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United Ireland Poll - please vote



  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭BringingSexyBack

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Political polls/elections do not count those,whom dont vote (underage etc),and are therefore a poor method of measuring demographics for forward planning....its why partionists,are and always will be reactionairies,never ahead of issue or forward looking

    Looks to me enough to call a border poll,the fairest and best test of whom is correct here...

    but only one side is afraid to put it to electorate,if your idology is dependant upon never facing electorate,its doomed to failure and simply undemocratic

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭BringingSexyBack


    "Wrong, wrong and wrong again, Blanch.

    I've repeatedly provided evidence that even when feuding, the people of Ireland clearly viewed themselves as one people, and those from outside Ireland as, 'other'. The position of High King certainly isn't, 'green tinged fantasy', it is historic fact. The proven existence of a commonality of culture and law well before the arrival of British rule was also ignored....but of course, you'll carry on without addressing any of these points like you did the countless other times they were brought up and then pop back in with the same gross simplification and pretend that it hasn't been completely debunked on multiple occasions.

    Perhaps you're hoping that the fatigue of repeating myself means that eventually I'll stop calling it out and you can carry on unchallenged. I suppose it's working to some extent, from my original replies which contained direct evidence to my current weary, 'f*ck sake, we've been over this' lightly touching on the repeated previous points that have always been dodged."

    Jesus H Christ ..............

    Even with Wikiepdia , who have done a daycent job on lesser known Irish history, you still make a bags of it

    There is no concept of Irish nationhood before 1700s . NONE

    Gaelic lords brought in foreigners to help them wipe out rival Gaelic chiefs and lords of septs. It is no wonder that the O'Neill's did not have the country behind him when he marched down to Kinsale.

    The High King was often a glorified figurehead , depending on the strength and caliber of that king on the throne. I would urge you to stop talking uneducated nonsense and check out the hours of work carried out by Fin Dwyer on Irish History Podcast that covers this period. It is entertaining and you will thank me for it

    Go write your article to the multiple Irish History periodicals. Lest see will it get published .

    You actually have provided ZERO evidence, least on this thread . Since you claim to have provided evidence , this should not be a difficulty for you to produce that evidence . Chop chop !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 28,230 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    That concept of others doesn't stack up. If the Irish were so aware of the concept of themselves as one people, why did they invite so many to invade over the centuries in their attempts to fight their fellow "Irishmen"?

    As I said, none of this concept of Irishness stacks up until the British came in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭BringingSexyBack

    No High King of Ireland ever ruled a sovereign united Ireland

    No High King was able to enjoy supremacy over the other Provincial Kings.

    He was often too busy fighting with one of them ffs . He existed, but there is an awful lot of mythology bollox surrounding the title.

    A huge reason why the Normans settled Ireland so easily was because the provincial kings, and even local septs , were divided .

    Being too busy warring with the neighbour is not a sign of being "a one people" , especially when they happily call out foreigners to come over and fight for them -McMurrough was not the first or last to do so .

    Even big Brian Boru had Norse men in his gang - the biggest laughable nationalist myth is the concept that Boru brought his men as a National unit to fight Norse and Danesmen in Clontarf and that some how the Vikings just left - Vikings fought with Boru, Gaels fought with the Dublin Norse king , Boru's daughter was ridding the Norse king; Vikings never completely left ; the O'Brien family would have decades of horror and glory fighting fellow gaels.

    As One people lol.............Considering the concept of Nationalism across Europe only began to develop after the Renanissance.  


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Whats the difference? It was always either FF or FG. Last two governments they were partners unofficially and now a coalition.

    Nice you accept the terrorist and facist beginnings anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Agreed. This include people who give one side a free pass while judging the other and those who dismiss the language of one side?

    Nobody covered themselves in glory but we need to attempt reconciliation by playing fair.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,817 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    If you do not know the difference between a state and a political party, then you have no business talking about politics.

    Put simply you are not debating in good faith.... but we all know that, well the posters that have been around the block a few times.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    There is absolutely no difference when its been the same two parties especially as they are now interchangeable. It was always a FG or FF government. From heavy handed Garda to turning a blind eye to mass baby graves.

    You were called out only yesterday for running the same debunked stories every few months.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 29,131 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    it was united as 1 country with what effectively amounted to local government rather then a central government.

    so a united country ran as small parts individually/federalism.

    so yes i am correct and you are incorrect and there is no contradiction on my part.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 28,230 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    So a united country with no central united government?

