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Transgender man wins women's 100 yd and 400 yd freestyle races.



  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭BattleCorp1

    When it comes to sport, men who identify as women have a huge physical advantage over biological women in the vast majority of women's sports. That's why so many people think it's unfair to let someone born a biological male take place in female sports. It's a disadvantage for biological women to identify as men and take part in men's sport so there won't be many complaints about that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    Won't happen because you have flutes on twitter, on other forms of social media, in the mainstream media, hell even on here that will howl that the women are being transphobic and are no better than a 19th century man who wants to keep poor downtrodden "women" down.

    It can be career ending, could mean loss of sponsors, being kicked off the team or in case of college athletes in the states loss of scholarship and hence end of college.

    Hell look how trail blazing LGB rights advocate Martina Navratilova was hounded because she dared question it.

    The chattering social media right on classes are becoming very powerful, all it takes is a few to start the ball rolling.

    It is getting to the stage to be like McCarthyism in the States in the 50s.

    It has to be everyone as united they stand and divided they will surely fail.

    Now one could say that one way is for viewers and spectators to just walk away, but viewers especially those against it will watch to be able to complain and say I told you so. It is just the way people are.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,007 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    They would lose corporate sponsorship, media backlash, progressive activists beat them up etc.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    Talk about missing the finer nuances of the debate mate. In sport there is ample evidence that yes, trans women have an advantage for roughly a year. If I recall the IAA brought in a rule that trans women if competing should have a testosterone level of approx 5 nmol/L for approximately a year preceeding races they intended to enter. After the year, the ground was more or less even. There is an edge in terms of muscle mass but its not all that great and will require individual sports to be tailored. Calling out their biology of who they were and who they are now means that if you do think that being a trans woman is still a man then you would have to account for lower rates of testosterone as in men its 10 nmol/L. IOC rules have been consitently looked at by doctors working in the field. What would you tend to trust more - a medical physician with ten years experience or Barry the Banker who read an article on the Guardian and choked on his bottle of Heiniken ?

    PS Mc Carthyism stemmed from the Red Scare for communists - Most communists would support the transition of people as it fits in with empowering the individual over those at the top of society...makes your fairly facile point kind of ironic

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,007 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    A person who under went male puberty has a life long advantage.

    Even if their testosterone levels are dropped to a level low for a woman.

    Muscle mass is just one part of it. Lung capacity, bone structure and layout, ligament, heart size, etc.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    Not at all I am afraid, you are quite wrong on that

    Scientific American -

    The notion of transgender girls having an unfair advantage comes from the idea that testosterone causes physical changes such as an increase in muscle mass. But transgender girls are not the only girls with high testosterone levels. An estimated 10 percent of women have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which results in elevated testosterone levels. They are not banned from female sports. Transgender girls on puberty blockers, on the other hand, have negligible testosterone levels

    Are we going to go around in circles again with the debunked notion of physical supremacy of trans women over women?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,007 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    That's not relevant to point.

    Not sure how you think it is.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    You claimed they had a life long advantage

    I posted they didnt with evidence

    Whats your rebuttal to my point

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,673 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    From the UK Sports Council Equality Group

    Long-term evidence indicates that males have numerous physical advantages in sport compared with females, and this is recognised in law in ‘gender-affected sport’. Current research indicates that testosterone suppression does not negate this physical advantage over females and so cannot guarantee competitive fairness and/or safety. This information is explained further in the Guidance and in full in the documents on Scientific Research and Policy.

    The Review concluded that transgender inclusion, fairness and safety cannot be balanced in gender-affected sport, but rather need to be prioritised across different options available to each sport. These options are explained in the Guidance Document.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,673 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    From World Rugby (link to PDF at bottom of page)

    the full bars represent the advantage of males over females, the dark blue represents the reduction in that advantage after a year of hormone therapy

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    Jack Turban is a man at the top of his field and a very eminent psychiatrist. He has a long standing reputation in his field and is highly thought of in Stanford University (where he is tenured but correct me if I am wrong). We'll let the attack on his credentials slide as no one gets to be in that position on the basis of lies. Im going to tackle the veracity of what you claim and not entertain ad hominem attacks that add nothing to the conversation (and by the same standard what you cited about Scientific American that covers a wide range of ground on various topics)

