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The Joe Rogan Experience Podcasts



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,286 ✭✭✭archfi

    It's an orchestrated attempt to deplatform him from Spotify. It's hugely disingenuous and without doubt old media broadcasting , which is failing ion viwership miserably because they are simply NOT trusted, is very much a huge part of it. They being the largest purveyors of mis/disinformation on the planet without a shred of doubt.

    Now, Rogan could easily take the 100 million if that happens (I believe he has some clause in his Spotify contract) and establish his own platform. But with the recent example of the cartel power of big tech in lockstep with big govt, he could probably find it very difficult to host. This is the state of what has been accepted by quite a lot of people (no idea if it's the majority or not) which is incredibly bad for everyone.

    I've enjoyed a lot of Rogan's conversations and turned off quite a lot more that I would have had no interest in. Nothing he has broadcast is a 'perilous calamity for the public' - I reject the weak, simplistic cry of 'safe spaces' from speech and everything else which doesn't incite actual violence.

    When did grown adults become such absolute weak ars*holes?

    The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.

    The Entryism process: 1) Demand access; 2) Demand accommodation; 3) Demand a seat at the table; 4) Demand to run the table; 5) Demand to run the institution; 6) Run the institution to produce more activists and policy until they run it into the ground.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭olestoepoke

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,088 ✭✭✭Sudden Valley

    I've heard Old media bandied about alot but what is new media- a single person running a website? The media new or old was of course going to report about Neil Youngs ultimatum against the most popular podcaster in the world. That is news! Joe did say that young people don't need the vaccine, but should get it. I think he was right when he said that, that it wasn't a threat to their overall health but should have said this would have a knock on effect that more unvaccinated young people would end up in hospital and if they became overwhelmed there would be unnecessary deaths.

    Joe will continue to have guests with fringe views on his podcast, I'm sure of this. That is what makes him so popular and makes Spotify a lot of money.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Megan and Harry are "concerned" over Covid misinformation on Spotify but are committed to continuing their $25 million content deal 🤣😃😂

    Such heros, thank you...😁

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Should this thread not be closed? Or is now supporting covid misinformation?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,715 ✭✭✭✭Snake Plisken

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,000 ✭✭✭✭JRant

    "Well, yeah, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man"

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,000 ✭✭✭✭JRant

    What is covid misinformation exactly?

    This site has changed its position on what is misinformation many times over the past 2 years as more and more data becomes available. In fact, science is still doing its thing with respect to covid and anyone you says the science is settled is talking through their hat. This virus has only been around 2 years and there is still so much we don't know about it, what medicines we should use to treat, what the next round of variants will bring, what tweaks will be made to vaccines etc etc.

    "Well, yeah, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man"

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,239 ✭✭✭Pussyhands

    Rogan really nailed it on the head when he said there's common opinions and possibilities said now that would have been called conspiracy theory or dangerous nonsense months ago. For example, the covid came from a lab theory. It is a possibility and has been said so by WHO etc. Same thing about getting covid despite being vaccinated. When the vaccine first came out, anyone saying you can still get covid was called a nutjob.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,702 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    I agree to a point, however it leads to the exact type of situation that Rogan is in right now. By having so many guests whose views go against the general consensus, it comes across that he's making these things seem more equal than they actually are.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    But how many is "so many"? After all out of his nearly 1800 podcasts the number of guests that are causing this controversy is -> 2.

    Contrast this to how certain news networks in his country will have multiple guests on - hammering one talking point over and over and over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭The Raging Bile Duct

    Alex Jones is a regular enough contributor to the podcast and that guy is the biggest sack of horseshít out there. Anyone that guys that dickhead a platform after what he put the families of the Sandy Hook victims through goes down an awful lot in my opinion.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    That's certainly a different conversation worth having. Unfortunately I know so little about Alex Jones - like literally nothing pretty much - I am in no position to have it with you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,481 ✭✭✭✭Bobeagleburger

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,803 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Far more than that. And Rogan himself. Hes talked about Covid and vaccinations et al a lot. Ill listen to his opinions on MMA and maybe comedy at a push.

