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To Mask or not to two - Mask Megathread cont.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    Do you think people wear masks all the time? At home? At house parties? Drinking in the pub? Eating in restaurants?

    Of course when masks come off, there will be cases. But to blame masks on the high cases is just pure thick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,000 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    No point I'm telling ye, don't engage. They can't be educated. And a sure sign of that is when anyone shows any bit of consideration for others, their mental health is attacked, as if that's an ok reply. Akin to bullying tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    Is anyone else worried about them removing the mandate for masks?

    It's only time before they get removed and I'm worried about how useless the HSE have been throughout the whole pandemic.

    Has any other country removed masks but allowed people to wear masks if they wanted to? I'm not talking about going into a shop with a face mask, I'm talking about health advice which workplaces have to follow. I should be allowed to wear a better protection face mask if I want but they seem to think medical masks are fine and I don't like the idea of masks being removed but I can continue with a medical mask!!! God, when will they get with what we already know, ffp2 masks are better. There shouldn't be an or with the HSE.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,858 ✭✭✭PsychoPete

    It's about time masks are made optional. 99% of my time is spent not wearing one like in the going to other houses,meeting friends, pub,cinema, restaurants and worked through the whole pandemic and didn't wear one. If I happen to forget one going into a shop then I'll just go in anyway, we are at a stage where most people don't care except for the people that have been corrupted by fear

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,538 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    From what I know people aren't overly worried about masks being removed.

    The odd person I encounter seems to be a tad but they are nearly always out in cafe/restaurants/etc.

    I've a relative who basically wants masks to continue basically for life but she hasn't got vaccinated.

    I do think it really depends on the work place. I'm really unsure where you work. I do find lots of places aren't overly concerned about what type you wear.

    Would you ever consider changing jobs? If it's causing you so much distress?

    I've another relative and he was basically told that they were going to be working from home a lot in the future and he hated working from home so he changed jobs.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭ShadowTech

    Did you mean to quote me? I agree it would be crazy to say masks cause cases. I didn’t say, imply, or think that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭ShadowTech

    One poster says they don’t wear masks unless requested to do so but that they do as requested when asked. You accuse them of hassling staff. I explain that in my view masks are not having much impact given how easily omicron spread through our population and given the fact the severity of illness is so much lower and that hospitals were able to cope through the largest wave we’ve seen. You respond with this post accusing anyone who thinks the mask mandate needs to end as being impossible to “educate”. Who’s bullying whom?

    Post edited by ShadowTech on

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    There's really no drama to it at all. A mask is just something you take with you if you know you're heading into a location where it's required. You put it on ,you take it off. My feeling is that we will largely see the end of the mandatory requirement in 4 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,617 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    Nobody blames masks for high case numbers. Why would you even say that?

    What people are saying or asking is what difference did masks make? Omicron infected half the country since Christmas. Are we saying without masks in schools, supermarkets, buses it would have infected half the country even quicker?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,617 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    You are contradicting yourself there. Here you say

    Has any other country removed masks but allowed people to wear masks if they wanted to?

    Well every country I know of always was like that. Nobody forbid you wearing a mask even before covid. And I assume nobody will after. You are and will be allowed to wear a masks of any quality you chose to.

    And in the next sentence you say

    I'm talking about health advice which workplaces have to follow.

    Which contradicts the sentence before because 'advice' that 'workplaces have to follow' is not advice but a mandate and contradicts the first sentence even moreso. Because if places 'had to follow' AKA continued mandate then that wouldn't be akin to the removal of masks in the first place.

    I know you want masks and I am not belittling you, you are obviously very worried, but you are also obviously very irrational about this topic. Nothing underlines this better than your own post there.

    Post edited by CalamariFritti on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,795 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    I would like to be educated so please go ahead.

    Show me proof of the effect masks have against Omicron.

    Then once you provide that, we can look at if it is justification for damaging young kids development for something that they are at no risk of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Seanergy

    Not belittling but really am. Your irrational, quote, underline. I know.

    Not going to get into your lazy maths, but half the country infected half the country with Omicron since Christmas, very distinct but important difference.

    But hey PhyscoPete only wears a mask about 1% of the time. Proud, sounded like it. Is that really pride or ignorance?

    Let's all rally round and try to denormalise that 1% of the time. Heaven forbid we made a genuine effort to denormalise Covid-19 by wearing masks more than 1% of the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    I'm not allowed to wear a better quality mask, and was never allowed to. Not in work anyways. Because as far as health and safety goes, they provide medical masks, so they're covered. Because going by HSE it's medical (blue) masks or a respirator, so work is covered.

    We already know ffp2 masks give better protection, so why are we being prevented from wearing them?

    It's only a matter of time before masks are removed and what then? I'm not protecting myself with those blue surgical masks but workplace is covered because of HSE use of the word or.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,775 ✭✭✭✭gmisk

    So you want to wear a better quality mask but your work won't allow you? That seems utterly bizarre...what reason did they give you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Seanergy

    Worrying never helps.