    It appears you may have picked up the How does hormone transition in transgender women change body composition, muscle strength and haemoglobin? Systematic review with a focus on the implications for sport participation piece wrong - I draw your attention to the following

    After 4 months of hormone therapy, transwomen have Hgb/HCT levels equivalent to those of cisgender women. After 12 months of hormone therapy, significant decreases in measures of strength, LBM and muscle area are observed

    This ties back in with what the article that I posted that over time there is a levelling off of the muscle mass attributed to attrition as they have lowered amounts of testosterone on their system. Lest we forget that there is Polycysitic Ovaries Syndrome (hereafter referred to as PCOS) that has driven up the levels of testosterone in cis women over the years. These women are not asked to compete in male sports as the levels of tesosterone as in line with accepted parameters. You do talk a good game but the devil is in the detail and alas I think you might need to read back over the link !

    The missed part of your argument is that these are women who transitioned after they had hit puberty. The levelling of the playing field may be that there is going to be an allowance made for those who took puberty blockers and never developed the other physical attributes that may confer a physical advantage. When taken into account that a large number of women do suffer from PCOS (,than%20by%20those%20without%20(Fig.) this then begs the question why women with a certain amount of testosterone are not being held to the same standard as women who transitioned.

    Would you agree then that the best way perhaps to level the playing field (pun intended) is to just allow those who never went through puberty to participate and to not allow those with PCOS to compete or another middle ground?

    I should add, that the patronising attitude that you elicit

    This is kindergarten level stuff that anyone with half a brain understands. The fact that it even needs studies, or time wasted to explain it is just embarrassing.

    I discuss these with you in good faith and the least you can do is park the animosity prevalent in your post. It taints the quality that you write with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 991 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    Turban is a psychiatrist not a medical or physiological expert.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭TheW1zard

    I'm 356 years old then

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    The use of puberty blockers is to prevent secondary sexual characteristics that develop before they transition. Ireland has a robust mechanism to address the matter , including seeing a psychologist and living as a chosen gender for two years. What you have done here is not even stretched as far as answering a reasonable question but instead have postured into the abstract with the eloquntly phrased "they are sterilsed and will never mature to have sexual function of any description, except at the hands of paedphiles" (Ive not seen anyone jump the shark like that in a number of years). Are psychologists and the medical profession wrong then and you are correct?

    I never thought I would see the day I became woke...I need a stiff drink!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    Psychiatrists must complete medical school and an additional four years of residency training in psychiatry in the US. These four years are general medicine...

    BTW His degree is neurobiology !


  • Registered Users Posts: 991 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    Without the requisite specialisation and years of practice in either sports medicine or physiology, you may as well be asking a GP for their opinion as listening to Turban.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    In UK its four years medicine and three years additional on top...not sure about US

    So in effect what we have are people with no medical degrees commenting on those who have several years experience

    How do you think people might percieve that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 991 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    Perceive what? The fact that chancers like Turban are called out? That's a good thing.

    Having a degree does not make you an expert.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭dubdaymo

    I did say it would require courage. If every woman in every sport took this protest action collectively there would be no women in women's events where a man showed up so the organisers would be left running women's events with a man (or men) only. How ridiculous would the organisers look then.

    If nothing is done to stop it now, as time goes on no women will be winning any trophies/medals.

    If women genuinely do not want themselves pitted against men then it requires a major effort by women to nip this nonsense/injustice in the bud. If (all) women don't fight against it then no one else can help them and they can complain all they like when a man walks into their dressing rooms, toilets, showers and events but nobody will listen anymore.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 27,188 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    After 4 months of hormone therapy, transwomen have Hgb/HCT levels equivalent to those of cisgender women. After 12 months of hormone therapy, significant decreases in measures of strength, LBM and muscle area are observed

    While this is true, it is omitting the fact that the decrease is significantly less than the original advantage.

    The PCOS thing is a complete red herring and all it does is to highlight the fact that, indeed, testosterone level is not a good barometer for fairness. Much like lowering testosterone does not remove the inherent advantage males have. (that being said, as the paper you linked notes, "At the same time, the level of testosterone in women with PCOS remains typically within the upper part of the normal range").

    Testosterone and the body's ability to use it during puberty have a much, much larger impact then your testosterone level as an adult.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    @Liberty_Bear Ireland has a robust mechanism to address the matter , including seeing a psychologist and living as a chosen gender for two years.

