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You've been looking in the wrong direction, the dangers are coming from the right.



  • Registered Users Posts: 921 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    This Far-Right scare does remind me of the "Reds under Beds" panic that gripped America in the 1950's. The fact that this **** has been imported to Ireland, and the fact that some people on the Left (NGO Industrial Complex, Media and some Politicians) think that the Far-Right are "on the march" here is laughable as well.

    OP, you don't address the fact either that it was Left-Wing aligned groups that tore American cities to pieces in the "Summer of Love" of 2020 - egged on by the likes of Chris "Who said a protest needs to be peaceful" Cuomo, and Don Lemon on CNN. And supplemented by editorials in the NYT and Washington Post. They caused more damage to American cities, neighbourhoods and businesses than every Neo-Nazi and Far-Right group in America combined could dream of doing.

    Also, a number of Left Wing US politicians such as Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Sanders have been decrying NATO support for Ukraine against a pernicious Right Wing Russian Government. Are they bought assets of the Kremlin too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Ah yes, more 'both sides-ism' to deflect.

    At least its a tacit acceptance as to what Russia is doing.

    Of course there's going to examples, but they are minute compared to what we have seen, and are seeing as a coordinated effort by very significant players and numbers on the right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,048 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    You seem to have a very entrenched (delusional) view of things.

    When counters to your points are presented, you dismiss it as "both sides-ism". Echoes of paranoid schizophrenia and everyone being out to get you.

    Are the far-right in the room now?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm here! :)

    It is an increasingly ridiculous thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Were you around in the 50's? In what way is it similar to now? Did the most prominent cable news personality express support for Russia and ended up being used in their propaganda videos?

    I haven't ignored the protests in 2020 at all, I discussed them in depth on their respective threads and challenged the narrative that they were inherently violent, (the position from the right) given the vast majority of them, and those who attended them were intirely peaceful. And at least some of that damage you talk about within those protests was actually carried out by those far right people/groups you refer to. That's just a plain fact.

    As for trying to link those who have long held positions of peace and demilitarisation, that doesn't deserve a response. If you think that that equates to the expressive support for Putins and Russias actions, I don't know what to tell you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 921 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    Romney & John McCain highlighted Russia as a threat to the World for years, whilst Bush and Obama focused on Al-Quaeda. The US dropped the ball on Russia through successive Presidents.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Boom, one more name crossed off the list of who I expected to respond. Only a few outliers left.

    And all bar one with the exact narrative I expected.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I still love that you think that the BLM riots protests were acceptable as they were "mostly peaceful". Comical Ali type behaviour.

    And then throw in that there were bad faith actors from the "right" who were causing the damage. By your own reckoning, what percentage of the damage caused was by bad faith right wingers?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    OMG. Are you dog whistling the "far-right"?

    Jesus that's pathetic. You write a long-winded diatribe about how everyone who doesn't align with you politically is wrong and the cause off all the evils in the world and expect the people who don't align with you politically not to call out how ridiculous your narrow minded and bigoted view is.

    I'm all for debate and discourse with people I disagree with, but with an opening gambit like the one you provided, you've sunk this thread before it started

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Sorry it was more than 280 characters.

    I know that's a quantity many are comfortable with.

    What I posted is clearly factual because zero of you have refuted it but tried to target me for posting it.

    Which is fine, doesn't bother me in the slightest.

    The lad who asked me to take down gave me a laugh and also suggested to me what I posted hit close to the bone.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Not at all. It's because nothing you posted needs to be refuted.

    To attribute all the "dangers" of the world on the right is simply not true and an extremely narrowminded position.

    To say that all the issues people have with the "woke/left" is the work of Russian/Right Wing false flag disinformation is more suited to the conspiracy theory forum or even better, just kept in your head.

    You aren't being targeted either. You posted something and a lot of people are pointing out that it's silly.

    OEJ responded to you with a little bit of depth, but even that is giving your post more credence than it deserves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,826 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

    how ridiculous your narrow minded and bigoted view

    I'm all for debate and discourse with people I disagree with


  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I don't know...

