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Ukraine (Mod Note & Threadbanned Users in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    In fairness this poster was correct.

    No deaths have been reported at the maternity hospital. Thank God

    Prsident Zelensky reported there were children under the rubble of the completely destroyed hospital. Again thankfully no children were reported injured.

    It looks like this poster is dealing in facts.

    Multo autem ad rem magis pertinet quallis tibi vide aris quam allis

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    You are absolutely right. Russia is the largest country in the world with a large military, a navy consisting of 4 fleets etc but an annual military budget not much bigger than that of the UK.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Seriously what have you got against farms?

    There's a huge number of modern industrial units with flat roofs all over the country. Theres large tracts of brownfield sites in urban areas that are doing nothing and would be ideally placed to take advantage of solar generation.

    Even if every farm from "louth to limerick"(?) Were ploughed flat and hedgerows removed to facilitate modern harvesting techniques and regardless of suitable soil type or topography - that certainly won't produce wheat suitable for bread making. Whilst we can certainly grown wheat in suitable areas and get decent harvests - sub optimal climate conditions means that the wheat harvested here does not contain sufficient gluten for bread flour. Can we grow commercial crops such as oats and barley here? Yes to an extent. But that is strongly limited by unsuitable soils, drainage and climate. We grow grass well and that's why agriculture tends to favour livestock systems. We have never been and never will be a huge grain growing region like Ukraine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    I was not the person who mentioned 3000 - if you actually read back over the thread, someone else kept stating it as though that was the original claim. It wasnt - said person was stating it, knowing that even if the report was real (which it was obviously) he could refer back to this as evidence of exaggeration. it was a blatant red herring @SafeSurfer - and i encourage you to realize that - have a look back over the thread. What ever about adhering to 'very laudable' standards, red herrings are ALWAYS bad faith. Here is another one FYI

    Also - no offense intended. But i did NOT jump on the 3000 number - i began questioning it - repeatedly - and my questions were met with scorn from the poster propagating it - In all honesty, please do confirm this for yourself

    I actually believe you are responding reasonably here, but you have your facts backward - look at what you just did? accused me of jumping on something without checking first. Demonstrably, i did not. But you did. This is what i mean by checking sources. You have the temerity to question a users ability to check facts, verify sources of global significance. You did not check the source of posts on this thread -

    Please - I have included the FIRST MENTION of the figure 3000 in relation to the hospital being bombed - just an FYI, it took me 3-4 minutes to check

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭BurgerFace

    The current regime in Kiev have attacked Novorrussiyan minorities within the country and killed close to 12 thousand of them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    Evidence please. You are stating a fact

    • Do you have evidence to substantiate it?
    • I have seen Russian claims to this effect, which i do not accept. Russia is not relaying anything with honesty lately
    • Either you are misinformed, or you are propagating nonsensical Russian Back propaganda

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    You were the first person to claim that the story was verified. You claimed the story was verified and were challenged by another poster that the story was not verified. You dismissed this poster. You only debate in good faith and always check your sources.

    You claimed this story including this

    “The destruction is colossal," the city council says. There are reports of many dead and injured, with children buried under rubble”

    was verified. It was not.

    You also linked to a Washington Post article that was not a retraction.

    Nobody is perfect in debating, knowledge, checking links etc. Least of all me. But I do not claim to be.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    I am glad you are dismissing Russian propaganda. Now start questioning Ukrainian propaganda and you will be ever more cynical of the information and it’s motivations.

    The maternity hospital propaganda is a rare Ukrainian PR own goal. Thank God no one was killed and no children were injured. Despite what Zelensky reported

    “Mariupol. Direct strike of Russian troops at the maternity hospital. People, children are under the wreckage.”

