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Ukraine (Mod Note & Threadbanned Users in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,261 ✭✭✭Gant21

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,949 ✭✭✭kravmaga

    The problem is they cant be flown into the Ukrainian airspace like previous shipments, too risky .

    So has to be by road/ rail via Poland, Romania or Slovakia.

    The EU need to get the military equipment in as fast as possible. The 60 km Russian column of vehicles is only 18km north of Kyiv.

    Concerns that Belarus may send or have already sent in troops to Ukraine to cut off new supply lines to UAF units in Kyiv.

    Timing is everything now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    Yea last night shortly before bed i was watching the footage of the Russian Column and becoming nervous - I agree timing is everything - THAT SAID, the probable leak of planning that Lukashenko made earlier seems to suggest that the main spearheads of Russian forces are concentrated in eastern and central Ukraine - keeping the western border open will be vital

    As to a possible invasion by Belarus - if their leader is anything to go on, i suspect that could only hamper Russian efforts (always remember how many times Hitler had to rescue Mussolini during WW2 - Greece, Albania, Africa - The Italians were inept, and i suspect that Belarus is playing their role in this conflict)

    That said the Ukrainians need those stingers - i got footage which supposedly shows a Ukrainian taking down a chopper - but i have not seen it cover so tend to doubt its authenticity - that said - get those stingers to Kiev - ASAP

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 14,502 Mod ✭✭✭✭johnnyskeleton

    There has been a fair bit of discussion on the use of nuclear weapons and there are a lot of unknowns about this. However there are a lot of misconceptions as well. The short version is that the chance of the use of nuclear weapons is low and the chance of that use being an all out strike is even lower.

    Nuclear weapons are, at this stage, a political tool rather than a weapon that is actually going to be used in a full scale nuclear war.

    The big worry is that Russia have a doctrine of "escalate to de-escalate" i.e. that they would conceivably use a small number of nuclear weapons on say Warsaw or Berlin while simultaneously invading the Baltics with a conventional army, which would effectively break up the NATO alliance while also preventing an all out nuclear war. Or so the thinking goes.

    Basically, during the cold war, each side had so many nuclear weapons, of such power (multi megaton) and they were all of relatively recent manufacture that they could easily destroy 80-90% of the world. Crucially, you dont need to hold back if youre attacked - you just launch everything you have and await the end of the world. Hence, Mutually Assured Destruction.

    Nowadays, the nuclear arsenals of both USA and Russia are much smaller than it was in the cold war(albeit still large) and the warheads are less powerful because the targeting systems are better and more countries have nuclear weapons. Not all of these weapons are deployed or even ready for immediate use. They are typically smaller in yield but more precise. It is not clear if all their systems are fully functional - the fissile material lasts for hundreds of years but the other components deteriorate.

    So a full scale launch all ICBMs war of destruction just isnt on the card. When Putin threatens the use of nuclear weapon, no one thinks they will try to destroy the USA. But they might calculate that if they were to invade eastern europe and launch a limited number of nuclear strikes on say Polish and German army positions, the US wouldnt risk escalating it to all out nuclear war and would get away with it.

    They wont use nuclear weapons on Ukraine itself because the Russians consider Ukrainiand to be their brothers. Even though the narrative is about Russian war crimes etc, they have been reasonably restrained as far as invading / occupying forces go. That is in no way to take away from the Ukrainian citizens who have lost their lives, just that Russia doesnt want to create mass civilian casualties

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,008 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Yes, Mainstream media. How novel, eh?

    You know, the ones with the centuries of heritage, the massive reach, the huge editorial resources and most importantly, the obligatory transparency to millions of shareholders and to Governments and to regulators.

    You feel free, Manach, to post any journalism you consider worthy, whatever citizen correspondent blog type frivolity you cling on to and we'll happily dismantle it in favour of the stuff that's sourced, checked, verified and documented.

    MSM? Even after all we've been through, after all we've seen with our own eyes, people are swallowing a Trump, Putin, Farage, Orban, Erdoğan narrative of 'the liberals are against you, the Jews are against you, the migrants are against you, the gays are against you, the MSM is against you.

