger and dispersed over a far larger area which will mean the likes of walking and cycling will not be a convenient option for a lot of people and it'll be a nightmare to try implement bus infrastructure.

    The next few weeks will see who is bringing JR's and what they will entail and personally I really hope they succeed in getting it canned as that's the best hope to transform Galway.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I’m seeing a lot of “because”es that are nothing more than prejudice. “Because funding”. “Because in 10 years time they’ll be calling for another road”

    ”We know it will…” no you don’t. No one “knows”. You believe.

    who’s asking for a second M50? I’m not, nor is anyone I’ve heard. And the majority would oppose.

    Why isn’t funding for able body powered transport tagged into the motorised funding? Fairly easy especially with Greens in power to anchor road funding into ablebody transport alongside. The cost is what it is, we do both. Just like the Children’s Hospital.

    and to those who say “do nothing, because we’ll only have to do another one later”. The answer to that is population number control. Which is what happens with road restriction. Why is population control never in the conversation?

  • Registered Users Posts: 961 ✭✭✭Green Peter

    It's needed, let's get on with it. If it had been built when first proposed it would have been a fraction of the cost. It's ironic that objectors are raising cost as an issue when it's their fault.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 10,349 Mod ✭✭✭✭CatInABox

    If you haven't heard of the new M50, then you haven't been reading the news over the past 30 years. Once the M50 first became congested (very soon after it opened), people began complaining about the fact that its utility as a bypass was nullified by the amount of people using it for local trips, so they began calling for improvements, which took two forms: Road widening and the outer orbital road.

    The Leinster Outer Orbital Route, also known as the M45, the Dublin Outer ring road, and various others, was official government policy up until 2015 or so, when it was pushed back until "after 2035". Various Taoisigh, transport ministers, TDs from all around the country, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and hundreds of lobbying groups, along with most of the media commentators have all been calling for this for years. A cursory glance at google will show you all of this.

    The road widening of the M50 went ahead of course, and it's blown past the congestion projections years ahead of schedule. So of course, people are again calling for the new road. At least this time around, official Ireland don't really seem to be biting down on it, they're saying that there's no funding for it, and that it won't solve the problem. These were the same reasons that the M50 extension just got cancelled as well, the Eastern Bypass, so when you talk of people "believing", you're right, it's just a belief, but there's far more evidence on their side of the column than yours.

    Also, the greens got a massive yearly increase in funding for active transport projects, but the effects of this will take years to filter in. This is primarily a pipeline issue, as LAs and road authorities didn't have any projects ready to go. This has resulted in those authorities using that extra money to resurface and realign roads for cars, with them pointing to the fact that the cycle lane was also resurfaced as the "active travel" excuse for using those funds. The money has been used to recruit loads of extra active transport planers though, so as I said, those projects will come in future.

    Presumably, "population number control" doesn't enter the conversation because there's zero evidence for it? I mean, Galway doesn't have the ring road right now, and is still growing at a good rate. As are most cities and large towns Ireland, in fact. Even if roads do affect population numbers (again, zero evidence), wouldn't an increase in public transport and active travel have the same effect?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Where’s the M45 thread on here? Did I miss it?

    Also re the link between population & infrastructure:

    literally the second Google result

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,307 ✭✭✭markpb


    Presumably you also missed the M50 thread which mostly consists is people complaining about the levels of congestion. First it was the toll - that was removed at massive cost. Then it was the junctions and most of those were improved when the extra lane was added. A billion euro spent only a few years after the M50 was finished.

    At the same time, the city of LA spent a billion dollars adding an extra lane to the 101. And now they’re in the same position as us, the extra lane is congested and average speeds are back where they were. At least they spent extra money building mass transit at the same time.

    But go on, tell us how Galway is different.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,387 ✭✭✭xckjoo

    Good article. Hopefully the government will take it on board and start paving our roads soon. I'm sick of all these dirt roads....

    They mention road density being a bigger factor. Easy way to improve that is to shift people from cars to buses. Road throughput will skyrocket.

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