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The wondrous adventures of Sinn Fein (part 3) Mod Notes and Threadbanned List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Not to mention FF/FG ignoring it anytime SF do well in the polls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,797 ✭✭✭✭hatrickpatrick

    You've perhaps inadvertently hit on exactly why I say some people have to get burned in order to fix this - you said "it's not even confined to property: just about every type of asset has massively inflated over the last 5 years or so." This is the crux of the issue - residential property should never have been commodified as an "asset", and those who treat it as such despite knowing the suffering their greedy is causing to others are the people many of us want to see getting burned. Passive income generated by hoarding something you don't need and then bleeding others dry is one of the scummiest concepts humans have ever succeeded in dreaming up, and it needs to go. 

    To be honest, it's part of a much wider issue of the top-down economy - we're currently living in an economic model in which the further one gets up the ladder away from the actual grunt work of producing goods and services, the more one earns from others' production of those goods and services. That is massively f*cked up on many, many levels. I could cite any number of other examples - people making money from property they just signed a document for and handed over money for, didn't build, didn't renovate, don't do anything other than own - they're certainly one example, but another very simple example in my book would be this - nobody in the health service who sits behind a desk all day should be paid more than somebody who actually, by their own hands, gives healthcare to patients, IE doctors and nurses. Nobody in the AGS whose job doesn't involve actually solving crimes or patrolling the streets should be paid more than those who do. Nobody in the education system who never sits or stands in front of a classroom of students during their everyday work should be paid more than those who do.

    So, so, so much of our current economic system is based on the idea that people who own this or that should be paid more than those who actually work it, and that concept in and of itself is fundamentally f*cked up. Now, before anyone suggests that I'm preaching radical bullsh!t, consider that this is a concept upon which Irish Independence was ultimately founded - how utterly messed up it was that people who actually worked on farms were making less from that work than people who just happened to own the farms, even if they didn't actually live in the country.

    Finance Capitalism and Rentier Capitalism are intrinsically linked, and both are concepts which take what others see as the reason capitalism is a good thing - those who work hardest and those who innovate reap the most rewards directly from the work they do - and corrupt them into something utterly toxic, essentially those that play the game better than others, have more disposable income to get into the game to begin with, etc, earn more than the people who actually work within it.

    Housing is just one example of that. It happens to be the most acute right now, but it's far from the only one. Everyone knows that this is also a problem in the HSE - too many people get paid obscene amounts of money even though their job doesn't directly deal with looking after a single patient. That is completely mental. That is what needs to change.

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭generic_throwaway

    Just to clarify, this is a rejection of our economic system? You are advocating for some form of communist society, or some other alternative?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,797 ✭✭✭✭hatrickpatrick

    It's a rejection of part of it. The part in which, these days, the buying, selling, and holding of 'assets' is more lucrative than the actual production of goods and services. It should be the other way around. The housing issue is in my view very much linked to that - too many people and entities are buying houses even though they have no need nor intention of actually living in them. That entire system needs to change, ultimately, or as you say this worldwide problem will never be fixed.

    It's not a rejection of capitalism itself, it's a rejection of two very specific forms of capitalism, rentier capitalism and finance capitalism. Both defined as follows:

    Rentier capitalism is a term currently used to describe the belief in economic practices of monopolization of access to any kind of property (physical, financial, intellectual, etc.) and gaining significant amounts of profit without contribution to society.

    Finance capitalism or financial capitalism is the subordination of processes of production to the accumulation of money profits in a financial system. Financial capitalism is thus a form of capitalism where the intermediation of saving to investment becomes a dominant function in the economy, with wider implications for the political process and social evolution. Since the late 20th century, in a process sometimes called financialization, it has become the predominant force in the global economy, whether in neoliberal or other form.

    Both of these forces are absolutely toxic to society, in that they actively corrupt the simple concept of a fair day's work for a fair day's pay, and allow those at the top to accumulate vast, vast hoards of wealth, and bleed others dry of income through nothing but owning excess and refusing to share it with others. They are directly responsible for the housing crisis as it exists today, and so many other problems which exist in our economy.

    Again, in order to fix the housing crisis, the simple fact is that those who derive their "income" from exploiting the shortage are going to get absolutely burned. And that's a good thing, because such people and entities are parasites. That's the exact paradigm young voters are railing against when they hear comments from Leo such as "one man's rent is another man's income" - it's not earned income so f*ck whoever's income it is. Why should the people he or she has been exploiting for the last five years care how much shaking up the system will hurt that person? It's not like any of them give a bollocks how much their behaviour has hurt others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭generic_throwaway

    Ok, just off the bat I don't think you can reject parts of captitalism, or at least parts as fundamental as property ownership. And you certainly couldn't do this from within the EU, so I think the Nazi, sorry, National Party are the folks to vote for if you're looking for Irexit ;)

    But I am interested in hearing your thoughts on how such a system would actually work. I don't think it's practical, but I'm very happy to hear your thoughts if you have the energy to explain.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,406 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    I'll keep it very simple.

