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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    But what might surprise you Snooker, ( and maybe others as well) Is that the average Russian doe's not believe the Govt propaganda machine....and have not believed it for years. They know that they are being lied to. But what can they do about it???

  • Registered Users Posts: 287 ✭✭Freight bandit

    I'm under no illusion we'll see an invasion in the coming days, the west should have stuck to its agreements, under no circumstances would the US put up with this at its borders, remember how they had a haemorrhage over missiles in Cuba

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Imagine neutral Sweden with its sophisticated defense programs ,they will be raping and pillaging across Russia if they aren't stopped

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,033 ✭✭✭Notmything

    I've the misfortune to work with 2 anti war, pro Russia idiots.

    They're busy making arrangements to head to Shannon to sabotage the American war planes when Biden attacks peaceful Russia.

    Which raises the issue, if the shtf,will the government allow Shannon be used like previous? Russia is a lot closer than Iraq and may well take offense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Having a modicum of understanding of Putin would be in fairness

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,263 ✭✭✭Raoul Duke III

    Where did you live jm, if you don't mind me asking? Very curious, if you have the time, to hear of the daily lived experience of the 'average Russian'.

    I have this impression (which may be totally false) that they are so used to totalitarianism that they just stoically endure the depredations of the siloviki.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,422 ✭✭✭Snooker Loopy

    I think the problem for the regime comes when the public at large smell any weakness in the regime. Its appearance of power has to be omnipotent and the idea of challenging it has to appear completely hopeless. If any cracks appear, as happened under communism, the end can come surprisingly quickly. That is why an appearance of absolute power must always be maintained.

    A couple of examples of how people who previously attempted to challenge the regime in some way but have now been subsumed into it as propagandists themselves come to mind.

    One is Maria Baronova, aka "Masha" in Mash Gessen's book "The Future Is History". Masha was for years a protestor against the Putin, culminating in her arrest and detainment in 2012. But she now works for RT and has voluntarily silenced herself and gone the way of the regime.

    Another is Anton Krasovsky, a television presenter who came out as gay on air in 2013, and immediately lost his job. For a while he was quite popular with western media speaking out against the anti-gay oppression of the Putin regime. But he has now been invited back into the fold, works for RT, and has become a particularly vicious anti-Ukraine propagandist.

    For them, the idea of protest or challenge became hopeless and they not just gave up but joined the side they opposed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,864 ✭✭✭amacca

    I suppose you are correct having never lived in the country my impression of what Russians think of their leader does come from fairly disparate obscure and out of date sources

    Source 1) a half remembered theroux weird weekend documentary where he visited Russian mma gyms filled with lads training ...nearly like a way of life ...they seemed pro putin....and then a segment on the same thing on either sky or bbc news where they were talking about the lack of acceptance of gay rights and the involvement of clubs like these etc

    Source 2) Some brief encounters with seemingly decent Russian folk in Italy maybe up to 10 years ago...when I asked what they thought of putin I couldn't understand why they were so pro....basically I got back the Russia needs a strong leader type answer when I pushed...

    I thought it was intersting that Italian locals seemed to have the same positivity about Berlusconi for similar reasons...he was their kind of strong.....

    At first I was shaking my head goven the kind of cretins these people appear to be (I mean its not like the represent the kind of ideal that perhaps or leaders should live up to at least in some ways) then I thought it's not like I can claim the higher ground given the bunch of charlatans across the political spectrum we manage to elect here year after year!......

    I'm working on the theory that a lot of countries elected leaders represent their electorates less desirable traits rather than their best.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,646 ✭✭✭✭

    Russia opened a criminal investigation on Saturday into reports that Ukrainian shells exploded in Russia’s region of Rostov, as the west and Kyiv warn Moscow is looking to create a pretext to invade its neighbour.

    A number of reports carried by Russian state news agencies earlier in the day said that at least three shells exploded in Russia’s border region of Rostov on Saturday.

    Russian prosecutors said in a statement that according to their investigation “on 19 February 2022, from 5 to 6am, unidentified persons on the territory of Ukraine, using a multiple launch rocket system, shelled the border area of the Tarasovsky district of the Rostov region”

    From the Guardian. Putin searching desperately for his pretext. It's all been telegraphed to a tee by western intelligence. The Russian Federation is infiltrated from top to bottom. Quite embarrassing for them in itself really.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Tell them they will be more useful if they go to Ukraine...have they any medical training?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭Harryd225

    I don't think you can take what countries like Iceland say any more serious than Ireland, most countries are just looking for brownie points from the USA, they don't have any more of an idea what's going on than me or you. Especially for NATO countries like Iceland it would be a serious betrayal and an idiotic move for them to go against the USA on issues like this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    I've lived in Moscow, but travelled around the republics a bit too, so have seen a good cross section of Russia and Russian society over several years. Like a lot of other Country's that I've visited, the "Average" ( if such a thing exists LOL ) Russian and his Wife are fine. Its a hard Country to live and rear a Family in, 20 + years of Putins leadership, has not translated into a society where Life for the majority is easy.

    To try an understand modern day Russian's ( my take on it anyway) you have to travel back into their Communist past, where everything was micromanaged and controlled...independent thought was not welcome. Anyone wearing any kind of official cap, had power. Theoretically, no one wanted for anything because the state took care of everything. And to a certain extent it worked .... some of my Friends there still pine for the good old days of communism... but more and more, a kind of "Capitalism" crept while a service / goods were technically free, it did not hurt to take a small "Gift". It became in effect a bit "Mafia -like" and the corruption was already there, even before the fall of the Soviet Union.