    Maybe the one good thing to come out of this awful war will be the end of the Russian information pollution machine which has fed on the stupidity of so many millions.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    being reported widely on Twitter that shipments of NLAW's and American FGM-148 "Javelin" Anti Tank guns have arrived - Hoping its true, im watching prime time - Hoping Sky will cover this - im sure they will given the NLAW is British/Swedish design

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    I think the problem is that how ever far reaching the MSM is, it does not reach beyond Kiev atm. There is no real official MSM coverage of what is going on in Mariupol and there is very little 'reputable' info coming from Kharkov - The problem therefore is depending on 'other media' - which does include Twitter - I included the above announcement of the arrival of NLAWs and Javelin's, i couldnt find any official confirmation. THAT SAID, it is widely reported that such weapons are being supplied - therefore i think we need to take everything with a pinch of salt, as you suggest - but we shouldnt expect everything to be confirmed by what you and i agree are 100% reliable sources -

    Im not disagreeing with you Larbre - i just could see this going on for a while - and try as i may, i cannot see BBC, SKY, and CNN staying in Kiev if the Russian army launches an all out attack on the city - at that point we have a choice -

    No information - or what limited information we can get with caveats attached

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 155 ✭✭ODriscoll

    The problem with simply accepting without question one sides claims and just dismissing the other sides claims or concerns is - the other side tend to do exactly the same about the views and claims and concerns of the side opposing them, leading to nowhere but a circle of more violence.

    The very nature of war, necessitates simplistic narratives and beliefs promoted by selective awareness alongside ignorance, only then can both sides recruit people in fear to not only go and take the life of complete strangers but justify it, the most weak and perverse even glory in it, at least until the mature adult reflects later in life on the morality and point.

    Regardless of the simplistic narrative -

    Like anywhere on this planet, Russia or Ukraine or Nigeria or Turkey or United Kingdom or United States , Ireland or Northern Ireland or you name it! while they are all claimed as nations and recognized by the UN in name and emblem, but the simplicity ends there! There are always people who do not fit into the simplistic national definition, often people who are sidelined or actively discriminated against, always people who do not consider themselves of that nation.

    It appears credible to state that a significant percentage of people within the current borders of Ukraine (similar to those who consider themselves as British within Ireland) do not fit into the simple claim of a single unified Ukraine nation.

    And there are it seems impartial real concerns about what was going on in parts of Ukraine before now, with plenty enough time for those politicians who claim to care to have done something.

    This is no excuse for more violence or credible cause for war, but it is unfortunately the context that another bigger bully needed to to pretend they selectively care about human rights in Ukraine.

    A context ignored and now it's too late.

    The warnings were there for years

    Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists

    Kiev throws paramilitaries – some openly neo-Nazi - into the front of the battle with rebels

    Daily telegraph By Tom Parfitt > 11 August 2014 <

    Shaun Walker in Mariupol The Guardian >Wed 10 Sep 2014<

    Azov fighters are Ukraine's greatest weapon and may be its greatest threat

    "I have nothing against Russian nationalists, or a great Russia," said Dmitry, as we sped through the dark Mariupol night in a pickup truck, a machine gunner positioned in the back. "But Putin's not even a Russian. Putin's a Jew."

    Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict

    By David Stern

    BBC News, Kiev Published >13 December 2014<

  • Registered Users Posts: 155 ✭✭ODriscoll

    More recently and with warnings of what might (has) happened if a real problem is just ignored!

    Ukraine’s Got a Real Problem with Far-Right Violence (And No, RT Didn’t Write This Headline)

    It sounds like the stuff of Kremlin propaganda, but it’s not. Last week Hromadske Radio revealed that Ukraine's Ministry of Youth and Sports is funding the neo - Nazi group C14 to promote “national patriotic education projects” in the country

    June 20, 2018 By Josh Cohen

    Note these points

    To be clear, far-right parties like Svoboda perform poorly in Ukraine’s polls and elections, and Ukrainians evince no desire to be ruled by them. But this argument is a bit of “red herring.” It’s not extremists’ electoral prospects that should concern Ukraine’s friends, but rather the state’s unwillingness or inability to confront violent groups and end their impunity. Whether this is due to a continuing sense of indebtedness to some of these groups for fighting the Russians or fear they might turn on the state itself, it’s a real problem and we do no service to Ukraine by sweeping it under the rug.

    It won’t be easy to end far-right impunity, but the government must summon the will to do so now.