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    So its back to bad faith then -

    • You jumped immediately on unverified reports of a massive number of deaths at a maternity hospital. Was a figure of 3000 dead mentioned? From your previous post. The clear implication being i propagated the figure of 3000 - i did not - please acknowledge this
    • I cited the BBC report on the incident which VERIFIED the event.
    • “The destruction is colossal," the city council says. There are reports of many dead and injured, with children buried under rubble” - this is being reported widely and is from the BBC -
    • You also linked to a Washington Post article that was not a retraction. - Responding to your request to provide a link where the false narrative was addressed - i did so
    • Nobody is perfect in debating, knowledge, checking links etc. Least of all me. But I do not claim to be. - I responded to you, politely in good faith. I explained the concept of steel manning - and working out what the person is saying, etc - I explained all of this for you. If you can find a place where i CLAIM TO BE PERFECT AT DEBATING - i will immediately delete my account on this site -

    None of this is good faith - i would almost say it is deliberately in bad faith. Notice what has just happened. You completely avoided touching the point I RESPONDED TO, in our last communication You accuse me of propagating the figure of 3000 - i refute this and prove its not so. Do you behave rationally and acknowledge your mistake? NO - you return to another topic from hours ago about false claims relating to the IRAQ war - the FIRST IRAQ WAR???

    Forget it -

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    We have to be careful with fake news, that is all I am saying.

    the daily mail for example is beyond ridiculous, but weirdly many of their over the top stories also end up in some fashion on the BBC, rte, independent and the examiner etc etc

    news stories that cannot be verified as there is no journalists in most of the Ukraine bar the safe parts

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech






    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 665 ✭✭✭goldenmick

    He's done exactly the same on the "Russia" thread, and been kicked off for it.


    Mods need to sort out this rubbish, people purposely misinterpreting comments.

    They have sorted it out. You've been thread-banned already from the "Russia" thread.


    If you have any proof of me shifting blame and legitimizing the invasion, please post them!

    Err... don't like repeating myself but you've been thread-banned from the "Russia" thread for exactly that reason, and in all probability you're heading the same way on this thread. Think about it...

    If you truly are sympathetic to the Ukrainian cause, all I can say is you've a very, very, very strange way of showing it. The sympathy element is completely lacking in your posts, and you seem hell-bent on sucking people into your bizarre conversations - which are always looking to defend the Russian invasion... under the pretence of "looking at their reasons".

    In a time of great crisis such as this where the population of a whole country is being systematically butchered, killed and displaced we don't want to know your interpretation of the reason "why". If you haven't the decency to at least show sympathy then keep off the thread, because all you are doing is winding up the people who post on this thread who do have a heart.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    Relax. You were proved wrong. It’s no biggie. Move on. Nobody thinks any less of you. Your contributions to the thread are valuable and well researched.

    Just let’s all be thankful that no women or children were killed in that particular bombing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    This thread is descending into pure vile. I wont be responding to anyone who cannot cite evidence. Im trying to be kind, but when people decide to 'post truth' a massacre which we

    • Heard about and hoped wasnt true
    • Verified
    • Watched initial footage
    • Watched people being carried away on stretchers, bloodied and beaten

    'Post truthing' the above is disgusting and i wont bite anymore - Welcome conversation with the 'Good' faith actors on this thread - the rest, im done

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭BurgerFace


    Someone is lying and someone is telling the truth.

    Where is your evidence for anything that you read? You're told that Iraqis can bomb London in 45 minutes. Anyone who questions that is a "Saddam sympathizer"

    Where is your evidence for anything? If people arriving on the border of Poland in tears is evidence then fine. That's because it was televised. Was the Kiev onslaught of Luhansk televised? Certainly not on the BBC or RTE. Does that mean it never happened?

    I remember seeing this and my heart cracked for the older woman in terror. These are Ukrainian forces shelling Donbas in 2015:

    So you see. a Novorrussiyan minority in Ukraine getting attacked by their own "alleged" government" is kind of anathema to the whole concept of peace and harmony within the confines of a state. Specifically one that people like you think ought to be part of the EU.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    I think you may be just a little bit economical with the facts there lad

    The civil conflict in parts of South Eastern Ukraine has seen approx 12,00 dead from both the Ukrainian and Pro Russian sides and has included Ukrainian military, various militias and civilians.

    The civil conflict there has certainly not been helped by Russian Military backing, resources and training. Its nearly seemz like it suits some to stir the pot tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    I’m genuinely sorry if I gave the impression that you were the first person to mention a figure of 3000 people killed. That’s why I asked the question “was the figure of 3000 dead mentioned”, not that you had mentioned it.

