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Irish Property Market chat II - *read mod note post #1 before posting*



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭Amadan Dubh

    Gobsh1tes, pure and simple. They should have no ability to object to any development for a few years until the "crisis" or "emergency" aspect changes.

    Honestly, can't believe how people are so oblivious to how elitist and "pull up the ladders" these people are; Mary Hennessy and Tom van Nuenen's objection is here Such rubbish; "transitory population", "ghettoisation", "lack of public transport as the Luas is 20 minutes walk away so people will cycle and the infrastructure for cycling is poor";

    "The rent only nature of the scheme belongs to another era, the direct rent taking being reflective of the worse form of ‘rentiarism’. It is inevitable that the limited type of unit proposed, will attract a ghettoized population, who through no fault of their own, will contribute little to the support of an established community. We will all end up ‘bowling alone’."

    If you look at the objectors, it seems to all be coordinated by the residents of the Abbeyfield estate in Milltown. These are all homeowners of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭mcsean2163

    Baffled as to why you came here looking for advice when you have all the answers..

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Sorry if I came across as knowing all the answers, far from it. Just giving my opinion on matters, is that not what this discussion forum is about?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭Marius34

    "So what to do now?" -don't know

    "Surely there could not be a worse time to buy?" -there always could be something worst.

    "Are people crazy to buy houses that are at least 70k overpriced and sometimes even more?" -you have wrong assumptions what is overpriced.

    "Will they regret it in a few years when they go to upgrade and find their house is in negative equity just to get on the property ladder?" - you have wrong assumptions here as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,321 ✭✭✭Brego888

    Are open viewings still a thing since covid? Big groups of people turning up without individual bookings to view a property for a period scheduled by an estate agent?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭The Student

    we are a small open economy. If costs of labour increases business will source that labour in other countries and we loose the income tax raised as a result of employment.

    How do you suggest we put more income into people's pockets?

    Bear in mind we are one of the most indebted countries so if we reduce taxes to put more money in people's pockets where/how is the shortfall in tax revenue funded?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

    The level of debt that is used in calculating how indebted Ireland is heavily distorted thanks to the multi-national presence in Ireland just the same as GDP is a unreliable indicator of the domestic economy for similar reasons.

    I'm not saying that Ireland does not have a lot of debt but it is substantially overstated due to the debt issued by multi-nationals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 983 ✭✭✭greenfield21

    Is the poster not referring to national debt and is it not a real figure?... I know all the other non financial Corp debt, Gdp figures etc are useless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

    National debt to gni is a good indicator.

    Yes we are the higher end of the distribution curve but not the most indebted country in the world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭The Student

    We are not the most indebted country but we are heavily indebted.

    The question posed was how to achieve the aims of the poster. Do we go into further debt and kick the can down the road and when we go to roll over the bonds the interest rates increase or do we tackle the high cost of living and make some tough decisions.

    Ironically there is an article in today's Independent highlighting this very fact. I understand costs are slightly higher due to our geographic location etc but this can be offset in reducing the associated taxes.

    We are making ourselves internationally uncompetitive in the main because of our wage costs.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,261 ✭✭✭Gant21

    Stay borrowing, stay building and stay giving them out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,603 ✭✭✭Villa05

    Just watched the debate, couple of points

    This was a debate for Sarah Mcenerny not the puppy that was wheeled out

    Ff continually interrupting SF while trying to portray a narrative that the opposite was happening and getting away with it

    Opposing developments by ff/Fg is more or less nimbyism it appears to be value for money grounds with SF. If we are gifting public land to private developers with the result being "affordable" housing priced at 350 to 400k, we are getting further away from a solution, therefore opposition is valid. From the program one got the impression that only SF opposed developing

    50/50 split between social/affordable and private seems reasnoble given the income divide shown in tax receipts during covid.