    Let's say 1%, who knows the true figure given they initiated violence in many instances and then disappeared.

    Still a much bigger percentage than of all those who protested having taken part in violence. No?

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭MarkEadie

    Most of the people on the right are incel and won't end up having kids so I guess it will be on the next generation of incels to perpetuate the alt right rhetoric when that time comes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    No where have I said "All" dangers incidents are the fault of the right.

    But much of the significant global incidents that we have experienced in our lifetime have been, and will likely continue to be given the role the climate conversation is going to play in our lives.

    This is all demonstrably true. As my op and after detailed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,048 ✭✭✭timmyntc

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No. 100% of the riots were violent. There were a lot of protests that went by peacefully, but it's the ones that resulted in death and destruction of property and were accepted as "necessary" are the ones I have issue with.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    About the level I would expect and a fitting example of the type of post I would expect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Like at the Capitol?

    Or at the Michigan state house? I've never seen you post any concerns about those violent protests, or calling them riots so I'm not exactly buying your altruism for the impacts of protests that go too far. And discounting the very high number of BLM protests that were entirely peaceful so as to focus on those that were violent is cherry picking. And I think you know why you are doing it.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I've never supported them. I disagreed with the "insurrection" and thought it was terrible.

    Is the fact that you haven't read from me about a subject the same as assuming I tacitly support it? That's what it sounds like.

    And no, it's not cherry picking. Not at all. I have no issue with people from either side of the aisle peacefully protesting. I do have an issue with riots, looting, murder and destruction of property carried out by people on either side of the aisle.

    Funnily enough you choose to cherry pick the instances where right wingers instigated violence at those riots. And I think you know why you are doing it. Would you agree that in that case, the right wingers were mostly peaceful when it comes to those riots?

    You are acting exactly like the people you are decrying and its very plainly obvious. "My side is correct and wholesome and the others are evil". I expected more from you tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,770 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Wow this thread confirms my belief that many in Ireland consume so much American stuff online - they forget the Nation they inhabit. They think they are American or some subset of American.

    We are in Ireland are politics is as middle of the road as it gets. All the left v right stuff are just false flags - which I assume is sparked by the Ukraine conflict.

    The reality is the world is less concerned with left or right. It is just power. Whether that be soft power or physical force the goal is the same. People can put whatever Americanism label they want on it. But regardless of ‘left v right’ chat. It is much more simple than that when broken down. Politics, realpolitik, geopolitics the whole shebang is all about control/self interest/influence.

    Fine Gael does it, Sinn Fein, Fianna Fáil. The now three main players in Irish politics.

    On global scale we see it with USA using NATO as a proxy, Germany using the EU, and Russia using its eastern influence. Power and control. Left and Right are just loose labels bandied about.

    Ukraine is not the only conflict going on worldwide. There are 10,000 of them.

    But the cynic in me notes that only that gets coverage. Because of its strategic/economic importance. That is the cold hard truth if it. All those civil wars in Africa etc are an afterthought.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,229 ✭✭✭Billy Mays

    Like at the Capitol?

    That was just some people taking a tour iirc 👍🏻

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I live in the US. And have lived in the UK. And am Irish.

    And as I outlined in the OP, there is several cases of overlap between what is going on in one part of the world being influenced either directly or indirectly by actions in an other.

    Left and Right are indeed labels that are used, sometimes incorrectly, but there was little concern when so many of the protagonists and advocates of disruptive events railed against the 'Left' that the term was being inappropriately used. It was used a rallying cry to drum up support against any sort of progressive ideal, (think Trump warning against the 'radical Left' throughout his unsuccessful campaign in 2020), think Tucker, Farage, Putin, Orban and others using similar rhetoric.

    So, given the views and actions of the 'non-left' if you want to call them has brought us the events I've talked about, I don't think it is unreasonable to identify them in a way that everyone understands.

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭HerrKapitan

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Given the amount of threads on such topics that you take part in, and how vocal you are on such threads (as I am in both instances) I don't think it unreasonable to draw conclusions from your lack of comment in some respects.