    Again Liam no one is post truthing a massacre. We are just relieved that a massacre didn’t occur on this occasion.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    If Putin has been saying he wants all of the former Soviet states back under Russian occupation for 10 years show me one quote in which he says just that.

    This is a quote from Putin

    ”Anyone who doesn't regret the passing of the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who wants it restored has no brains.”

    So your considered analysis is that the Russian invasion of Ukraine can be explained as being motivated out of pure evil. That was the reason Putin invaded Ukraine?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭BurgerFace

    Anyway, here in the West we get tired of things so quickly. French flags on people's faces Michelle Obama moping about kids in Nigeria, The Ukraine flag will be gone off peoples radar by Easter if not sooner. I hope those of you who have had it tattooed on your back like a tramp-stamp are ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭SafeSurfer

    We could see Ukraine become a European meat grinder. With money, men and material from both east and west being fed in and swallowed up for years to come. It could be years before Ukraine is in a position to export food again.

    We could see attacks within Russia by Ukrainian freedom fighters.

    This conflict will certainly preoccupy the west with Europe just as China is becoming more nationalistic and confident.

    Multo autem ad rem magis pertinet quallis tibi vide aris quam allis

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,749 ✭✭✭✭breezy1985

    I assumed the poster meant the EU or NATO should "pound the Russian army into the ground"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭20silkcut

    if the political will and assistance was really behind this I’m sure most farmers in the country could do a small amount of tillage farming if push came to shove. In the glas wild bird cover scheme farmers are growing grain who were never tillage farmers and leaving the crop un harvested. A scheme similar to or based on that is not beyond the scope of most farmers. Anyway this whole emergency tillage idea just seems to be a case of thinking out loud than a concrete proposal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    No they didn't,

    The figure includes military loses on both sides as well as civilians from both sides

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tooka

    what the west must do

    1. we must financially help Poland and Moldova take care of the the refugees
    2. be prepared with no hesitation to go to war if Russia moves against any other country inc Moldova and Georgia, we should use the presence of refugees in these counties to move NATO peace keepers including Irish troops to these countries
    3. NATO must fight like hell for a peace deal, no matter what it takes. Unfortunately the last 3 American presidents and their teams have been all useless and have weakened NATO. I have heard people say we need Donald trump in charge , I disagree we need a dick Cheney.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,239 ✭✭✭Pussyhands

    You haven't got a clue what the reason for my ban was? Do you have evidence of that too? Because I can tell you now the reason I got banned is not the reason you think!

    Again, I'm not sucking anyone into my supposed conversations defending Russia's invasion because I DO NOT SUPPORT IT, I DO NOT HAVE ANY POSTS THAT SUPPORT IT YET YOU KEEP REPEATING THIS IDEA.

    And this whole comment thread has stemmed from me posting an excellent video on youtube, it's nothing about why I think why he did it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,239 ✭✭✭Pussyhands

    No fast track for Ukraine into the EU.

    Finally, after the high emotions of last week where there were calls to grant them immediate access, common sense and fairness have prevailed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,461 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    It is still a war crime to attack a hospital facility, the extent of the casualties does not alter that.

    People were injured it was mere luck there were no deaths - that is if none of the injured succumb to those injuries. The poster also claimed it was a fact the hospital was empty. Which is was not. That was a lie. There were children in the hospital who were trapped there due to the rubble and needed to be evacuated.

    I await your recognition of this attack as a war crime.

    The poster like you does not deal in facts but puts up a masquerade of neutrality \ just asking questions \ looking for facts when everyone can see through this to how your posts always come from the pro-Russian side.

    Post edited by odyssey06 on

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,239 ✭✭✭Pussyhands

    So the EU are putting proposals to phase out Russia energy.

    Does anyone know if the UK are doing the same? I can see the UK slipping back into bed with Russia after this all settles down a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,826 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    London has delivered more and better military hardware to the Ukraine than nearly the rest of Europe .

    They really stood up to the mark from Day one when others prevaricated and still prevaricate.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭beggars_bush
