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Ukraine (Mod Note & Threadbanned Users in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,239 ✭✭✭Pussyhands

    I have yet to watch this video but apparantly it does an excellent job on explaining why Putin is invading. I believe there's mention of gas pipelines which is why Crimea and Donbas are so desired by Putin..apparantly they're the goldmines of the gas.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 12,523 Mod ✭✭✭✭Amirani

    It's absolute versus relative differences. Neither is right or wrong, they're just different ways of measuring differences.

  • Registered Users Posts: 497 ✭✭loughside


    Join Date: March 2022

    Posts: 18

    Well well well... `just propaganda` says our March newbie..... hope you`re not getting paid in roubles komrade 🤨

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,442 ✭✭✭✭kowloon

    What kind of access is there to Ukrainian broadcasts online? I don't have a satellite system.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    Well i can infer from your statement that

    • Any sources i provide (a CIA director testifying to congress, Military analysts working for the media, Military experts and former Soliders) - you will dismiss as propaganda
    • You will do so without offering any evidence yourself - and will simply distort verifiable facts and sources, without offering anything yourself



    Can you at least attempt to post and reply in good faith?

    To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason, is like administering medicine to the dead.

    - Thomas Paine

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    The above is the State broadcaster Ukrainian English Language Youtube channel - Its in English OR Dubbed - live broadcast at the moment

    Youtube confirm that it is state funded by the Ukraine so -

    In terms of satellite there is a lot more - iv been jumping between CNN, BBC, SKY, DE (germany), France 24, ALJ, various others - some of these do have Live Internet streams which are available to Ireland

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    CIA is unbiased? Are you joking?

    There is zero evidence of what is happening on the ground In Ukraine , this is the only fact about the war that is verifiable

    there is no confirmed anything.

    Thomas Paine would be welcome on here, all bark no bite

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,908 ✭✭✭zom

    "Putin wants Ukraine and its gas/oil/grain,"

    Goshh - I always thought Ukraine is a poor country but it seems they have resources, army and development on the level of Spain or Greece if not higher. Putin attacked them as they were probably one step from EU membership (and possibly NATO). I was shocked recently reading about Romanian's (EU + NATO) MIG-21 crash - you cant find such relics in Ukrainian army...

  • Registered Users Posts: 497 ✭✭loughside

    Ah right, `just propaganda`.... suppose this was just a couple of local lads doing a bit of renovation work??

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    When was video taken?

    where is evidence of women and children under rubble?

    the whole tweet is propaganda

    are people that gullible

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    There is zero evidence of what is happening on the ground In Ukraine , this is the only fact about the war that is verifiable - Please provide evidence to back this up (as you asked me to do)

    CIA is unbiased? Are you joking? - Is it your stated view that the CIA directer William Burns lied to congress in this case (perjury) - and do you have any evidence to back up this claim

    there is no confirmed anything. - Can you check your sentences/statements/ramblings before posting?

    Thomas Paine would be welcome on here, all bark no bite - Do you know who Thomas Paine was? Have you studied him? Do you believe he would applaud your contributions here today


    Are you proud of the way you are conducting yourself? Do you stand by it. In asking, i seek to understand your mindset and judgement. Your posts are analogous of a drunk angry man, walking into the middle of a conversation; Where he then shouts nonsense, assures us we are all wrong, and are in fact idiots - he alone knows the truth - he then laughs out loud, attempting to grab peoples attention - before vanishing

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    Its the same pattern all over the thread.

    Anyone who wonders what steps could have been taken to prevent war.

    Putin bot.




    Multo autem ad rem magis pertinet quallis tibi vide aris quam allis

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    How can it be a false equivalence if I didn’t equate anything? You are going to have to expand your vocabulary of cliches, false equivalence, whataboutery.

    I was responding to a poster who stated no country had the right to meddle in the affairs of Ukraine. I agree with that. I agree that Russia is entirely wrong to have invaded Ukraine. I also think the US was wrong to back a coup against the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014.