    What do you want me to say about those at BLM protests who ostensibly support the cause and yet caused violence? Because I frequently and categorically said that they should be held accountable for their actions.

    I am not acting like anyone, no matter how many times you try the 'both sides' tactic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭HerrKapitan

    There are no shortage of real world negative if not outright disastrous and terrifying ongoing situations that demand our attention right now, and it feels like this has been the case for at least a few years, if not all the way back to the financial crash in 08.

    The situation in Ukraine, the ongoing Covid pandemic situation, the impact of Brexit are all very significant events which if they were being dealt with on their own would still be a memorable time in ones life, moreso depending on your proximity to them obviously. Having them all happen at the same time has been like some sort of nightmare that keeps getting worse.

    Over the last 5-10 years, we've seen a growing conversation, including to a very significant level on here, suggesting that the things to be concerned about in the world have been liberal initiatives such as advocating for the climate, considering women's experience in society, multiculturalism, conversations about identity and so on. These have all been lumped together as 'woke/progressive/liberal/leftist/socialist/communist' agendas' that must be stopped or at least we should be wary of.

    And yet, none of the significant life events that we are experiencing and suffering through are the cause of these topics that have fueled huge amounts of conversation as being something we need to be guarded against. And I don't think this is an accident. I believe that many of the influential people who have tried to focus peoples concern towards 'woke/liberal/progressive' topics have inflamed these mostly 'false flag' topics to both distract from what they themselves have been doing or what others that they agree with, have been doing and to paint anything that can be considered as progressive to be viewed warily as something to be concerned about and on guard against.

    Russia is a central player in the whole conversation and not just because of what they are doing in Ukraine. The links between Russian operatives and key people in the UK (more of which is emerging hour by hour right now), in Europe, in the US and how those people have been involved in events in their own countries. The influence from prominent media platforms in the UK and USA for Russian positions. The admiration from influential conservative mouthpieces for Russia and Putin being very much non-woke and these people trying to promote the same ideals elsewhere. Many online bot and malware initiatives which emerge out of Russia. All these points are just some of the things that have influenced how we have experienced things such as US elections, the whole Brexit conversation, the Covid pandemic and the situation in Ukraine since 2014 and particularly now.

    The promoting of uber-nationalism, minimal regulation at a corporate level with increased regulation at a personal level, media and free speech control and the downplaying of educated and experienced voices on various topics has shown to be a dangerous path to go down, and that is the path we are on in some instances and attempts to put us on it in more. The ongoing demonisation of any sort of progressive or compassionate ideal is a deliberate act to motivate people to align with a predominantly right wing view so that when people talk about some of the more serious things that are going on within that right wing, it is dismissed as just a liberal/woke narrative and those who got riled up about gender neutral bathrooms or whatever just fall in to line and dismiss the serious claims that need attention.

    Some people tried to highlight where the real dangers were and have suffered greatly for doing so in having been targeted directly by the people they were warning about or their friends in the media and an army of largely anonymous, but often not, profiles online. And hundreds of millions are suffering from the impact that these manipulators have had on our societies. It's way past time for people to stop and think about who exactly has been encouraging people to fight on comparatively non-impactful topics while they themselves affect the world in very negative ways.

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭HerrKapitan

    There are no shortage of real world negative if not outright disastrous and terrifying ongoing situations that demand our attention right now, and it feels like this has been the case for at least a few years, if not all the way back to the financial crash in 08.

    The situation in Ukraine, the ongoing Covid pandemic situation, the impact of Brexit are all very significant events which if they were being dealt with on their own would still be a memorable time in ones life, moreso depending on your proximity to them obviously. Having them all happen at the same time has been like some sort of nightmare that keeps getting worse.

    Over the last 5-10 years, we've seen a growing conversation, including to a very significant level on here, suggesting that the things to be concerned about in the world have been liberal initiatives such as advocating for the climate, considering women's experience in society, multiculturalism, conversations about identity and so on. These have all been lumped together as 'woke/progressive/liberal/leftist/socialist/communist' agendas' that must be stopped or at least we should be wary of.