    June 20, 2018 By Josh Cohen

    Josh Cohen is a former USAID project officer who managed economic reform projects throughout the former Soviet Union. He is a contributor to Reuters, Foreign Policy, the Washington Post, and others. 

    None of the above are remotely remotely pro Putin or cheerleaders of Russia.

    Neither is Reuters

    Keep in mind that not so long ago extreme Islamists including Bin Laden were acclaimed by the simplistic news as supposedly freedom fighters fighting for a free Afghanistan.

    Anyway caring about context is all a bit too late now, no doubt those on all sides like Putin who seek to personally benefit from war, will be replaced by similar or worse regardless of outcome.

    That's the history of that ironic word - mankind

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    Im going to refer to the right wing elements in the Ukraine as Nationalists for the purposes of this - i do not think they can credibly be called NAZI's, nor should they be conflated with German National Socialism - to do so is to buy into spin. 'NAZI' is being thrown around like a buzzword, to try and whip up a wave of nostalgic patriotism. Russia has for many years, fostered a revision of WW2 (referred to as the Great Patriotic War in Russia), the narrative being that they alone defeated Nazi Germany - aside from leaving out the West, it also ignores the horrid methods employed by the Red Army during said conflict. So yea its absolutely spin designed to try and whip up national patriotism in Russia, and tie this 'struggle' to the fight against the Axis -

    What i will say is i freely admit they are present. What i have to mention is the fact that they really originated/gained what minimal strength they have, AFTER Russian intervention in the Ukraine in 2014. IMHO its easy to suggest that Russia, having invaded Ukraine, would always foster anti Russian feeling in the Ukraine. This has been the case with all such interventions throughout history - we dont have to look far to find fostered ill feeling against occupation. The Ukraine is a proud country which was (prior to the Crimean incident) on a path of modernization, and de-corruption. If anything, occupying a part of the Ukraine, and facilitating and arming separatists in the east - we know in ireland what this can lead to (all too well)

    Even if these groups of right wing nationalists are a bigger problem than we believe, conflating their presence, as being a provocation for what has happened is nonsensical. the language being used by Russia (both its government, and its media) is provocative, and slanderous. Lavrovs speech as the most recent example - was downright insane and i was pleased that we saw a walkout during it

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    Why attempt to dictate what sources posters may use in an open discussion forum?

    Suggesting only media “with centuries of heritage,…. transparency to millions of shareholders etc etc” is valid, then placing a newspaper founded in 1900, with shareholders, government regulation etc, on the verboten list simply because of your own bias and prejudice is hypocritical

    The established media from BBC to newspapers of record have been regurgitating absolute horseshit as fact in this conflict.

    Even when this misinformation has been revealed the arbiters of truth on this and other forums justify the misinformation as good for the morale of the “right” side.

    The established media is more than capable of massive and damaging errors from RTE reporting on an entirely innocent missionary priest

    To The New York Times, CNN and others wrongfully beating the race hate drum

    You also ignore the fact that centuries of media heritage is no guarantee of impartiality.

    Most of the oldest newspapers were established as party mouthpieces or were the lobbying arm of the rich ruling class.

    You mention that transparency comes from shareholders while in fact a single shareholder or small group of shareholders are often the dominant influence on media and not upsetting shareholders is very often at odds with reporting the unvarnished facts.

    For example our own paper of record, The Irish Times will happily carry several articles a day championing the importance of diversity while never reporting on the complete absence of minorities on their board and the dearth of anything but white, middle class journalists on their payroll

    Here is a link to just some of the “facts” carried by venerable, heritage, “approved” media sources that have turned out to be rubbish.

    Post edited by SafeSurfer on

    Multo autem ad rem magis pertinet quallis tibi vide aris quam allis

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Either useful idiots or Russian shills are all over Boards and Facebook. Almost like it's been planned

  • Registered Users Posts: 764 ✭✭✭Detritus70

    The problem is, with such a dearth of information out there we have to look at everything, even sources that could not be called fully reputable.

    The information from any side is going to be sketchy, incomplete, misleading or even downright untrue. And on a personal note, I would trust Russian state media over the Express or the Mail, but that's just my own bias. Because even if it is complete propaganda, what they're saying, not saying or saying between the lines can give vital clues to their true intention and motives.