    And this mindset was a godsend to the new Russian Capitalists...they took over a people who were pre conditioned not to question anything. By the time this mindset changed, and they realized what had happened, it was too late. And so we have today's modern Russia and the situation in Ukraine.

    Personally, I like Russia, and the Russian people, and I think of how much better it could have been for them, and the World, had it not been hijacked by Putin and his oligarchs.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A decision reached by consensus is an agreement reached by a common consent, a decision that is accepted by each member country. This means that when a “NATO decision” is announced, it is the expression of the collective will of all the sovereign states that are members of the Alliance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    'Well one major difference between elections here in the West, and in Russia is that in Russia, the outcome is guaranteed 110 % in advance, ( you could say the same thing about Ireland,,,no matter who you vote for, the result is the same ) What Russians see and hear about Putin is carefully stage managed and crafted, they are never allowed to see the real Vladimir, or his henchmen. He projects an image of strong masculinity, riding a horse while shirtless , dipping into a freezing pool during Orthodox Christmas, negative attitude towards Gays, Lesbians etc. The real " Strongmans, Strongman".

    Sport in schools is a major activity...100%, Its encouraged and fostered almost like a religion. Wrestling, ( very big) but all track and field sports are big there.

    As for the Russians you met in Italy... There's the old joke told about the three Russians (under the communist system) discussing cars Nr1 says " Comrade in my experience, the MG built in the UK is the best there is., Nonsense, says Nr 2, the US Built Chrysler is the best, for sure!!. Nr 3 says. The best, absolute very best, is the Lada built here in Communist Russia. Both Nr 1 and Nr 2 look at Nr 3 in amazement.....WHAT?? they exclaim??? Comrade, are you serious??? You know nothing, absolutely nothing about cars !!! No, Comrades, I know plenty about cars, but I know absolutely nothing about either of you!!!!

    When you get to know them, ( and they you ) they make great friends, and being Irish is a definite "Plus". Unless you are in the habit of drinking Vodka, I'd strongly recommend not starting drinking it with a Russian....stick with the the Guinness or beer. I've seem them drink a bottle of it, before getting down to some serious drinking....

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    @jmreire the best car was a Fiat then

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,428 ✭✭✭MFPM

    What an arrogant response. So if one hasn't read your 'suggested' book then one doesn't have a 'modicum' of understanding of Putiin!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Merely a suggestion given you've displayed not a modicum of knowledge about him in this thread,which by you and others looks more like a job application for RT

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,434 ✭✭✭jmreire

    SSSHHHHH Comrade,,,NO ,it has always been the Lada, built in Samara, Russia as every good Russian know's,. . But its parents were Italian.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    I've had the pleasure of driving one here and the niva jeep which bloody good fun especially driving up and down mountains , wasn't a big fan of the Riva much preferred the Skoda coupe that appeared here in tiny numbers at the time late 80's early 90's

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,428 ✭✭✭MFPM

    Oh more arrogance! I'm sure you're quite the Putin expert after reading your one book, but I dare say you're in a tiny minority on this thread on both sides who've read it, are you planning to aim your conceit at everyone who doesn't pass your test?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I used be a subscriber to Radio Moscow actually in the early 80's

    They wrote me some lovely letters and sent me literature I'm proud to still have

    Radio Tirana Albania was another,whose representative on the UNSC was very scathing of Putin during the week and rightly so

    All I've read so far from you and one or two others carrying putins torch here is well nothing that wouldn't get you a job on RT

    I wonder if the government here gave some polonium to the opposition or just jailed them or disappeared them ,would we get putins amour

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭Harryd225

    I think you're exaggerating quite a lot there buddy, the Western press isn't as free and fair as you think, they are both very controlled in different ways plenty of journalists in the UK and USA have been fired or resigned shortly after reporting on valuable information concerning their governments or intelligence services.

    It's not a good idea to go against Western intelligence in the mainstream media, remember what happened to David Kelly one of the world's great weapons experts, In 2003, Dr David Kelly was identified as the source for a BBC report which claimed the British government had “sexed up” a dossier on Iraq’s weapons capability to justify the invasion of Iraq earlier that year. The report led to a major public confrontation between the government and the BBC. Kelly was called to appear on 15 July before the parliamentary intelligence and security and foreign affairs committees, Two days later Kelly was found dead near his home, apparently there was "overwhelming evidence" he committed suicide.

    The BBC journalist he gave the information to, Andrew Gilligan said In a lengthy statement to the media shortly after that the information was wrong, and he resigned. The BBC had already lost two of its top managers in the crisis and Chairman of the board Gavyn Davies resigned the same day the Hutton report was released a few months after the death, Western journalists know that their jobs, livelihoods and even their lives could be at risk if they report on anything too important involving the government and intelligence services.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,428 ✭✭✭MFPM

    When you get a chance you might throw up one of my posts to show where I was carrying Putin's torch, be specific now.

  • Posts: 2,827 [Deleted User]

    You were in full flow back on page 74 around post 2202. antí-US diatribe

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    President Zelenskyy speech at the Munich security conference he comes across quite well ,makes a change from previous Ukrainian leaders

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭Harryd225

    Personally I'd argue the CIA and MI5/6 are even more filthy than Russian intelligence.... But that's the stuff of conspiracy theories.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,428 ✭✭✭MFPM

    That's 93 pages ago...pity you didn't quote me and you went back...I assume you mean anti US imperialism as I'm certainly not anti US.

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