    I am not equating the US support for the toppling of the Ukrainian government with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Just stating the fact that Ukraine has been the victim of great power politics.

    You can use any label you want to dismiss a poster or you can address the post itself.

    Multo autem ad rem magis pertinet quallis tibi vide aris quam allis

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    Are you ok?

    its funny I never thought I would see the day where people would be so eager to be right they would use the CIA for reference or would encourage via money and gifts one people to kill invaders to their land, and in the same breath label the IRA terrorists

    if you read Thomas Paines works and about him you would know he was actually arrested by the French for calling for an end to the Barbarity of the public executions

    the question is do you know who Thomas Paine was

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    Are you ok? - Yep

    its funny I never thought I would see the day where people would be so eager to be right they would use the CIA for reference or would encourage via money and gifts one people to kill invaders to their land, and in the same breath label the IRA terrorists - None of this is funny, i have not stated that it is. How is the struggle of the legitimate Ukrainian Government against the Russian invasion, comparable, to the IRA? Please explain. Also are you a mind reader? As you are assuming quite a lot. Where have i stated anything relating to the IRA?

    if you read Thomas Paines works and about him you would know he was actually arrested by the French for calling for an end to the Barbarity of the public executions - How do you relate this to the current situation. On what side, do you expect, Thomas Paine would have fallen in this War? How is Thomas Paine's arrest by the French, relatable to your ongoing stance that, everything i post is 'propaganda'

    the question is do you know who Thomas Paine was - Yes. I do. .. yep

    <from the previous post in response to you>

    Can you check your sentences/statements/ramblings before posting? - i am guessing the answer is no then?

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    I hope this is not true and that no women, children or men for that matter were hurt.

    Until it is independently verified one must remember this

    Multo autem ad rem magis pertinet quallis tibi vide aris quam allis

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    You are using the CIA as a source, and you don’t think this is propaganda

    are you pranking me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 767 ✭✭✭Detritus70

    Do please regale us with sources of your own, because facts posted by you so far:

    List of verified facts by tooka:

    (Nope, nothing there)

    Feel free to bolster that list by throwing us the odd linkarooney, me old Skippy.

    "I'm not a Trump supporter, but..." is the new "I'm not a racist, but...".

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    there is no verifiable links,

    read the below for example from RTE, we are to believe all the below is happening simultaneously and yet Russia are incompetent and stupid and by the way could only fight and win when invaded

    am I the only one living in the real world

    Russian invasion of Ukraine: Day 14 - the main developments

    - The east:

    Kharkiv remains in Ukrainian hands despite increasingly intense Russian bombardment, according to Western sources, and the city is likely now surrounded.

    Russian forces are also pressing an offensive through the separatist Donetsk and Lugansk regions that are backed by Russia, though how far they have penetrated remains unclear.

    The city of Sumy in northeast Ukraine is now encircled by Russian troops. Some 5,000 civilians were able to escape on Tuesday on around 60 buses. 

    - Kyiv and the north: 

    Kyiv remains under Ukrainian control despite heavy bombardments, though Western observers point to a Russian column of hundreds of vehicles outside the city.

    The British defence ministry said that there was fighting northwest of Kyiv but that Russian forces were "failing to make any significant breakthrough".

    Russian forces are concentrated 60 kilometres outside Kyiv and are seeking to attack from the east, according to the US Defense Department.

    The Washington-based Institute for the Study of War said forces appeared to be concentrating for an assault on Kyiv in the next four days. 

    Ukrainian forces also retain control of the northern town of Chernihiv, which has seen heavy civilian casualties in recent days and appears to be encircled.

    - The south:

    Russia has besieged the strategic city of Mariupol, and attempts to evacuate an estimated 200,000 civilians from the city have so far failed. 

    Taking the city would allow Russia to link forces pushing north from the annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea with their forces from the east.

