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Galway traffic



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,107 ✭✭✭✭ben.schlomo

    Brilliant. That particular poster is a god send at times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,035 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    So to summarize, you reckon a whole lot of things but have no proof to support your claims.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,848 ✭✭✭?Cee?view

    This is a discussion forum. Not a court of law. I do not have to prove something or anything. I don't reckon; I know the people. Even if I gave you DNA evidence. affidavits etc. you wouldn't believe me anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,387 ✭✭✭xckjoo

    I actually have issues with cycling campaigners being too cycling focused too but I guess there has to be a narrow focus on things to get results. I love cycling but I still think PT and walking should be the first priority, and cycling would come with that. That would get the city moving more than any other change.

    But I disagree with your take on people pushing for cycleways. They're mainly looking for a way to cycle commute without feeling like they might get killed. Meanwhile the status quo brigade only seem to care that they might not be able to drive door-to-door whenever they leave the house. They'd rather we all spend our lives in traffic than run the risk that they might having to take a bus or walk. You have people like correct horse trying to pretend they're concerned about the old, the poor and the sick but are only really worried about being able to drive to the Prom for lunch if they feel like it; choking up the roads needed by those old, poor and sick people they pretend to care about. You can't cycle for more than 10 mins in this city without feeling like someone came close to running you over. That shouldn't be the case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,387 ✭✭✭xckjoo

    What are you cynical about? They are parents, I've met plenty of the kids. The lifestyle choice would be wanting their kids to be safe, not spending their own lives stuck in traffic and maybe getting some fresh air and exercise (all good things IMO). And nobody thinks of being a cycling campaigner as appealing. Even I'm wary of them 😂

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    And this is the response... I said arrogance and you have just seen it... DaCor you are your own worst enemy with comments like that.. Refusing to engage with actual concerns..

    That was a tongue in cheek response to that poster. I literally copied and pasted his response to an earlier post of mine where I did fully engage with each point he raised

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I was going to say like the comment section on but your analogy works too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    Don't need too... The Councillors are doing that and showing us the results...

    I said beforehand that this was hair-brained and it looks like I am vindicated...

    Throwing up a cycle-lane anywhere and then proclaiming that if you don't want it you want to kill the planet... People don't react well to that... It is just juvenile...

    Councillors are going to be very careful going forward trusting the Cycling lobby. Well Done, total over reach..

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    You know nobody believes that... Temporary is a very loose term to the City Executive...

    If this is a trail, where are the goals, where are the target to deem it a success or failure?

    Not there... What kind of fools do ye take us for... I find annoying that you think we are so stupid that we don't see a moving goalpost when we see it...

    We know full well what will happen, they would be a cycle event on a fine Sunday and it would proclaimed a success no matter how empty it would be for the rest of the time.

    Just look at some of the grandstanding here... Where was there the concerns for the residents of Salthill concerns?

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    Councillors are deserting it in droves...

    Got to love your persecution complex there... So you are saying the 17 - 1 vote was actually a plan by the City Council to actually stop cycling...

    The two options which were great when came out are now terrible...

    Sorry but the cycle lobby push without listening to the consequences is what got people's backs up... The Executive were terrible...

    At the end of the day it was a trial, trials have tangible goals and targets... This didn't...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,387 ✭✭✭xckjoo

    I'm not sure you understand the difference between the councilors and the GCC. Councilors are elected but have no real control over the decisions within the GCC. The engineers, etc. decide what's happening in terms of planning and infrastructure and don't have to listen to the elected councilors at all as far as I can tell. So the councilors voted for the cycleway, which then went to GCC and they threw together these couple of plans. Never heard anyone say they were great. Can you point me towards anyone saying that? Probably not.

    Ironic that you're on about persecution complexes when you seem to constantly worried about some big bad cycling lobby out to force you onto 2 wheels. It's just some regular people looking for safer cycling in the city. And as has already been explained to you, it's not a trial, it's a temporary test with specific start and end dates (does it help if I do it in bold?). Targets and objectives would be nice but GCC aren't big on those at the best of times. Hopefully they'll take lessons from it and come back with something better in the future but we are currently only being given 2 options.