    And yet, none of the significant life events that we are experiencing and suffering through are the cause of these topics that have fueled huge amounts of conversation as being something we need to be guarded against. And I don't think this is an accident. I believe that many of the influential people who have tried to focus peoples concern towards 'woke/liberal/progressive' topics have inflamed these mostly 'false flag' topics to both distract from what they themselves have been doing or what others that they agree with, have been doing and to paint anything that can be considered as progressive to be viewed warily as something to be concerned about and on guard against.

    Russia is a central player in the whole conversation and not just because of what they are doing in Ukraine. The links between Russian operatives and key people in the UK (more of which is emerging hour by hour right now), in Europe, in the US and how those people have been involved in events in their own countries. The influence from prominent media platforms in the UK and USA for Russian positions. The admiration from influential conservative mouthpieces for Russia and Putin being very much non-woke and these people trying to promote the same ideals elsewhere. Many online bot and malware initiatives which emerge out of Russia. All these points are just some of the things that have influenced how we have experienced things such as US elections, the whole Brexit conversation, the Covid pandemic and the situation in Ukraine since 2014 and particularly now.

    The promoting of uber-nationalism, minimal regulation at a corporate level with increased regulation at a personal level, media and free speech control and the downplaying of educated and experienced voices on various topics has shown to be a dangerous path to go down, and that is the path we are on in some instances and attempts to put us on it in more. The ongoing demonisation of any sort of progressive or compassionate ideal is a deliberate act to motivate people to align with a predominantly right wing view so that when people talk about some of the more serious things that are going on within that right wing, it is dismissed as just a liberal/woke narrative and those who got riled up about gender neutral bathrooms or whatever just fall in to line and dismiss the serious claims that need attention.

    Some people tried to highlight where the real dangers were and have suffered greatly for doing so in having been targeted directly by the people they were warning about or their friends in the media and an army of largely anonymous, but often not, profiles online. And hundreds of millions are suffering from the impact that these manipulators have had on our societies. It's way past time for people to stop and think about who exactly has been encouraging people to fight on comparatively non-impactful topics while they themselves affect the world in very negative ways.

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭HerrKapitan

    There are no shortage of real world negative if not outright disastrous and terrifying ongoing situations that demand our attention right now, and it feels like this has been the case for at least a few years, if not all the way back to the financial crash in 08.

    The situation in Ukraine, the ongoing Covid pandemic situation, the impact of Brexit are all very significant events which if they were being dealt with on their own would still be a memorable time in ones life, moreso depending on your proximity to them obviously. Having them all happen at the same time has been like some sort of nightmare that keeps getting worse.

    Over the last 5-10 years, we've seen a growing conversation, including to a very significant level on here, suggesting that the things to be concerned about in the world have been liberal initiatives such as advocating for the climate, considering women's experience in society, multiculturalism, conversations about identity and so on. These have all been lumped together as 'woke/progressive/liberal/leftist/socialist/communist' agendas' that must be stopped or at least we should be wary of.

    And yet, none of the significant life events that we are experiencing and suffering through are the cause of these topics that have fueled huge amounts of conversation as being something we need to be guarded against. And I don't think this is an accident. I believe that many of the influential people who have tried to focus peoples concern towards 'woke/liberal/progressive' topics have inflamed these mostly 'false flag' topics to both distract from what they themselves have been doing or what others that they agree with, have been doing and to paint anything that can be considered as progressive to be viewed warily as something to be concerned about and on guard against.

    Russia is a central player in the whole conversation and not just because of what they are doing in Ukraine. The links between Russian operatives and key people in the UK (more of which is emerging hour by hour right now), in Europe, in the US and how those people have been involved in events in their own countries. The influence from prominent media platforms in the UK and USA for Russian positions. The admiration from influential conservative mouthpieces for Russia and Putin being very much non-woke and these people trying to promote the same ideals elsewhere. Many online bot and malware initiatives which emerge out of Russia. All these points are just some of the things that have influenced how we have experienced things such as US elections, the whole Brexit conversation, the Covid pandemic and the situation in Ukraine since 2014 and particularly now.