    Mad that this letter signed by 270 medical professionals was published 3 weeks ago.

    But it took Neil Young to get Spotify to act.

    The disclaimer is a good idea.

    Sad its come to this. I dont blame Joe Rogan, or Spotify, or Neil Young. The podcast got really big really quickly and got out of hand. You really have to blame the complete thickos out there listening who can't think for themselves.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I will have to take your word for it. Which other guests do you refer to?

    The press releases I read - Rogans short video today - and most of the discussion I have seen are only complaining about these 2 guests in particular.

    So what is "too many" exactly? And "too many" of what specifically? Too many guests against the mainstream narrative on a certain issue in particular? Or too many guests overall in total who were against any mainstream narrative at all?

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,481 ✭✭✭✭Bobeagleburger

    You're better off. He's a crackpot. Example - he's been spouting for years that the Sandy Hook shootings, where 20 small kids were killed, was a hoax. He's lost a good few lawsuits regarding these lies actually. Expensive lies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭dog_pig

    This is a page about the 1992 JFK movie (it's well known that Stone took liberties, he talks about it himself), it has nothing to do with his recent appearance on Joe Rogan nor his new documentary. It also doesn't look to have been updated in the past decade.

    Can you please just answer the actual question? What were the dozens of blatant lies and ludicrous claims made by Stone in the podcast?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,803 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Its a 2 hour podcast. You want me to list everything? Have you see the documentary? Its an absolute shambles.

    That list absolutely is relevant to the new documentary. Same stuff. Different decade.

    I like Stone and certainly dont think he should not have been on the show. Thats fine. But Rogan really should have someone else on to call out Stones BS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,130 ✭✭✭Did you smash it

    So you can’t list a single lie in the new documentary?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,175 ✭✭✭✭StringerBell

    Hes been on twice? Maybe a third time I can't remember actually, I feel like 3 times though. Not exactly regular enough tbf, Joe did push back on him and tried to keep him on point but make no mistake Alex Jones was only on for entertainment and views purposes.

    Gonna use that as a segue into a wider opinion on the situation.

    I disagree with a lot of the stuff I feel Joe accepts if not exactly pushes, but he does not edit the content, he does not slant the content. He asks people questions and allows them the space to answer - what people make of those questions (the listeners) is up to them really. I have found some of his episodes very interesting (Alex Honold for example), and entertaining (like seeing Candace Owens get torn apart) including the insanity of Alex Jones in fact on one of them but I have also not bothered tuning in to the vast majority of his episodes cause I simply don't care about the guest. There have also been episodes where the person was spouting such absolute horseshit, and not entertaining me (like Joey Diaz who is absolute gold - ridiculous, horseshit, gold), that I had to turn it off.

    But then I went about my day, it didn't exactly stick with me. Look everyone is entitled to do what they want here, listeners are entitled to tune in or out, Spotify is entitled to host a show, Neil Young is entitled to remove his music, James Blunt is entitled to release new music!

    I don't see the problem, I do see a huge problem with everything you don't like has to go away because it has to go away somewhere and its better out in the open in my eyes. Joe has apologised for any offence caused, which is a shame, and committed to doing better in future so really that should be that surely?

    TL;DR - if you are taking your medical advice (or any advice to be perfectly honest) from a random guy on a podcast your problems are bigger than you think.

    "People say ‘go with the flow’ but do you know what goes with the flow? Dead fish."

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,803 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    It would be easier to list the true things.

    1. He got the date right.

    Couldnt be arsed writing it all out but most of it is in here.

    Stone didn't do the research for the documentary in fairness so hes at the mercy of Jim DiEugenio. Whos a bit mental.

    Again, no issue with Stone or him being on it. Hes a great film maker. But I would've liked to see an alternative viewpoint aswell. Not as sensational I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,175 ✭✭✭✭StringerBell

    Do people expect Rogan to be an actual journalist? Or ask hard hitting questions, is that what the misunderstanding is?

    Its barely an interview - its a conversation, that's all it is. A conversation between 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 people which tends to wander aimlessly a lot of the time.