    And just to state clearly (since a lot of people here seem to living in fear of some global cyclist cabal out to get them), I'm not really a big fan of this plan. It's nearly useless to me personally since there's no infrastructure to get to and from it and I'm not a big "Prom guy". I go to Salthill village regularly enough but that this won't make much difference to that trip. I think that cars parking in nearby estates will be a real issue but one that needs to be tackled by parking regulations and enforcement, not sticking our heads in the sand and continuing to do more of the same/nothing. I also don't think Salthill businesses will get as much benefit as they might because of the issue I mentioned above of getting to/from the area. But this is what's on offer and I don't see what the big hoopla about trying it out is. We've sat in traffic for long enough. I can't understand why everyone is so obsessed with continuing to do it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,848 ✭✭✭?Cee?view

    "But this is what's on offer and I don't see what the big hoopla about trying it out is. We've sat in traffic for long enough. I can't understand why everyone is so obsessed with continuing to do it."

    But was it that bad in Salthill? Other than when GAA matches are on and maybe some weekends in Summer, the traffic isn't actually that bad. The traffic is bad though regularly on Threadneedle and Taylor's Hill and this was going to make that situation a lot worse.

    Many photos have been posted of cars in Salthill saying they ruin the view, but to be frank, once you're on the Prom they're behind you.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes, thats exactly it,impose something and pretend its a covid measure and temporary and then leave it in place just makes locals mistrust officials and politicans.

    We had online meetings organised by local politicans and the level of anger was unreal,I really think any infrastructure put in would have been ripped up.

    One of the propsals would have meant hundreds of cars would be diverting down narrow residential roads that led directly to about five schools in the area and it would have turned large housing estates into a cul de sac that Gardai and emergency services couldnt reach.

    It defies belief how any official could think residents would take plans like this lying down.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You're wrong again on that one. The exec were very clear to the councillors that this is temporary and not a trial, they wanted that clearly defined and understood as they are different things.

    You don't have a clue about my position on this or what groups and people I've discussed it with before forming my own personal submission. You don't know to what extent I was critical of the options and how radically I think it should be changed.

    You're just running with the little story in your head that anyone that's pro cycle infrastructure is obsessively so and is somehow anti-car and/or has a green agenda. Maybe that makes life easier for you to snap people to limited simplistic profiles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    What you say is the GCC , I call the executive... And I think both of us pretty unimpressed by them... I thought they would have least rang up the Emergency Services, Schools and Golf Club and got there views first... Maybe a discussion with the few business on the Blackrock -Barna Rd section... B They are just terrible and if their plan was everyone to have a fight and nothing happen, well they achieved that...They are generally not from Galway and they seem to care less...

    The Executive/GCC seemed to have driven this so badly they have pitted groups against each other where they could have been far better... I personally think they don't care, they have an arrogance for doing these kind of things... Thee was no real discussion before these options were thrown out there... Then they did a great job pissing off a large section by voting No change will not count. I was all on for a trial of Dr Mannix road and a serious look at extending the prom and giving more area to walkers and cyclists. Add in a tidal pool as well... Join Millar Lane and Threadneedle Road cycleways...

    My big ambition would be a walkway around Rusheen Bay... Would be an almost unique experience in Ireland where they could have weekly running races where people can post a time and try and beat it...

    I hope you can see I want actually more cycle lanes than was asked for but I know removing parking from the Prom is very precious to a lot of people... IT is the wrong way to approach it... Money needs to be spent and the Executive have just dumped a load of good will...

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭9320

    The same arguments were used ahead of the Coastal Mobility Route from Blackrock to Sandycove in Dublin - there were issues the first couple of weeks with the new one way systems etc but people managed to cope, people found other routes to drive on, amazingly some people (thousands actually) decided to cycle instead of drive thus reducing traffic not increasing it. And many more people started spending time in Dun Laoghaire and Blackrock and spending money there.