    We were discussing why people like yourself won't talk about SF policies.

    I explained why.

    Now read what you quoted again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,689 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    There is quite a worrying reference in this article where the Community Restorative Justice Ireland seems to indicate that the PIRA are still active.

    "It acknowledged – within quotes – that: “Some members of the IRA were involved in this, it was wrong, and it should never have happened.” The community group’s deputy director was able to assure the mother that the reply had been sent “with the full authority of the Irish Republican Army”."

    How can an apology be sent in 2022 with the full authority of the IRA if the IRA no longer exist? At the very least it confirms the PSNI analysis that the PIRA leadership is still in place and gives credence to reports of Sinn Fein being controlled by that leadership.

    Apart from all that, confirmation of PIRA involvement in the crucifixion of a 16-year old in 1995 is just another example of why Sinn Fein should be beyond the pale.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    You made a mistake. It happens. 'Lessons learned' and all that.

    If SF have no policies, its a wonder they are so popular.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    I would imagine many in SF were in the IRA. You are confusing 'active' with existing. The GFA is a peace agreement. One which the DUP and British Tories seem intent on playing political football with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 27,689 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Your post is the only thing that is confusing.

    Can you clarify - are you saying that Sinn Fein can still speak for the PIRA and give the full authority of the PIRA to an apology?

    What have the GFA, the DUP and the British Tories got in anyway to do with the issue I raised of a PIRA apology given in 2022? Is this just a more bizarre form of deflection?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Its a discussion. I can mention the GFA if I see fit. It relates to the status of the IRA. They didn't evaporate into the ether.

    There are former IRA in SF. Its public knowledge. If people seek comment on the IRA, it stands former members would be the ones to do it. Also, and where people like you like to pretend its not so, the IRA was an illegal organisation. Nobody is going to put their hand up. You can't compare IRA to 'legal' organisations. You know this but do anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Maybe this will clarify for you:

    [quote]In February 2015 Garda Commissioner Nóirín O'Sullivan stated that the Republic of Ireland's police service, the Gardaí, have no evidence that the IRA's military structure remains or that the IRA is engaged in crime.[218] In August 2015 George Hamilton, the PSNI chief constable, stated that the IRA no longer exists as a paramilitary organisation.[219] He said that some of its structure remains, but that the group is committed to following a peaceful political path and is not engaged in criminal activity or directing violence.[/quote]

    Looks like they haven't gone away then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,689 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    It may be a discussion, but you are not having a conversation. Your response has nothing to do with the issue raised by the reference in the Irish Times article to the full authority of the IRA being expressed in recent months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    It has everything to do with it. It just isn't to your liking.

    You want snipers in huts up in the mountains.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,689 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    You are talking more nonsense. Where did I say that I want snipers in huts up in the mountains? The amount of rubbish you post is incredible.

    I asked a simple question, how can an apology be sent in 2022 with the full authority of the IRA if the IRA no longer exist? Somewhere in your convuluted response, you seemed to suggest that Sinn Fein could do so. I asked the follow-up question as to whether you are saying that Sinn Fein can still speak for the PIRA and give the full authority of the PIRA to an apology?

    This isn't about whether there is a few or a lot of IRA members in Sinn Fein, this is about someone or some people being in a position to be able to speak with the full authority of the PIRA. That isn't possible, unless there is an organisation and leadership structure in place within the PIRA to do so. That then also begs the question as to what else they are doing.

    Unless you are going to say that the CRJI are lying. I suppose it is also possible that you are saying that SF and the PIRA were always one and the same thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,277 ✭✭✭mikethecop

    pretending you dont understand very simple statements is weak 🙄🙄

    sfira are the same difference and to claim anything else is playing childish games ,

    one group is a wing of the other and both of one organisation if you want a explanation simple enough for a 5 year old , realistically every one who grew up in Ireland before 1998 understands that in spite of the "party" constantly trying to rewrite history to hide its crimes from young voters

    what sfria do and what they should do are very different things , as i said your party continues to facilitate and hide criminals of all shades and its supporters find that acceptable ,

    loyalty over justice and decency ,

    thats not politics its gangsterism

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,277 ✭✭✭mikethecop

    to be fair harry your hardly a trustworthy source of information given you adventures flying jets for the DEA while taking the 16a bus now are you ? 😏😏

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Where did I say you did? You are looking for explanation as to why people in SF would feel able to speak for the IRA. You were given an opinion and it was too tame for you. There are former IRA in SF. SF were intermediary for IRA in the peace talks. The IRA were an illegal organisation. They don't have a customer service.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    I believe you are correct, but the authorities disagree with us. To assume the 'RA are free to come out is naive. They'd be arrested.

