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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 385 ✭✭animalinside

    ? ...

    You appear to have forgotten what we were talking about.

    I stated that Ukraine are mortal enemies with Russia and you said that no they're not giving the evidence of the treat and of things they have done up to the early 2000s.

    I countered that by saying the early 2000s is a long time ago in terms of international relations. Noone was talking about the merit of the things that happened who was in the right or wrong, what we were arguing about was whether or not Ukraine are mortal enemies of Russia.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    You've offered nothing ,you couldn't find ukraine on a map unless someone else found it for you ....

    The only threat is coming from putin and Russia , nobody else

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭Harryd225

    Attitudes on this thread seem to have changed significantly since I was last here a few days ago😂 looks like people on this thread are finally starting to cop on.

    People seem to now have the opinions I had on here weeks ago when I was labelled a conspiracy theorist who has fell victim to Russian propaganda.

  • Registered Users Posts: 385 ✭✭animalinside

    I couldn't find Ukraine on a map?.... what the hell are you talking about?

    While nobody could expect intelligent anti-Russia trolls, I wish we at least had ones capable of engaging in some sort of conversation. Ignore list.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Major Russian troop transfers by air under way, lots more troops at train stations. Equipment moving to staging areas near the border. Ground attack aircraft in place. Nuclear Iskander missiles in place to deter NATO intervention. Amphibious force from Baltic & Northern Fleets, which called to Tartus in Syria is back under way, believed heading to Black Sea.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 547 ✭✭✭shillyshilly

    they're not mortal enemies.

    Poroshenko and Zelensky have tried numerous times to end the Russian Ukraine war, on the basis all will go back to normal if the annexed parts of the country are returned.

    It was also found in 2014 that Ukraine still had technology to build their own nuclear bombs, which both Poroshenko and Zelensky have both pledged will never happen, as it contraveins the Budapest 1994 agreement, which all countries, except Russia, still acknowledge its existance...

    sound like decent neighbours to be fair...

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    And yet on here it's denied and there's nothing to see here is used ,

    This was never a political move trying to gain consesssions , it's about taking back the former occupied states of eastern Europe .

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭MFPM

    Garbage...I'm really looking forward to you explaining the non invasion...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I think Sleepy Putina would have been happy if he could have toppled the Govt in Ukraine by pressure alone. But, it appears the resolve on the side of the good guys is stronger than he though. Faced with climb down or escalation he'll escalate. There's not much escalation room left before the shooting starts imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭MFPM

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I've no interest in your thread spoiling so don't waste your time, seeya.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,356 ✭✭✭fergiesfolly

    Not doubting, but could you provide your sources for this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Just look at the demands from Putin

    Ukraine can never join nato , no foreign troops allowed in Ukraine (obviously doesn't include Russian ).

    No further countries allowed to join nato.

    The removal of Nato troops and equipment from former occupied Soviet states ,

    The removal of Nato from Europe ..

    And what is putin offering in return a discussion on weapons limits .

    Now where any of that there is mutual respect of security its all Russia nothing else

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭MFPM

    Now there's a surprising response, not! So many of you lads lack the courage of your convictions....I'll leave you to indulge your illusions.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's mostly all on Twitter from people following what's happening. You can search with some of the words in the previous post.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    He's a common gangster, respect doesn't come into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 385 ✭✭animalinside

    Poroshenko and Zelensky have been desperate for military assistance from the US ever since Crimea. Warranted or not, to deny that this exists is very silly.

    Ukraine still holding onto the technology to build nuclear weapons is surely in direct contravention to the agreement. All of the know-how should have been destroyed as part of the deal.

    Decent neighbours? Ukraine is a chaotic mess and has been bringing us to the brink of world war 3 for years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    There's a rather excellent podcast released by the New Yorker in the last few days, it's an interview with a Yale historian who specializes in Eastern Europe.

    One of the standout points he makes (and I'm paraphrasing a lot here) is that unlike the EU on its doorstep, Russia under Putin is institutionally feeble, hasn't made the effort to strengthen political or civic institutions since the collapse of the USSR, and the state overwhelmingly relies on Putin's personality and his inner-circle who are old security hands drawn exclusively from from the FSB /GRU/SVU. The economy is commanded by Kremlin filtered oligarchs who they feel won't go off the reservation. And that's the grand bargain, probably less than 50 men who matter in the whole country.

    These men, as well as Putin, are instinctively paranoid, are acutely aware of Russia's institutional weakness, but their background doesn't allow for liberalization or flowering of an open society with free press, civil society engagement with politics etc.

    This is sustainable only until Russians or countries broadly in the Russosphere come into contact with different political systems and economies that offer social mobility. The closer the proximity of these counterexamples to the Russian model (if it can be called a model, because the dispensation is cobbled together with kickbacks, political intimidation, censorship and violence against the opposition and the media), the more acute the embarrassment and existential threat to Putin.