    The most confrontational I remember lately was with the doctor from CNN, Rogan was visibly hurt by the mocking of him CNN had done and he put a bit of that onto the doctor, who dealt with it very well I thought and by the end they managed to have a very good conversation, was the most irritated I'd been listening to Rogans voice for a while though.

    I liked his one with Bill Maher actually a good while back, not confrontational - but was just long enough for a gym session. Bill Burr one was good value too and Andrew Lang, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bob Lazar, Anthony Bourdain, Bernie Sanders and plenty others I found to be good listening.

    "People say ‘go with the flow’ but do you know what goes with the flow? Dead fish."

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,104 ✭✭✭✭Rjd2

    The 270 medical professionals line though has been debated quite a bit about how valid plenty of them are.

    Rogan I have mixed feelings on.

    A lot of his most vocal haters are wretched people. Mainstream media who know they are becoming more and more irrelevant every day , people who live for cancelling people and very simple folk who live in an echo chamber.

    Rogan for me is someone I can easily ignore and cherry pick his better podcasts, his covid opinions are abysmal, but nobody is taking covid advise from him, everyone has made up their mind on this a long time ago, anyone who suggests otherwise is talking bullshit.

    Ideally I would like him to give it a rest on covid and take a step back, nothing wrong with having conservative people on, but he is in danger of slipping into that world as that seems to be where he is getting a lot of love these days. Hanging out with grifters like Tim Pool etc.

    This cancellation effort seems really sophisticated, initially thought it was the usual suspects, establishment media bores etc, but as others have said this seems like a deliberate attempt to hurt spotify from rivals who have the financial muscle to do this.

    I don't know how it ends, if they smell blood in the water it could get messy indeed. Hopefully for everyone's sake Rogan cops himself on, yep creatively he is at his worst right now,,,but the people are coming for him with the power are pretty wretched themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,454 ✭✭✭✭MEGA BRO WOLF 5000

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,104 ✭✭✭✭Rjd2

    I thought that was a great interview. It was very sad that the CNN doctor who seemed like a great bloke who went on the show with the right intentions and had a good time when he went back on CNN seemed to get dragged in an interview with Lemon. He had to somewhat walk the interview back.

    Its mad really, a lot of people who loath him think everyone hangs on to every word he says, I am like most people, some of the podcasts I seek out, some I give up on early and some especially the more recent covid doctor loons I have ignored.

    I thought Snowden made some good points here, look at his logo ,he has never branded himself as a hard hitting journo ffs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,481 ✭✭✭✭Bobeagleburger

    Most people with half a brain don't take medical advice from Joe Rogans guests. Or from Facebook, or CNN or Fox. But a lot of people are pretty stupid and believe what they read and hear. That's the point.

    He's been censored now, something that'll kill him as he's always harping on about free speech etc. That's probably the start of it too.

    Joe should stick to non medical related guests, as he's had some great ones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭dog_pig

    No I just want you to follow up on the claims you yourself made, this is the fourth time of asking. Blatant lies and ludicrous claims are the words you used.

    Do you really think linking blog posts from a website created to sell a book is going to convince anyone?

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    You were asked this already and didnt reply but just ignored and carried on banging that drum: Are you disputing the professional credentials of Malone and McCullough?

    Rogan shuts the whiners up in the first five minutes of this video: Claiming the virus started in a lab in wuhan, would have got you banned for peddling misinformation not too long ago, claiming the vaccines would not prevent you from catching covid would do the same, now that so called misinformation is fact.

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  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 10,529 Mod ✭✭✭✭humberklog

    I liked the Sanjay Gupta interview. Sanjay came across well.

    Before that interview, on line and here included, some people had JR down as "anti vax". I thought differently because I heard what he had to say. But it's good to get a 2nd contrarian opinion on that and Sanjay provided it.

    Twice in that interview Sanjay said "I know you're not anti vax Joe" to which Joe agreed.

    What I get that's odd is people trying to change the narrative that's there to be heard. Some anti-jRE think "symantics" are at play when the difference between Disinformation and Misinformation is pointed out. Even when they're quoting the **** post that says "misinformation" and saying it's Disinformation.

    It's not tomayto-tomahto.