    SF claimed 25% of their 40k figure would be through salvaging the empty properties, hopefully future debates will press them on how this will be achieved

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,305 ✭✭✭✭Wanderer78

    we have to get over this fear of public debt, its far safer than relying on private debt/credit, in order to run our economies, theres now plenty of evidence to support this, once again, debt is the money supply, no debt means no money supply, means no economy. yes long term perpetual bonds are now a critical element in getting us out of this hole, its clearly obvious that relying on credit to do this wont work, it will more than likely keep pushing the price of property up, due to its need and want to maximise returns. by not relying on public money creation systems, i.e. bond markets etc, we in fact are obviously just kicking the urgent need of building now down the road, waiting for something to happen..... wage inflation has decoupled with asset price inflation, most obvious with property, i.e. wages need to increase urgently, in order for us to be able to maintain our debt obligations, private debt being the most vulnerable, as private debt can rarely be rolled over, certainly not for the individual

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,603 ✭✭✭Villa05

    The world needs more people like him to highlight what is happening.

    Often wondered why Irish banks were bundling one off houses in rural locations into portfolios and selling into investors back in 2014/15. One would have thought that investors would have gone after bulk properties in a concentrated region to allow for easier management.

    Must be quiet a money spinner now if the state is paying HAP and responsible for the management and upkeep

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,507 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    If the state is paying HAP the LL in s conversation responsible for maintenance and upkeep.

    Yes some LA have entered into longterm lease's on some houses. Totally different scheme to HAP.

    Not sure if the banks bundled single houses into batches if selling. Generally the put batches of mortgages together to sell on as they were finding it impossible to manage the nonpaying houses. This was because it was virtually impossible to repossess.

    Legally they could not sell any houses that they repossessed in batches. Each is an individual cases. Technically the best price has to be achieved for each individual houses as the remaining debt is with the owner. This is why most were sold at auction. It was why there was serious value in houses and apartments from 2011-2016. Some were sold for 10% of original build costs and mortgages. Small and mid sized investors bough these

    There was some apartment blocks and house projects that were sold in bulk to larger investors. Some of these were serious value. Amy that were.not 90% complete were not sold until the market started to lift 3-4 years ago.

    Your post just shows how misconceptions start and how many have no understanding of what happened.

    Slava Ukrainii

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

    And how do they build 40k houses a years a simple question that couldn’t be answered clearly. All that will happen is a reduction in private homes being built as all resources pulled into building social housing.

    As for affordability how can he say he will deliver social housing at 150k a house if his answer to dealing with institutional investors is for the government to buy the properties. That was a brain fart during the debate and not thought through but shows that SF policy lacks substance and reality.

    Where was the value of money in his answer? So they are happy to buy properties at market price to stop them falling into the hands of institutional investors but are opposed to building social houses that are way cheaper to build on grounds of value for money just because a different political party is building them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,603 ✭✭✭Villa05

    Well there more likely to enter leases when doing business with investment funds who were buying these portfolios

    Widely reported that sales were falling through as the bank had pulled them from the market, a family member had personal experience of such with 2 sales falling with this reason given

    Banks sold there bad loans for cents on the euro. Bad loans would be spread all over country. Rural mcmansions were a symptom of the celtic tiger and value wise were amongst the biggest fallers in the crash

    Practically no repossions in comparison to the arrears, so if a loan is long term delinquent and the occupants remain in the house, the State usually picks up the tab in the form of rent which is probably higher than the mortgage payments. The greater fool theory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

    I agree that during times of growth the government need to capitalise and either invest in making our economy more efficient or reduce/restructure our debt.

    The last thing we want is to become uncompetitive as we have no control of the currency.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

    If the banks didn’t sell their bad books for cents on the Euro they would have had to hold more capital and the only way of getting more capital at the time was for the government to inject more cash in the form of billions. It would also mean that banks would have to increase mortgage rates meaning more bad loans and people who were not in arrears paying much more on their mortgages.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,603 ✭✭✭Villa05

    You normally get top marks on your data, but you may have missed the 50/50 split between private/social and affordable.