    Putin knows that if jig is up, the consequences for him and his circle are severe, probably best-case scenario prison, exile to another country, and maybe even death.

    The game they run is a zero-sum one. They know that deep down Russians don't trust the system, so they spend their time taking political options off the table for them internally by whatever means necessary. Externally, they can't do this, so they focus their attention minimizing neighbouring countries' engagement with Western institutions by coercion, kickback or intimidation in whatever elite or ruling class they are targetting. If these options don't work, Putin is well capable of rolling in the tanks, because he simply doesn't have the economic inducements to win them back.

    They know full well they aren't offering a suite of palatable options to either their own citizens or former Soviet states, so instead of talking up the merits of how they do things, they try to drag the West down to their level.

    Essentially the message is this: "Yeah we know we're not a democracy, but Western democracy is a joke anyway. Yeah we know we've stacked the media with mouthpieces and murder proper journalists, but the BBC lie. Yeah, we took parts of Ukraine illegally; so what? What about Iraq?"

    Of course, the broad masses of the West, including former Eastern bloc countries wouldn't trade in their liberties, security and economic opportunities in a million years to be under the Russian yoke or too exposed to the vicissitudes of paranoid old men in the Kremlin, but it's good enough for them if that message sinks-in on the extreme left and extreme right where it can. And it has to a certain extent.

    The message isn't hearts and minds of the masses of the West or their near abroad - it's to get a critical mass of people peddling conspiracies, sowing misinformation, obfuscating on behalf of Russian nationalists' interests so give enough breathing room to maximize their autocratic agenda.

    He also makes the point that underneath it all, NATO isn't the real gripe, Putin doesn't seriously countenance a conflict with NATO, it's that NATO severely limits the backstop of the threat of military coercion or actual military force when the near-abroad strays too far from his political and economic script. It's near-abroad's (Ukraine, Georgia etc) economic and political engagement with the West, and particularly engagement with the EU that truly threatens Putin and the system he has built around him.

    Post edited by Yurt2 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 547 ✭✭✭shillyshilly

    they were desperate for any assistance, not just American. You're making out they shouldn't be allowed to after having an invasion take place and starting a war they were not ready for.

    I've never said America haven't been involved? It's well known they've provided training for Ukrainian forces a number of years now. imo if the west hadn't sat back in 2014, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

    Removing of technology would mean shutdown of reactors, which isn't going to happen and doesn't contravene the Budapest agreement, it only mentions possession and placement of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Even though Russia say they don't recognise the agreement, they were still inspecting for compliance to it. All part of the one rule for me, but not for thee facade.

    Had a good laugh at the last paragraph of your reply :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,422 ✭✭✭Snooker Loopy

    I presume that's Timothy Snyder. He is superb. "The Road To Unfreedom" is required reading on this subject.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,498 ✭✭✭An Ri rua

    When the Winter Olympics are over.

    A few more sleeps, grasshopper

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,498 ✭✭✭An Ri rua

    You must have copied over that draft from the old version of Boards?

    Because Russia invaded in 2014 and are occupying ever since. Wise up, would ya?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,498 ✭✭✭An Ri rua

    I have no doubt whatsoever you could put your finger on Ukraine on a map but could struggle to find Uranus with two hands.

  • Registered Users Posts: 385 ✭✭animalinside

    Only the dumbest of the dumb fall for this laughable claim I'm afraid.

    You aren't occupying a country if it's fully assimilated.

    Just because you don't agree with a country's borders, even if you believe they were created in an invalid way, does not mean you just say they're being "occupied".

    If that were the case you would have to say the uk are "occupying" Northern Ireland, that Spain is "occupying" Catalonia, that East Germany is being "occupied" by West Germany. It's ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Remember this heat last year when it got said Russia was about to invade. In the end, nothing happened. Russia asked the west for assurances, not a big ask and the west refused. Russia is fully entitled to take defensive measures if Western allies prefer to arm Ukraine. Ukraine had a coup, an the established government was kicked out by force, and not all the people in country liked that and lead to border disputes in regions. Ukraine coup government went to war against its own people. easily forgotten now, and Russia moved in then to prevent further bloodshed in Crimea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭BurgerFace

    Are we all ready for the "imminent" Russian invasion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭BurgerFace

    Look, people,

    Russia are going to take us over. We will be eating borstch and drinking vodka with red bull. Just accept it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭BurgerFace

    I can't wait for the invasion

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭MFPM

    Yeah so you've been saying that gor a while..we'll see if the 'expert' insights from you and others are correct...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,106 ✭✭✭Elmer Blooker

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