    The promoting of uber-nationalism, minimal regulation at a corporate level with increased regulation at a personal level, media and free speech control and the downplaying of educated and experienced voices on various topics has shown to be a dangerous path to go down, and that is the path we are on in some instances and attempts to put us on it in more. The ongoing demonisation of any sort of progressive or compassionate ideal is a deliberate act to motivate people to align with a predominantly right wing view so that when people talk about some of the more serious things that are going on within that right wing, it is dismissed as just a liberal/woke narrative and those who got riled up about gender neutral bathrooms or whatever just fall in to line and dismiss the serious claims that need attention.

    Some people tried to highlight where the real dangers were and have suffered greatly for doing so in having been targeted directly by the people they were warning about or their friends in the media and an army of largely anonymous, but often not, profiles online. And hundreds of millions are suffering from the impact that these manipulators have had on our societies. It's way past time for people to stop and think about who exactly has been encouraging people to fight on comparatively non-impactful topics while they themselves affect the world in very negative ways.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭HerrKapitan

    There are no shortage of real world negative if not outright disastrous and terrifying ongoing situations that demand our attention right now, and it feels like this has been the case for at least a few years, if not all the way back to the financial crash in 08.

    The situation in Ukraine, the ongoing Covid pandemic situation, the impact of Brexit are all very significant events which if they were being dealt with on their own would still be a memorable time in ones life, moreso depending on your proximity to them obviously. Having them all happen at the same time has been like some sort of nightmare that keeps getting worse.

    Over the last 5-10 years, we've seen a growing conversation, including to a very significant level on here, suggesting that the things to be concerned about in the world have been liberal initiatives such as advocating for the climate, considering women's experience in society, multiculturalism, conversations about identity and so on. These have all been lumped together as 'woke/progressive/liberal/leftist/socialist/communist' agendas' that must be stopped or at least we should be wary of.

    And yet, none of the significant life events that we are experiencing and suffering through are the cause of these topics that have fueled huge amounts of conversation as being something we need to be guarded against. And I don't think this is an accident. I believe that many of the influential people who have tried to focus peoples concern towards 'woke/liberal/progressive' topics have inflamed these mostly 'false flag' topics to both distract from what they themselves have been doing or what others that they agree with, have been doing and to paint anything that can be considered as progressive to be viewed warily as something to be concerned about and on guard against.

    Russia is a central player in the whole conversation and not just because of what they are doing in Ukraine. The links between Russian operatives and key people in the UK (more of which is emerging hour by hour right now), in Europe, in the US and how those people have been involved in events in their own countries. The influence from prominent media platforms in the UK and USA for Russian positions. The admiration from influential conservative mouthpieces for Russia and Putin being very much non-woke and these people trying to promote the same ideals elsewhere. Many online bot and malware initiatives which emerge out of Russia. All these points are just some of the things that have influenced how we have experienced things such as US elections, the whole Brexit conversation, the Covid pandemic and the situation in Ukraine since 2014 and particularly now.

    The promoting of uber-nationalism, minimal regulation at a corporate level with increased regulation at a personal level, media and free speech control and the downplaying of educated and experienced voices on various topics has shown to be a dangerous path to go down, and that is the path we are on in some instances and attempts to put us on it in more. The ongoing demonisation of any sort of progressive or compassionate ideal is a deliberate act to motivate people to align with a predominantly right wing view so that when people talk about some of the more serious things that are going on within that right wing, it is dismissed as just a liberal/woke narrative and those who got riled up about gender neutral bathrooms or whatever just fall in to line and dismiss the serious claims that need attention.

    Some people tried to highlight where the real dangers were and have suffered greatly for doing so in having been targeted directly by the people they were warning about or their friends in the media and an army of largely anonymous, but often not, profiles online. And hundreds of millions are suffering from the impact that these manipulators have had on our societies. It's way past time for people to stop and think about who exactly has been encouraging people to fight on comparatively non-impactful topics while they themselves affect the world in very negative ways.