    So I would say, look at everything. Personally I would draw the line at extremeist QAnon bullsh*t pages because I dismiss their content and their followers as just window licking, rubber wall bouncing crazies that are of no relevance to real life.

    "I'm not a Trump supporter, but..." is the new "I'm not a racist, but...".

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 14,502 Mod ✭✭✭✭johnnyskeleton

    Therr are neo nazis fighting for Russia too:

    If he genuinely cared about de-nazification he could start in Russia

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,669 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    The US also has a neo-nazi problem. Hell, there are neonazi groups in Germany.

    It is a problem and something Ukraine should have done more about. However, it is not a particularly massive problem and is nothing more than a convenient and paper-thin excuse for Russia. This is not news to anyone who paid even the slightest bit of attention to Ukraine. Russia has a significantly larger nazi problem.

    Now is, quite simply, not the bloody time to be worrying about that. And it is certainly not the time to be going into detail about the problem as if it somehow validates Russia's bogus justification. People are aware of the problem, it is not unique to Ukraine and in no way justifies what is happening. So maybe just shutup about it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭myfreespirit

    Indeed, this page appears to be infected with disgusting Russian shills. An analysis of their English language skills would appear to prove the point.

    The substance of the posts are, as the late John Hume described it, as nothing other than "whataboutery".

    The truth of the matter is that Russian military and political leaders are guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Roll on the day when these thugs are arraigned in The Hague to answer for their crimes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 764 ✭✭✭Detritus70

    Neo Nazis are like cockroaches. Hard to eradicate, hide in dark crevices, like to come out at night and don't like a light being shone on them.

    And they are absolutely everywhere. They are an infestation of vermin. And they should be treated a such.

    But that doesn't invalidate an entire country.

    Post edited by Detritus70 on

    "I'm not a Trump supporter, but..." is the new "I'm not a racist, but...".

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,741 ✭✭✭✭breezy1985

    All the former Soviet countries have a neo-nazi problem as do plenty others in Europe.

    Ukraine definitely has one but it's blls to pretend it's worse than anywhere else or a reason for invasion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭pjordan

    A few thoughts that occurred to me overnight:

    Lessons from History:

    1. Re the nuclear option - Putin is increasingly looking unhinged and judging by his puffy sallow appearance may also be an actual sick man. Such desperation or despondancy may mean he feels he has nothing to lose and no more than Hitler wanting to bring all of Germany down with him when he realised all was lost, Putin may actually have no qualms of bringing the whole world down with him if he feels backed into a corner.
    2. It is something of a miracle that we have possessed nuclear weapons as a deterrent for 77 years and no one has yet used them in aggression.
    3. Re the incrediby brave resistence of Kyiv to attack so far I'm very worried about parrallels with the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and the subsequent Warsaw uprising, once the full force of Russian might is brought to bear on the city.
    4. The hit on the communication tower in Kyiv is adjacent to the park that was formerly Babi Yar ravine. Over 2 days in Sept 1941 approximately 33,771 Jews were massacared at this site. In the two years following possibly up to another 70-120,000 additional Jews, Soviet POW's, Communists Ukranian Nationalists and Roma's were also murdered and buried there. In 1961 an earthen dam holding back loam from an adjacent brick factory burst due to negligence and flooded the adjacent Kurnenivka neighbourhood with debris and the bones of some of the victims of Babi Yar killing possibly up to 2000 people. The Soviet authorities initially covered up the disaster and when eventually admitting it put the official death toll at 145. After this the Soviet authorities had the ravine filled in and turned into a city park.

    For those that hold out hope of the Russian people turning against Putin anytime soon, just look at the fanatical support that the similarly despotic Trump still boasts amongst a majority of American Republicans in a country with a free press (And this in spite of his continuing and proudly proclaimed admiration for Putin.) Also don't forget that Trump's initial impeachment move was brought about by his phone call to Zelenski where Trump tried to blackmail him for US military support in return for spilling the dirt on Hunter Biden, i.e prepared to pit a nation's security against his own personal motives.

    The best hope for an overthrow of Putin probably lies with a demoralised and disillusioned military, but Putin's disregard for his military (and his people) goes right back to the beginning of his reign and his attitude and reaction to the Kursk submarine disaster in 2000.