    That's what we get when the HSE lead for AMRIC who shapes our advice and guidance considers aerosols "high-tech things."

    Is your workplace still not tolerating you wearing FFP2?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    They are following HSE rules and it was face masks that were required up until now. I thought I might be finally get to wear a better quality mask lately but nope HSE has medical mask OR respirator. And my workplace provides medical masks.

    The funny thing is I can be stressed out wearing face masks and I'd be allowed to wear a visor because of what the HSE says but I can't protect myself with a better quality mask. And not sure how I feel with them getting rid of face masks, which lets face it, it's coming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 313 ✭✭NedsNotDead

    I feel your pain. Would you like to hug it out

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,538 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    Could you wear the type of mask you want to and cover it with a blue one or could you wear a he type of mask you want and a visor?

    I'm not sure of the type of workplace but how strict are they about masks?(Could they be trying to wind you up?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,860 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    This makes no sense to me. They're objecting to you wanting to wear a higher quality mask... why? What industry/sector are you in? Are you in a public facing role? (maybe they think it might scare customers?)

    I cannot see any company objecting to someone wanting to wear a mask (even after the mandatory requirement is removed) if they want to. Although I will say that unless you are immunocompromised or otherwise actually at risk, or live/regularly interact with someone who is, that it might be worth you trying to take a step back and assess what has you so stressed/nervous.

    I'm not being funny but the simple reality is that Covid just isn't dangerous to the vast majority (excepting the 2 groups I mentioned above and statistical outliers), and it's not good for your mental health to be so concerned about it and the consequences of returning to normal living that you're feeling this way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,564 ✭✭✭User1998

    Look I’l be honest with you, I absolutely hate masks. They are annoying and are of no benefit to me. If others want to continue wearing them that is fine but I won’t be wearing one just because Big Tony wants me to.

    I sometimes carry one with me as I’m not the type to scream and shout if a staff member requests me to wear one. But I haven’t been asked to wear one in a very very long time

    I never said I was a legend or anything of the sort and you should respect my decision of not wearing one the same way I respect the decision of anyone who wants to wear one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,564 ✭✭✭User1998

    Again, I respect anyone who wants to wear a mask. But it seems like you are just wearing one in fear of getting sick?

    Why is this? Surely you have lived a number of years, surrounded by maskless people, and been maskless yourself. Why do you suddenly feel that masks need to be apart of your every day life? Covid is no longer a threat to anyone in Ireland, no more than the flu at least. I think it will take several years for some people to realise this

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,564 ✭✭✭User1998

    No one is arguing that in a controlled setting masks will reduce transmission. But life is not a controlled setting. People take their masks off, they socialise, they wear them incorrectly, wear them when eating/drinking. This is why masks make little difference in the real world.

    We practically had over a million cases the past couple of months. Its obvious that masks are not making a significant difference. And even if they were making a difference, that difference is no longer needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,617 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    What Kaiser said. What industry are you in?

    Seems utterly weird to me that they won't allow you to wear a better mask than what's mandated/recommended. I'd understand it (not personally but from a rules point of view) if they won't allow a lesser mask. But not allowing a better mask seems bizarre to me unless you wanna rock up with an army gas mask or something. But an ffp2 would hardly stand out.

    Is that the official line from your employer written on paper?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    It's health and safety. The moment they go against the HSE, they leave themselves in danger of being sued. At the moment, there's very unclear messaging on the HSE website with their medical mask OR respirator. They're making out that both are effective but we all know that respirator masks are better. My company provides medical masks, so that's their job done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,617 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    Ok so is the issue that they won't provide you with an ffp2 or that they won't allow you to wear one that you purchased yourself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,538 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    Have you ever tried wearing the one you want to see what they'd say?

  • Registered Users Posts: 980 ✭✭✭revelman

    Major study has just been published testing real world effectiveness of masks.

    3000 people during 2021. Mask-wearers were 56% less likely to develop Covid. Those who wore FP95 masks were 83% less likely to develop it. Common sense would tell you this anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    Yes I did and they had a fit. I walk in wearing my own that I have to remove and put a blue medical mask on instead. This sounds like something that happened a few weeks ago where people getting tested had to remove their mask if they showed up wearing an N95 and replace with a medical mask, and I don't work for the HSE!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 313 ✭✭NedsNotDead

    I don't believe you. You remind me of a former poster whose username was Away With The Faries

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,538 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    Well firstly and this is me trying to be nice.

    At work I'd suggest you seek some type of legal advice regarding what type of mask your allowed to wear.

    I do think you might be able to find a work place that is more suited to your needs and allow you wear whatever you wanted but they maybe lax with masks.

    Also coming up with a plan on how your going to move forward if mask usage is something you may need to look into and how you'll get on in public.