    You mean they are referred to the tavistock clinic which then coaches kids how to ask for puberty blockers ,

    Robust mechanism lol 🤣

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    I'm quite happy to correct you on this

    A. The Tavistock clinic focuses primarily on the NHS

    B. For anyone 16 to 18 to legally change their gender identity requires a declaration by a court to exempt them from the Gender Recognition Act

    C. Currently a person undergoes psychological assessment, counselling and the transition over seen by consultants in Loughlinstown.

    Gender Dysphoria was declassified as a mental disorder in 2019 by the WHO.

    What specific part would of what I have mentioned as not being robust . Pick the specific points apart

    And I share your concerns about the Tavistock but let's discuss the process here in Ireland. Open to discussion in good faith

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    @Liberty_Bear A. The Tavistock clinic focuses primarily on the NHS

    Not true ,they operate the gender clinic in crumlin children's hospital,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    Contract ended last year and there has been no referrals from the Tavistock since

    All referrals are now from CAHMS

    So it is true now

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Lol ,

    Don't think though this through rigorous enough

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 823 ✭✭✭Liberty_Bear

    Well the fact that the contract was not renewed is a fact should bring some comfort

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    Your rebuttal was an article by a shrink who happens to specialise in dealing with transgender youths.


    Jack Turban is a fellow in child and adolescent psychiatry at the Stanford University School of Medicine, where he researches the mental health of transgender youth.

    So maybe when you come back with a few specialists in sports medicine, a few specialising in physiology arguing the same we might give your rebuttal some credence.

    Also PS I aint your mate.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,474 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    The issue has really nothing to do with advantages, testosterone, protecting women, or any of those hotly debated avenues of discussion.

    The real issue is whether if one 'feels' they are a woman then they are a woman and everything should fall into place because of that.


    To be brutally honest I would say no. I think it's really simple, it's tough luck if you are are trans and can't compete in the sex category you wish to in every respect a woman or man can.

    And to be more brutally honest, I don't think that's a big deal.

    Because in life sex categories don't play a major role in most people's lives, in respect of what one can and can't do, outside of biological sexual reproduction. Not any more anyway.

    And I think this debate is not a practical one, it's a theoretical one. And and I don't think it's an important topic at all.

    There are many people bigging up this trans issue and to be brutally honest, I don't think it's worth the controversy.

    Trans is not a significant social issue. It never was, in the same way homosexuality is. There is a huge amount of marketing around trans, as in 'select your gender here' type of thing, and I think that is a little bit sick.

    Gender is not fluid, gender is not something that is in ones brain that noone can see except yourself or any of that wishful thinking theoretical nonsense.

    Trans athletes should never be allowed to compete in the sex category they desire. The people who advocate for it live in fantasy land imo. That is my considered opinion after getting a feel for what's been going on over the last few years.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,098 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    I was watching a Jordan Pieter son podcast yesterday and something he said intrigued me. Basically he commented that one of the most contentious issues with regards transgender is competing in womens sport. He then made the point that the vast majority of the people who were arguing against this had no interest in the sport itself and never watched; followed or competed in said sport. He asked if you just took away the competing aspect then the issue basically disappears. Had never thought of it that way and appeared to have some merit when you compare the athletics 2022 thread which has 2 pages of posts and this thread which has opened the same time has 7.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,730 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    People should be classified as regards what competition they can enter…based on their biologically defined / birth gender…

    it’s not about what the competitors want or propose to need…it’s about fairness of competition, there are 108 entries to the woman's draw at Wimbledon..the sport isn’t all about them….therefore due to the biological, physical differential it’s not going to be fair all of a sudden if say Novak Djokovic declared he was to change gender and compete as a female… but some people think that’s hunky dory… he’s a physical powerhouse 6’3”… has up to an 128 kmph serve….. his physicality would destroy every female competitor 99 times out of 100.

    look at golf… golfing powerhouse Jim Furyk can drive a ball 295 yards…. The majority of the most powerful females are around the 230 mark…if old Jim decided he wished to swap gender… there is a huge issue…

    it makes a complete mockery of the sport.. ruins it as a fair spectacle for competitors AND fans alike….

    i agree with the Pieterson comments it’s politics sticking it’s nose in sport… for political reasons…