    If the adage that the first casualty of war is the truth is followed through, then Fiona Hill's brilliant and insightful interview referenced earlier in this thread is a good illustration of how Putin's agents have long been waging information warfare on the world in preparation for this. Their infiltration of social media and their role in the emergence of "fake news" is only the tip of this iceberg and if we think we are immune to this in little insignificant insular Ireland we only need consider the now proven linkages between the Russian secret services and the hackers who compromised the HSE's IT systems last year.

    Finally, re the farcical calls from some in Ireland that we should send our limited stock of anti tank missiles to Ukraine in solidarity. Firstly as last weeks Defence report illustrated, Ireland's military combat capabilities are and have been pathetic for years and the diversion of our paltry and likely obsolete hardware to Ukraine would be an insignificant drop in the ocean in terms of what is required. We're (including our Defence forces) far better at logistical and humananatarian support and we should focus on these specialities despite the calls from the fanatical keyboard warriors and the frothing at the mouth by the likes of Joe Duffy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,826 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    The last revolution in Russia unleashed 60 years of mass murder across the world, the most murderous regimes in history.

    Others are allowed enter, but they have to be willing to fight Russia and Belarus.

    That's the problem

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,035 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    The truth of the matter is that Russian military and political leaders are guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Roll on the day when these thugs are arraigned in The Hague to answer for their crimes.

    This point seems to pop up a lot, but there is not a lot of evidence of actual "war crimes". It seems people throw it out as an emotive pejorative term rather than understanding that there are definitive lists of actions that are, and are not "war crimes". With the exception of recent shelling in cities yesterday, the Russian advance was remarkably restrained in their actions with civilians. It has thus far been far from a Grozny-like event.

    Also not to get into a whataboutery thing here, but worth remembering that plain clothes combatants are a "war-crime" too, though likely not one to be prosecuted after all is said and done. Other things like setting up military bases/artillery in heavily residential areas could be broadly interpreted as using civilians for cover/shielding also. So with this in mind its difficult to definitively state X committed war crimes against Y until the fog of war has lifted and things calm down, the propaganda (from both sides) in circulation only adds to the fog.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,035 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    It is something of a miracle that we have possessed nuclear weapons as a deterrent for 77 years and no one has yet used them in aggression.

    Can you not see the relation here? Nuclear deterrent is the reason no one has used them in aggression. They are the ultimate deterrent, and no nation - not even one led by Putin would take their use lightly. And calls about how unhinged or mentally unstable Putin are as a cause for concern re: nuclear aggression, why? If he was that unhinged, then he would flatten Ukraine ala Chechnya 20years ago using conventional weaponry. He wouldnt even have to graduate to nuclear arms, and would have no risk of nuclear response. The Russians have not gone full Grozny so far (thank god), so theres no reason to think things will escalate to nuclear weapons. None. Zero.

    They are the ultimate deterrent, not the ultimate weapon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭pjordan

    I can see the relation and yes I would absolutely concede that at this point even Putin (whatever his frame of mind or mental stability) is unlikely to utilise the nuclear option prior to utilising his full arsenal of conventional military options. However, I'm worried about a scenario down the road where he has exhaused all other military options and the full force of economic sanctions have begun to bite and he finds himself in a desperate bid to retain power or exercise a final throw of the dice. With some of the crazy rhetoric that is coming out of Russia at the minute ala "without Russia there is nothing" at that stage I wouldn't put it beyond him to utilise the nuclear option.

    Also in a time of heightened tensions and such provacative rhetoric there is unfortunately a heightened risk of a "mistake"

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,035 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    I see what you mean, but I think that only occurs in the scenario Russian territory begins to be threatened, which would require EU/US/NATO interventions.

    They will not intervene due to the aforementioned nuclear deterrent, unless they are incredibly ballsy/stupid and wish to call a nuclear state's bluff about using the nuclear weapons - seeing as use of them is an everybody loses scenario, in theory you could see both sides go at it with conventional arms but always ready to respond if the other fires one first - it would be unprecedented though and a kind of emperor has no clothes moment for nuclear deterrence. Very unlikely

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭pjordan

    Hopefully you are right but it also depends on what Putin comes to regard as "Russian territory" and if he succeeds in Ukraine and then moves on to the Baltic states or Moldovia or Poland or whatever. A lot of if's I know but I think we are dealing with an increasingly imperialistic and paranoid Putin

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,161 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    I seem to remember seeing a Russian armoured vehicle swerve out of its way to drive over a Ukrainian civilian in a car...