    I've answered your questions. You seem to want to hold an illegal army in an unresolved conflict in a jurisdiction still controlled by the forces they fought against to the same standards as Eir if you have a problem with your internet.

    SF is a party I support, amongst others. Wouldn't be my party by any means.

    If you read back I'm calling out nonsense. Stop posting nonsense I'll be scarcely seen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,277 ✭✭✭mikethecop

    Its only one country when it suits sfira then ? there are unresolved crimes on both sides of the boarder.

    many many sfira members committed crimes out of greed passion or just being drunken scumbags and hid behind politics to escape justice and continue to do so .

    lol not your party eh , that has a familiar ring to it, its just like something another recently departed poster used to say 😏😏😏

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Border would hardly matter to people willing to kill to get rid of it?

    SF would have to act within the laws of the two different jurisdictions. You know that right?


    Hey, I support them. Not an authority on them nor a member. Why does it matter? I stand by what I post. You got attached to them in your 6 months on boards?

    Can you answer me why you don't like SF in the south? Just the 'RA? SF taking the bread out of blueshirt mouths?

    Post edited by Brucie Bonus on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    I think its because SF are eating into the cartel of FFG and they don't like that they will probably no longer be top dog.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Agreed. There's a distinct lack of interest regarding the victims of the conflict/troubles unless the IRA were the culprits. Also there's often a bitter personal tone beyond any politics.

    I don't think SF have all the answers by any means. The others have made such a poor job and for selfish reasons it's only logical to look elsewhere. SF being the best hope currently has the online civil war army showing their teeth.

    End of the day it's selfish politicians using the conflict/troubles and certain victims and their families rather than looking at their own policies and trying to do better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    Their only answer is something something Sf something something IRA. Sure aren't they blaming SF for the housing crisis. They also blame SF for problems in Northern Ireland when SF is in coalition just like FF is with FG and the Greens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,743 ✭✭✭✭padd b1975

    Incredible to hear that nimrod Tully stick her nose above the parapet in the current climate.

    As if what happened to Ashling Murphy remotely compares to getting into a relationship with a terrorist psychopath and its inevitable outcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,277 ✭✭✭mikethecop

    I can only assume your intentionally misunderstanding ,but for clarity i ll point out that sfira can and do use the boarder to their advantage in their criminality even today , fuel and other smuggling for example ,

    I dont like the idea of a organisation that i and many others consider a organised crime gang in government .

    while this is a sf thread i agree that the other main political parties in this country are a disgrace too but sfira still have a lot of innocent blood on their hands and use politics to shelter their members from justice for their political and non political crimes . sfiras online trolling activity's are fairly disgusting too .

    of course you know all this ........

    1350 posts most intensely political in 3 months is a lot of support

    I lived through the 80s and 90s watching the terrorism live on both sides and when the war is supposed to be over sfira kept killing stealing and destroying people but never answered for it because the organisation facilitated it .

    Clear ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    I do not believe SF are involved in fuel laundering. I would imagine a few ex IRA lads are as are many farmers texting each other to warn of the dipping checks. You know the IRA was an illegal organisation? They use to rob banks too. I do not expect SF to out any IRA people, no.

    I consider FF/FG organised crime gangs. "lessons learned" is wearing thin. I'll leave it there lest you accuse me of deflection. I don't believe SF will have the army at the ATMs. I think they are very rough around the edges but we need some party to get in who will stop the wasteful madness of the current housing policies. SF are the best option right now.

    Quote me once talking about SF, that doesn't relate to calling out pro government propaganda. Go on, try it. Find one where I'm in simply to talk up SF policy, one? I've given as much praise to FG ffs. I don't like pro crony FF/FG spinners trying to attack SF or any party simply because they are worried they'll lose bums on seats.

    Cool. So you don't like the 'RA. Personally I'm not a supporter of violence but I can understand why the oppressed take up arms and 'there but for the grace of god' as they say.

    Any party deserves to try tackle the FF/FG crises. SF are currently best placed. I'll not sit idly by as their fanboys try talk about the 'RA every time SF do well in polls or FF/FG embarrass themselves.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,219 ✭✭✭✭Esel

    Posters used to be banned for saying SF/IRA... a real hardline Unionist term basically.

    Not your ornery onager