    Why is Galway so different? The same arguments are used the whole time, they were used for Shop Street pedestrianisation, for Grafton St, Henry St in Dublin as well the two most expensive streets for commercial rents in the country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,652 ✭✭✭yer man!

    I for one think it's worth trying out in any case. At least at the end of it we will have some results and one side of the group will be silenced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    It is busy but not overly busy on the prom... It is heavily used without been the over used... The big thing about the Prom is a big leveller, any one can pop down for a walk, that what this was taking away and no amount of explaining to them this was making them listen...

    Again I think the Executive are the root problem here... Some say they deliberately wanted this, I would disagree, they have shown us time and time again they are way to incompetent to do that...

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    No we won't... There is not targets or goals set up... No cost benefit structure in place going forward... This is if you pro or anti which ever, a incompetent mess already...

    Trials are meant to have a measurement criteria... We are supposed to see the costs... There are 8 guys going to loose there jobs in one petrol station, has that been accounted for... This just setting up for a bigger argument...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,848 ✭✭✭?Cee?view

    You see the problem with that view is that a lot (most maybe) of people believe that the "results" will be whatever the cyclists want them to be, aided and abetted by the cycling Mayor and the "Green" Minister Ms. Naughton.

    People have no confidence in the cycling lobby to be honest.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Do you mind me asking do you live in the area.

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    I was trying to figure that out... Politicians aren't that dumb to be fooled like this... We live in the the area, anyone should know the challenges that this would bring if you live in the area..

    One person said in Salthill last week that the Executive were pissed that the councillors told what them what to do so they came up with these two proposals... This could be partially true, then against the Executive could actually think these options are reasonable...

    Even if they opened up the Bailey Point car park (if possible) they could have naturalised some of the concerns..Too late for that now..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,848 ✭✭✭?Cee?view

    I really can't understand how people are drawing an equivalance between Blackrock (Dublin) and Salthill. That road in Blackrock has been one way for well over a decade anyway. The only difference seems to be that a cycle lane has been added to one side of it. Doesn't make a whit of difference to what was there already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    Actually read my posts and you will see I am not anti cycling... I actually want to spend way more money on putting in something permeant and right... I am just anti this...

    The City Exec are bunch of incompetent liars... They are truly awful.. This has been set up to be a mess... Without a clear set of targets and goals this is going to end up into a disaster for both sides... This is the creation of chaos...

    We probably don't disagree that much but this stupid cycleway is just thrown out there to cause division... I have been working Projects all my life and you can see this trail as a political pawn...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,652 ✭✭✭yer man!

    Couldn't a bicycle counter be put in place to determine the usage? They have them in Dublin on several routes.

    8 guys are for a fact going to lose their jobs in the petrol station? That's a certainty yeah? one way traffic will prevent 100% of cars going that petrol station? Sounds like a bad plan if 100% of cars can't get to it alright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭CowboyTed

    If it doesn't prevent 100% they will have to comeback through the top of Threadneedle road...

    This is the only Petrol stations (two beside each other) in Knocknacarra and half of Salthill... Again ill thought out...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,387 ✭✭✭xckjoo

    Ya I never thought it had the biggest need for one but I don't pass through it at busy times so don't feel qualified to comment. From a leisure point of view is a bit mad that such an amenity doesn't have space for cycling, but I was never into scenic cycling so it again doesn't effect me personally.

    I don't think this cycleway is really part of the effort to improve Galway traffic congestion. It needs cycle links to other areas to really make a difference there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭9320

    Living temporarily in Barna (6 months total) I'm from Dublin and will be returning there in April. Couldn't believe the lack of cycling infrastructure between Barna and City Centre - totally non-existent. Am a confident enough cyclist, have only cycled once into town from Barna, came home via Salthill.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭9320

    Which road? You're mistaken, if you're talking about Maretimo Terrace yes (that's a tiny tiny proportion of the route) but Blackrock village was made partially one-way and Seapoint Avenue to Sandycove was always two-way for cars until the Cycle Track was brought in, it has made a huge difference.

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