    The major port city of Odessa remains under Ukrainian control and has so far been spared fighting. But the US Defense Department said Russian ground forces appeared primed to attack the city, possibly in coordination with an amphibious assault. 

    Russian forces last week took the southern city of Kherson, just north of Crimea, and there is now heavy fighting for control of the city of Mykolayiv to the northwest. Some sources believe Russia could bypass Mykolayiv and head direct for Odessa.

    - The west and centre: 

    The west of Ukraine remains largely spared from the fighting. The main city of Lviv has become a hub for foreign diplomatic missions and journalists as well as Ukrainians seeking safety or wanting to leave the country.

    - Casualties: 

    The United Nations said on Tuesday that it had recorded 474 civilian deaths in Ukraine, including 29 children, though the actual toll could be far higher.

    Ukraine and Western sources claim that the Russian death toll is far higher than Moscow has so far admitted to.

    Ukraine says more than 12,000 Russian soldiers have been killed, though US estimates put the number of Russians killed at 2,000 to 4,000.

    Russia's only official toll, announced last Wednesday, said 498 Russian troops had been killed in Ukraine.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    The bbc have verified nothing

    read the link yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    I am gonna respond to you in good faith. The story is verified. So far most of the most disgusting stories coming from this war, are INVARIABLY true, and usually verified within an hour or two by western sources. I wish, (WISH), they weren't true - but most sadly are verified

    As i said over on the Russia Today thread -

    Do western media sources make mistakes - YES

    Do we hear about them? Yes

    Where do we hear about them broadly speaking? From Western Media Sources (usually the one involved issues a retraction)

    What does the above tell you RE the standards they strive to keep? That they AIM to provide VERIFIED news - they may not always succeed - but that is the goal. Citing example after example of Western Media failings proves nothing other than, you know about them. because they, themselves, tell you.

    Do you believe Russian Media is doing the same??? I ask honestly btw

    Look i have presented an argument in good faith - If you wanna reserve judgement on stories until BBC, RTE, CNN, SKY, AFP, Reuters, etc etc - confirm - that is your prerogative. The problem with this is that, as this continues (if Russia takes over more Ukrainian Territory) - sources will be stretched, and sometimes unverifiable. And nothing Russia is saying is true atm - this will only get worse, as their skewed narrative takes more shape.

    But so far, the Ukrainian media has BROADLY SPEAKING reported the truth - (We could debate the Ghost of Kyiv - i consider that a morale booster for the inhabitants - and i salute it)

    Good faith only - please


    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,970 ✭✭✭Christy42

    Where is the contradiction? Russia is a far far bigger power than Ukraine. The point is they should have won by now with the resources on their side. If it takes till the 85th minute to score a goal playing 11 on 3 soccer then the 11 are obviously not that great and obviously struggled pretty badly.

    Death tolls are going to be hard to figure out for a while and the Ukraine and Russia are obviously going to lie about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭Denny61

    My god I've jst seen the scenes in Ukraine and the hospital been bombed ..send in everything now nato .stand up to this is the time...

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    Ukraine has a pop of 45 million and is a big country

    why would they be completely overrun in 3 days?

    it makes no sense

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    Can you put up links to videos please

    shocking if true

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    To anyone listening - This story is true - from the above

    The Mariupol city council said the strike had caused "colossal damage", and published footage showing burned out buildings, destroyed cars and a huge crater outside the hospital. The BBC has verified the location of the videos.

    "We don't understand how it's possible in modern life to bomb a children's hospital. People cannot believe that it's true," Mariupol Mayor Serhiy Orlov told the BBC.

    In a tweet, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that "there are few things more depraved than targeting the vulnerable and defenseless".

    Mariupol has been surrounded by Russian forces for several days, and repeated attempts at a ceasefire to allow civilians to leave have broken down.


    from the above - 2/b/i-iv

    1. Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;
    2. Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives;
    3. Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict;
    4. Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated;

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

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