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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    No, doesn't look like it. But Lukashenko only won the election because the Lukashenko controlled central election committee gave him an astounding 80% of the vote...a figure which drove mass protests for a long time afterwards, until they were ruthlessly put down. He's most likely acting under Putins orders, but if / when the war kicks off, it may not go quite according to Lukashenk's plan. Restoring all the Baltic states to the Russian Motherland ...Thats a very shaky assumption to make, especially as the A/M Baltic states are not in favor of such a move. He's right about one thing though, a war will change the boundary's, but may not be in the way he imagines, and he could find himself ex -president.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Indeed. There are reportedly some bits and pieces of reservist equipment on the move and some reserve troops as well, but seems sketchy as yet. I am keeping my money on the invasion happening in February. I guess he can move his shít around as and when he wants, but he's moved an awful lot of shít an awful long ways just to move it back again.

    Russian oil & gas needs to be banned from Europe if he invades as well as the other sanctions they're talking of. No if's or but's, turn off the money tap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

    Seems to me like classic deflection tactics when being pressed to back up points, I mean if you can clearly state your opinions so the goal posts cant be moved .

    It's clear to everyone then what you are at, you have got alot of responses because what you are saying isn't true or doesn't stand up to the facts.

    But do feel free to clarify your opinion for all to see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 692 ✭✭✭cheezums

    not looking good. the only hope at this stage is a swift takeover from russia with little resistance to keep the body count down, otherwise it's gonna be a bloodbath. unless of course NATO decides to properly jump in, which could also be a bloodbath but at least it would make the russian's think twice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    The Russians lost thousands in eastern Ukraine, against a military that was run into the ground and under resourced under Putin's orders.

    They are well prepared for whats coming and have been preparing for the last 8 years ,I will agree this will be bloody but it definitely won't be one sided

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,452 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    If NATO enforced a no fly zone over the the Ukraine it would probably make the invasion unviable.

    Slava Ukrainii

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭MFPM

    Firstly I 'feel' no need whatsoever to clarify anything here. My position is clear and hasn't altered. If anyone wants to discuss my position it's on the record here for all to see bit I'm certainly not going to do your research work for you, if you're that interested you know what to do.

    Isn't it interesting that you say it's clear to 'everyone' - my, my you're allowing your arrogance get the better of you there..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭MFPM

    So another day and one more day that there's no invasion...let's see what tomorrow brings..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,155 ✭✭✭green daries

    It would.but would it also probably make an invasion inevitable. I don't think Russia would be able to stand for it. imo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Pretty much yes ,now remember Ukraine previously asked for UN forces to deployed to east ukraine to help descalate the situation there , but putin blocked it , saying he will never foreign troops to be deployed on Ukrainian soil ,

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,573 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    It's like groundhog day. Everyday, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is "imminent". Everyday, nothing happens.

    If NATO/EU thought there was a genuine risk of conflict in Ukraine they would be taking things a lot more seriously. If they were willing to fight for Ukraine's borders (spoilers, they are not) then they would be readying huge numbers of troops. Not sending a few dozen extra observers as the Canadians announced recently. As they are not willing to fight for Ukraine, then to avoid a conflict they would be pushing Ukraine to reconcile with Russia. As it is, it is the Ukrainians who have realised their own interests are not served by all the NATO/EU sabre rattling and have called for the rhetoric to be cooled down. Which is of course entirely ignored by their so-called allies. Instead we have a scenario like straight out of that film Wag the Dog where politicians invent a fake war to make them look strong.

    Still, the good news for the US is that they are able to bully Germany into further delaying or even cancelling Nordstream 2. Which has been a top objective of US policy in Europe for years now. When it comes to US policymakers, they always talk about the need to halt Nordstream 2. They are obsessed with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭MFPM

    If NATO i.e. the US were going to do such a thing, they would have done it by now IMO, now they may want to provoke Russia further but I'm not convinced that's a road they will take. Of course the US know full well Putin isn't going to invade.

  • Registered Users Posts: 547 ✭✭✭shillyshilly

    so you suggest that NATO and EU should station troops in Ukraine to show they are serious?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,357 ✭✭✭BluePlanet

    I thought Russia were going to sever or tap into all the cables that run off our coast. Now they aren't going to do that because some fisherman talked about doing a protest? Is that the narrative today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,317 ✭✭✭PokeHerKing

    But putin has already invaded. He invaded and took crimea? He's using proxy's to occupy Eastern Ukraine as I type? Do you disagree with either of these statements?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭MFPM

    Are we in 2022 or 2014...what 'imminent' invasion is Biden, Johnson, Truss, Blinken etc talking about?

  • Registered Users Posts: 420 ✭✭Stanley 1

    Putin would never let an issue like dead body count get in his way, Russian army is there to serve him and the Motherland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭MFPM

    Isn't that the 'job' of all armies, it's hardly particular to Russia is it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,065 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    Ukrainian police on Sunday detained a group of people suspected of preparing mass riots in the capital Kyiv and other cities to cause instability as tensions rise with neighbouring Russia, Ukraine's interior minister said on Monday.


    "This action, which was planned in advance, was originally aimed at violent actions and organising riots and had nothing to do with peaceful protests," he said.

    "It was ... intended precisely to shake up and destabilise the situation in Ukraine."


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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    They arrested another cell the week previously preparing arms

  • Registered Users Posts: 547 ✭✭✭shillyshilly

    anything Russia were going to do in that area of water is more than likely done.

    They had free reign of that area the last week or so under the pretence of an exercise.

    This gave plausible deniability for a congregation of Russian warships using active sonar to clear an area and use area denial methods to keep allied submarines away.

    It also gave the media opportunity of "Look we're no so bad"

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,452 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    They would not initiate a NFZ until Russia invades. It prevents air support to ground forces. It would quickly make the invasion unviable.

    Slava Ukrainii

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,317 ✭✭✭PokeHerKing

    So you don't disagree with either statement? So you at least acknowledge putin did invade Ukraine recently and continues by proxy to occupy a large swathe of the country's east.

    So can you then understand why the current movements of Russian army personnel/hardware is giving rise to the assumption that a further invasion of Ukraine is indeed a possibility?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,155 ✭✭✭green daries

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭MFPM

    Why would anyone dispute what happened in 2014?

    I don't operate on assumptions. There is no invasion, and in my opinion there will be no invasion, indeed I very much doubt the US think there will be one but it suits the West and US imperialism in particular to whip up the frenzy, it's a case of plus ça change c'est la même chose with those lads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭Harryd225

    Does anyone know if this "imminent invasion" has happened yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,317 ✭✭✭PokeHerKing

    OK I'd agree there's definitely no guarantee of a further invasion.

    Nobody here knows what will happen but I think given the previous invasion and annexing of crimea, the ongoing proxy war in the East of the country and the personel/hardware movements of the Russian army, there's is more than a chance of a further invasion.

  • Any minute now...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭Harryd225

    The Western media is portraying a narrative of Russian mperialist aggression trying to bully it's smaller neighbor, largely using information and narratives given to them by the intelligence agencies such as the claim recently that was headline news in every Western media outlet that Russia was preparing for a false flag attack against it's own people to create a pretext for the imminent invasion.

    But there is a different narrative, just a couple of days ago the Ukrainian president called on the west to stop creating panic over the situation, the current situation can be compared to the standoff during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

    The background noise about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which is about to begin, is intended not so much to save it (Ukraine) from the evil Muscovite government, but to disguise its own preparation for aggression.

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