    Now, that is the funniest thing I have read this year, and may stay the funniest for quite a while.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,629 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    All of the badly typed nonsense across this and your other ranting replies to me..... and yet it does very little to actually directly address any of the points made. If you have a point, it's so badly masked by the standard of writing that I can't see it.

    I'm always amused at how poor the spelling and grammar is when someone is as convinced of their intellectual superiority as you seem to be. Either outright trolling or Dunning-Kruger springs to mind.

    I've also provided evidence on multiple occasions, as the poster I was actually responding to knows. So no, I won't, 'chop chop' with anything....I think I'd rather just continue to converse with Blanch, who I may disagree with, but at least he writes in a readable manner and doesn't totally lack in basic civility.

    Thanks for your time though, so long!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,629 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    On this point, we at least strongly agree.

    As you're aware, I do support Unification....but I'd question the honesty of anyone pointing to census data on religion as an indication that a border poll would pass if called tomorrow.

    It isn't 1960 any more, the correlation between religion and political outlook is weaker than it has been at any point of the existence of NI, particularly outside the extreme parties.....nevermind the general decrease of religiosity across the population at large.

    Essentially I think we've reached a point where Religion is an almost useless indicator with regards to voting on the constitutional question as the correlation is so weak as to potentially be highly misleading.

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭BringingSexyBack


    You have comprehension problems ? go and asked more educated people to help to break things down. Either way, you still can not and will not rebut what I said . However, they will at least laugh at you and point out to you that my reply deals directly with every comment that you made to Blanch.

    The points that you addressed are complete nonsense. Simplistic and misguided.

    You refuse to act like an adult and respond because you know that you are out of your depth on the nonsense that you spoken . Now you feign ignorance and pretend not to understand. Well, I knew that the moment you replied to Blanch .

    "I've repeatedly provided evidence that even when feuding, the people of Ireland clearly viewed themselves as one people, and those from outside Ireland as, 'other'. "

    You keep waffling on about how you have repeatedly provided evidence. You have not. You were asked to re -produce this said evidence . So run along . You are in no position to take the tone that you have.

    By the way, the commonality of culture and Laws - such as Brehon law - that was not uniformed around the country ! Each kingdom had their own rules. We known very little as to what they were too, so ................. you need to stop embarrassing yourself here

    The Vikings also cme BEFORE the British ........... so nothing was ignored by Blanch, as you suggested.

    Fionn , most respectively, You are completely out of your depth on this topic. You are losing and you will get tripped up with ease going further. It will take next to no time to expose your complete lack of knowledge of these so called commonalities of laws and culture that you speak of.

    If you fail to see how the points raised by me are in no way directly concerning what you said , then there are only two scenarios here

    1. You are lying
    2. You have serious comprehensions problems and maybe literature like Anne and Barry are more up your street.

    You speak about basic civility? (Disingenuous - can't truly address what I said in rebuttal , so plays the victim)

    What is your excuse for polluting this site with lies and sheer pig ignorance on topics that you have zero qualification or ability to discuss? That is not civil. That conduct deserves shunning. Have a look at the tone of your statement towards Blanch. You can only get away with that when you know what you are talking about. You don't !

    You got your arse handed to you on a plate. Every comment you made was rebutted. Get over it ! You have not got a clue about Irish history as argued above. There is nothing wrong with that chief, just do not delude yourself any further. All that happens now, after highlighting the ridiculousness of your understanding of history is for you to run off crying to the mods about someone being mean to you.

    Bar Stool Republicans...................thick as .................

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭BringingSexyBack

    There is no presumptions on superiority here! You are just time wasting by playing the victim and refusing to respond to my statement that DIRECTLY addresses your claims. It is telling.

    It is a public forum, not a private chat. You decided to remind all who reads the nonsense you claim that you "have  repeatedly provided evidence that even when feuding, the people of Ireland clearly viewed themselves as one people, and those from outside Ireland as, 'other'. It is perfectly legitimate you call you out on that. No one lies dishonesty , Chief. That is uncivil. Far worse that what you are accusing me of.

    Just for everyone else to see - and see you for what you are

    There was no concept of Irish nationhood before 1700s . NONE - So claiming that people "when feuding..... clearly viewed themselves as one people, and those from outside Ireland as, 'other" . That is total nonsense. Feuding groups hired foreigners to come in and fight for them against their so called fellow neighbour

    Yes, the High King did exist, but in many cases , he was not that powerful at all. No High King ever controlled the island or was successful in forcing supremacy over the Provincial Kings. NONE . The importance of the High King is not as high as you argue

    Like I said , take up the evidence that you allegedly provided here, (apparently, on multiple occasions) to the academic peers and try and get it published. Maybe some of them will knock sense into you

    Post edited by BringingSexyBack on

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Would you not feel the july 12th celebrations commerating a battle in 1690 kind of undermine your point as regards nationhood pre 1700

    Didnt one of the leaders of the mid 1600s rebellion proclaim.they fighting to secure being the beginning of the so called irish confederate wars??

    What your posting,is simply british propaganda,the same as they referes to abbos,mauris various other grouping as savages (some strong eveidence exists to suggest abbos in particular had a complex enough society) justify their genocide of em

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,538 ✭✭✭droidman123

    The united kingdom has 4 governments, so by your logic its not actually the "united" kingdom at all

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 28,230 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Would you not feel the july 12th celebrations commerating a battle in 1690 kind of undermine your point as regards nationhood pre 1700

    How? wasn't that two British kings fighting, nothing to do with Ireland?

    Didnt one of the leaders of the mid 1600s rebellion proclaim.they fighting to secure being the beginning of the so called irish confederate wars??

    Do you have a link to this?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Its quite obvious the English rule and allow affiliates feel like they've some control. With access to the EU and the opportunity to self govern, I think a UI is an attractive option.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 28,230 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    By whose logic? The parliament in Westminister is sovereign, has devolved powers to regional Assemblies, and can take those back.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,817 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    Oh great, more buzz words and soundbites. Your go-to card.

    Tell me, do you have any original ideas of your own apart from the idiotic ahistorical version of the truth you keep in your head?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,817 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    The is one central government in the UK though and that is Westminister who rules at the behest of the head of state, the Queen.

    Ireland never had a central government, indeed the first central government Ireland had was the parliament of Ireland.

    If anyone can point to something similar that existed before this, work away.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    You are using the Queen, and British as a standard? Raise the bar.

    You are using a criteria set by others to decide what is and isn't a country. The days of empires plundering regions they feel are up for grabs are over. The world grew a conscience, for the most part.

    It's an island. It's always been a land unto itself. We don't need some arsehole to vet our existence. What the hell is Ulster? Do you recognise Ulster? I don't hear any other British apologists claiming Ulster was never really a province anyway. Can you find the paperwork for Ulster? When was it invented? You are trying pedantry with biased political terminology. Cop on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,284 ✭✭✭✭Ha Long Bay

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,817 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    What 'name' did I call you?

    I didnt....

    But I did call out your lack of comprehension on the topic at hand.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,817 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    So, no... you cannot find me an example of some sort of central government or state or empire or anything that existed before the Parliament of Ireland......

    Its OK to admit you are wrong Bruice, in fact your last few dozen posts on this topic, is an example where you can almost fill a book on the wrongness of the topic.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,817 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    Oh and Britain is an Island.... so I guess there should be only one government for that island?

    The Scots won't be happy with that. ROFL :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭ittakestwo

    Speaking of islands. The majority people of Ireland want a UI. The majority of people on the Island of Britain want or don't care if there is a UI. It is the natural progression that there will be a UI. The gerrymandering of the Irish nation into two jurisdictions is going against what the majority of people of these islands want so it is more a question of when rather than if.

    I also think when we talk about a UI we look to much to the politics of Ireland and not what is going on across the water on Britain.

    Scotland leaving the UK would probably see the end of the union. Where would this leave the North? Obviously back to a UI.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,817 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    The majority of people on the island of Britain want Scotland to remain part of the UK.... just saying. ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭BringingSexyBack


    "The united kingdom has 4 governments, so by your logic its not actually the "united" kingdom at all"

    Oh Dear!

    Most people have the intelligence to understand the nature of these "governments" and are educated enough to know the extent of the powers of 3 of the Assemblies

    Westminster, House of Commons and Lords - is the GOVERNMENT OF THE UK and NOT merely the government of England as a lot of morons clearly assume

    Westminster, ultimately have supremacy over the laws and legislative process of Northern Ireland , Scotland and Wales. The later is a talking shop . The judicial system based in England also has final say in matters concerning the the Courts of NI and Scotland and Wales (which is part of the England and Wales jurisdiction)

    Notice how abortion got extended in NI and gay marriage was legalised? Stormont did not vote that in. London's Parliament did !

    The said "governments" outside of London are glorified County Councils, but with extra powers. The Privy Council in London keeps manners on them

    The NI , Welsh and Scottish "governments" have little to no say in the following areas , which are a matter for the UK Parliament

    Go back to cough, school, cough