    Private market rents are way out of reach for most. If you can't afford to buy its highly unlikely you can afford rents at upto twice the cost of buying. Many of the privately funded build to rent apartments are in this price range so are of little use and only achieve further increase in price

    There 40k figure is made up of 25% unused units been brought back into use, with FF constantly interrupting we missed the opportunity to push SF on how they would achieve that. So if I picked up on what was said correctly. SF would build less but bring more currently unused property back to market

    With every main central bank in the world concerned with inflation and overheating economies, we need to be much smarter in how we use our existing resources of land and underused infrastructure. Leaner times ahead. SF policy reflects that better than Gov policy

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,603 ✭✭✭Villa05

    We had nama for developers, could we not do the same for private households.

    These properties are warehoused and effectively become social homes. I suspect that paying down the mortgage with a 50% haircut would be far cheaper than paying current market rents to external investment funds

    I know there is a moral hazard issue here but it's a choice between the least cost and the most cost for the taxpayer.

    Im not comfortable with the max cost approach when using taxpayer funds. This was also around the time corpo taxes started increasing rapidly so the money was there

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭The Student

    Public debt has to be paid for, it is funded from the bond market. If you want to fund investment without the need to access the bond market you need to make hard decisions. Increasing taxes on middle income /the working poor won't work. It is those in this bracket who provide the most income tax take.

    The pandemic has shown that income tax revenue did not fall. It goes to show that those who were on the pup etc pay little or no income tax.

    This has to change, our welfare system has to change. It is too generous in some situations. There is no justification for some people not working when they can and choose not to. Welfare should not be a career choice but it is. I personally know people who have a better standard of living on welfare than they would working. That is just wrong, we as a society are encouraging this and its making people bitter.

    Everybody wants to live where they want, all properties should have a high BER. Prices should be affordable etc but who exactly is going to pay for this?

    Everyone wants but no one is willing to make sacrifices and the State is removing the choices from people be it tax, vat etc and these funds are going to pay welfare.

    To bring this post back on topic all of the above points relate to the housing market and pandering to the demands of some at the expense of others, unfairly in my opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭Marius34

    "There 40k figure is made up of 25% unused units been brought back into use, with FF constantly interrupting we missed the opportunity to push SF on how they would achieve that."

    They will not achieve that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

    25% of 40,000 is 10k and I don’t believe that they could bring that amount of vacant property back into circulation in a year in the areas where housing is in high demand. In the whole of Dublin there is only circa 7k vacant properties and it is well below what would be vacant in a functioning house market. Let’s not forget that a lot of vacant properties are for sale/rent.

    But let’s agree to differ on that what do the do in Year 2,3,4 as it won’t be possible to bring back 10k of vacant housing every year and we don’t have the capacity to build 40k.

    it was quite clear that social housing was the priority which means private new builds will suffer making it harder for FTB’s.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭Marius34

    The poster was speaking about the private debt problem: "once again, it is in fact our over reliance on private debt/credit in order run our economies"

    But as Timing Belt told, the problem of Irish Private Debt is overstated. Current Irish private debt is fairly healthy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭The Student

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭mcsean2163

    Much better to look at debt per capita.

    National / population

    We're third worst in the world behind USA/ Japan. We're an extremely attractive location for cloud corporations (access to EU) and medical devices (neutral peaceful country). If that position changes badly our GDP/ gni will change massively for the worse.

    Debt per capita remains the same. It's our rainy day fund and it's a black hole.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭Marius34

    Good question. Don't know really. From NTMA it says it's in a form of Government Bonds. And main holders of Government Bonds are residents. But I don't know in what form and how residents hold it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

    Debt per capita is not a good measure as it doesn’t take into account the ability to repay.


    a country with debt of 5million and a population of 1 million that have a high wage and as a result has a higher revenue of tax is much better able to repay the debt than a country with 5 million debt and a population of 2m on a low wage with a small tax revenue.

    plus a lot of the debt to capita looks at total private and public debt. And we know the private debt is massively overstated due to the structure of multinationals.