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    Reports coming out last night from US intelligence that this infamous giant convoy has run out of fuel and food before it's even begun an assault on Kyiv.

    Pinch of salt obviously, but if it's even slightly true it does align with a general theme here of a Russian force filled with inexperienced, unprepared and undisciplined troops. It's possible the gathering isn't even a tactical move - that they all joined together to consolidate the resources they had left.

    We made this same mistake before - when Trump and Johnson made a bizarre, stupid, incompetent or illogical decision, everyone immediately started searching for the lede. Making an assumption that it was some kind of high-thinking strategy that was flying over our heads. It took years to realise they were just chaotic, incompetent people, stumbling from decision to decision with no joined up dots at all.

    Is it possible we're making the same mistake with Putin here? We've spent all week suspicious of every report, assuming that there's some elite strategy game happening, and Russia is going to sweep in with some move that will take everyone by surprise.

    It's now day 7 and Russia is floundering in what on paper was an easy win, making far slower progress than anyone expected, and their domestic economy is in ruins.

    It's more and more likely every day that the world has vastly overestimated Putin's competence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,035 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    That was a Ukrainian Strela-10, in Kiev, on Day 1(?) of the invasion when no Russian vehicles were even close to Kiev.

    It didnt have any of the characteristic markings that all Russia vehicles did (likely to distinguish between Ukrainian/Russian assets, which are largely the same type). The full videos of that incident show a flatbed and the Strela-10 both speeding down Kiev roads while begin shot at with small arms by some Ukrainian territorial defence/local militia groups.

    In the end the Ukrainian MoD reported it as "russian saboteurs in Ukrainian uniforms", but it hasn't been proven. If this was true, its a war crime and the evidence would/should have been sent to impartial observers, or the UN. No mention of the event since though, far more likely to have been friendly fire between armed civilians/reservists and Ukrainian army.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    I read somewhere Russia wants Viktor Yanukovych reinstalled as leader of Ukraine ,

    Russia really have no clue here , it's pretty obvious Ukraine won't be bowing to putin or his puppets

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    Good Morning all..

    We have seen an extraordinary few days of condemnation from around the world, aimed squarely at Putin. I think at this stage, it is no longer a question of finding further examples of Sanctions/condemnation, rather, it is difficult to find western countries which have NOT condemned Putin. I have yet to find any serious examples. And we are only 6 days into this.

    While there are those few people who seem to have bought into Russian Spin (that this is at least partially justified, that the Ukraines far right 'problem', represents an existential threat to Russia) - most people, and countries, have correctly dismissed this. The military situation is horrendous, but the PR War is over. Russia, IMHO, stands alone. They Lost the PR campaign, but rather than acknowledge this, they will clearly keep ranting.

    The fact is the above economic consequences are clear to see, and undeniable (even within Russia in the long run). And like i said, we are 6 days into this.

    In terms of a discussion on the question on Putin/Russia behaving as a Rational Actor or not.

    Putin is clearly angry. And Russia is increasingly isolated. And he is in a war (which he clearly started) against a state which seems to have no intention of rolling over. He is cornered, and lashing out. And this will continue. The horrid claims of justification will continue. The 'threats' to world peace will continue. His political career and rule (and arguably his life) are now inexorably linked to the fate of Ukraine. I would argue this; Either Kiev falls, or potentially he does. So we can agree that he is morally repugnant. But we can also acknowledge that this is the reason for the threats, and sabre-rattling, and we should expect it to continue. And it is, at least for now, rational. He has no choice but to keep threatening the west, Nato, the civilized world. And hope that we begin making conciliatory gestures to Moscow. Needless to say i think its vital that we dont budge an inch.

    So, if certain parties (both here, and elsewhere) continue to say 'conciliatory' about Moscow - so be it. It is clearly not convincing a single person, nor should it. It is embarrassing, yes. But i think we can bare it. Unless someone can actually provide real verifiable information in Russia's favor, i dont personally intend to reply to claims that 'we dont know the whole story', or are 'victims of western propaganda' - This is the most Black and White situation i have experienced in my life (im nearly 40) -

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants
